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Fantasy Where Dreams go to Die (Characters)


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


Due to the massive size of the interest check thread, Where Dreams Go To Die will not be accepting any additional roleplayers other than the ones that have already expressed interest.
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Character Reserves

Reserved Characters (3)


Wilson Callow || Male || 17 || Willow || Anomaly

Wilson engages in most things teenagers are wont to do, especially hanging out with his friend group, but lacks depth, struggling to feel strongly about anything. In his dreams he flows around, seeking emotion and having somewhat more success at finding it - but never in the direction he wants...


Faline Diggory || Female || 19 || Desert Rose || DemonKitten

A woman with desire to escape and a love of cats, she is judged only by her appearance as many view her like that of a porcelain doll. It is only natural that she acts as a model flaunting the only skill anyone is willing to credit her.


Vincent Araceli || Male || 23 || Onyx || Semblance

After his mother’s dying wish was for him to succeed her company, Vincent is trapped in the monotonous career path of business. A bold and adventurous soul, he yearns for a much more exciting life, as his impulsive and curious nature was certainly not built for such a dull lifestyle.

Accepted Characters (16)

Accepted characters are sorted by faction, not that there's really much in the way of factions here... New Knights will be considered undecided, and the more senior Knights will be divided based on whether they consider themselves more loyal to the Sentinel, or the King of Nightmares.

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    Olive Martin || Female || 22 || Citrine || Elle Joyner

    A bright light in a dim space, Olive Martin is never the type to bring a frown to a Smile Party. She's a vivacious, spirited young woman, and a joy to be around. She's also a heck of a bartender and can fix just about any drink in the book.


    Jocelyn Vontair || Female || 25 || Amethyst || DaughterofAthena

    Jocelyn is a single woman with an intense love for children and a yearning to be a mother. She works as an obstetrics nurse and she foster mothers a three-year-old girl named Lacey. Work leaves her exhausted and the rest of her life and love goes to Lacey.


    Thomas Ray || Male || 26 || Silver || Writer

    Thomas does freelance website design contracting. Not the most socially adapt, he is a relatively isolated individual, slow to open himself up to new people. Although he does not project it, he is man lacking confidence, doubting who he is and what his purpose is in life.


    Danielle (Dani) Swanson || Female || 20 || Obsidian || Kharmin

    Danielle is a singularly focused killing machine. Once a jovial young adult, until the slumbering death of her brother, Dani is now filled her with an unquenchable vengeance. Quiet and reserved, she holds tightly to her inner fury, patiently waiting for the moment to become the personification of sheer rage.


    Layla Ward || Female || 14 || Carnelian|| welian

    A young teen girl still coping with a crippling loss of her parents, Layla is grieving and constantly feels lost and hopeless. But one might never notice that, what with her arrogant, loud-mouthed, exuberant, and competitive nature. She tends to idolize parental figures, and will do anything for their attention.


    Mauro Caprioli || Male || 23 || Juniper|| Carl

    For the longest time, Mauro didn't know whether or not the things he saw and heard when he closed his eyes, even when not asleep, were lingering imaginary shapes and sounds of the What If's doling around his mind...Or if he had lost his mind and sense of reality in every sense of the word. Now that the events have unfolded themselves and he has been visited by a Sentinel, pieces began to fall into place.

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Chloé Adrianna Pavlyuchenko


    Age: 19

    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Student

    Dream Title: The Desidiab Knight


    Height: 159cm

    Weight/Build: 45kg / Adrianna is an extremely lean, almost haggard looking young woman with noticably large, green eyes. She usually looks extremely tired and/or annoyed, often having her eyes - which are almost always underlined by dark bags - a litte closed or squinted. She has a petite build, with her hip bones as well as her ribcage poking through the skin - even when she isn't stretching. As such, she sports a pretty frail, weak-looking physique. Her natural build is - despite the lack of essentially any and all unnecessary fat and an accordingly small chest and thin limbs - oddly mature and, thanks to her somewhat wide hips, distinctively feminine rather than overly youthful.

    Notable features: None

    Hair color: While her parents call sunflower blonde and a stunning ebony black their own, Adrianna's hair is of a Venetian red.

    Eye color: Green

    Complexion: Chloé's skin is remarkably flawless, not sporting a single mark, scar, blotch or other imperfection. While her skin's not unhealthy nor unpleasant, she appears devoid of any natural oils, instead seeming oddly 'dry'. She has an average skin tone, being neither noteworthily pale nor tanned.
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    Age: Nineteen

    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Student

    Dream Title: Blood Knight


    Height: 5'10"

    Weight/Build: 153lb, solid build

    Notable features: A Tattoo featuring flowers, feathers, and water, on her right wrist

    Hair color: A natural Dark Auburn

    Eye color: Blue

    Complexion: Fair
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    The Citrine Knight


    Olive stands at a modest four-foot-eleven, with an eight food personality.

