Where Titans Dwelled


  • Wednesday

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Friday

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 12:00PM Eastern

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6:03PM Eastern

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Lord of Chaos

Elder Member
It has been 500 years since the end of the devastating Outsider War, and civilization still has not recovered. The Uplifted are divided, once great empires are now reduced to but a mere handful of cities. The Blinded continue fighting, amongst themselves and against the Uplifted.

You are a traveler who joined a caravan to pass through the Neck, a thin stretch of land joining the eastern and western halves of the continent. The road is long and dangerous, for this area has long been controlled by various Blinded tribes, and you have already seen a brief skirmish.

Despite this, you near the end of your journey and in two day's time you will enter the safe lands controlled by the Red Tower. Fate, however, has other plans for you...

This will be a Pathfinder game, set in the Will of the Titans world. Characters will begin at first level. 30 point buy. Use the maximum starting gold for your class, plus 300gp.

If you are interested, vote above on the time.
Oakling Druid and if I die i will default to human wizard(Inb4 Mondrethos clone).
Dark Wizard=Druid






Assuming nobody cancels, then yes the game is full
Alright, since it's a tie let's go with Wednesdays at 6:03 PM. If everyone can be ready by next week (the 6th), we can begin then
Well.. Like a retard I accidentally voted for everything when I meant to put Wednesday at 12 >.>.....
Get ready my dear friends and hold on to your lives! We are about to jump into the World of Kaza!
Might want to update the classes for the players. Is Stealthfox still playing in this? I heard he is hard pressed to make games for a while because of work.
Stealthfox had to drop the game due to schedule conflicts. Current players and classes:

Dark Wizard=Time Warden




Fire=Still No Idea

Since most of us died. . .here is an updated list.

The Dark Wizard - Paladin of Freedom

Hadoland - Same Barbarian(Lucky bastard was the only one who survived)

TheSilentArtist - Still unknown what his new character will be

Lord of Chaos has a limit of 6 players in all his games so unless stated otherwise we are looking for 3 more.

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