Where Words End


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Upper or Lowerclass?:


Background (Can be kept secret if you like):

Relationships (parents, siblings ect.):

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Name: Caradoc

Age: 83

Appearance: Deep wrinkles running as crags across his skin, wide, wild eyes, and few teeth left. Unkempt long strands of silver grey hair, but largely balding. Shaves, but poorly, with large white stubble. Although old, still evident he had a strong physique as a younger man, with broad shoulders, straight back and piercing eyes.

Upper or Lowerclass?: Lower (ex-upper)

Personality: Senile, forgetful and unpredictable. Largely a bitter old man after his experiences, he now often forgets his circumstances or history, quick to criticise with indentured classist views. A strong and straight-talking individual.

Background (Can be kept secret if you like): Born into a wealthy family, and becoming a musician of particular note among the upper classes, he married into a wealthier family, disowning his parents and creating a family of his own. He slowly began to find his joints becoming stiffer and more unreliable, unnaturally so, but hid the debilitation to maintain his high status. His fears became reality, disaster stripped him of repute, his wife, and his wealth. Banished to the lower quarter with his son and daughter, he grew bitter, cold and forgetful. Fearing he might loose all memory, he secretly wrote a book of symphonies, that orchestrated his life, so he or others of skill might still play them to remember.

Relationships (parents, siblings ect.): No siblings, disowned parents, one daughter and one son, one grand-daughter
Name: Jeremy Hessi

Age: 19

Appearance: Jeremy is not gracefully proportioned or well defined, but his thin face and sharp facial features gives him an elegant appearance more suitable for that of an upperclassman. His skin is lightly tanned, and hair a thick, dark brown but often unruly so it is kept cut right above his ears. His eyes are light, dull blue.

Upperclass or Lowerclass?: Lowerclass

Personality: Jeremy could be described as quiet but not in a shy or timid manor, rather there is an air of confidence to him. This confidence can border on the edge of cockiness at times though Jeremy is never loud or boisterous. Perhaps being well poised came from his lessons with the upperclass violinists.

Background: Jeremy is the illegitimate child of one of the most revered violinists of the century, Bruno Casettone. The existence of Jeremy and his mother were kept hidden to escape criticism from the media, as relationships between those of the upper class and lower class are not regarded fondly, and by nature the relation ship between Bruno Casettone and Jeremy's mother was one of adulteration. Because of this Jeremy lived in the slums with his mother seeing little of his father, but grew up receiving violin lessons from Bruno's most talented and trustworthy colleagues. Jeremy, now a regular participant of the Chord, plays using one of his father's violins in the competition making him one of the only lower class citizens to be able to play an instrument. This makes him a formidable opponent, and has earned him the nickname "Screaming Stray" among other "Chord-goers" after the ardent sound of his catgut strings.

Jeremy yearns to discover a way to escape the slums, and improve the way of things with help from his father. He believes the Chord is his ticket out.

Relationships: Father- Bruno Casettone

Mother- Joan Hessi

Name: Isidore

Age: 31

Appearance: Strong-jawed, but short and thin, dark haired and dark eyed. Carries herself confidently for her size. Not particularly attractive or unattractive, largely a plain face and body with no remarkable features.

Upper or Lowerclass?: Lower class

Personality: Born without knowledge of the upper classes, she does not share her grandfathers negative opinion of the ‘lower class’, but often grows exasperated or angry at her grandfather’s classism. Strong sense of duty to the lower classes but coupled with a feeling of alienation, however she shares the common disdain for higher classes. She holds a strongly independent attitude, but is fragile when it comes to personal remarks from or about her family. Due to her grandfather’s attitude, she has often been outcast from other lower classes, who think she shares the views, and as such has become cold and hostile to many strangers; thinking it better to keep them at bay, than be hurt again.

Background (Can be kept secret if you like): Born to Caradoc’s daughter, and a lower class father, she grew up as her father did as a lower class citizen, albeit with a grandfather that insisted she stayed 'civilised' and 'cultured'. Her name, grandfather, and general rumours around the town meant others kept their distance. Her mother fell ill unexpectedly when she was still young, suffering similar symptoms to Caradoc at an accelerated rate, and eventually passed. Caradoc blamed his son-in-law, Isidore’s father, for her death. Following this, the extreme views Caradoc spouted more and more in his old age pushed Isidore's father to leave, abandoning Isidore to care for her grandfather alone, seeing too much of the mother in the daughter and being unable to cope with the pain or anger.

