Where the world starts ending.

Ethan slowly felt his masculinity diminish as he was dragged around the dilapidated alleyways by Harley, who apparently assumed role as squad leader of their merry band of misfits. Although he was being flung down the alleys like a weightless rag doll. Finally being allowed to function his own two feet (after almost being led down one zombie-infested alley after) he took a deep breath and stretched, letting out a yawn as he did so. When he looked back at his comrades, his jaw dropped as he watched them climbing up a ladder. Ethan was going to protest, but he remembered a wise philosophy and bit his tongue. There are two theories to arguing with women, and neither of em work. He nodded and walked up to the ladder that certainly looked in no condition to being scaled by one person after another, placing his ax and bucket on either sides of the ladder and slid them up the sides as he ascended apprehensively, never being particularly fond of placing the well-being of himself into the steps of a construction apparatus. Ethan was convinced ladders were commonly depicted to have brought misfortune for a reason, and the last thing he aspired to do was put his faith in that very same bad omen. He rushed over the edge to flat ground, and accidentally kicked off the ladder, which sent it tipping over and smacking the hard pavement. Ethan was certainly not a surreptitious fellow by any means, and he cursed under his breath as this was the second time he has caused a ruckus. When he was able to catch his breath, he stood up, brushing the dust particles off of his jeans, letting out a low whistle as he surveyed the area around them.

From this viewpoint, the city was in chaotic shambles. Windows were busted in, people laid scattered in the streets like negligible ants, and cars were overturned and burning, alarm horns blaring from different streets, a horribly uncoordinated symphony of the dead's doing that rung out a grim reminder to all those who were cognizant to hear it. When he regained his senses, he looked over to his friends and his jaw dropped again. Harley briefly said something about fear, and before he could try and fathom what she said while he was lost in thought, she jumped off the edge. Ethan was about to keep Rho from jumping, but she plummeted before he had the chance to do so. Assuming his comrades were dead, he peered over the edge to analyze the magnitude of their splattered corpses. He slowly sighed out all his collected stress as he watched the girls safely land in a garbage bin. Harley yelled something up, but the mechanical humming of the vent muted out any and all words from such an altitude difference. They seemed okay, although Harley looked to have received a minor scratch, which is a small price to pay when you aren't eating flesh. He chuckled at how jealous Josh will be when he's notified that his big brother jumped off a building with two attractive females, taking a deep breath before leaping off, tucking his knees to his chest and making sure the blade of the ax was far away from his body. When he landed, the wind was temporarily knocked out of him, the briefly accumulated adrenaline exiting his head like thinning smoke. He hopped out of the garbage bin and grunted, thankful for not having landed in a gross section of the trash.

Ethan was going to let Harley know how thankful he was that she was relatively fine, but the words never left his mouth as his face quickly contorted to anger. Four or five flesh eaters slowly trudged at them, and he was damned if he was going to let them stand in their way. Running past his fellow survivors, he rushed the oncoming flesh eaters, bringing a mighty bucket swing onto the cranium of the closest zombie, which made it keel over with a squishy splat. Ethan realized that knocking them over ran the good chance they couldn't get back up, but that also left an opening to the attacker's ankles. He swung the ax into the neck of the second zombie, and when he couldn't pull the ax back out, Ethan gave another hefty swing, which sent the head sailing at the third corpse-walker, falling them both simultaneously like killing two morbid birds with one desperate stone. Ethan ran to the wall, jumping off of it and bringing a swift foot to the head of the fourth incomer, but was tackled by the last zombie that was closer than he had originally anticipated. Not wanting to die due to sheer stupidity and anger, Ethan wedged the long handle of his weapon into the zombie's mouth, using whatever possible strength he could muster into throwing himself on top of the flesh eater. With a bitter growl at the thing that has taken almost everything Ethan had, he pushed the ax into the corpse's mouth, continuing to crack the things mandibles until the zombie's top half of its head was separated from the rest. He wanted to just lay there and sob, but he knew he couldn't. Ethan had things worth fighting for, and he refused to go down until this whole thing blew over and they continued to live in danger. With a swing of his ax, all the darkening blood flung off and splattered along the ground as he walked back towards his friends. He put on a cool and collected face, as if nothing happened and he was used to this kind of thing. With people to seek and protect, Ethan was no longer a shadow of the cowering, sobbing diner employee that huddled in a corner and cried his heart out, and this new attitude was apparent in his overall demeanor. He sighed and scratched his head, "It wouldn't be a bad idea to head into the super market. We could find something for your injury, and I need a change of clothes. I doubt Papa Joe'll have a problem lending me a new uniform when I explain it got bloodied while saving potential customers." Ethan would get nowhere assuming his affiliates were dead. He looked back and beamed at his friends warmly and confidently, before strolling off around the corner of the alley to the entrance of the store.
While Rho waited for Harley's reply to the concern on her injuries, she backed away from the rank smelling garbage a few steps only to find a new smell, decomposing bodies. Rho whipped her head to the side and immediately saw Ethan attacking a small group of undead with his ax and a bucket. There was four in all and this guy was just taking them all on without hesitation! Rho's mouth dropped at the sight and her hands reflexively tightened around her metal pipe.

"I uh- stay here, I don't want you to rip your wounds open more, infection is not something we can easily fight as we used to could." She quickly said to Harley before nervously taking off in Ethan's direction. When she made it over to the young man, he'd already knocked them all down and completely silenced two of them. The third, he's kicked in the head and sent it falling over but he was quickly distracted by the fourth. Rho was about to send a devastated blow to the back of the zombie's skull that was currently on top of him but, she didn't want to risk him getting the infected's fluids in his eyes and/or mouth. Ethan seemed to be having not a whole lot of trouble with this one anyways also, the third one was getting back up and slowly making it's way towards him. He must have thought his shoe did the job.

With a nervous squeak in replace of a majestic battle cry, Rho leaped over the two corpses and Ethan's feet, lifted the metal pipe high above her head and brought it down on the third zombie's skull, filling the alley with a sickening crack. With a little pop the metal gave way from the infected's head, sending Rho stumbling back a step, she quickly caught her balance again and walked back over to Harley, passing by Ethan who had ripped the head off the fourth infected.

Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped. "Ew." She breathed and watched him coolly walk back over to them and nonchalantly say something about the supermarket and his job at the Diner, as if he would just return to work on Monday and all this chaos would be back to friggen normal. To be honest with herself though, it was all pretty badass and she was very impressed. For a second, she caught herself staring at his positive plastered face, speckled with blood and other types of liquid gross from the undead. With sudden realization of how creepy she probably looked, just staring at this guy, she gave a quick clear of her throat and looked at the ground, at his shoes and tried to hide the sudden flush of her already pretty flushed cheeks.

