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Realistic or Modern 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐒 𝐆𝐎 𝐓𝐎 𝐃𝐈𝐄 — the apps


Elder Member

  • intro


    joy division


    ituated along the northeastern coastline, Cape Hope is an ill-named town. Each morning, a dense fog rolls in off the sea, covering the old and sleepy buildings like a blanket made of lead, unmovable despite how far into the day it is. The clouds hanging low overhead never quite break long enough for any sliver of sunlight to peak through, leaving the air perpetually damp with the promise of rain. And the people that live there…

    The wooden sign standing like an omen at the town border reads, “Cape Hope, a home away from home. You’ll never want to leave!” Yet, the paint is chipping, smiling family drawn in a vintage fashion no longer an inviting sight—their eyes almost completely worn away now from years of storm-battering. The sign rings true, though. Most people don’t leave just as most people don’t come anywhere near if they have the choice.

    Four years ago, a group of graduating seniors, along with their closest friends, took a boat out into the harbor to celebrate their newfound freedom. The next morning, one of their bodies washed up on the shore, displaying signs of anything but an accidental death. The only people that know what happened that night are the teens that were aboard that vessel, but their stories all stayed the same: no one remembered seeing her there at all.

    Annabel Hope was only a few weeks away from her eighteenth birthday. With the title of Valedictorian and a Brown scholarship under her belt, she had a world of opportunity laid out before her until someone decided to take matters into their own hands, putting an abrupt halt to the life she’d worked endlessly for.

    A month later, Mayor Hope announced the cancellation of the city’s Fourth of July celebration—the small town didn’t have much to offer in terms of tourism, and what little activity they did get from lone stragglers looking for something to do on the holidays could be kissed goodbye.

    Mayor Hope hasn’t made many public appearances since then, but according to his secretary, he doesn’t go home much, either. More times than not, she finds him passed out on his desk, next to an empty whiskey glass and old police reports.

    The wooden sign standing like an omen at the town border reads, “Cape Hope, the place where hopes go to die,” large, red paint sprayed over the original design. It doesn’t matter how many times town officials send someone out to clean it, the warning always finds a way back to the weathered surface.

    Someone knows something—those words are a threat as much as they are foreboding advice—and it’s only a matter of time before the truth is forced out, especially now that someone bearing a startling resemblance to Annabel has just moved to town.

    ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───​

    name —
    nickname(s) —
    age —
    gender —
    sexuality —
    role —​

    height —
    weight —
    appearance — can be written as a paragraph description or broken up by eyes, hair, etc.
    face claim —​

    personality — 3+ paragraph description
    pos. traits — 5+
    neg. traits — 5+
    likes —
    dislikes —
    fears —​

    background — 5+ paragraph description of whatever you find necessary for us to know in order to understand your character, particularly where it pertains to their relationship with annabel​




who is right,

who can


thriller, mystery




spots open



a good girl’s guide to murder, i killed zoe spanos

♡coded by uxie♡

Savannah Huntington

#The Rival

#Kaitlyn Dever

♡coded by uxie♡


Like a ghost.

Full Name

Lizzy Hamlin


The New Girl

Age & D.o.b

19, July 30th

Gender & Sexuality

Female, Bisexual


Face Claim

Becky G

Height & Weight

5'4, 54 kg

Hair & Eyes

Straight long brown hair and green/hazel eyes


Has a slim, curvy, slightly athletic build.

dist. features

Tan skin, natural rosy cheeks, naturally long lashes, Australian accent.

body modifications

Multiple ear piercings, belly button piercing, and small moon crest tattoo on her ankle.

Bury a friend

Billie Eilish



Sometimes it's easier to pretend that you don't care, than to admit it's killing you

Positive traits: Caring, Optimistic, trustworthy, witty, Brave
Negative traits: Argumentative, Impulsive, Defensive, Stubborn, Difficult


Lizzy Hamlin is a vibrant and passionate young woman with a deep love for storytelling and adventure. She channels her thoughts and feelings into writing, filling the pages of her journals with observations, mysteries, and the occasional witty remark. Lizzy dreams of one day becoming a writer or journalist, where her sharp mind and observant eye for detail will shine.

Her optimistic nature often makes her the glue that holds her people together, always ready with a smile or an encouraging word. However, Lizzy's strong sense of justice and her brave spirit can also make her very argumentative when she feels something is wrong. She's not one to back down from a challenge and can be stubborn, often refusing to let go of an idea until she’s satisfied with the outcome.

Lizzy’s impulsive nature leads her to dive straight into adventures, whether it’s exploring a new place, taking on a personal challenge, or solving a mystery that others might overlook. Her quick cleverness and ability to think on her feet serve her well in these situations, but her tendency to act first and think later can sometimes land her in bad positions.

Despite her defensive side, which can make her seem difficult or unapproachable at times, Lizzy is deeply caring and trustworthy. She values her relationships and is always there for those she loves, even if it means putting her own needs aside. With a love for the unknown and a thing for solving problems, Lizzy is the kind of person who turns life into an adventure, one story at a time. A story she wishes to share one day, along with many others.


Journaling, Writing stories, Solving puzzles, The outdoors, Photography, Novels, Reading, Animals, Coffee shops, Rainy days, Sports, Traveling, Listening to music, Meeting new people, Swimming, Partying, Taking Walks, Exploring


Injustice, Arrogance, Ignorance, Routines, Being judged, Crowded places, Being bossed around, Waiting, Dishonesty, Being stuck in one place, Disrespect


Failing, Losing her loved ones, Feeling trapped, Rejection, Having to be dependent on someone other than herself, Being vulnerable, The unknown.



