Where do the elves sleep? [Inactive]


Evendale was waking up from deep sleep, birds had left their nests and started exploring the small village. It was quite a hot day, the sun just stood in the center of the sky and the elves were getting cheerful. The spring had begun. The market was decorated with lots of flowers and lights and there were somewhat more elves than usually. A band started playing some lovely music and elves danced on the floor. Even the castle was awakening, since the children were hoping around and the lord and the lady were standing at the window smiling brightly and waving their hands while looking at each other quite happily.
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ardetha awoke at the chirping of the birds like usual and she could feel the warmth of the sun on her cheek. with a sigh she stretched and yawned. sitting up she smoothed down what was her messy and long hair, having long hair was nice, but the up keep was treacherous. getting dressed for the day was her first priority, she slipped on her usual sunny day dress and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. yawning once more she walked to the kitchen for some nutmeg tea and then continued on to her workshop. the smell of acrylic and charcoal welcomed her in. "good morning" she knew no reply would come but it was what she was used to doing, she sat down with her tea and looked out the large pained window that sat in front of her. "what should inspire me today?"
When Elron woke up the sun was already in the middle of the sky, he yawned and slipped into some random clothes which looked like being comfy. Happily he blinked out of the window when he went into the kitchen. Evendale looked quite beautiful in the bright light of the sun.

Still tired he slowly slid into a seat and watched the trees waving with their leaves outside the house.
What a pity. Whole Evendale is dancing at the market, I bet you are the only one who stayed at home. Elron turned around his head and looked directly into the light green eyes of the she-wolf who glances at him rather annoyed, he laughed and patted at the wolves head chummy. "Well, if you want we can also go out and get snap some ladies to dance with." Well I'd rather meet some living creatures than waste away in this house. Elron laughed again and opened the door, from outside you could hear music and the laugher of elves. Followed by the brown wolf Elron set out for the festival.
Ardetha sighed as the sounds of the music floated through the window, it almost lulled her the sounds did. she never went out that much, let alone to the festivals. it was the same almost everytime for her and it was depressing, she knew it was better off in her study with her paints. "it might be nice to be social for once..60 years old and always alone in this house". leaning back she played with her high looking at the ceiling. she loved this house, her mother always took such good care of it and her father made sure it was sturdy. she wondered if they would ever come back from their trip, she worried..after a few months the letters stopped. she got up and and slid some small heels on and decided to brush her hair out. "they always wanted me to just..go out..maybe it would be good for me", stepping out she shut the door and took one long look at the house with the trees billowing over it. "maybe thats what ill paint next.." she walked off heading towards the direction of the music.

(maybe its best to be social huh? xD )
When Elron left the house he could hear the music and the laughter becoming louder. Smiling he put his hands into his trouser pockets and walked along the trees whistleing cheerfully. "Spring is so wonderful this year", he loved the nature like every silvan elf did , but spring was definetly the most beautiful season. Even Alec looked joyful and padded next to him following a small butterfly who was quite scared of the big wolf. Absorbed in his thoughts Elron did not realized a woman leaving her house and walking along the street. Watch out, Nymphe! "Huh?" Elron turned around his head and looked at the brown she-wolf who glanced at him kind of worried. When he turned around again he recognized the pretty elf and instantly closed his eyes. Focused on his mind he muttered some random sounding words and suddenly a light green-colored bubble appeared around his body and perfumed the area with a smell of wood, soil and fresh leaves. He knew that having a shield would not only protect him but also the Nymphe. Shielded as he was the silvan elf moved to the pretty woman and smiled at her kindly. "Hey there! Are you moving to the festival?"
ardetha walked down the street admiring the view of the trees swaying in a light breeze, welcoming the warm light touching her skin. sighing she caught a slight drift of something that smelled woodsy but nice and not to long after did someone appear beside her. "oh!" she gasped and stepped back a bit almost losing her balance. she caught herself and held her hand to her chest in shock, "ah..mmm..yes, yes iam." she glanced down at the wolf and felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up, she hadnt been around a wolf before, only seen them and she was made slightly nervous but not to the point of being uncomfortable.
Aenor sat in bed for awhile, staring at the pretty scene unfolding him in the town. He remembered how much he longed to be part of that scene, laying in that same spot for the past 20 years. The bright beams that struck his face in the morning forced him fully awake and after enough calls from his father, Aenor was able to distinguish his father's voice from the buzz of the town beneath them.

"Ready to go?"

His father asked Aenor as the young elf threw on a semi-clean tunic and tied on his tough-soled working boots. "Mhm."