"Uh, yeah. I need something better than a metal pipe also... they may not have anything in this market, but let me know if you see a hunting/outdoors isle, I could use a machete or something along those lines." She said and looked to Harley. "You think you're okay to walk? How does your cuts feel?" She asked.
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While the two were fighting at the dead, Harley had limped her way toward a door on the side of the building. She clutched her side and held her crossbow up with one hand as she kicked open the door. There was a woman sitting in the corner of the back room. Harley let her arrow sink into the womans skull as she tossed her crossbow to Pho. "Reload it. Pull the string back until you hear a click then put a arrow in the little slot. I cant." She winced and looked at Ethan. "This way kid! You dont know how many are in there." She growled at him and turned to the door.

Inside there was only the one woman, Harley had killed. She huffed and pulled out her knife, her head was spinning and she was loosing quite a bit of blood. She moved to a counter and hopped up on it, with a wince. She was surely screwed. She looked up at Rho. "Make sure Ethan gets in here." She mumbled as she lifted her shirt, her stomach was small and her ribs poked out some. This was not because of what happened but because she lived on the streets before all this. She was homeless. The cut on her ribs was not to deep but it was large. Blood was smeared all over her stomach and was soaked into her shirt.

Pressing her hand against the wound made her wince badly. She could not apply pressure at all. "Fuck!" She cursed as she hopped off the counter and moved to the door that led out of the employee break room. Harley silently placed her hand on the doorknob and twisted it. The click the handle made rang out like a gun shot. She cursed and opened the door a tiny bit. There was 4 of the undead and only 3 of them. She could take on one of them tops in the condition she was in. Sighing she looked back at the two. "Ready?"
Terri was in a dreamless sleep. A deep dreamless sleep. The kind of sleep you have and KNOW you're sleeping. She hated this kind of rest. She could hear every sound and feel every movement around her but she couldn't bring herself to wake up. She felt the couch move, her brows furrowing slightly. Still, she couldn't move or open her eyes. There was a slight fear in being unable to control her own body but in time it would pass. It was a way of her body telling her mind she was exhausted and needed this rest. Just a little rest was all her body was asking for, so she gave in.

With eyes fluttering open, Terri pushed herself up, no longer letting her head rest on the couch. She winced a little, the way she'd 'slept' uncomfortable.
"Ow ow ow.." She huffed, pushing herself to her feet, a few bones popping as she moved. She had a slight crink in her neck but it would go away in time. A nights rest in her bed should do the trick. She yawned, stretching the muscles in her arms and legs as she stood on her tiptoes and pushed her arms straight in the air. Only then did she realize she'd helped someone earlier that morning. Her eyes moved down to the couch, blinking as she looked at the young man laying there. Seeing he was awake and looked to be alright, a smile lit her face. "Well hi!" She plopped back down on the ground beside him, sitting on her knees as she looked at him. "You feelin' any better?" She leaned over him, taking his arm in her hands delicately, and looked him over. "I think you'll heal fine but I ain't a doc so I could only do so much! Oh right!" Her excitement got the better of her and her accent came out more. Being around another live human did that. "You said your name is William, right? Well I'm Terri Jo! Pleasure to meet ya!" She stood back up, taking his good arm and pulling him up with her. "Hungry?"
Kiro sanned the house he was in looking about, he had found one bookbag, which that would make things easier to carry. But other then that Kiro had also found some canned food, which this stuff rarely went bad. The boy sighed softly placing the stack of cans inside the bag and lifted it up onto his back standing in the kitchen looking about the area only to head back off where the dead couple was sitting reaching down quietly and slowly to reach the gun in the females hand. He knew these two were dead but yo ucould never be to cautious around them it would end up getting you killed quite quickly.

Quickly picking up the gun once it was in finger tip length he stepped back a couple of feet and stared at it softly. It was a basic .22 revolver and had three rounds in it, well wasn't that wonderful? Kiro sighed softly and began to search around the house for maybe another box of ammo or even some loose rounds but he even came up blank with that.

Kiro moved to the front door of the house peaking outside seeing a large group standing around the front. "Shit..." He mumbled only to turn around and head for the backdoor. Guess he wasn't going into town today, it would be suicide trying to get passed all of those zombies and then down the streets enough to get away. "Well, I have the food guess I'll head back to the house." He said softly and opened up the back door peaking around before readying his knife in a combat position once more. He would then slip outside and head down the back side of the small group of houses and towards his own place.

The morning continued and after a little while, the young female who had helped him in his dire situation woke from his movements. He wondered if she was comfortable at all, given her sleeping position and felt kind of bad for her seeing how she woke. His eyebrows lowered with a hopeful facial expression though as she began to stretch he turned somewhat flustered. Noticing the smile on her face and hearing her speak made him feel comfortable, especially since how helpful she was. Her excitement got the better of him and he could only stare dumb-founded at first not really knowing how to react and only blinked for a few seconds. Remembering his manners he smiled warmly and stared at her.

Good morning, Terri Jo... I'm feeling a lot better thanks to you. Yes my name is William, and the pleasure is all mine." Sitting upwards he rested his back against the couch and stretched out his arms while yawning, remaining careful not to strain his healing sprain. He felt a few bones pop in his right arm and lower back relaxing him, tears were secreted out watering his eyes from the yawning. Sighing deeply his eyes widened as he felt himself being pulled upwards towards her and so easily. Usually being not much of an eater especially when he woke, he couldn't deny food having not had a decent meal in a few days now not to mention being dehydrated.

He nodded quite quickly to her question and smirked a bit placing his free hand over his belly though not being able to look her in the eyes. "
Yes, please..." Even though he had lost everything in his life, he felt he had also gained. William was finally beginning to warm up to a new person in his life, as different as he was from her. He didn't care much for people in his old life but in this new life it was almost as if he wanted to care. I need to contribute somehow... He thought to himself, knowing how to cook very well from his sisters teachings. Coming up with a few ideas he grinned and turned to her placing his hand on her shoulder making direct eye contact.

How about I cook for you? Well... For both of us! I can make some pretty good breakfast stuff." Tilting his head a bit he smiled waiting for her response, not being completely comfortable with his unusual change in mood but a spark of happiness was rising inside of him he never felt before ignoring all of his negative feelings.

Ethan let Harley do the honors of entering the store first, he had every intention of keeping his chivalry in this undead nightmare that he was starting to realize was all too real. He followed suit and entered the vast store, letting out an impressed whistle as his sneakers squeaked on the surprisingly-shiny tile. The store was surprisingly unscathed, which struck Ethan as extremely odd; from what he gathered, all those who talked about the apocalypse universally agreed food was of the utmost priority. He shook his head and dispelled his paranoia, resting his wrists on either side of his ax that spanned his shoulders, balancing on his neck. The girls got ahead of him as he stopped to marvel how ornate everything was, and how colossal in size this superstore was to the normal corner store Ethan bought groceries from. As Harley voiced her concerns of his whereabouts, he turned the corner and joined his comrades once more. He grinned and saluted Harley, putting his heels together to stand at mock attention,"All present and accounted for, ma'am!" After that, what was once a happy and jubilant expression soon turned into that of concern as he took one her hands and cupped his own around it. "As awesome as it was that we jumped off of a building, I don't want you putting yourself at risk like that again, okay? Neither Rho nor I are certified doctors, but we're going to make sure you get better, so just hang in there!" He smiled again and headed towards the door to the employee break room.

