~Where the Lost get Found~ Info and Sign up


Cupcake Fairy
RP: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/4804-Where-the-Lost-get-Found-RP?highlight=lost+found

Welcome! what brings you to the city of Lumenia?((i like unusual names :P ))

you lost you say? well, if you have no place to go you are welcome to stay at Faiths Home for Lost Hearts. all children and teens birth to 18 are allowed to stay with us. oh? no, no, we dont say orphanage, this is a home, so make your self comfortable!

Lumenia: a large city with many historical buildings. a beautiful place for site seeing. there are parks, a large lake with a beach, museums, etc.

Faiths Home for Lost Hearts is near the heart of the city(of course) run by Faith Ernst and her little sister Emerald.

there is a park across from the home, and a cafe nearby.

there is a combination junior-senior highschool a block away.

inside the home:

~a small library

~a childrens gym(for indoor tag and such)

~a teens gym(sports, workouts etc)

~two study rooms (for tutoring, teaching elementary students etc)

~large 4 bed dorms for elementary children to share

~nursury for toddlers and infants

~indiviual or 2 bed dorms for junior and senior high kids.

~kitchen, open to highschool only, junior high with granted permission.

~baths are in dorms, restrooms throught the home.

~garden and playground in the back yard of the building

Chara sheet:


Age(5-28, diversity!):


Resident, volunteer, or homeless:

Job:(if old enough)




Appearance:(anime, realistic or description is fine):

Please wait to be accepted thank you!
Name:Faith Ernst

Age(5-28, diversity!): 25

Personality:warm and motherly, gets lonely easy, a very docile and calm person

Resident, volunteer, or homeless:owner of the home

Job:(if old enough):owner of the home

Backround: Faith met a young man named Fayt Daemon when she was 16. he was 18 and they went to the same school. she began volunteering at his mothers home: Daemons home for lost children. they began dating when she was 18 and were engaged 4 years later. they ran the home themselves when Fayts mother died to ovarian cancer a month before their engagement. they renamed the home Faiths Home for Lost Hearts in honor of their engagement, and so that ms. Daemon would rest in peace knowing the home was in capable hands. half a year later, 2 months before their wedding, Fayt was involved in a hit and run accident, and was pronounced dead upon impact. Faith still runs the home with her sister, and keeps her engagement ring in a music box in her room as a reminder of the family she wouldve had.

Hobbies/Likes/Dislikes: she enjoys singing, piano, gardening and cooking, likes recieving flowers or home made goods as gifts. she is a cat person, but also loves children and babies. she is afraid of thunderstorms despite her age.

Other: she keeps a cat in the home by the name of Icepaw

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Appearance:(anime, realistic or description is fine):View attachment 9754

Name: Emerald Ernst

Age(5-28, diversity!): 15

Personality: tomboyish, naive with love, sporty and good humored

Resident, volunteer, or homeless: lives there with her sister

Job:(if old enough): helps out at the home

Backround: Emerald and Faith are sisters, but didnt see each other much because their parents were split. Emerald stayed in the next town over with their mother while Faith lived in Lumenia with their father. when Faith was engaged, Emerald came to Lumenia to help at the home while they prepared for the wedding. Emerald was with Faith during the burial of her fiance and decided to permanently move to shelter to help her sister out.

Hobbies/Likes/Dislikes: Emerald loves soccer and plays on the JV team at the high school. she is also into roller blading at the skate park, and playing with the kids at the shelter. she, despite being a brave tomboy, has a fear of the dark and sleeps with a lava lamp in her room at night.

Other:Emerald has a butterfly tattoo on her ankle to represent her free spirited personality.

Appearance:(anime, realistic or description is fine):View attachment 9755

Name: Jonah Simon

Age(5-28, diversity!): 8

Personality: shy and introverted. he is intellegent, but doesnt talk much. he tends to clinge to Faith a lot.

