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Faith+Astley=good friends

Astley+Ava-Rose= father daughter-ish

Kyan is crushing on Emerald

Kael and Calliope are besties

Roxanne, Emerald and Abi are friends

Faith and Jonah are a mother-son type pair

Faith and Emerald are siblings

Louis is forever alone for right now

Rosaline and Gerard are friends

Toni and Kyan are besties

Toni is crushing on Kael

Calliope is also crushing on Kael

Kyan sees Faith as a mother figure, Kael does too.

Jonah sees Nick as an older brother

PLEASE TELL ME IF I MISSED SOMETHING. we have many characters so its easy to get confused
Name: Nicholas Brion

Age(5-28, diversity!): 16

Personality: Nick is very charismatic with the little kids, and even people of his same age. He seems to always have a smile on his face, hiding any type of other emotion that he buries in himself tightly, as to not show anyone else. He loves to listen to people and help them through their problems, even when he is falling apart himself. Nick is very nice and intelligent, and extremely creative with music. He has a great voice, and is very talented on the piano and the Guitar. However, the orphanage knows he has Schizophrenia and he must take his pills on time in order to keep sane. This sometimes causes him to be extremely depressed, which he deals with in his own dorm.

Resident, volunteer, or homeless: Resident

Job:(if old enough) Waiter at the Cafe

Background: Nick was born in a very strict, rich family. They demanded him as soon as he was 3 to play the piano and the guitar in an amazing way, basing this idea in Mozart and Beethoven. They went too far with this, and eventually started to beat him if he did not play correctly. He was forced to play many more instruments, though none as good as the Piano and Guitar. When he was seven, while playing the piano, he struck the wrong key and his mother crushed his fingers underneath the covering to the keys. They broke, and he has weird looking knuckles because of it. He never had the same education as everyone else, going to a private school. He tried to still be a normal teenager, but when he was 13, after his parents told him he was worth nothing, he went to the bathroom and started to self-harm. The beatings to his head also began to bring out his Schizophrenia. For 2 more years he continued this, until his parents decided he was not good enough for them, and put him up for adoption, disowning him. He has lived in the orphanage since.

Hobbies/Likes/Dislikes: His favorite hobby is talking with people and listening to people. He is a great public Speaker, and understands people very well. He likes pizza and hot chocolate, and usually drinks water. He hates to play instruments, but he still has a love for music. When he is extremely stressed out, he will try to find something he could smuggle in to cut himself.

Other: (Hope the depressive stuff with him is ok. If you want I can tone it down. =) )

Appearance: Nick is tall, at 5"10', and is slender. His skin is a warm caramel color. His eyes are a startlingly blue, and his hair is a dark brown that grows out to a shaggy mop on him. His standard clothes are athletic pants and a black no sleeve shirt underneath a Nike hoodie. He is not allowed to wear sneakers unless going out, as he could have an episode and use them as a weapon. Instead, he wears green socks. He is muscular, and works out very often. His eyes always seem very closed off, and as mentioned, his knuckles are messed up. He always wears a watch and there are scars from beatings on his back and chest, though self inflicted scars are on his thighs and the top part of his arm.
haha see you didnt wait for the answer~ good to have you. i hope you dont mind having Jonah as a little brother thing. he needs someone to talk to aside from Faith.
Name: Carim Abelardo

Age(5-28, diversity!): 18

Personality: He's a bit of an arsehole and most girls love that but it takes a strong person to tame him

Resident, volunteer, or homeless: Resident

Job:(if old enough) He Cooks

Backround: His parents were always abusive to him and his sister. One night they tried to kill her by putting her in an oven and duct taping the oven door shut. Carim heard the over turn on and ran into the kitchen, finding the parents with a grin on their face and his little sister pounding against the oven door. He picked up a butcher knife and stabbed them both to death, he rescued his sister and ran off with her, he hasn't been found but his sister ran away within two ears of them living by themselves. He hasn't heard from her since.

Hobbies/Likes/Dislikes: he like quiet unless he's the one making the noise, he loves to see others blemishes as he has many of his own, he doesn't like people who are quiet very often

Other: He has scars on his stomach and back as his father fought back that night.

Appearance:(anime, realistic or description is fine): View attachment 9933

Thanks to Ali for the picture. :D
Name: Chrome Raizen



Personality: She can be kind but is also a bit of a hot head. She likes to have fun and challenger things everyday. It takes her a while to turst someone so she can be rude and distant.