Bereft and alone, Caradoc became her only family, and despite the difficulties inherent with looking after him, a strong affection grew. Caradoc, in his turn, recognised what Isidore had done for him and sought to offer some compensation, training Isidore in the art of music, while he still remembered. Though far from a natural, she was a keen learner, working hard to learn the skill. Despite that, she never wished to engage in The Chord, nor did she feel she had the technical prowess, preferring the creation of music over the fighting, as her grandfather did. As such, she took up a job at a speakeasy for illegal music, working behind the bar and waiting the tables, using her hardened personality to keep patrons in their place. Now she tends her time between working and keeping Caradoc in check, until life gives her a chance to improve the situation.

Relationships (parents, siblings ect.): Grand-daughter to Caradoc

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Name: Dante

Age: 24

Appearance: Pure white hair, Vivid Blue eyes, Red Jacket, Black Boots Gloves And Jeans, Covered in scars from his old father and is riped.

Upper or Lowerclass?: Upper

Personality: Impulsive, Samrt, Sly, Brave, Has No Pitty For others.

Background: Son Of A War God And Beaten By His Family, Mother and father Loved His Older Brother And Dante Was Thrown On to the streets to rot die or be eaten by the dogs but was rased by an Upper Class Milatry Captain and was trained to kill since the unoffical adoption but his adoptied father was killed in a breakin and Dante Killed the man that mudered his father in cold blood and now seeks vengance to Kill the orginization that was after his adopted father and whipe them off the face of the earth.

Relationships: Dead, Unkown, Forgoten, Abodoned

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Name: Arielle Shahar

Age: 19

Appearance: Arielle is a rather elegant girl. She stands at about 5 feet 6 inches. She is not quite slender, but not at all heavy either. She has a curved figure, and walks with grace. Her hair is a dark, reddish brown that almost seems black in certain lights. It is thick and hangs past her waist in slight waves but she often wears it up in a chignon, so not often do people see its length. Her skin is a fawn colored and she has a smooth scar on her jaw that is almost unnoticeable. Her eyes are large and lavender colored, with flecks of copper.

Upper or Lowerclass?: Upper Class

Personality: Arielle is a sweet-natured and secretive girl, but has a lot of hidden strength. She is soft-spoken at first, but has a to say once she feels comfortable around someone. She is always looking to help, not really thinking about herself. She always thinks before she speaks, unless she's nervous. Then she rambles. She's tender hearted and carries herself in a very graceful manner. She's mysterious and doesn't give a lot away about herself...but is very trustworthy, even if she is untrusting of almost everyone.

Background (Can be kept secret if you like): Though Arielle grew up in an upperclass home, she has always been fascinated with the lower class. Years of classes and trainings have made her into a poised lady that is skilled in piano, but she has been enchanted with what much of her family has deemed "below them". Despite her large family and social standing, she often sneaks out at night in disguise to go and watch The Chord. She has never been caught, and never been recognized as upper class when in disguise. It brings exhilaration and joy to her otherwise straight-laced life.

Relationships (parents, siblings ect.):

Father: Ephraim Shahar

Mother: Ataret Shahar

Brother: Seth Shahar (age 4)

Brother: Eden Shahar (age 21, identical twin to Zeke)

Brother: Zeke Shahar (age 21, identical twin to Eden)

Brother: Ephraim Shahar II (age 26)

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Name: Eris

Age: 20

Appearance: Long, curly, brown hair that goes down to her waist. Black eyes, pale skin with pink cheeks. Edgy and defined face structure.

Upper or Lowerclass?: lowerclass

Personality: Fun and hilarious personality. Likes to joke and fool around but can be serious when she needs to be. Isn't afraid of anything and like to live life on the edgy side.

Background: Because her parents died at a young age, she has to support herself by stealing instruments from the Chord-goers and selling them illegally to the slum residents. She is running from the police, as they have caught her in the act and she is now considered a criminal.
Name: Mariki Leventer

Age: 19


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Upper or Lowerclass?: Upper Class

Personality: Miki is strong and confident. Her parents are trying to marry her off into another wealthy family, but she wants to date guys who are not on the rich side. She is sweet on the inside, but on the outside she is strong and fierce. She hates appearing weak in front of enemies.

Background (Can be kept secret if you like): Revealed in Rp.

Relationships (parents, siblings ect.):

Grail Leventer(Mother)

Jhon Leventer

Haruhi Leventer(Sister)

Fujoka Leventer(Older Brother)




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Name: Felicia Parkins (formerly Tansen)

Age: 17

Appearance: Has gold-streaked, light brown hair, that keeps escaping its long, elaborate braid. Is average height and stature, with skin that people have tried to make paler, but somehow stays dark from the sun. She's nothing pretty to look at, and physically not very memorable, although she suits peasant clothes a lot more than upperclassmen clothes. Her eyes are grey and cloudy.