Resident, volunteer, or homeless: Resident

Job:(if old enough)

Backround: Jonah came from a broken family. he went between his verbally abusive mother, and his uncaring father. while his mother always called him stupid, useless, and an accident, his father never payed any attention to him at all. he always studied hard because he thought he could get their approval, and even took piano lessons at school. at school he was phsically bullied. pushed off the swings, shoved aside, food thrown at him. one summer he spent in Lumenia with his father, he ran away. Emerald found him and brought him to the home where Faith cared for him. his parents never came looking for him so he became a resident of the home and stays in a room with 3 other little boys.

Hobbies/Likes/Dislikes: he loves the piano, and cakes and cookies. he is afraid of dogs because he once got chased by one on his way home from school.

Other: even though he is schooled at the Home with the other elementary kids, he is about 2 grade levels higher then his age group. Faith further taught him piano and when he feels comfortable playing without her she will sing along with his playing.

Appearance:(anime, realistic or description is fine):View attachment 9756
Name: Dr. Alexander Morrison, but most call him Alex

Age: 21

Personality: Alex is an intelligent guy. In fact, he is a certified genius. He is not arrogant, instead opting to use his intelligence to benefit others. He is also kind and caring, generous and warm, and loyal to a fault. However, he can hold grudges longer than most, and he has a vicious mean streak to those that cross him. So, don't give him reason to want revenge against you. He has a dry, sarcastic sense of humor, as is characteristic of his British ethnicity.

Role: Alex's fiancé was an avid volunteer at the home, and he was an orphan, himself. Now, he is returning as a volunteer to help give back to the place that made her so happy.

Job: Alex is the youngest professor ever at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. He is the Head of the Science Department at all three institutions, as well as the Professor of Advanced Theoretical Physics.

Background: Alex was recognized as a genius, no, a prodigy, in both musicianship and academics. The pressure on him was immense, and he had no real childhood to speak of. His parents were rich CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, so he had all the money he could want. When they died suddenly by being mugged, the board of directors took over, leaving him to grieve and continue with his life alone. Thus, he hardened at a young age. He graduated high school at 14, college at 16, and obtained his Ph. D. in Physics at 20. It was during the 4 years he spent earning his doctorate that he met Laura. Laura was a genius, on par with even Alex. However, more than that, she was daring, adventurous, and fun to be around. Slowly, they fell in love, with Laura breaking Alex's shell. Eventually, they were engaged. But, tragically, the night before their wedding was to occur, Laura was killed in a mugging, a sickening reminder of Alex's parents' death. Since then, Alex has begun to work at the home because Laura used to love to work there, as well as due to his connection with orphans. But, her memory still pains his heart, and he still gets moody when she is mentioned.

Hobbies/Likes/Dislikes: Alex is a violin/piano prodigy, as well as a champion chess player. He is an avid reader of books, and he loves to conduct crazy, and not entirely safe science experiments. Alex likes sushi and steak, an he is an eccentric wine and cheese connoisseur. He is also a fan of basketball, having been a pretty good player in high school and college. Alex dislikes dishonesty and treachery, and he doesn't tolerate bullying. He will always protect the young ones, and he dislikes being told what to do.

Other: He is British... which makes him awesome.

Appearance: Alex has been described as gorgeous and stunningly handsome, although, during his childhood, he had no time for such pursuits. Then, later, he only had eyes for Laura. He is 6' even, and he is lean, yet muscular. He has piercing emerald eyes that seem to shine when he is interested in something. His hair falls in bouncy, blonde curls around his head, and he wears a pair of black, stylish glasses, although they are not a necessity. Alex has tan skin. For clothing, he wears three-piece suits when going formal. Otherwise, casually, he wears a white, unbuttoned dress shirt with the cuffs rolled up to mid-forearm, a loosely tied tie, a pair of casual tan khakis, and a pair of his favorite loafers. He is also prone to having sunglasses on his shirt's pocket, and he loves fedoras.
Name: Louis O'Brien

Age(5-28, diversity!): 16

Personality: A bit loner-esk, very shy and it takes a strong person to break his barrier, a nerd, a computer whiz,

Resident, volunteer, or homeless: Homeless

Job:(if old enough): (I dunno what the age is, but um, if he's old enough) A repairman

Backround: He lost his memory at 7 after he had a major concussion.

