• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy Where Dreams go to Die (OOC)


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


This is the out-of-character discussion for Where Dreams go to Die. Here, you can ask questions about the story, post your character profile for review, plot with other players, or just crack stupid jokes.

All of RPN’s rules apply, as well as a few of my own. If you bully another user – make them feel bad about their character, or their writing – you’re out. You’ll be thread-banned. That sort of negativity is absolutely not welcome. If you post inappropriate topics or pictures, you will have both a super moderator and an admin breathing down your neck. And, while I welcome constructive criticism and suggestions, I will not hesitate to toss out a roleplayer who continually nitpicks my choices and challenges my authority at GM (or Mordecai’s as co-GM) within this thread.

Get it? Got it? Good.
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It occurred to me that perhaps you all might benefit from knowing that the roleplay thread exists and has relevant information on it. As stated in the interest check thread, the "real world" part of this roleplay will be taking place in San Jose, California. I've never been there myself, so I'm not looking for accuracy in the setting. Just know that it's a big American city near the beach and in an area that's got a lot of money and tech companies.

Also, for Creator and Elle - NOW the OOC is open for posting.

@Jaysun @Mr. Grin @Peaceswore @Pentagon @Phaesaris @simj22 @SkyGinge @Sunbather @The Creator Prime @ViAdvena @Writer @Yesman @Zahzi
Soooo... can we talk about how literally (aside from a few blondes) - Olive is literally the only colorful person in those CS Reserves?
[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]Soooo... can we talk about how literally (aside from a few blondes) - Olive is literally the only colorful person in those CS Reserves?

My character will be more colorful when splashed with nightmare blood.
Also, if you see I've forgotten someone in my tagging, go ahead and tag them for me.
If our character personifies a different personality in their Dreamself, where should that be noted?
Writer said:
If our character personifies a different personality in their Dreamself, where should that be noted?
.... That.....

That's a really good question.
welian said:
.... That.....
That's a really good question.
Well when you decide, please let me know. For now, I'm going to add a personality section to the dreamself tab. Also, how many slots are open before wait listing starts?
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I've decided, just slap it between the appearance stuff, and before Core. I can't believe that didn't occur to me, wow. xD

As for the total number of players, that number won't be made public just yet. However, I assure you, it's a fairly high number.
welian said:
I've decided, just slap it between the appearance stuff, and before Core. I can't believe that didn't occur to me, wow. xD

As for the total number of players, that number won't be made public just yet. However, I assure you, it's a fairly high number.
Yeah, I also am going to use a different name for dreamself character. Where should I put that?

And got it. I should have my CS done tonight so I'm not too worried. Poor Thomas is going to end up with a dog that isn't even his.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Screenshot_2015-12-09-22-21-25.png.40c61ba0ba405b57e2ae7b9ff46e196f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95666" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/Screenshot_2015-12-09-22-21-25.png.40c61ba0ba405b57e2ae7b9ff46e196f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Will get my stuff in when I'm not dying. Apparently I'm not allowed to breathe without coughing.
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Some extra info:

Editing tags into a post doesn't work. Tags only work the first time you make a post.

I will be controlling the Sentinel, the leader of the Knights. @Zahzi will be controlling the King of Nightmares - some of you grimdark Knights might prefer to work for him instead. @Mordecai will be controlling most, if not all other NPCs.
After writing about my character's weapon, a parasol, I'm beginning to realize just how many uses a magical parasol could have.
I'm going to start reviewing submitted applications tomorrow after work. I'm too tired for this now.

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