Upper or Lowerclass?: Upper

Personality: Quiet and reclusive, she has difficulty handling other people, but loves music more than anything else. Isn't a bad person, just isn't really one for small talk or false politeness. She has more self-control than most people her age, and will go to any lengths to keep herself alive. Feels alone even when surrounded by people, but that calms her, doesn't make her lonely.

Background (Can be kept secret if you like): The product of one night before her father was married, she grew up in lowerclass with her mother. Her mother died when she was 13, and her ability to blend in helped her survive, until her father's wife found out about her. The wife had been unable to bear children to inherit the family's wealth, so "adopted" her, figuring it would be better to adopt one related to the actual husband. It caused a huge scandal, and Felicia hated it, but couldn't resist, as a lowerclass. They tried to teach her any instruments or even composing, but no matter how she tried, couldn't learn. She can sing well, because her mom taught her to do so quietly, but doesn't except in private now, because the upperclassmen don't approve. Occasionally escapes the house to wander the slums again, a habit she suspects her father knows, and her stepmother would be devastated to find out.

Relationships (parents, siblings ect.): Stepmom Grace Parkins. Father Carl Parkins. Deceased Mother Rochelle Tansen.

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Callie Lyn Storm





Medium length brown hair, with the eyes to match, a small petite frame with an hourglass figure put there by

years of having to wear too tight corsets. Soft pale skin without a blemish to be seen.



? Quiet





? Coincided.




? The Nanny, Joslin

?The Butler, Neo




Name: James Sanfara

Age: 26

Upper/Lower? Lower

Personality? Sarcastic and cold, He is cunning and sneaky, and knows many ways into the Keep where instruments are held. .

Backstory: He is a singer, and so will never get up to the Upper Class. James saw a glimpse of the Upper Classmen and Women. He is a rapper and his music takes the form of knives, guns, and others. He is trying to take out the top musicians; his parents were killed by an upper class person. He thinks all Upper Class have never heard of pain or suffering. He has a small beat mixer, and his only possession. He uses a mixer, and uses no instruments. 
Yeah... James is a rebel 
Fire jay and I in?
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-Character Signup-

Name: Jare Flichelle

Age: 21



Upper or Lowerclass?: Upper

Personality:Silent and slightly psychotic, he won't let anything stand in his way.

Background (Can be kept secret if you like): Nothing much is known.

Relationships (parents, siblings ect.):

Other: He is often called for assassinations using music and uses a pair of gloves that leave trails of light, he uses these trails to create music.


Eric Allert





He is of average height and has a slender, not very muscled body.

Upper or Lowerclass?



On the outside Eric is polite and emotionless but he will get out of his way to help someone in need unless it puts his life in danger, in that case he will run away without a second thought. He pretends that he doesn't want to get involved into any unnecessary trouble because he must stay unharmed and be at his best possible state for an upcoming battle with an enemy from his past, a battle that is supposed to take place in the near future.

But this whole thing about an old enemy is actually a lie. The truth is: Eric is just a coward who is too scared to even take part in the Chord, although he’s been told many times that he is skilled enough to win as long as he doesn’t challenge any of the strongest competitors.

But although he’s a coward, once someone shows him loyalty he won’t fail to display the same amount of loyalty, while he might even manage to convince himself that he’s not scared and be a great support. He is not a bad guy at heart and doesn't wish to harm anyone, all that he wishes is to live a peaceful life without being hated or chased by anyone. He doesn't care whether he’ll live in a tiny little apartment in the slums or in one of those big mansions the upperclass live in, he has after all gotten used to the hardships of the slums. As long as he has something to eat and a place to call home, he will be satisfied with life.

His biggest passion is his music, he loves playing music with his computer and it’s the only thing that can calm him down every time he’s scared, depressed, or lonely. He considers his music to be his imaginary friend and although he used to be scared of the strange shadows his music transforms into he has successfully convinced himself that they're different from the scary shadows that take form naturally.

Background (Can be kept secret if you like)

To be revealed.




Adrian (Adoptive father)


He has a preference to spicy foods, he likes cats, lions and the sound of piano - which he repeatedly tries to imitate using his computer, but repeatedly fails to do so. His music is a dark and mysterious sound which takes the form of a thick, black shadow that he can mold into an unlimited amount of different forms, like a shadow theater.


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