Hobbies/Likes/Dislikes: He enjoys baking and cooking in general, he paints regularly, he'd like to be a tattoo aritist, he plays guitar


Appearance:(anime, realistic or description is fine):
both Accepted. Gabe, by the sounds of it, Laura would have gotten along with Faith so im going to say they were friends till she passed. it gives a good backround.
Name: Astley Colt

Age(5-28, diversity!): 25

Personality: Astley is kind and caring, with a cheerful disposition and a love for kids. His kind hearted nature has made him somewhat of a target for loss, but he deals with it as best he can, trying to move on and put the past behind him. he is strong willed, charismatic and stubborn as a mule.

Resident, volunteer, or homeless: Volunteer

Job: Teacher at the local high school

Backround: Astley has always wanted a child. He lost the love of his life and his unborn child in a car accident three years previous, where he and his wife had been waiting to cross the street and a car careened around the corner, hitting them both. When he woke up he was told that his wife and unborn child hadn't made it through the surgery. He spiralled downwards in grief for a long time, unable to pull his head to the surface. Then he found the Home. The children, young and full of life, inspired him to move on, to keep them in his memory but don't stop living his life. He knew his wife wouldn't want that.

Hobbies/Likes/Dislikes: Enjoys his volunteer work at the Home, reads a lot, dislikes people who dont have respect


Appearance:(anime, realistic or description is fine):

View attachment 9799

Name: Antonia (Toni) Jones

Age(5-28, diversity!): 16

Personality: bright and bubbly around her friends, but deep down is lonely, so very lonely. She suffers from depression and anxiety and has been known to break down from little things in the past, but her friends work hard to cheer her up when that happens. She is dependable, loyal and honest, and has a kind heart. She also has a temper that can snap when pushed the wrong way.

Resident, volunteer, or homeless: Resident

Job: Waitress in the local cafe

Backround: Toni grew up in the small town of Mungandi, northern Australia. She had few friends,but those she had stuck by her through everything, her depression, her home issues and even the attempt to end her own life. She had one friend through it all, but when she needed one the most, they weren't there. On her fourteenth birthday her family went on vacation to Lumenia and her parents were killed in a tragic accident, leaving her alone. She was sent to Faith's Home and has been there for two years.

Hobbies/Likes/Dislikes: Jelly, taking random photos, drawing, chocolate, dislikes haters, homophobes

Other: bisexual

Appearance:(anime, realistic or description is fine):

View attachment 9798

May make more later but im not sure yet :P

- Calliope 'Cali' Rose

- 17

- Developmental

- Resident

- Library Assistant

- Abandoned at the age of six at a hotel in Lumenia

- Likes ~ Art, School, Reading, Music

Dislikes ~ Noise, Order

- None

Both acceoted. I'm currently running errands, but in an hour or two I will have posted the rp. And probably another character.
P.S. if anyone wishes to have a pet thats fine, i find animals make for good character conversation. if you are a resident of the home you have to clear it with me first.
the RP has been posted~ http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/4804-Where-the-Lost-get-Found-RP?highlight=lost+found

im adding another character~

Name:Kael Evans


Personality:gentlmanly, kind, a friend to all. protective and somewhat naive to love.

Resident, volunteer, or homeless: he is resident, but this is his last year.

Job:(if old enough): he works at a local floral shop

Backround: Kael was 10 when his mother died so he has been at the shelter for almost 8 full years. he never let her death get him down and was even around to help Emerald and Faith following the death of Faiths fiance. he sees Faith as his mother figure and has a lot of respect for women.

Hobbies/Likes/Dislikes: he loves flowers and has a Viola he play for the children occasionally. he hates sexism and cant stand spicy food. heights make him uncomfortable

Other:he has a pet dwarf hamster named Eddy who goes everywhere but school with him.

