Experiences Where did you roleplay before you came to RPNation?

readingraebow said:
I tried to do that I hadn't realize it had been hacked.
The notification and main chat part of the site have been down since the security breach. Host can barely maintain the site and keep it updated anymore.
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Various small RP sites dedicated to specific fandoms. Some didn't even had moderators anymore, it was just random, but devoted fans playing discreetly between themselves in friendly manners. Each such site is long abandoned, remembered by my bookmarks only... damn, I really miss them sometimes.
Very originally WCRPG but it got annoying when the site required you to choose a character, not make one yourself. I migrated to Feralfront (another warrior cats-oriented RP site) and RPed a bit on Chickensmoothie with my pets.
Gaia. I started there when I was really young. Probably 14 or 15. I've been role playing at least 8-10 years. Hard to keep track of specifics.

I currently play D&D, as well as role play here now.
Reading only the 1st and 4th page in this thread, it seems like I'm the only furry. Yes, I'm a furry from the "Furry Forums" and there are RPs there too. Didn't like it after a month because the community is like almost very inactive (and after typing this, I just realized I'm part of that now lol) and the mods seem like to be the only ones online. I also RPed in an animation forum called "StickPage" before the "Furry Forums". As you might have realized and/or seen, these forums aren't exactly for RPs but they have good ones nonetheless (hell, I joined a Colliseum-like RP in the"StickPage" forum before it was debated if we should have those kinds of RPs here in this wonderful world of RpNation).
Charoula said:
Tumblr and hexrpg(it's a Harry Potter/Hogwarts experience site).
I loved Hexrpg. Eventually got banned because I forgot my password and tried to make a second account. I rarely got on except to collect money because I joined after the school semester but I loved how they had their roleplay school set up.
I am Spoon, forged in the fires of GaiaOnline before they sold out and went to shit.

Tempered by cliche role-playing tropes.

Sharpened on the claws of the obscure Warrior Cats fans lurking in Nook book reviews.

Tried and tested on the bones of Mary Sue's and Gary Stu's alike.

Through all my trials I have emerged harder, better, faster, stronger and I have truly earned the title 'Runcible.'

I also play and GM Pathfinder games.
My first roleplay experience ever was with a quaint little Fairy Tale fanfiction RP site called "Fairy Law". For reasons wholly unbeknownst to myself (most likely lack of funding or somthing of that sort), the site went down, and I was quite dismayed for a little while. I've also played some Dread with friends before, though I suppose that isn't really a roleplay "site" per se.

Oh well, I suppose I'm here now, after much wandering about the world; so what does the past matter?
Neopets for me as well. I kind of went to a few others too, Gaia mainly, but I stuck to neopets until I'd been role-playing for quite awhile.
Well, me and a few of my friends who joined somewhat recently came from a Kingdom Hearts News Site and Forum called KH13, for a multitude of reasons.

Spending a bit of time here has proven something: RPNation is better. X3
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Hmm, the first place I can vividly remember rping on is Facebook with one of my friends in 2011ish, but I feel like I started somewhere else..maybe MySpace?

Anyways, when I deleted my Facebook I started role playing on Chatzy with people I met through my mcr blog (cringe) on tumblr.
For me it was gaiaonline. I have memories of people taking things so seriously that even your font style/size was criticized...
withoutaname said:
For me it was gaiaonline. I have memories of people taking things so seriously that even your font style/size was criticized...
lol well i can sort of understand that. i've had people try to roleplay with me on that site using font like this and it's like ... um I seriously can't read that.

For me it was just like - the graphics got too much. I mean I like making them but when your graphic is 3/4 of your post and it obscures most of your text than that's an issue.

Plus the egoes of people just ... i got tired of the elitists.

So I found a new home here and I like it ever so much better.
readingraebow said:
I mean I like making them but when your graphic is 3/4 of your post and it obscures most of your text than that's an issue.
Wow that brought back some memories. I totally agree. I just made my account here today so I'm hoping here can be a new home too :)
withoutaname said:
Wow that brought back some memories. I totally agree. I just made my account here today so I'm hoping here can be a new home too :)
Yeah folks here are pretty awesome. I'm surprised at how many Gaians are coming over to here.
Nationstates. Mostly just posting random inconsistent facts about my nation (Billonesia) on the factbook subforum.

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