Early Life

Lizzy Hamlin was born in Australia on assumably, July 30th. As a baby she was adopted into a family that was constantly on the move. Her parents, both in careers that required lots of relocating. That made sure that Lizzy never stayed in one place for too long. From a young age, she became familiar to packing up her life and starting over in a new town or city every few years. This type of lifestyle could have been challenging for many people, but she embraced it with an adventurous, positive spirit. Growing up, Lizzy was always the new girl. Every few years, she found herself in a new school, walking into classrooms filled with unfamiliar faces. At first, it was difficult, but Lizzy quickly learned to adapt. She developed a natural charm and friendliness that made it easy for her to connect with others, even if it was just for a short time. She loved the excitement of meeting new people and exploring new places, viewing each move as a fresh start and a new adventure.

However, the downside of constantly moving was the difficulty in keeping long-term friendships. Lizzy would make friends, only to leave them behind when her family moved again. Though she tried to stay in touch, distance and time often made it hard to keep those connections alive. Over time, she learned to cherish the moments she had with people, knowing that they might not last, but still hoping to make the most of them. Even with all of the challenges, Lizzy never resented her parents for their lifestyle. They always made sure she knew she was loved and supported, no matter where they were. Her parents encouraged her to explore her passions, which is how she found comfort in writing. Her journal became her absolute best friend, a place where she could pour out her thoughts, feelings, the tales of her travels or time in new places and the stories she created in her mind. Writing became her way of making sense of her ever-changing world.

Lizzy’s love for adventure and her ability to adapt to new environments shaped her into a resilient and resourceful young woman. Her experiences growing up taught her to be brave, to embrace the unknown, even though it scared her, and to find beauty in the nature of life. Now, as she prepares to start over once again in Cape Hope, Lizzy is ready to take on whatever challenges come her way.


After graduating high school, Lizzy Hamlin decided to take a gap year, eager to break free from the classroom and explore the world with her parents. At 19, she was at a crossroad in her life, not quite ready to dive into college but eager to get new experiences and inspiration for her writing. When her parents announced their next move to a small town on the Northeastern coastline called Cape Hope, Lizzy saw it as another opportunity for adventure and maybe the spark she needed to start her creative fire again. From the moment Lizzy set foot in the town, something felt off. The warm welcome she usually received in new places was absent. Instead, she noticed the town’s residents giving her strange looks. Conversations would suddenly stop as she walked by, replaced by whispers and glances. The friendly small-town vibe she expected was overshadowed by an air of unease that Lizzy couldn’t quite place.

At first, she shrugged it off, attributing the odd behavior to the usual curiosity that came with being new in a small town. As the days passed, the whispers and stares only grew. Her natural curiosity, combined with her love for solving mysteries, pushed her to dig deeper. Something was clearly wrong in Cape Hope, and Lizzy was determined to figure out what it was. She began asking questions around town, striking up conversations with shopkeepers, café owners, and anyone who would talk to her. Most people were polite but distant, offering little information. However, Lizzy’s persistence paid off when she overheard a group of older women talking in hushed tones at the local bakery. They mentioned a name—Annabel Hope.

Annabel Hope, a young girl who was tragically murdered before graduating from her senior year four years prior. The more Lizzy learned about Annabel and her case by looking her up, the more she realized why the townspeople looked at her so strangely. Lizzy bore an uncanny resemblance to the Annabel Hope. From the shape of her face to the color of her hair, it was as if Lizzy was a mirror image of the girl who had died so tragically. The realization scared her a bit, but it also piqued her interest. Lizzy had always loved a good mystery, and now she found herself at the center of one that was as real as it was haunting.

In just a month, Lizzy had gone from being the new girl in town to the focal point of an unsolved mystery that had lingered in the shadows of Cape Hope for years. The eerie connection she felt to Annabel and the way the townspeople reacted to her only deepened her curiosity. Lizzy couldn’t help but feel that there was more to the story, something that the town was hiding, the people were hiding, something that needed to be uncovered. With her journalist’s instinct kicking in, Lizzy was determined to figure out what happened to Annabel Hope. The town’s whispers no longer intimidated her; they fueled her curiosity and her drive to find the truth. Lizzy didn't know why she felt so drawn to the case. For some reason she seemed connected to Annabel Hope somehow. It was weird because she has never met the girl in her life. The answers lay somewhere, and Lizzy was determined to find them, no matter what...But she may need help. Help from who? She has no idea yet.

-Nancy Drew

"A good detective knows that every crime is a mystery waiting to be solved, and it’s the detective’s job to uncover the truth"

-Sherlock Holmes

“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”

-Sherlock Holmes

“The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.”

Lizzy's Journal

What was Annabel Hope like? How did her life and death shape the town and its people? Why did the investigation into Annabel’s death close without finding the culprit? Were there any leads that were overlooked? What impact could trying to solve Annabel’s case have on Cape Hope? Will it bring justice, or stir up more trouble?

Lizzy Sayings

“If you’re not curious, you’re not living.”, “When life hands you a mystery, grab a notebook and a detective hat.”, “Curiosity didn’t just kill the cat; it gave her a whole new adventure.”, “If something feels off, it usually means there’s more to discover.”




♡coded by uxie♡

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Peter "Petie" Winwood

#class alt boy


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