Appearance:(anime, realistic or description is fine):

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[MENTION=646]Xx-Katherine-xX[/MENTION] I like the idea, but his personality descriptions does say that he is naive to love, (despite being 18) so how about they are close friends, and Kael doesn't quite understand his feelings yet?
Name: Francesca "Frankie" McEvoy

Age(5-28, diversity!):13(just shy of 14)

Personality: A lot of the time Frankie is quiet and introverted. She'll keep to herself, not talking much when it's necessary, when she does talk she gets to the point quickly. Her body language tends to be particularly emotive somewhat making up for her silence. However every once in a while Frankie show's her other side, excitable, energetic and a bubbly. This change usually comes with her being actively engaged and interested in her current situation. The shift tends to be more situational than personal. Due to her past Frankie has issues making bonds with adults, having trust issues since the adults in her life before weren't there for her when she needed them.

Resident, volunteer, or homeless: Resident

Job: N/A

Background: Frankie was raised by a workaholic single mother, Frankie receiving any attention usually banked on her success in competitive swimming. Frankie worked hard to be successful in swimming for the sake of making her mother proud, a feat which always seemed just out of reach. At age 11 Frankie became the victim of regular sexual abuse from one of the high-school aged assistant coaches. After this abuse went on for over a year before Frankie built up the courage to tell someone, and when she did no one believed her, not her mother, not the coaches, not even her school counselor. After this Frankie hardened up inside, she became cold to the world, and kept to herself. She refused to participate in swimming anymore. After a few months refusing to swim, things blew up between Frankie and her mother, Frankie continued asserting that her abuse happened and that she would no longer swim, and her mother claimed not knowing what to do with Frankie and was expressing plans to force her to continue swimming. The fight extended to the point that Frankie walked out on her mom. She had heard of Faith's Home so she made her way there, she's been living there for about 6 months.

Hobbies/Likes/Dislikes: Frankie like's Pokemon and can often be found playing Pokemon games on her Nintendo DS. She has a general interest in fantasy worlds immersing herself in series like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. She spends a lot of time reading when she can. Frankie dislikes being dirty, she doesn't mind being sweaty, but when it comes to actually getting covered in dirt and grime she hates it.

Other: Frankie is slowly getting back to the point where she can go to a pool and swim as stress relief. However this is riding a fine line because while she has a strong affinity for the water being in a pool environment still brings up many bad memories for her.

Appearance:(anime, realistic or description is fine): Frankie stands at about 4 foot 10 inches tall. Her body is thin and toned from having built up good eating and exorcizing habits as a young athlete. Her hair is fashioned in a side cut, the short hair just too short to grab on to, the long hair, razor cut, just about makes it to her shoulder. Her hair is brown with artificially blond streaking. Her eyes, framed by almost too much black eyeliner, are a soft brown, they often take up an almost hollow look showing that her mind isn't completely focused on the world around her. Frankie's face is spotted with a small amount of acne but she is far from plagued. Her wardrobe includes lots of pants and shorts and not many skirts, screened t-shirts and oversized hoodies. Unless required Frankie will walk around barefoot, she prefers flip-flops to actual shoes and when she does wear shoes she prefers low top Converse All-Stars, something that while a bit tight on the foot have little padding and give the feet air to breathe.
[MENTION=3980]TiggerTots[/MENTION] Accepted! i love detailed bios, so thanks for putting the time in! jump in when youre ready.

[MENTION=3980]TiggerTots[/MENTION] Accepted! i love detailed bios, so thanks for putting the time in! jump in when youre ready.

double derped it there.....
Name: Kyan Anderson

Age(5-28, diversity!): 15

Personality: Cheerful, bubbly, innocent and sweet. He does anything he can to help out and has the slightest crush on Emerald. He looks up to Faith like a mother, having never known his own. He is intelligent and bounces around like a big ball of positive energy, seeming to make the room light up when he's around. He's also a hopeless romantic but he's terribly shy when it comes to asking girls out. He loves animals and often can be found playing with them and the little children. He has a real affinity for both, being so gentle by nature.

