Where do the elves sleep?


Active Character:

Name: (please consider the family name)

Age: (a normal elf dies if he/she is about 150 years old)

Gender: male/female/unknown

Species: (like high elf, fire elf etc.)

Rank: ( name of the rank, if he/she is a normal elf, please write the job instead. Please not that the elves have no internet, tv or somthing like that even if they live in quite modern houses.)



Appearance: (picture pls. ,painting(!), anime would be nice! Elf ears are not required in the pictures.)


Appearance: ( " )

Rank: ( " )

Description: ( not too long please )


Active characters:

(you are allowed to have up to four active characters)

Ardetha Royk, Seraphina & Keiran Ehtele'mele by Ardetha~Nacht

Elron Lightwood, Alec by Livingbetweenstars

Aenor Lanlithil by Kimuffin

Hazel by Eyelessraven


The Lady

The Lord

Elsa the priest
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Name: ardetha Royk

Age: 60

Gender: female

Species: nymph

Rank: stays in her home and paints

Personality: curious, shy, persistent, lonely, hopeful

the only born daughter of two fire elves, she was raised in a peaceful environment and never had any troubles in her family. herr father was an archer and her mother a painter. she was always in awe of her mothers work and wanted to grow up and do the same. her parents knew that her beig the race of elf she was that her love life may come with troubles in the future. as a teenager she thought she found someone who wasnt afraid to like her, but as time progressed she realized she didnt like him back, he started following her and watching her wherever she was and she grew worried. she told her family one morning and against there wishes went out that day before they could resolve it. on her way home the boy was there as usual and she tried not to pay any attention. but he suddenly grabbed her and started to kiss her face, in shock and afraid she pushed the boy as hard as she could but the boy lost his balance and tripped over a tree root. he hit his head against the tree itself and she later found out he died from head trauma. from thence forward she tried to stay away from any males until she could find one that could love her for just her and she to him, but no luck has been found.



Name: ardetha Royk
Age: 60

Gender: female

Species: nymph

Rank: stays in her home and paints

Personality: curious, shy, persistent, lonely, hopeful

the only born daughter of two fire elves, she was raised in a peaceful environment and never had any troubles in her family. herr father was an archer and her mother a painter. she was always in awe of her mothers work and wanted to grow up and do the same. her parents knew that her beig the race of elf she was that her love life may come with troubles in the future. as a teenager she thought she found someone who wasnt afraid to like her, but as time progressed she realized she didnt like him back, he started following her and watching her wherever she was and she grew worried. she told her family one morning and against there wishes went out that day before they could resolve it. on her way home the boy was there as usual and she tried not to pay any attention. but he suddenly grabbed her and started to kiss her face, in shock and afraid she pushed the boy as hard as she could but the boy lost his balance and tripped over a tree root. he hit his head against the tree itself and she later found out he died from head trauma. from thence forward she tried to stay away from any males until she could find one that could love her for just her and she to him, but no luck has been found.




NPC: (only played by me)

Rank: Lord

Description: Austin Bloomfield is a Nymph and the son of Theodor Bloomfield who was a fair and strict Lord. Her tries to rule Evendale as well as his father did and hopes that someday he will have a son or a daughter who will be able to succeed the throne.

NPC: (only played by me)

Rank: Lady

Description: Ariana Bloomfield is the Lord's wife and a beautiful and smart high elf. She loves Austin more than anything, but still misses her parents who rule another village. Ariana is admired by the elfs of Evendale, because she uses to act in the right way and often tries to help the poor and ill ones.


NPC: (can be played by everyone)

Rank: Priest

Description: Elsa Winter is a silvan elf and one of Evendale's priests. She is a very shy person who rarely talks to other people. Since she is young and very pretty many males admire her. 

Name: Elron Lightwood

Age: 73

Gender: male

Species: silvan elf

Rank: teacher


most time cheerful, sympathic, humorous, curious, light- hearted


Elrons mother died when he was about 7 years old, since that incident his father got taciturn and kind of depressed. Since then Elron tried his best to make his father be proud of him. He passed his exams with quite high marks and got a hunter as his father had been.

When Elron fell off a tree and broke his left hand, just because he wanted to catch the biggest deer for his father, the old man realized that he should not rest in the past and tried to spend more times with his son. When his father died after a long live he wanted Elron to promised not do the same mistake. Elron lives in a small house near the woods now in company of a she-wolf called Alec .



Age: puppy

Gender: male

Species: wolf


spearing with words, clever, has a good heart


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Name: Aenor Lanlithil

Age: 50

Gender: Male

Species: Halfface

Rank: Craftsman apprentice

Personality: introverted, detail-focused, stubborn, adventurous, likes simplicity, active, blunt and unemotional, thoughtful

Story: Aenor's mother was a human who his father had fallen for while traveling. His mother tried integrating with elf life, but after many fails, she settled for designing and making clothes for a popular store in town. They're both rather light-hearted and positive elves, despite all the hardships that they were put through, but Aenor wasn't nearly as strong and positive. He was a bit of a trouble-child. Aenor didn't like to follow rules that didn't make sense, ran away a few times, and got into fights. He was looked down on and others were intimidated by his intense and analytical stare. He was an average student, his grades were average, and his fighting skills passable, though he had potential to do well if he wasn't too fixed on the rules he had to follow.