Ethan stepped back as Harley twisted the doorknob, and he winced at how loud it rang out. She slightly opened the door, and through the crevice he managed to count out 4 flesh eaters, which he deemed not to be too bad. The room was just like another break room; a long center table that took up half of the room, kitchen appliances to accommodate the employees' meals, all being bathed in ceiling lights. Two for him, one for Rho and one more for the Crossbow-Toting Bandito, he chuckled lightly at his witty pseudonyms. "Ready?" Harley asked with a sigh. Ethan let his hands situate into positions on the handle that would allow him to swing comfortably, although he would have to invest in gloves before he got blisters that would sure as Hell affect his wielding of his ax. As she flung the door open, Ethan's mind went blank and he charged in, throwing himself onto the table and sliding down it, bring his weapon crashing into the skull of his first victim. As he went to swing at flesh eater number two, a bolt sunk into it's eye and it slumped against the wall, Ethan briefly nodded and silently complimented Harley, commending her for overcoming her pain and contributing to the team. When the room was cleared, Ethan coughed and undid his dark blue tie, taking it and wiping the blood off of his face before casting it over a filing cabinet and leading Rho out of break room, assuring Harley with a warm smile that they would return momentarily with lunch and stuff to help her wounds.

As their shoes clicked on the tile, Ethan could swear he heard the soft rattling of shopping cart wheels on the shiny surface. He waved this off as paranoia again, and stepping over the dead zombie that Harley sniped, turning around and taking Rho's hand into his own to help her do the same, smiling as he did so. Ethan conveniently forgot to let go of her hand as they continued their trek to the outdoors aisle, and he only released his grasp when he replaced his hand with a medium-weight hiking machete. "How about you give that a few test swings, Xena?" he laughed and grinned before perusing towards the end of the aisle until he found a pair of gloves that were cut off at the knuckles, which he deemed perfect for keeping a grasp on his ax while at the same time not being so hot and stuffy. Before he could return to Rho and compliment her on her swordsmanship, Ethan felt the menacing pressure of an angrily- rushed cart that sped behind him, and as he cried out in shock and spun on his heels, he only caught a glimpse of a large figure as it disappeared. Ethan stepped out into the main walkway, but did not see anything, and he sure as Hell wasn't going to peek into the neighboring aisle for fear of whatever-it-was waiting to stab him in the face. Ethan made his way back towards Rho to usher them back to the break room, but as he looked down the aisle, his eyes widened with terror. The figure was a towering mass of slob, his manager's uniform was covered in blood, grease, and other unidentifiable liquids. Before the nightmarish person was a shopping cart that made his stomach do flips. The cart was adorned with knives, staves, pitchforks, and other pointy things of varying condition that either stuck through the holes of the cart itself or were duct-taped to it. Ethan knew this guy wasn't stalking around the store because he was shy, and Ethan would be lying to himself if he said he wasn't scared. The man started rearing up like a bull, and Ethan flipped his ax around so it was handle-first.

"MORE INTRUDERS! BURGLARS! THIEVES! STORE'S CLOSED!" The man shouted furiously, saliva flew from his mouth in bulk and spewed onto the crimson blood-stained blades. He charged towards the self-proclaimed intruders, and Ethan noted how terrifying his speed was for someone so large in size. Ethan didn't think twice, rushing past Rho to take the cart head-on. He plunged the handle of the ax into one of the open holes, and threw his hands onto the front of the cart, a ghetto-whittled point of a rake rushed too close to his eye for comfort. The cart hit him like a brick wall, and Ethan had to resist with everything in his power, his foot feeling like it was going to snap. The slob grabbed a long butchers knife and stabbed it at Ethan, which ate through his dress-shirt and barely slid against his skin, luckily the blade was so dull that it did not draw any blood. He made an attempt to throw the death-on-wheels forward, but the man read through Ethan's off-balance of power and shoved, which sent Ethan flying to the ground. He flew a kick at the bottom of the cart, making it pop a wheelie, but the killer slid the cart forward and Ethan had a fraction of a second to roll to his side as the wheels were slammed where he was lay. The defenseless 17 year old reached for a volleyball which happened to be on the rack nearest to him, throwing it at the managers head, sending him into a momentary lapse of confusion and disarray. Ethan sprung at this opportunity, grabbing the side of the cart and pushing it in the opposite direction of Rho. When the man came back to his senses, he picked Ethan up like the poor lad was a rag doll and sent him flying clear over the cart. He managed to do a roll and crawl to his feet, sprinting down the aisle carefully as to not throw himself off balance. The crazed man sprang at the opportunity of finishing the boy, completely ignoring the girl and racing at Ethan, bellowing a sickening laughter as he sped down the aisle. Ethan made it across the main walkway and was now in front of a check out lane, which was in clear view from the break room. "TIME TO CHECK OUT, SIR!" the manager howled wickedly. His thoughts immediately shifted to if this sick bastard already got to Harley or not. Ethan was running out of options as the man continued his carted charge, and he was desperately rummaging through ideas as his window of opportunity started thinning and growing smaller in size by every millisecond.
Rho grasped the crossbow in her hand and loaded the bolt for her before handing it back. "Sure thing." She answered when Harley told her to make sure Ethan was in. When she turned around it turns out she didn't need to, he was already walking into the store. She smiled and shook her head as he mocked a salute. Rho turned back around and winced at the sight. Harley was really thin and her ribs poked out from under the skin, a product of something before the Zombie apocalypse. "It doesn't look too deep but I'll grab medicines and peroxide to clean it just in case of infection." She said, leaning in a little closer to Harley's exposed skin to get a better look.

She followed Harley the few steps to the break room door and peered over her shoulder as they looked out and noticed the 4 infected mulling about. "Yeah, I'm ready." She whispered.

Suddenly, Ethan was out and attacking two of them with his axe. Rho hesitated for a moment and then with a small countdown she rushed out and raised her metal pipe high above her head and attempted to lay to rest the second Zombie but before she could bring the metal pipe down, it had a bolt through it's eye. Rho jumped and backed away, almost smacking into the fourth Zombie. With a tiny squeak she swung the pipe around as hard as she could over the side of the infected's head, sending it toppling over the dead second one where it lay still. Before she even knew the full extent of what just happened, Ethan had her hand and was guiding her towards the hunting and outdoors section.