    At a hundred and ten pounds, Olive is wider in the hips and bust than the waist, with slightly shorter arms and legs and round cheeks.

    Freckles. Just everywhere.

    A vibrant red, wavy, hanging just below her shoulders, blunt bangs mingling with thicker eyebrows

    Grass-green with striations of lime, with long, thick black lashes.

    Her skin is a pale peach with soft undertones of gold.

'Ash Weiss'

Real name unknown.


    Age: 38 years.

    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Soldier; Father; Hospital bed Occupier.

    Dream Title: 'The Iron Knightmare'


    Height: 5'11''.

    Weight/build: Weiss has been confined to a bed for the past three years, sitting at the edge of death in a coma brought on by his choice in work profession. He currently weighs about a fourth of what he should, and is quite frail.

    Notable features: Various scars and nicks across his face from his occupation.

    Hair color: White.

    Eye color: Blue.

    Complexion: Ghostly pale; after three years of a coma, it's rather expected.
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Dio/Michael Creed

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    Age: 20

    Gender: Genderqueer (Male in the physical world)
    Occupation: None

    Dream Title: Pyrite Knight


    Height: 6'2"

    Weight/Build: 120 lb After a car accident in highschool, Michael’s body is little more than skin and bone with his years in a coma. It didn’t take long for the atrophy to strip him of his muscles and figure. The machines keep his body alive, but can only do so much to sustain him.
    Notable features: He has scars from the accident that put him into a coma. The main one is on his head from above his right eyebrow to above his right ear. A chunk of the top of his right ear is missing. Scrape mark scars flow along his back and torso.
    Hair color: As a child, Michael had wonderful gold blond hair. His mother used to jokingly say he was touched by Midas. His hair now was a pale blond, frequently shaved off for the ease of cleaning.
    Eye color: His eyes are a bold flash of blue green, like the sea after a storm. Even in his current state, his eyes show that life remains in this weak body.
    Complexion: The deprivation of sunlight over the past five years has left his body pale and waxen. The nurses open the windows to let the fresh air and sunlight in, but it does little to comfort his broken body.

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Xavier McAllister II


    Goes By: Anderson

    Age: 24

    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Field Agent, Class 04A – Target Retrieval

    Dream Title: Black Jadeite Knight


    Height: 5' 6"

    Weight/Build: ~160 lbs., mostly lean muscle. Well-defined physique, built for quick, light movement. Very dexterous, but doesn’t take hits well.

    Notable features (birthmarks, scars, etc): The “aura” he seems to give off that makes most people avoid him in the first place; many scars that crisscross his back and limbs, one across his right cheek, one down the side of his face less than an inch from his left eye.

    Hair color: Jet black

    Eye color: Emerald green/Hazel brown

    Complexion: Pale skin from lack of exposure to the sun, mostly covered by the black garb Xavier wears by choice and because of his line of work. Very few have seen enough of his skin to see the scars that crisscross over his body.


Lee MacCallion


    Age: 26

    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Job-hopper

    Dream Title: The Cherry Tree Knight (if applicable)


    Height: 6'3

    Weight/Build: 165lbs, slim but not totally skinny.

    Notable features (birthmarks, scars, etc): An indiscriminately splodge-shaped birthmark on his collarbone, which he has claimed to have a number of different shapes. Lee tends to dress in smart-casual style, and his speaking voice is an emphatic bass tinged with a light Scottish accent.

    Hair color: Dark brown, the kind of brown which appears black.

    Eye color: An indistinguishable shade somewhere between hazel and green.

    Complexion: White pale, but not Edward-Cullen-like.

Thomas Ray



    Freelance Website Designer

    The Silver Knight



    150 lbs, slightly muscular, medium build.

    No birtmarks

    Medium Brown


    Decently tanned, clear skin.


Jocelyn Vontair



    Obstetrics Nurse

    The Guardian Knight



    139lbs; Jocelyn has a fairly slender build; the build of someone who is on their feet a lot.

    Scar on the lower left quadrant of her abdomen from appendectomy, freckles on her face - they’re more prominent in the summertime, tattoo of an angel on the back of her right shoulder



    Fair skin that usually burns and then tans



    Age: 34

    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Novelist

    Dream Title: The Malachite Knight // Empty Knight // Emerald Evoker


    Height: 6'5"

    Weight/Build: 190 lbs. Lean build, but not skinny. Noticeably athletic.

    Notable features: Slightly sunken in and bagged eyes, showing sleeplessness (though his eyes are never bloodshot). Small scar on the right side of his lip. Mussed up hair, despite his clean cut features elsewhere (beard, etc). Dark metal wedding band with a thin green line going all the way through. Small tattoo on the back of his neck. A star with a flaming eye inside, surrounded by a circle.