As the two walked out the door, Aenor's mother wished them a good day. She also had to go to work, but didn't walk with her husband and son as to avoid putting a bad stigma on them and their line of work.

Aenor, walking into town, gradually started to feel overwhelmed with senses. The smells, sights, sounds were all delightful, but too much for young Aenor. He grimaced for a moment and clenched onto his workbag more tightly.

He noticed a nymph and a Silvian elf with his wolf companion having a conversation, and made a mental note to not be like the Silvian elf, all too cautious to accidentally fall in love. His father saw Aenor looking their direction, "Maybe you should take a break today", he said suddenly.

Aenor stopped in his tracks, but his father kept walking.

"Make some friends." Aenor felt relatively peeved, but kept a straight face. And there he was, left alone in a place where he never felt a belonging to.
seraphina and keiran walked down the street heading towards the grocers like every morning for supplies, serpahinas long dark cloak fluttered behind her and the many peices of jewelry she wore jangled and chimed in the air and glinted bright in the light of the sun. "what do we need for this week keiran...nothing much i hope, we are short on money" seraphina looked around at the other elves, some glanced their way and looked back quickly while others paid no mind at all. "i suppose not sister...we need bread and fresh meat for us and your many children" he snickered and seraphina punched him in the arm, "thats not funny keiran..you make me sound like some crazy women" crossing her arms she walked on and looked away from her brother. "not a women yet in my eyes" she ruffled her hair and she huffed shooing his hand away.
When Ardetha seemed to be a little bit nervous Elron bit his lips feeling quite guilty for disturbing her. Smiling at her kindly he said "Well, me too. Hmm ... Let's go together!" He took her arm and followed the sound of the music laughing light-hearted.

Alec felt pretty disregarded when Elron moved away with the pretty woman. She never trusted Nymphs. Especially, because most of them were not able to control their quite dangerous abilities. First she thought of trailing the elves, but when hearing Elron's laugher she felt a bit annoyed.

Alec clearly liked Elron, but sometimes silvan elves were pretty distressing and she also knew that Ardetha had been frightened of her appearance. Remaining at the trees she recognizes the Halfface who looked like feeling uncomfortable. Toddling around the young elf she sniffed at his legs and registered the smell of wood and glass.
"o-oh!" this silvan elf was just one surprise after another, he knew she was a nymph right? she didnt feel the need to fight him off so she just grabbed hold of his arm as well as to not trip walking after him. "i-if you say so..although i dont see why you wish for me to go with you" curiosity was one of her weaknesses and she simply couldnt let this one go so easily. looking back at the wolf who was walking away, she hoped she didnt anger it in anyway, the last thing she needs is a wolf holding a grudge against her.
"Huh?", Elron turned around his head and looked at the elf. Puzzled he tried to find an answer. "Why not? Are there any problems?"Laughing he continued walking past the trees. When Elron recognized the stalls in the distance, he started to walk faster. "Hurry up, we are nearly at the market. Did you ever eat roasted nutshells?" He looked at the Nymphe again his green eyes sparkling in the sunlight and his long, blonde hair waving in the fresh breeze
"its just that.." she thought for a moment about telling him but..she guessed for now it was the best she didnt say anything. she walked faster to keep up with him. "i guess its not really a problem, but no i have not but i heard they were wonderful" her cheeks flushed a bit when he looked at her and she glanced away tucking hair behind one ear.
"Wonderful? They are godlike!", Elron started to enthuse about the extraordinary taste of roasted runteshells, when they arrived at the festival. The stalls were decorated with fresh blossoms and in the air were some floating lights. He guessed that was some fire elf's artwork. Doing a festive gesture Elron said: "So, welcome at the spring festival! Ahh ... I think I'm just smelling some nutshells!" Sniffing in the air Elron left the Nymphe and headed for the stalls. "I'll be back in one minute!", he shouted and disappeared into the crowd.
ardetha listened carefully to what the silvan elf was saying about the nutshells, they did in fact sound amazing and her stomach growled at the thought. but soon after did she catch sight of the festival and her eyes widened every so slightly at the lights. she hadnt been to a festival since she was young and she was amazed by how it looked and the smells that drifted around were amazing. but so caught up in the sight she almost didnt even notice the male elf leave. "ah..ok" she smiled slightly and kind of just stood there, she looked at the sights to keep her occupied.
Elron followed the scent of nutshells and ended up at a small but colorful stall. A black-haired girl was standing in front of a fire turning some small brown colored things which were laying on a grid. The smell was stunning. "Can I have two bags of roasted nutshells?", he asked and the girl looked at him kindly. "Of course! 10 gold, please." Handing the gold to the younger girl he smiled and sniffed at the small bag. Delicious.