Her eyes lingered down where their hands connected. She gulped and suddenly felt really silly as she felt her face grow warm. When they reached the isle she quickly took the machete and smiled brightly, momentarily forgetting all about the whole hand-holding. "Aw, yes! It's perfect, thank you!" She swung it a few times and started to look around for something to easily put it in and take it out whenever she wasn't needing it. Within a few moments she'd found a nifty little leather holster to wear across her shoulder and back. After slipping the machete in and out of it a few times to make sure getting her weapon on the striking position was easy, she poked her head around the next isle to find Ethan jumping back while on the opposite side of the isle something large and hulking sped past. "Ethan?" Rho called as she watched him following the mass into the center store isle. He turned back and started to lead them back towards the break room. "Wait, we still have medical stuff to get for-" She started but when she saw Ethan's shocked face she turned around and gasped. In front of them was this nasty looking fat guy in a manager's uniform, wielding a cart full of bloody weapons. "Jesus, Dude!" She gasped before the giant crazed slob was able to yell his loud ramblings and accusations.

Rho leaped back and expected Ethan to do the same but instead she stared in shock and horror as he took the thing head on! "Ethan, No!" she yelled, fearing the worst. Rho gripped her machete tightly and raced after the cart that Ethan was hanging onto. "Just-uh hold on!" She called as she ran around another isle to attempt to cut him them off. She grabbed what was nearest to her which happened to be a hula-hoop and skidded to a hop, ducking quickly as the volley ball that smacked the man in the head flew towards her. "Take this, nasty!" She yelled and tossed the hula hoop at the messed up manager, she succeeded in ringing the pink hoop around his head and neck but unfortunately his shoulders were too broad to become trapped by it. "Oh... hehe..." She pursed her lips and turned to run back down the isle she's appeared from, lucky for her, he seemed fixated on Ethan who was backing up nervously into one of the check out lines after being thrown that way by the large man.

She ran up behind him and lifted the machete above her head, aiming for the back of the sicko's neck but, as he finished his grocery line, he caught her out of his peripherals and before she could properly lay the smack-down, he quickly turned and caught Rho's hand in the air, squeezing hard enough to force her to drop her weapon. With a grunt-like laugh he quickly swung the young woman away from him, forcing her straight into Ethan. She screamed as her body slammed into Ethan's and she flipped over him and landed on the black rotating belt on the check-out counter. "Oh, shit." She breathed as he looked at the large man that was still slowly coming for them.
Painful whimpers came from the break room as Harley pulled the string to her crossbow up to reload it. She was about to give up on the dammed thing when she heard the click. With a sigh she relaxed and pulled up her shirt to look at the wound. It was bleeding a lot more than she liked and it hurt horribly. She raised her cross bow up with her good arm and looked at the 2 arrows she had left. She would need to find more arrows and start picking them out of her victims. She pulled a bolt out with a wince and placed the bolt in the little slot. She set her bow down on the counter and pulled open the cabinets. A pull top can of peaches. That was all she found.

Shouting erupted from the store area and Harley frowned and furrowed her brows. She then grumbled on about how kids are stupid and something about her being the most mature. She moved out of the average break room and into the main store area. The sound of squeaking wheels of a shopping cart could be heard. "Couldn't have picked a quieter buggie?" She mumbled as she painfully limped her way through the isles, looking at all the things that would help them along the way. She smiled as she spotted a weapons department, wanting to go to it to see if there were bolts but she needed to find Ethan and Rho to shut them up.

She was moving toward the shouting when she heard the words 'Ethan, No!' called out by Rho. Fear shot through her as she moved as quickly as she could toward them. She was about to call out to the pair when she rounded the corner and was met by a scene that was more horrible than getting ripped apart by the dead. A large fat man had them both cornered with a shopping cart ghetto-fyed into a weapon. There were things strapped and duct taped to the cart. Harley stepped into Ethan and Rho's view with anger plastered on her face. She would be dammed if she was going to let anyone hurt the people she just met that were not trying to rip her appart.

Raising up her cross bow she aimed at the large man's head. She had a clear shot. Everything around her fell silent and the whole world stood still as she laid her finger on the trigger. Her finger pressed down in what seemed like slow motion when a sharp pain shot through her body. Her finger squeezed the trigger as she doubled over in pain. She fell to her knees as another pain shot through her body. Her vision begin to fade in and out from the loss of blood. She looked up to see the bolt sticking out of the mans back. There was about 3 inches of the bolt left showing out of the mans back. She smirked for a moment and it went away with a wince.

She looked up again at the man as he collapsed to the ground gasping for air. He is slowly dying. Harley thought. Her head then snapped to the cart that flew toward Ethan and Rho. The man must have pushed it when he fell because it was going pretty fast toward the two. "Watch out!" Harley's voice rang out as she collapsed onto the ground as well. She cried out and bit her lip. She just killed the two people that are alive. The first PEOPLE she has seen in a while. She clutched into her side as she whimpered out. She was fading in and out. She lost a lot of blood. If they were still alive and they help her, they would have to spend a a day or two at the store so Harley could recover.
The moment Terri felt his hand upon her shoulder, was the moment she stopped completely. Her head turned in his direction, blinking a few times as green met red. "Uh.." She laughed a little, nervously, her cheeks turning a soft pink. She was never good with direct contact, no matter how little of an action it was. She wasn't a touchy feely kinda girl, unlike others. She rubbed the back of her head, lightly giggling as she shrugged his hand off her shoulder. "Um yeah, okay sure! Aha.." She sighed, moving away from the boy to the cabinets, ashamed of herself for her actions. She only hoped she didn't offend William. That was never her intention.

Searching the cabinets, Terri huffed. There wasn't much to choose from. Perhaps it was time to go out and get some more food. She hated these days. Very much. But what could you do? Starve? I think not. She stopped searching in the cabinets and turned to William, a soft smile forming to hide her concerned frown.
"Not much here I suppose. I'm sorry.." She leaned against the counter, crossing her arms as she thought a moment. Hunting was an option. A better one then going into the city for food. She hated the thought of seeing another one of those things but what had to be, would be done. "I'll return in a moment."