Now he works with his father, a craftsman that specializes in making compasses and glassware.

Aenor has an incredible sense of perception, and an eye for great detail like his grandfather, a high elf hundreds of years ago.

Name: Seraphina Ehtele'mele

Age: 56


Species: dark elf

Rank: reptilian breeder

Personality:headstrong, anxious, thoughtful, distant, imaginative, eccentric

Story: seraphina came from a line of wonderful hunters, her mother and father both very skilled in what they did. she would learn their ways many times a day and sometimes join them out on their missions. they were especially trained to hunt down dangerous reptilian creatures that caused damage and ran wild near villages. but seraphina couldnt do what her parents did, she felt apin for the creatures they killed and sometimes would watch as nests full of kin would be burned to keep them from multiplying. her parents noticed this behavior and called her brother to help set her straight, her parents began to grow distant as not even her brother could get her to change her mind. he was a great hunter just like her parents and she always looked up to him...but she felt ashamed and angry for the way her parents seemed to not be able to accept her opinions. eventually, her brother, sensing the distant and tension growing in his family offered to have her live with him and its been just the two since the day she moved out. she was happier there and was able to breed creatures she had taken part in killing in her own building that her brother owned.

(she also has a taste for the more wild sense of fashion)

Name: Keiran Ehtele'mele

Age: 72

Gender: male

Species: dark elf

Rank: hunter

Personality: stubborn,hot headed, likes to tease, flirty, can be very serious at times, protective

keiran at a young age was sent to go train with his grandpa like his father had when he was young. sending letters to his family was all he got to talk to them and it stayed that way for many years. he got better with age and his grandfather could see it, but his grandpa was getting old and it was almost his time to to go start a new life. he eventually got word of his mother having a baby girl, he was excited to meet his new sister..but soon started to recieve letters of the troubles they were having with her. one day his grandfather was nowhere to be found, everything still left where it should be but him. he figured he had gone like he planned. packing things with him he headed back home when asked to come take care of his younger sister but seeing it was worse then it seemed he took her with him to live in his cottage house where she could be free to do what she needed to do. it was hard enough as it was being who they were to bring much stress to them.


Name: Hazel

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Species: Shapeshifter

Rank: Priestess

Personality: Hazel i very curious but nervous and shy around others. She doesn't like to hurt others and can't defend herself as much as she can others.

Story: Hazel was found by a group of high elves. She lived with them most of her life but after her 23rd birthday she left to stay closer to the forest. Hazel usually stayed to herself but everyonce in a while she exploded the lands or would people watch in the market place. She was always one for helping others and was rewarded the title of priestess just recently.


Name: Eon Isleidyll

Age: 33

Gender: male

Species: Silvan elf

Rank: woodsman

Personality: introverted, deep in thought, melancholy, insightful, straightforward, quiet around others but not avoidant

Story: Eon's mother and father raised him incorrectly as a female (Eonine), so when Eon proposed the idea that he was a male elf, his parents disowned him. They also happened to die at that time, so Eon learned to live in the woods and sell structures to a short elf to sell at the marketplace for a living. He is essentially alone most of the time.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8beba2a337_ScreenShot2014-02-05at1.48.49AM.png.94ffb5edc048491e84252ed2f8e7d6d3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12906" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8beba2a337_ScreenShot2014-02-05at1.48.49AM.png.94ffb5edc048491e84252ed2f8e7d6d3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Logan Nylaenaadearn

Age: 71

Gender: male

Species: halfface

Rank: teacher

Personality: Logan is quite eccentric and creative personality: many have pointed out how differently he sees the world. Usually he think everything up philosophically but keeps his thoughts in his head, releasing out relaxing and entertaining thoughts. His dark humour can be too much for someone, but he knows when to stop due he can read people because of his professional. He's easily the most extrovertial man in a small group, but more there's people around him, more his natural introversion shows out.

Many have noticed that Logan is more open with his emotions: he's not afraid to show his feelings like a woman would. That's also one thing what brings an exotic attractiveness in Logan.

Usually when you have a problem, you know to search for Logan. His knowledge of psychology, overall experience and loyalness makes him a dear friend.

Story: life haven't been kind for Logan. He was raised by his abusive and poor father and he escaped after several attempts when he was 30. After he managed to find a big city from far away, he met people from a dark sideways and started using all kinds of drugs. At the same time his father's cruelness reflected as an eating disorder, him suffering for a few good years with it.

After his friends was concerned about his health, they waited him to get the drugs away from his blood and took him to hospital. There he met a kind doctor Lisa, and started to meet with her more usually. After falling in love, Logan left his dark side of life and stopped using drugs with the help of his lover and so his life started to neutralize.

Not soon after their met, Logan started to get interested about human psychology. After his fresh wife's courage, he applied to a post to study psychology. Didn't take long , he found himself making P.h.D about people's defenses and then educated himself to be a teacher. Due his and her wife's age difference, he's now a fresh widow.


Plus bruises and burnmarks at his left temple. Due his genes he looks younger than is. 
Sorry, no. But I can draw one a bit later! Am I accepted?
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