Resident, volunteer, or homeless: Resident

Job:Works at the pet shop

Backround:Kyan was an only child. His mother died during childbirth, giving birth to both him and his twin brother so his father was left to look after them. When he was five he was kidnapped from right under his father's nose while they were at the park and brought to Lumenia. The police found him when raiding the house with a warrant to search the premises for illegal drugs. They found him hidden in the cellar, scared and terrified. By that stage his father had moved, assuming his son dead, and taking the other son with him, and so he was dumped on the home, aged seven and scared, afraid of this new place. But faith had coaxed him out, cared for him and made him feel welcome

Hobbies/Likes/Dislikes: Animals, drawing, scrabble, soduko, kids, dislikes thunder, broccoli, pumpkin and brussel sprouts

Other: Best friend is Toni, has a puppy named Scarecrow

Appearance:(anime, realistic or description is fine):

View attachment 9880

Name: Gerard 'Rocky' Michaels

Age(5-28, diversity!): 17

Personality: Rocky is sarcastic, cold and uncaring about most people. He only cares for his best friend, his python. He likes to be left alone, but doesnt mind some company if they arent too cheery. For this reason he dislikes Kyan incredibly. The boy just really gets on his nerves. He doesn't know much about love, doesn't care for it. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn't, well too bad. Life goes on. Sometimes he wishes it didn't. He suffers from severe depression, and anger issues. He's smart, and has a talent for photography, art and music, but he never shows anyone what he can do.

Resident, volunteer, or homeless: Resident

Job: Photographer

Backround: Rocky walked out on his family after his sister's death which really knocked him around a fair bit. She was his only friend, with him being an odd child, being bullied when he was young. She was the only one who stood up for him. He was devastated when she passed on. It was the trigger that made him snap, sinking into depression, trying to kill himself. His parents found him and he was rushed to a hospital, but when he woke, instead of them asking if he was okay, they demanded to know how he could be so goddamned selfish, how the hell he could do that to them when they just lost his sister. He snapped. The first night he was home again, he packed up his stuff, took the python his sister gave him for his birthday two years before and walked out.

Hobbies/Likes/Dislikes: photography, music, drawing, snakes, spiders, strawberry milkshakes, well anything strawberry and musicals. He hates overhappiness, hates his parents, and avoids conversation if he can help it.

Other: Has a python named Helena, has never been kissed.

Appearance:(anime, realistic or description is fine):

View attachment 9879

Name: Abigail Mensford

Age(5-28, diversity!): 17

Personality: Kind hearted, quiet, caring, shy and nervous, Abi worries a lot about what the future holds for her. She doesnt remember any of her past, which worries her a lot and gives her a lot of uncertainty. How does she know if anything she does or says now is something she would have done before. She, like Kyan, wants to be cared for and to have someone to love, but her lack of knowledge for herself holds her back.

Resident, volunteer, or homeless: Resident

Job: Baby sitter

Backround: Abi woke up in the hospital four years earlier with no recollection of who she was or where she came from. She learned that she'd been in a trainwreck and had been in a coma for a month. Her guardian had also been killed on the train. A side effect of the coma was that she suffered cronic amnesia. She couldn't remember anything from before that day that she woke up in the hospital. As an orphan, she went to Faith's home, and she learnt that it wasn't always a bad thing to have no memory. She got to recreate herself, and had a chance to relive her life all over again.

Hobbies/Likes/Dislikes: painting, writing poetry and stories, dislikes her lack of her memory, dislikes bullying


Appearance:(anime, realistic or description is fine):

View attachment 9878
Name: Ava-Rose

Age(5-28, diversity!): 5

Personality: Shy quiet, but she will talk to people. Is only really not shy around Astley, the first person she trusted

Resident, volunteer, or homeless: resident

Job:(if old enough): N/A

Backround: She had an abusive mother and drunk father, they both died one night, from an overdose on drugs and because no one knew them, no one found Ava, until Astley did, when she was two, three months after her parents died. She barley remembers any of it.