That moment turned into about five minutes before Terri came down the stairs. She was dressed in her usual shorts, tank and jacket. She'd pulled her hair back into a tight ponytail and made sure her boots were laced tight. She stopped at the end of the stairs and looked over to William.
"Would you like something to change into? There is a room upstairs thats got plenty clothes for a lad like yourself! My cousins use to come visit a lot but eh.. Well.. Maybe somethin will fit, huh?" She shrugged, walking over to a gun cabinet. There inside was a 7.62×51 mm polish bolt-action sniper rifle. She opened the gun cabinet and grabbed the rifle, checking the chamber to see if it was loaded or not. It was. With a soft sigh, she grabbed her bowie knife, stuck it on the halter at her thigh, and turned to William. "So.. Staying or going?"
The 17-year-old watched as his friend was thrown, and the wind was knocked out of him as Rho was cast into, and over, him onto the rubber conveyor belt. Physics would neither condone nor approve of the tossing of human bodies like light-weight trash, and he was pissed because neither would he, especially since it was he and Rho that were being ragdolled. He internally thanked Rho for trying her best to stop the manager, and his last thoughts of her would be her kindness for her friends. Ethan's head flooded with thoughts as his head became little more than a dizzying cesspool of past regrets, doom-impended wishes, and the sorrowful recognition that they were going to die because he wasn't strong enough to protect his loved ones. The manager enjoyed this scenario far too much, licking his fat lips as he slowly trudged towards them, the wheels squeaking menacingly. "Our store doesn't take too kindly to vandalism. No, no no. Not one little bit" he cackled hideously as there was only a couple of yards between them at this point. Just as Ethan was about to hock up a loogie to send forth at the psychopath as a dying-momento, he watched in surprise as the manager's eyes went wide, and a combination of blood and excess-saliva trickled out of his mouth. "You...a-aren't...GETTING AWAY WITH THIS!" He screamed in contorted rage, shoving the cart forward as the manager himself toppled forward onto the tile, Ethan smiled painfully as he saw the crossbow bolt glisten in the overhead light.

It was just like back at the Diner; his mind recycled and did away with all the negativity, and his heart and soul sparked with reinvigorating power. And it was all thanks to Harley coming in at the last second when all else was lost. Ethan slightly bent his knees, propping a stance as the cart rocketed at him. In a fraction of a second, he slightly leaned to his right, the same bloody rake skimming his cheek as he grabbed hold of his trusty ax handle with his right hand, and an un-bladed section of the cart. The shopping cart certainly was heavy, due to it being filled with all sorts of contraptions, and Ethan let out a grunt as he was slid back a foot or two. He walked around until he was behind the cart, and pushed it up against a wall. Somehow, they managed to narrowly escape death; again. Ethan started counting his blessings as he made his way towards Rho, he was still laying on the conveyor belt. He chuckled as he leaned over and placed his hand on her cheek. "You shouldn't be trying to put a price on yourself, silly! I'd be so bold as to say you're priceless, Rho!" And with that, he scooped the woman into his arms, surprised at how light she was. As he was about to return to the break room, Ethan heard low wheezing, and he spun on his heels. The manager was dragging himself not to the intruders, but to the nearest cash register, somehow managing (pardon the pun) to lift himself up and cradle the machine. Between the trail of crimson blood that the psychopath left dragging himself and his low whimpering tone of voice, Ethan felt a pit in his stomach. Their roles now being reversed, Ethan watched with his friend in his arms as the manager inched closer and closer to death. "M-my store, who will run my store now? My...food. My...my sales! What will happen to my store now?" he coughed up more blood that splattered on the cash register he was holding onto, quite literally, for dear life. His grip was dispelled, and the manager flopped onto the tile with deadweight, his glazed eyes staring at the ceiling he was obsessed his whole existence under. For a brief moment, Ethan hung is head grimly. Despite almost dying, he couldn't blame the crazed manager, and it was never good to watch a live person die. Everyone lost their sanity one way or another, and Ethan seemed on the verge of losing his every time he finds himself in a close-to-death situation. He would come back to dispose of the managers body once he knew Harley and Rho would be okay.

It was almost inhuman for one to be carrying another person across a large superstore after getting his ass beat and come inches to death, but despite the blood that trickled from his cheek and head, he had no problem keeping Rho in his arms as they trekked back to the break room. Ethan stopped about half way, looking down and Rho and smiling. "You have every right to beat me up when I put you down, but you tried saving my life, so I figured the least I could do is save you the trouble of walking." When they made it back to Harley, Ethan frowned as her condition seemed to not be better. He gently placed his precious cargo in one of the lounge chairs, patting her on the head and turning to Harley. "You hang in there, alright? This is the second time you've saved my life, so I'll be damned if I'm gonna let you lose yours on my watch." Ethan had a gleam in his eyes, the gleam that let you know he meant what he said. Wanting to let them get a rest for all they did to help him, he decided he'd head over to the pharmacy and get the wraps and medicine to help Harley. He grabbed the large ring of varying keys from the dead managers waist, closing the man's eyes one last time before unlocking the pharmaceutical door and perusing the myriad of different ointments and such, his head becoming dizzy not from blood loss (though he was bleeding quite a bit) but from all the long-winded medical names he couldn't even begin to fathom.
It was like everything was happening in slow motion. Rho pushes herself into a sitting position on the rubber belt but all she accomplished in that was knocking all the candy all over her. She closed her eyes after taking one long look at Ethan. He was brave and cute and nice and this was probably my the last time she'd see him. He swallowed hard as the regretful feelings of having her life end in a grocery store set in and just when she expected the flash of bright light to set in a sharp noise of something sharp traveling into flesh along with a surprised gurgle caught her senses.

She opened one eye and then another as the front of the mans already nasty shirt grew a deeper crimson. She let out the breath she was holding and smiled wide at the bolt that poked out of the wound. 'Harley, that badass!' She thought with a wave of relief.

Tho was about to lift herself from the check-out counter when suddenly, Ethan scooped her up like a pillow and complimented her along with something about her being priceless. A huge blush ran across her cheeks and she let out a nervous giggle as she brushed some loose strands of brunette hair behind her ear. As she did her eyes caught a price tag that was stuck to her sleeve from the candy toppling over. "Actually I'm 1.39 with a pack of skittles." She laughed and just allowed him to keep holding her like a baby.

She frowned when she looked back over to the slowly dying man. She also noticed Ethan's sadness at the sight. "Well, no one can say he wasn't a damn good manager, ill give him that." She sighed as she watched his chubby fingers caress the keys of the register.

Rho looked at Ethan as he insisted on carrying her across the supermarket. She raised an eyebrow but couldn't help but smile at her knight in bloody armor. Quickly, before she could be rejected and or get too nervous that shed change her mind, she leaned in and swiftly pecked him on the cheek. "You're brave and tough but stop trying to get yourself killed for me." She said before they walked through the door of the break room. Normally in a situation like this she would have said "us" but in this moment she felt she had to speak for herself, not as if she was thinking that Harley needed his rescuing or anything, she was pretty boss with the crossbow, that's just how Rho is.

When Ethan set her down and patted her head she smiled, feeling like a kid or a puppy for second. She watched him disappear into the medical room for medicines and whole he did that she went to help Harley off the floor. She was pretty much unconscious and pretty pale from blood loss. "Oh man..." Rho whispered as she struggled helping Harley's limp body back into the break room and onto the counter where she could lift her shirt and get a better look at the damage.