Resident, Volunteer, Homless: Resident

Job: Mechanic, Delivery

Background: Chrome lived in the bad parts of Lumenia. Her parents argued everyday so to pass the time and get away from the fuss, she would explore the parts of where she lived but never went to the rich side. The side where people have food, good clothing, school, and such. When people saw her they would call her a street rat. She scowled and began to hate them, hate those that didnt give so she traveld to the deeper parts where she me t someone name Ralph. He taught her everything her parents didnt. Word, numbers , how to do this and that. He taught her mostly on reparing , and boulding things. She was able to biuld her own robot with the parts she found. One day when Ralph wasnt home she went back to her own place only to find her mother hanging from the broken down van with a knife in he stomach. She screamed in terror trying to find her dad only to find him in the tub with is eyes rolled back and the water being blood. She covered her eyes and ran out running back to Ralpj's house hopeing he could comfort her but instead found RAlph surviverly beaten to death and left with nothing. She fell to her knees screaming an crying. A few day sitting by Ralphs's side she burried him and began to walk the streets mummbling words that she repeated ove and over. " ..you left me..all alone"

Hobbies: Fixing things, biulding things, running, challenging herself, fighting

Likes: Anything with machinery or anything that deals with biulding or fixing, food,

Dislikes: Rich People, Her Parents, The ones who killed ralph, bad food,anything rich

Other: Straight

AppearenceView attachment 9934
Name: Yuki Nyay

Age(5-28, diversity!): 15

Personality: apathetic

Resident, volunteer, or homeless: homeless

Job: N/A

Backround: parents shot and killed by drunk soldiers, wondered nearby Lumenia afterword, covered in blood.

Hobbies/Likes/Dislikes: N/A

Other: Finnish accent, born in Helsinki, Finland

Appearance: She has 2 different colored eyes. One red, one blue. View attachment 9940
jesus whats with all the dark characters? Sun, youre accepted, but lets not let the gore get out of control
im adding a character~

Name:Cian(pronounced shaun) Morris

Age(5-28, diversity!): 16

Personality:bubbly and energetic, sporty and athletic

Resident, volunteer, or homeless: none of these. yet.

Job:(if old enough): a sporting good store

Backround:He lives at home alone because his parent are deployed together in Afghanistan. he has lived in a loving home since he was a child and is a friendly person, although he doesnt have any close friends because he was home schooled. he is good friends with Emerald, therefor knows about the home, tho he never visits.

Hobbies/Likes/Dislikes: he loves rollerblading and ice skating as well as just taking walks anywhere and he likes the rain. he oddly afraid of the tunderstorms


Appearance:(anime, realistic or description is fine):

View attachment 10235
Name: Kyler {Ky} Jackson

Age(5-28, diversity!): 14

Personality: quiet and acts almost mean to people he doesn't know or doesn't trust, but opens up around people he likes and is very kind and happy. jumps to anyones defense and sometimes gets in fights because of this.

Resident, volunteer, or homeless: resident

Job:(if old enough) runs errands for people sometimes

Backround: Ky lived with his grandparents when he was 6 because his father left and his mother was ill. When he was 8, his mother died and his grandfather died a year later. His grandmother couldn't support him so she sent him to the home.

Hobbies/Likes/Dislikes: He reads a lot and likes drawing. Spends a lot of time in the garden trying to grow stuff and reading out there. Doesn't like computers or anything technological because he can't work it.

Other: likes sweets and usually has a sucker in his mouth

Appearance:(anime, realistic or description is fine): Ky is somewhat tall for his age, 5'6" and skinny. He has tan skin and dark hair. His eyes are also dark and look almost black. His left ear is pierced with a silver stud and he has a pair of black glasses that almost never wears.
[MENTION=3276]yistae[/MENTION], im sorry but this RP is closed i already have too many people tpo keep on track, sorry im not accepting anymore.
Name: Thane Zanders

Age: 16

Personality: bubbly, upbeat and very friendly. tends to drag people around a bit, always looking for something to do.

Resident, Volunteer or Homeless: Resident

Job: the local petshop

Background: Thane had a relatively normal home life, he was happily living with his parents and his golden lab Georgia until his parents, who were chemical engineers, were involved in a lab explosion that left them both dead. Thane was left alone at the age of 14 until he discover the home. hes only been there 2 years, however, he enjoys his time there and can easily make new friends.

