Where the world starts ending.

Rho watched as Harley rode in on a dieing cart, she laughed and listened as she mentioned staying a night or two. At the moment Rho didn't feel as if that was a terrible idea, the world was shit and now where they were they had food and sleeping supplies and medicine and everything someone could ask for when things went downhill.

Rho lifted her eyes to catch Ethan's and give him a smile but stopped short when all she caught back was a grim look at Harley. He mumbled something and then slowly left them. Rho frowned and looked back at Harley who had stopped riding around and still looked mighty uncomfortable. She sighed and scratched the back of her head. "Well, whenever your all comfortably dressed let's go find something to eat and comfy to sleep on." She said and turned in the opposite direction that Ethan had wondered off too. She wasn't sure what was going on in his head and with that, she wasn't sure if she should pry, these were dark times and some people just couldn't handle the burdens of what the new world had to offer.

"Maybe we should take turns looking out, being on watch. Just in case." Rho suggested, loud enough to where Ethan could hear her also. "I'll take first tonight and if anyone needs me, I'll be near the front." She said and kind of awkwardly nodded before giving Harley a "let me know if you need anything" smile and walking away.
Terri had a sick feeling in her stomach. Something just didn't feel right to her. Her grandpa always told her she had a six sense but no, this was just gut instinct. They'd walked maybe a mile or two from the farm and still, there was nothing but tracks. She stopped tracking and looked back at William. She talked and talked and he hadn't said much, only answering on occasion to things she'd told him about hunting. He was a quick learner. She liked that. Tho she talked, a lot, she still talked quietly. They had to be careful not to attract unwanted walkers and to make sure they didn't spook the deer. Stopping in her tracks, Terri looked up and around. The tracks seemed panicky. Something had spooked the deer she'd gathered. She motioned for William to come forward, all talking gone as she showed him the surrounding area. Something definitely wasn't right right now and she wanted him close, just in case. The sick feeling inside Terri grew as she knelt closer to the ground, pulling her gun up to look through the scope. She whispered quietly to William, searching the area around. "Always keep calm, even if you're scared." She didn't know his emotions right now but she new her own and something was telling her to go the other way and head back home. She sighed breathlessly, her heartbeat quick in her ears. "Hey.. William..." She started, but the sound of wood breaking made her silent. She sat there frozen, listening and looking but seeing nothing. Nothing but wooded area. This was the time Terri would freak out. Not good. She couldn't freak out at a time like this, she was a hunter. But she was also the prey. She kept telling herself it was just the deer, but in her search, she found no site of it. She moved forward slightly, keeping low to the ground. She watched her step, making sure to keep quiet. After about 20 feet or so, she glanced back at William and when she did, she slipped. She didn't yelp or cry out in her fall, that would be too loud. But what had she slipped on? Her back felt wet and the smell of iron was thick. She reached for her rifle beside her, stopping at the site of red along her hand and arm. Blood?
A small group of walkers stopped when they heard the sound of someone slipping, a thud that caught their attention. There was a gurgling hiss from one of them, a small child as it began moving towards the sound, quickly followed by the others. They burst through the trees, growls and whines escaping their lips as they moved, their ripped and broken limbs dropping blood over the ground and cracking even more, bones protruding through the flesh. The small child stumbled forward, tripping but catching the girl's leg as it landed, raising it's head and opening its mouth as wide as it could, preparing to bite down on it.

The small girl hissed when her finger snpped again and her prey escaped, stumbling after it as quickly as she could, her bare feet ripped open and bleeding and her growls attracting other members of the dead. They all lumbered after him, tripping over each other as they moved and simply trying to get there first.

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