"Ethan, find peroxide, cotton wrap things, painkillers, aaaand ill need some water!" She called over her shoulder.
Harley grunted and slowly pushed herself off the now blood red ground. She pushed herself to her feet and clutched on to a shelf, limping her way behind Ethan and Rho. Her eyes narrowed at the two as she pushed past them and into the break room. She collapsed against the wall, slipping to the ground. Rho came up and pulled at her shirt to look at the wound and Harley pushed her hands away. "Its fine." She growled and pulled herself into a chair. Her head was going 90 to nothing and she was really dizzy. She made a painful whimper as she took off her shirt and pressed it to the wound. Right about now she thanked god that she stole a bra before all this happened. She waited and became impatient. She stood up quickly and wobbled a bit, then she looked down at Rho. "Go look for food and clothes and anything we can use as weapons."

She turned away from Rho and left the break room, limping. She glanced around the store and spotted the pharmacy. She limped her way to there. She tripped over a volleyball and growled at it. She moved further until she reached the door. Pulling it open she stepped inside and pushed her way through the isles, looking for Ethan. She sighed as she spotted him and begin to move toward him. She hopped up on the counter, where they fill bottles of medications, with a bottle of peroxide. She looked over at him. "Hey. can you get me some gauze and a wrap." She said as she pulled the crumpled up shirt away and poured the bottle of liquid on the wound. She hissed and bit her lip as the wound bubbled over. The liquid only burned her a little bit but it hurt so much more because of the wound. She pushed the shirt against the wound then poured more on the wound. "I um. You can go help Rho if you'd like." She nodded her head.

(sorry its so short. I couldnt really work with anything.)

As William waited for her response he noticed the kind of reaction that was given to him, she appeared nervous at that moment, something he's never seen from her yet. Pausing for a moment he could hardly notice his hand being shrugged off and the words she spoke, placing both of his arms by his side he watched as she walked away from him and searched the cabinets for food. Wondering if he had done something wrong he scratched the back of his head and began to ponder on what he could possibly do to fix his mistake. Staring down at the floor in thought his attention was caught by her approaching him and the words she spoke. William was never good with people, but he understood people's emotions and minds, and wasn't fooled by her smile as gentle and kind as it was. As the young woman began to think of what to do in this situation, so did William.

He knew the danger of going out there, and the risks that would come along with leaving the safety of his new home. Remembering the deer in the forest he knew that hunting for food could be an option, though the thought of this brought out his sensitivity somewhat. William never liked violence or the thought of taking a life even if it meant his own survival. He then thought of the time in the forest where he had to kill for his survival, he would of been eaten alive by the undead if he hadn't done what he did.
But... That was different... Right...? His expression was without any emotion, lost in his train of thought he knew what had to be done, but with no experience how could he. Hearing the faint sound of foot steps coming down the stairs he turned his head towards Terri's direction staring at her, he could see her mouth move but for some reason couldn't hear any words.

Catching the last bit of what she said he blinked and nodded, seeing her grab weapons he smirked and then took a look at what he was wearing.
"Yeah, that would actually be a good idea... I'll be right back." Running up the stairs quite eager he checked a few rooms and found one that felt comfortable to him. Entering the room he checked the draws of a brown cabinet and found some folded short sleeved shirts and jeans, along with underwear and socks. Taking off his glasses and placing them on top of the cabinet he removed his sweater and then removed everything else he was wearing revealing more of his ectomorph figure. Wishing he could take a quick shower he groaned knowing she was downstairs waiting. Putting on fresh underwear he put on a pair of blue jeans that were slightly torn in the front but surprisingly fit him nicely, putting on socks he slipped his boots back on and pulled over a black short sleeved shirt. Grabbing his glasses he placed them on and looked at himself in front of a door mirror and smiled. "Not to shabby..." Laughing a bit he stepped out into the hallway and made his way back downstairs looking towards Terri. "I'm ready to go, but I have a question... Could you teach me how to use one of those guns?" Stepping towards her he waited patiently for her instruction, a serious look on his face as he did so. He felt bad about how she reacted before, and wanted to impress her somehow with his ability to learn things rather quickly.

Ethan drummed his fingers on the plaster-white caps of prescription bottles as he slowly scanned every labeled row of medicine. He didn't leave his concentrated prowling as he heard the door to the room open. "Hey Harls! Yeah, I'll get the wraps in a second, just looking for-" when he let out a quiet and satisfied "Hm!", coiling his drumming fingers around a small container of pain-killers, though he dared not attempt to pronounce the technical name. With a flick of his wrist, he spun the bottle upwards, it's contents rattling like a medicinal maraca. Ethan quickly spun on his heels, holding out his gloved hand in front of him as the prescription landed in his palm. He stepped forward and leaned, placing the bottle of pain-killers next to the seated Harley. Ethan knew where the requested items were, as he had passed them by earlier. He handed them to the wounded warrior with a smile, patting her leg reassuringly and smiling, which soon turned grim with worry as he examined her wounds. "You'll be better, I'm sure of it. So just hang in there, alright? It, uh, it could have been a lot worse, especially since we jumped from a not-so-small building." He cleared his throat and his eyes moved down to his feet. "I..uh, I just wanted to say thanks for what you did back there. We would have been dead, had you not been where you were, when you were. So...well-"

Ethan cut off his sentence as he pulled Harley closer and gently hugged her, doing his best not to place himself upon her wounds. When he finally let go, he stepped back and smiled, looking down at his diner uniform that was freshly painted with Harley-blood as she told him he could go find Rho. "Yeah, I think I should go do that." As Ethan stepped out of the pharmacy, he quickly leaned back in and called to Harley. "So..yeah, thanks again. We'll talk more later tonight or something, okay?" With that, he made his way towards the clothes section of the superstore, which was a pretty decent walk from the pharmacy. Ethan assorted a small group of clothing in a shopping cart that was idly left in the middle of an aisle of shoes. He pulled the cart behind him, stopping in front of the nearest mirror. Since it was just his group in the entire store, he wasn't entirely worried about locking himself away in a changing room. When his bloody dress shirt was cast aside, and he stepped out of his dress pants, Ethan was lost in thought as he examined himself. He was in relatively good shape, having spent most of his time outdoors and at the local swimming pool with Josh almost all of his life. He had strong calves, which he gave almost full credit to chasing down the school bus on an almost daily basis. His stomach was slim, with the rough outlines of what could and probably will never be abs, Ethan chuckled and joked that it was probably Josh who could never properly pass a basketball, and instead just lugged it at his older brother's gut. His arms weren't wide or defined, but they too were muscular, and while he wanted to say it was from pulling Josh around in their little red Tonka cart, lobbing off the heads of the undead certainly helped. Looking into the mirror and reflecting on his earlier life was the final realization that the world he was in fact reality. There was no waking up from a bad dream; and there was a good chance that there was no waking up at all, for that matter. With a slight chagrin and a deep sigh, he reached over into the shopping cart and grabbed first the red plaid shirt, slipping it on and buttoning it up. He put on a dark leather bomber jacket, not bothering to zip it up. Ethan then slipped on a faded pair of bluejeans, and it was just the final piece that remained; the cowboy boots. Oh yes, can't forget the cowboy boots. Ethan figured nothing would look cooler while wielding a firefighter's than a pair of good ole snakeskin boots. While he didn't look half bad, it figured the get-up didn't match, and that was okay. He was more worried about surviving than setting a fashion trend. Hell, if the girls found it funny, he might even get a cowboy hat. Ethan kicked the shopping cart away, cupping his hands around his mouth and hollering out. "Hey Rho, where are you?"
Kiro rushed down the back of the houses heading for his own home. He had what he wanted and just wished to get back to his safe house, it was much better then being out here with those things. Kiro would stop dead in his tracks when his house came into view his eyes wide as he stared at the horrific sight. A horde was rushing into his house, the only place he could call home and the place where his love was last.