Hobbies and likes: animals, running, outdoors, rain

Dislikes and Fears: being stuck indoors, he is afraid of heights

Other: he has a 3 year old yellow lab

View attachment 11985

Appearance:View attachment 11986 he dyes his hair a bright red and his eyes can be described as "amber"
Name: leon

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: Very nerdy, smart but not all that shy. He is good with kids.

History: His father has always been a drunk, never able to look after him, one day his mother got pregnant, his father sobered up for a while and all was good. When his little brother turned one, he was 16 and he always took looked after the baby and his mother. Earning extra money and stuff. His father slowly relapsed and began to drink and do drugs, Leon became the father figure. His mother died of an untreated cancer and his brother was left in his care. One day he came he and couldn't hear his brother playing and he panicked, walking inside and finding blood all over the floor, his father passed out beside the dead toddlers body. He found out about the home and decided to help out, part time.

Job: he is a manager at an employment agency, it pays well.

Hobbies: Charity work and reading (text books and stuff)

Likes: ice cream, dinosaurs and explosions

Dislikes: breaking the rules and rude people<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/image.jpg.923425594ef023a77387eebbc7e399ec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="421" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/image.jpg.923425594ef023a77387eebbc7e399ec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Valory Mascett

Age(5-28, diversity!): 17

Personality: Wild and what many perceive as untameable, Valory has a temper that is sparked easier than a stick of dynamite. She is easy to trigger and deadly when you piss her off, but she's a generally nice person. She's flirty, confident and gives as good as she gets. She also has an odd sense of humor

Resident, volunteer, or homeless: Resident

Job: N/A yet

Backround: Valory bounced around the system for years, an orphan with a history of petty crime, things like shop lifting and all that. She was sentenced by a court order to live at Faith's home for a set period of time as a condition of parole from her more recent crimes. She had spent six months in a juvenile delinquency centre before they released her on good behaviour.

Hobbies/Likes/Dislikes: fixing things, stirring trouble, flirting, messing with people's heads, dislikes the colour orange


Appearance:(anime, realistic or description is fine): http://s1355.photobucket.com/user/IndubidablyAli/media/tumblr_lnswtuCM9x1qejdlq_zps1b045530.png.html
Name: Lace Luckless

Age(5-28, diversity!):18

Personality:Lace can be a cocky ***** at times, but it happens to the best of us , Majority of the time lace is a fire cracker (ironic right:), out going, silly, and loyal. At first meeting she can seem shy, and cold, but once you've to talked for a while you learn.

Resident, volunteer, or homeless: New Resident

Job:(if old enough) Stripper

Backround: Lace was born Aug 29 1994, she was taken into an orphanage at age two, her parents dropped her off at the door, with a letter, a blanket, and a stuffed snow man. Over the years lace was adopted many times, and all of the adoptions ended the same, with a one way trip back to the orphanage. Once her new parents would find out about her special abilities, they would either think she was a demon, or just plainly a freak. Age 10 was last time she would be adopted, she made sure of that. That day when she was returned, she through such a tantrum the orphanage still talked about it years later.

After that the care takers wouldn't even call her down, when potential parents would show up. When lace turned 18 she ran away from the orphanage, taking everything she had in the would with her.(her baby blanket, her beat up stuffed snowman, the note from her parents, and a couple of worn out outfits, along with 200 hundred dollars she had managed to save up) She didn't really have a plan, but she knew she needed to get out of that place. The orphanage workers, weren't abusive, but they weren't the nicest people.Everyone there stayed away from her either to scared, or didn't want to catch the freakishness (their words not mine) After a couple days, of living on the street lace was offered a job in a strip club, and she eagerly accepted, and now it looks like shes the new resident at faiths home for lost hearts

Hobbies/Likes/Dislikes: hobbies/likes:partying,drinking,friends,drawing,sleeping, shopping, dancing Dislikes: judgmental people, bad attitudes


Appearance:(anime, realistic or description is fine):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_KwRbLYXNyS831547425.jpg.0fc6272fd5c44244a271562637726f66.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="457" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Snap_KwRbLYXNyS831547425.jpg.0fc6272fd5c44244a271562637726f66.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Erm....I'm sorry but this RP kinda became private between me and 2 other people awhile ago. Thanks for showing interest though... sorry.

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