Hobbies/Likes/Dislikes: Teddy bears, playing and warm and shiny things. The night sky

Other: She has a slash down her chest

Appearance:(anime, realistic or description is fine):

Name: Rosaline

Age(5-28, diversity!):18

Personality: Very quiet, shy and primitive, she likes the warms and despises loud noises. She is quite persuasive and picks up more than most. She has learnt to read people like books and when she is attached to someone she is very close to them.

Resident, volunteer, or homeless: resident

Job:(if old enough): works in a book store

Background: Her father was a judge, who put a rather notorious killer in jail and that killer wanted revenge. He stalked her family for a while and noticed that his only daughter seemed to be the best way to get to him. One night while her father was at the court late, he snuck into the house and drugged the girl. She was fully aware of everything that happened, she could feel it to, just not move, nor make a sound. He got out a knife and carved a pattern, his trademark on her body. These cuts were deep and would have caused immense pain. They are all over her upper and lower back, but thighs and legs. She had episodes for ages, her mother and father couldn't deal with it and abandoned her, this has hurt her deeply.

Hobbies/Likes/Dislikes: She loves the piano and music quite a lot, the loves the quiet yet hates it.

Other:Since her accident she has been quite forward and primitive, speaking one or two words at a time and rarely a sentence. She gets scared of knives and medicines so has to see special herbal doctors

Appearance:(anime, realistic or description is fine):

Name: Roxanne "Roxy" Karezi

Age(5-28, diversity!): 17

Personality: Quiet, a bit geeky, has a tendency to correct people, has a secret love for three sports; Soccer, Volleyball and Tennis,

Resident, volunteer, or homeless: Resident

Job:(if old enough) A psychologist

Backround: Raised by her father, he pressured her always. Made her take part in every interschool sport activity he found, rugby, cricket, swimming, equestrian, the whole lot, until one day she got an injury from falling off her horse and being trampled by other horses. She eventually recovered but her father didn't even want to look at her anymore. She got blamed for everything after that day. Her father always telling her he hated her and wished she didn't exist. She stayed locked up in her room most of the time, in case she would get emotionally damaged. When she came out once, her father was holding a butcher knife, sharpening it and wiping it. He saw her and smiled, runnign after her. She ran into her room and locked it, running away with not much. The last she'd heard of her father was that he was in a mental institution. She didn't want anyone else going through that, so she studied psych so she could help all those. She eventually came across FHFLH and has been living there since.

Hobbies/Likes/Dislikes: She likes reading, practicing her psych on unsuspecting people just by assessing their actions and words and such, she likes decorating things and she loves animals, she despises ducks for some unknown reason, and hates pushy people

Other: She has a pet teacup pomeranian that looks like a panda that's named Sir Leslie Whiffenpouffe or Leslie for short

Appearance:(anime, realistic or description is fine):
Name: Ashton Michaels

Age: 17

Personality: Bubbly and often indecisive. She is constantly seeking approval but keeps to herself. She likes to read, write, and draw in solitude. She often spouts out quotes and she likes to sing herself to sleep. She prefers sweet tea over soda and loves chocolate covered strawberries.

Resident, volunteer, or homeless: Resident

Job: She volunteers daily at the local pet shelter

Backround: She was constantly moved from home to home, but her foster parents didn't like her because she was mostly silent. When she was about fourteen, she suffered from anorexia but stopped doing that and got back on the right track at age fifteen. She also got diagnosed with ptsd and mild depression because she was beaten by her dad and her mom had died when she was five. She always tries to keep herself smiling and thinking about something happy. After all, this wonderful home accepted her.

Hobbies/Likes/Dislikes: She enjoys writing, singing, reading, and art. She hates fighting and bees and wasps because of a traumatic child incident involving a nest of wasps.

Other: She had a cutting problem too but keeps it under control



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