The boy would quickly rush towards the house and to the back of it scanning the doors seeing the back door open as well. The zombies were slowly heading out the door there as well. Kiro quickly scanned the area as one looked at him only to turn seeing yet another one just behind him. Falling to the ground, Kiro stared up at the thing in horror. He would then pull out the .22 he had found firing all three shots into the zombies' head then turn onto his hands and knees rushing away from the group tears filling his eyes as the thought of his girlfriend and his home being gone.

((Writers block o.e))
(Wooooo!!! I get to be a bunch of dead people!!!!!)

The dead moved slowly, shuffling along. They covered a large majority of the earth at this time and over their moans could always be heard the screams of survivors as they were caught. Of course, there were the odd survivors that were strong enough, or skilled enough, to kill these creatures. They felt nothing, no pain, and no emotions. Only the constant hunger that drove them to kill the living. Without any living around the fell dormant, llumbering around helplessly.

In a smaller area of the city the zombies stumbled out of the houses, moaning and moving after the scent of living flesh and the sounds of gunshots, the noise attracting them. A smaller one, a female child, was at the head of the group and her bent and broken fingers hooked on his shirt. A growling hiss escaped her lips as she stumbled closer, opening her mouth wide and getting ready to bite. Blood dropped from her mouth and onto the ground beneath her bare feet.
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Rho frowned as Harley pushed herself away from her and barked to go find supplies. For a few seconds she watched her limp into the pharmacy area shirtless before shrugging at Harley's stubborn ways and walking out into the store. She grabbed a cart from the front and scooped up her machete on her way back to the hunting and outdoors isle to grab "Anything that can be used as a weapon." as Harley said, by the end of that isle, the cart was pretty much filled to the top with the rest of the machetes, some mid-fingerless gloves, a fishing pole, (more for survival just in case than offensive striking) all the metal baseball bats which were about 7 from the sports isle, and about three crowbars that she found in the auto department.

"What an interesting shopping list I have today..." She mumbled to herself as she nonchalantly turned into the female clothing isle. First priority was to get Harley some better clothes since at the moment she was hobbling around in dirty pants and a bra. After a few minutes she decided Harley would probably appreciate a half-length leather jacket, black spaghetti string shirt and, dark denim jeans. When she was done gathering clothes for the injured she thought about her own attire. Rho stopped in front of one of the long mirrors and made a silly face at herself as she looked down at her dirty khaki jacket that was over a nice floral sundress and black old converses. "Probably best if I don't wear a dress anymore..." She thought and quickly found herself some dark denim, a black, mid-arm button up shirt and a a jacket that was styled the same as her khaki one just black. As she was slipping the shirt over her head she stumbled and almost tripped over the cart as Ethan's voice rang out for her, he seemed rather close and Rho had to quickly find her way through her shirt before looking around. "Over here! In the women's clothing!" She called back, as she slipped the new jacket on and straightened her clothes down.

She bent down and sat on the floor that the manager had obviously taken great care of to put a new pair of black sneakers on and as she was lacing them up her eyes caught snake-skin boots. She whistled and smirked as she followed the sight up to Ethan's face, he was standing outside of one of the men's clothing isles. "My-my arn't you fancy." She smiled. His sight was a little bit goofy but she was all for him wearing whatever made him happy, as long as he could move efficiently in his cowboy get up then she wouldn't crush the poor young man's fashion dreams.

"I haven't grabbed any food yet, just some clothes for Harley and I." She said as she pulled herself to her feet with the help of the cart.
Terri hadn't heard William come back down. She'd been to into her thoughts, lost in them. Only when she heard him speaking, did she shake her head and come back to reality. She looked at the rifle she had in her hand, smiling when she looked back up to the boy. "This? You want to learn how to shoot this?" She put the rifle on her back, holding out her handgun to the boy across from her. "I'm sure I can attempt to teach ya somethin. But just so ya know, I ain't the greatest teacher out there. For now, take this and always aim for the head. We'll go over basics when we're out and about!" She smiled, stepping by William as she headed for the front door. "Lets go. Perhaps we can find somethin wild to get before attempting town!" She opened the front door, turning back to William. "Ever been huntin?"
Harley let out a grunt and a painful whimper as she wrapped the bandage around herself. She then placed 4 pills in her mouth and swallowed them dry. She hated pills but if it was going to help her pain she was happy. She hopped off the counter and almost lost her footing from the sharp pain that was sent up her body. She frowned and limped her way out of the pharmacy. She listened as the other 2 called out to each other and she frowned once again. Hobbling her way around the store she let out a giggle as she found one of those electric cart thingies. She sat in the seat and turned it on. It had half battery. It would only last for an hour or two.

With a slight giggle she took off only going about 2 miles per hour but she loved it. She pressed the red button and the cart made a honking noise. She let out another giggle as she got connected with her personality before the world went to shit. She made the cart honk again as she pulled up to Rho and Ethan. She smiled and nodded to Rho, linking the new change of clothes. She then looked at Ethan. "Howdy cowboy." She giggled as she stood with a slight wince. The pain killers were working and they were hitting her hard. She was truthfully high as a kite.