    Hair color: Black

    Eye color: Gray

    Complexion: Just slightly paler than average without looking terribly unhealthy.
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Danielle (Dani) Swanson


    Age: 20

    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Police Officer

    Dream Title: Obsidian Knight/Assassin


    Height: 5' 6"

    Weight/Build: 120# lissome, slender

    Notable features (birthmarks, scars, etc): None

    Hair color: Black

    Eye color: Brown

    Complexion: Light, Fair

Richard Baxter



    Gender: Male
    Assistant Professor of Military History, Imperial College London

    The Apple Knight , Eschatologue




    Notable Features: A few, too few to mention.

    Eye Color: Brown

    Hair Color: Brown

    Skin: Pale, with an uneven tan accumulated incidentally
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Marianne Ross

  • Basics

    Age: 18

    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Student (Senior year)

    Dream Title: The Ruby Knight, The Puppeteer


    Height: 5'9" (175 cm)

    Weight/Build: 135 lbs (61 kg), both slender and toned with great flexibility thanks to her hobby sport gymnastic.

    Notable features: Her very long golden hair which she pretty much proud of. The style depend on the mood and how early she get up that day.

    Hair color: Blond

    Eye color: Violet

    Complexion: Fair, tan easily under the sun
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Layla Ward



    High school student

    The Carnelian Knight


    Height: 5'2", a little shorter than most of her classmates. Those who pretend she’s an armrest get punched in the gut.

    Weight/Build: 104lbs, scrawny and flat-chested with long legs. Although she’s jealous of her curvier classmates, she appreciates how far she flies when the school bus goes over a pothole.

    Notable features: A tiny scar through her right eyebrow from when her father was teaching her how to ride a bike, and she pedaled way too fast over a broken sidewalk and ended up faceplanting into rocks. A few stitches were involved.

    Hair: Plain brown, straight, a bit past shoulder length. It's usually pulled into a ponytail to keep it out of her face. She’d get a cute pixie cut, but enough people have teased her already about her boyish appearance.

    Eye: Light brown. She wishes she had blue eyes, like her father. She misses seeing them outside of photos.

    Complexion: Pale, but with a strong, residual farmer’s tan from sports. She’s often covered in miscellaneous scrapes, bruises and dirt from said sports.
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Mauro Caprioli


    23 yrs old

    N/A (non-licensed Grafitti Artist)

    The Juniper Knight


    183 cm (6 ft) tall

    85 kg (187 pounds)

    2x 12mm stud-earrings, 1x in each earlobe (black disc-shaped earrings), large headphones hanging around his neck.


    Dark hazelbrown

    Quite fairskinned, pale hue. Few light and minor freckles on his arms and back. Otherwise no distinguishing marks on his body or face, apart from his accessories.





    Street Magician / IT tech support

    Zircon Knight


    165 cm

    56 kg / Average build, some curves.

    Notable Features: A tattoo of Ouroboros, the snake that devours its own tail, wraps itself around her left arm, near her shoulder, and an intricate tattoo of an eagle flanked by two swathes of laurel wreaths, with the letters SPQR clutched in its flaws, marks her right arm, also at around the same place where Ouroboros is on her left.

    Hair: Long, straight, well-conditioned, brown.

    Eyes: Dark brown

    Complexion: Fair, very much so. Rumored to catch on fire if she so much as gets exposed to sunlight for more than a minute.
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Joan Betalléon


    Age: 28

    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Ex-Cop; Underground boxer

    Dream Title: The Holly Knight


    Height: 5'9"

    Weight/Build: 159lbs/Years of training have attributed to Joan developing lean muscles and a lithe frame.

    Notable Features: Joan sports a long, thin scar over her left cheek—a result of a nasty boxing match going wrong. Several other scars line her abdomen and arms, with the most notable being a vaguely bullet-shaped one on her upper torso.

    Hair Color: Dark brown

    Eye Color: Dark brown

    Complexion: Brown


Vincent Araceli


    Age: 23

    Gender: Male

    Nicknames: Vincent, Vince, Vin
    Occupation: Financial Analyst

    Dream Title: The Onyx Knight, The Invisi-Blade


    Height: 6'0"

    Weight/Build: 164lb- Lean, toned, and somewhat muscular

    Notable features: Scar along his upper abdomen due to a skateboarding incident when he was young

    Tattoo of a compass in between his shoulder blades

    Hair color: Dark brown

    Eye color: Piercing pale blue

    Complexion: Light tan- Slightly tanner than average
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Faline Diggory



    Model (All types)

    The Knight of Desert Rose, Shapeless Knight


    Height: 5”6

    Weight/Build: 100lbs. She has a rather petite body with slender arms and legs. She does have muscles, but mainly in her legs.

    Notable features: Her skin is rather flawless except for a birthmark that is on the right side of her hip bone.
    Hair: Soft black hair that is similar to that of a rabbit’s fur. It is in a pixie cut due to her chopping it off in disgust of herself.

    Eye: Almost Black, Brown eyes. The only normal thing about her and the one thing she loves about herself.

    Complexion: Light, beige. Her skin is a little darker than most of her background.

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