With the food in his arms he returned to Ardetha with a bright smirk in his face.
Hazel smiled at the passing people. She was helping people with their busy stalls. Her ears twitched and her tail curled around her waist. She stood behind the counter of the nutshell stall an hummed to the music as she served people. "Wow i never realized how busy this stall gets!" She said to the own who was making more nutshells.
ardetha was sitting under a tree staring up at the light that filtered through it, when it struck her eyes it made her flinch ever so slightly but made the blue of her eyes match the sky. that was one trait she loved about herself was the color of her eyes and she knew it was the first thing that caught peoples attention. a heavenly smell drew her looks towards elron holding to bags of some kind of food. "i for some reason didnt think you would come back" she smiled a bit happy that maybe she wouldnt be alone today. 
seraphina and keiran walked by all the shops to get to the grocers trying hard not to bump into anyone

Eyelessraven said:
Hazel smiled at the passing people. She was helping people with their busy stalls. Her ears twitched and her tail curled around her waist. She stood behind the counter of the nutshell stall an hummed to the music as she served people. "Wow i never realized how busy this stall gets!" She said to the own who was making more nutshells.
is your girl human? :) (well human-ish ahah)
When Ardetha smiled at him with her blue eyes glimmering in a mind-blowing way, Elron held his breath for a moment. While being totally absorbed with the smell of the food he had nearly forgot that Ardetha was a Nymphe. "Get a grip!", he muttered quitly to himself and handed a bag of roasted nutshells to the pretty elf. "The most delicous thing you will ever eat!", he said while sitting down next to Ardetha.
Hazel took a break from the stall and went to look around at the sights.she got soewhat lost in the crowd and ran straight in Kieran. "Oh I'm sorry!" She said in complete shock and put her ears down. She rubbed her head and looked away until they said it was ok.
her smile faded a bit when she locked eyes with him for a moment then saw him mutter to himself, small things she knew she was used to. "o-oh um..thank you.." she grabbed a bag and looked into, they looked very good and the smell made her mouth water every so slightly. she took a bite and smiled a bit more, "these are amazing! ive never had anything like this before"

keiran huffed a bit when he hit the smaller girl, "pardon me" he looked down at hazel with his eyebrow arched a bit his eyes shimmering a bright purple like his hair. "did i hurt you at all?" seraphina scoffed and rolled her eyes, "ill continue to the grocers.." she put her hood up and walked on glancing at the shapeshifter
"Of course you had not!," Elron laughed and mussed up the elf's hair and also started biting into the nutshells. "Aah ... I think they are a present of the gods!" He continued eating. After some time he looked up and watched at the dancing and cheering people. The sun was shining brightly being just in the center of the sky. Some of the sunbeams reached his light hair and made them glimmering georgeosly. A bird flew down from the tree and sat down on his should twittering happily. "Hey, little friend!", he said laughing and stroked the soft feathers.
she blushed again and continued to eat, when she saw the bird she stared curiously, "d-do birds always do that to you?" she leaned forward a bit and looked at the two. maybe animals just naturally were drawn to him it would explain his wolf that follows him around all the time.

ooc: sorry if my replies are a bit short right now im preparing to help some people soon ^^"
Elron couldn't help but let out a guffaw. "You are rarely outside, aren't you? I'm a silvan elf, animals always do like this." He smirked again and picked up the bird from his shoulder. Slowly he touched the hand of the Nymphe and let the small bird sit on it. It was quite a pretty bird with it's blue feathers and it's large purple eyes. "Birds are very gentle if you treat them in a good way," he said and smiled looking at the bird like it was a baby he rose on his own.
she nodded, knowing she never really got out that much which made her a bit shut out. she caught her breath when the bird stood on her hand and she looked at elron wide eyed, "i-i dont think im as good with animals as you.." she bit her lip but kept watching the small bird as it looked around and at her. she was mesmerized by this..having this experience of being around such things
Aenor noticed the wolf approaching, but didn't mind it much; it seemed harmless. He kept his eyes focused on what was happening around him, a busy town, confused on what to do without his work. Sure, he liked adventure, but what adventure could he accomplish so early in the morning?

The wolf approached his feet and started sniffing around him. It probably noticed the smell of all the odd things he worked around with the workshop. Based on the smaller mane around its neck, he assumed it was a female. Those were normally the more intelligent of wolves. Aenor didn't look down at her quite yet. He wasn't quite sure what to do, but she could communicate with its owner so he assumed she could understand basic language. Aenor looked at the bright-eyed wolf and after catching eye contact, awkwardly attempted a greeting nodding his head slightly, keeping his face neutral.

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