She leaned against a wall shelf and smiled at the two. "We might have to stay here for the rest of today and tomorrow. I am all hyped up on these pills." She let out another giggle and wobbled over to Rho. "We should go find blankets and such to sleep on and flashlights and candles so we can see tonight." She wobbled over to the cart and sat in the seat. "Off we go!" She giggled out as she backed up and took off around the corner, leaving Rho, Ethan, and her change of clothes behind.
Smirking a bit, he took the handgun from her and examined the weapon for a few seconds before looking back at Terri. William really liked the way she spoke and the accent she had, he felt happy from hearing her words and in turn made him talk to her a lot easier than he would around other people. Nodding in response to what she had told him, he placed the gun inside the waist part of his jeans, thinking it was funny since that's what he usually saw in the movies from those bad ass people. Turning around he followed Terri out of the front door, feeling a bit excited to be able to hunt with someone. "I've never been hunting before, in fact I've never killed anything since the other day..." Feeling a bit off he swallowed and sighed softly. As they both exited the house, the sun shined upon his face making his eyes squint a little. Using his arm for shade he got a better view of the area, and was amazed at how different it looked during the day time. The smell of grass and wood filled the air and pollen could be seen passing by within the gentle breeze. Moving some hair out of his face he continued to follow Terri's lead. He felt his stomach grumble and was eager to hunt for something they could cook and eat, regardless of him never killing anything innocent, he would try to impress the woman who saved him in some way. How hard could it be? He thought to himself as they both pushed on to her hunting grounds.

Standing on the porch, Terri looked out across her grandpa's farm. It was days like today that she really missed him and the craziness of running a farm. She wouldn't think of that now. Not while she had someone else she had to help care for. She turned back slightly, looking at William. The look on his face, as he looked around at the farm, made her smile. She turned her back to him and walked down the stairs, turning to head around to the back of the farm. The forest would be the best place to hunt. Not much came this way.

As she walked, she spoke, telling him the basics of hunting.
Since he'd never killed anything, she figured it'd be best to start at the beginning. The same way she was taught by her grandpa. "First off William, there are rules when hunting. Rule number one!" She glanced back, smiling. "Always.. And I mean ALWAYS follow the safety rules. I don't care that the world is a one chicken leg short of a picnic! That ain't nothin to do with us. We're gonna get us some food and we're gonna do it the real way. And I tell ya one thang, its a lot better tastin when its fresh!" She grinned, finally making her way around the house and toward the river. "Now where was I? I tend to lose my thought sometimes when I get ta talkin!" She snickered, shrugging. "Oh right! Well.. Safety first, always! Rule number two. Eh.. There is a little abbreviation my grandpa use to tell me. ACTT. Assume it is loaded, which it is. Control the muzzle. Trigger finger. Target and beyond." She stopped walking, listening to her surroundings. They hadn't made it far yet, just to the small stream behind her house. "Thought I heard somethin. Guess not. Now.. Where was I again? Oh right! ACTT. Basically.. You gotta know the gun you're usin and how to use it! And you gotta be quiet as can be! We can discuss all that later tho while we walk. Right now, we got us a deer to catch." She pointed to the ground, turning her head back. "See that?" She knelt down, her eyes on the ground below. There, small deer print was in the dirt. Not only that but human prints. Figuring it was just Williams, she overlooked them and looked to see what direction the deer went. "Into the woods. Well come on!"
Kiro glanced back to what had grabbed him seeing the little girl. He wanted to stop and stare at her knowing her from the past before the crazed outbreak, but he knew that would mean death. Kiro took his foot and kicked the little girl back her broken finger snapping as it released from his shirt. He would then continue to run off towards another house hoping he could lose them before he got there, the house was in sight but if he could get there, he could hide in the attic or maybe under the house.

Kiro continued to run panting heavily glancing back a few times before reaching the house finally, the dead were falling behind but they were still following. Quickly looking around, he opened up the back door rushing into the house knife in head ready to stab anything that popped out before opening up the attic and climbing up. After making it up, he grabbed the stairs of the attic and tugged at it til the ladder hit the roof half shutting it.
While he had no intention of changing his apparel, Ethan sighed and admitted that his get-up was a tad bit on the ridiculous side. Be that as it may, he would defend this outfit with a quote from a musician Ethan listened to. The icing to the cake has changed flavors. But if you look at the cake itself, it's really the same. Although he was settling into his new clothes, the boy would be damned if he was wearing bluejeans to bed. While he usually didn't wear pants to bed in general, he figured he would keep his modesty in this given situation. Chuckling, he grabbed a pair of red plaid pajamas and slung them over his shoulder. About the time he did that, a rather-weak beeping rang mediocre and true, and a very Not-Harley Harley pulled up haltingly in an electric shopping-cart, since it didn't seem to be able to gain any more speed. Ethan's eyes widened as he stared at this foreigner who was dressed in his friend's skin; Harley was usually a hard, blunt, and overall badass, not some giggling, gallivanting, drugged-up cart-driver. When she greeted up as a cowboy, Ethan gulped his surprise and stuttered. "Uh..h-hey, Harley."

Despite being (over)medicated, he noticed Harley still winced as she stood up, and she leaned against a shelf before he had the chance to try and help her. When Harley relayed the info that they may have to stay here longer, Ethan felt as though a thick liquid blanket of dread draped over him like gooey molasses. The rest of today and tomorrow? Would Ma and Josh still be alive by then? Ethan didn't have an answer for that question, and if he did, something told him he wouldn't like it. What Harley said to Rho skipped like a rock on the surface of the lake of Ethan's inner turmoil. All he caught was something to sleep on, though at this point Ethan doubted he'd be getting much sleep tonight. The only thing he muttered to the girls was a quick and barely audible apology, before balling his fists and trudging off towards where the camping gear was, to find a sleeping bag to which he could curl up all of his despair in for the night. It hurt him to admit it, Ethan didn't know if he or the well-being of his family had all of today and tomorrow. Family came first, and albeit he loved his new-found friends, this awkwardly dressed cowboy might just have to ride out into the flesh-eating horizon if they spent too much longer hiding away in a super market.
Taking a deep breathe, he glanced over at Terri seeing a smile on her face causing him to smirk back. Quickly catching up to her he stood by her side listening to her explanation on the basics of hunting. He found himself constantly smiling from hearing her southern accent, she wasn't annoying or loud, just something about her voice made him happy. After hearing her first rule on safety, William nodded, following her around the house and towards the river, back where he had come from. His held a plain expression towards the forest, hoping that they wouldn't run into one of those creepers. He glanced at Terri with a smile offering to help her remember what she was talking about. "You were talking about safety, remember?" Placing his hands within his jean pockets as they continued on, he stayed cautious in his steps while listening to her continue. "ACTT... Gotcha." Seeing her stop, caused him to stop as well, he looked around and blinked with a confused expression. He tilted his head as he stared at her again, listening to her continue on about ACTT. William nodded indicating that he understood and looked to where she pointed, clearly seeing deer tracks and human foot prints. Trying to remember if it was his or not, he couldn't remember or tell being that it was getting dark by the time he reached this area. Hearing Terri beckoning him to follow her into the woods, he stared at the woods with a stern expression and nodded. "Right, let's go." Keeping up with her, William hoped that everything would go as planned.


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