• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Futuristic Where Cold Graves Lie


Le photographe est mort
1. Please be aware that we'll start out and that our characters won't be very good to begin with.

2. Consider that, while this is earth, it's a very minimal world we live in. No TV, no Skittles from the vending machines (though snack food and food dispensers exist, but you know what I mean.) and so on. If you have questions about wether or not something is okay or not, please ask me.

3. Build relationships with each other! Communication is key, and in such a world there's not much to do other than socialize if you wanna stay sane.

4. I reserve the right to decline any sheet submitted.

5. Like this post if you've read the rules and agree with them.

[Centerblock=80][bG=#2b2d37][border= 1px solid #eeeeee][size=3][Color=#eeeeee]
[Center][size=5][font=Maven]Character Name Here[/font][/size]

[img=Character Image Here - Artwork][/Center]

[Row][Column=span2][img=http://i.imgur.com/D15U46L.gif][/Column][Column=span3][b]Name:[/b] Self-explanatory
[b]Nickname(s):[/b] Self-explanatory
[b]Sex:[/b] Male/Female
[b]Age:[/b] 18+[/Column][Column=span3][b]Birthday:[/b] st/nd/rd/th of Month
[b]Ethnicity:[/b] Self-explanatory
[b]Height:[/b] Your height in cm
[b]Weight:[/b] Your weight in kilogram[/Column][/Row]

Describe what your character looks like / what cannot be shown in your reference picture. Things like build, tattoos, built, gait and so on go here.

Write about your character's personality here. Three paragraphs or more.

Write about your character's background here. Two paragraphs or more.[/Centerblock][/Color][/size][/border][/bG][/Centerblock]
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Name: Elijah Thomas Northway

Nickname(s): Eli

Sex: Male

Age: 32
Birthday: 2nd of May

Ethnicity: Scottish

Height: 182 cm

Weight: 67.7 kg


Elijah's body mass is spread more across height than anything. Due to this, he has a somewhat lower than average weight and build, but makes up for it with his height. He walks with long strides, covering short distances quickly.

Elijah has two tattoos. A large, open eye placed in the center of each palm. When asked, he explains that there isn't much of a meaning behind them, and that they're there just to be there.

His face is not the cleanest. He has a scar on his left cheek, and often has cuts and bruises strewn about. He has very thin facial hair, resembling a permanent 5 o' clock shadow. And his eyes are always droopy and tired looking, with a dark grey color to complete the tired look.


Elijah's personality is defined by his calm, often monotonous voice, with a very dry sense of humor. It's often sarcastic comments that come naturally to him. But off of his sense of humor, around people he's generally warm and friendly to most, even if it doesn't seem like he's very enthusiastic.

As well, Elijah is known to be curious in the face of danger and the unknown, choosing to explore places that could be extremely risky. He doesn't have much self control when it comes to his own curiosity and risk taking, which also leads to him being loyal mostly to himself. He will follow orders, but if the choice comes where it's him or others, he makes the choice that benefits himself.

To add the cherry to the top, Elijah is often nihilistic and pessimistic. It's a major downfall for him. He sees many things has unnecessary, leading to unstable emotions that he hides behind a figurative mask. But it's been many years, so it's hard to see through his facade.


Born into a middle-class family, Elijah was raised as a merchant. His home was situated in a trading outpost from which weary travelers and trade caravans alike scuttling in and out, buying and selling. Elijah's family was one of the families working in the outpost, but were often in the shadow of some of the larger trade companies that took in most of the profit. Elijah worked in the family business for most of his life. But everything has to end, and a large trade company came to the outpost. The Northridge family saw that as the final blow. They were already being beat out by all the others, and they were forced to give up their spot in the outpost and move on.

In the years following, the situation spiraled until the family was near homeless. They had just enough upkeep from odd jobs here and there to keep a simple home running. Elijah was in his mid twenties by this point, living with his parents and helping out for as long as he could remember. For the good of his parents, Elijah left his home to go somewhere where he could live, and keep his family from having to spend extra money they didn't need to be spending. He bundled up in many layers of warm clothing and set out into the icy wastes.

He has been living in an even smaller town ever since then, running a small general store-like business to allow him to keep his shack of a house. Recently, military recruiters came into the town. Elijah saw it more as a way to have food and shelter without having to work every single day for the little pay he gets. As the recruiter was leaving, he quickly packed his necessities and ran after him. The destination, he was told, was a militia outpost known as Daisy 7. He could learn how to fight. He wasn't a technology or mechanic genius, but he was good at learning. And he was going to learn how to wage war against the creatures that kids sang songs about. Hey, it's a living.

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(Right now I'm mostly likely to write Noah. If I can think of a good twist for my other character it might switch)

  • Noah Borough


    Name: Noah Borough

    Nickname(s): Zealot, Yogi, 'Snow Angel'

    Sex: Male

    Age: 57
    Birthday: 10th of June


    Height: 172cm

    Weight: 93kg


    Stocky and strong for his age. He has a variety of tattoos from when he was younger. Some are intended to make him appear fierce, others are symbols of his religion. Noah is also missing his index finger on his right hand and his smaller two fingers on his left. His left ear is also scarred by frostbite but is not otherwise misshapen.


    Despite begging for coins as a story teller, Noah is otherwise not such an interesting person to talk to. Years of being treated as a stranger or outcast lead him to expect to be cast aside thus he rarely tries to hold a conversation so much as he will answer questions. He misses having a place to really belong. The broken pride in Noah hides something waiting to return.

    Though he has not served for years, Noah is a military man with the spin of a religious zealot. His division of the old army transformed their training into a religion and decades later their practices have not left Noah. He sleeps and wakes at the same time every day and can be spotted practising drills and 'battle prayers' in the snows on the edge of town. His injuries prevent him from accurately firing a rifle beyond short range and he worries that he may be past his usefulness as a soldier.

    Noah has very little and thus he appreciates the small things in life. He has little to do in a day, so he is happy to sit and watch life unfold, often studying the people around town, reading what books he can find or just observing the training drills of the militia recruits. A proficient journeyman, Noah will often take walks in the frozen landscape. Despite his age, he moves easily in the snow, enough to keep up with the younger recruits. Techniques used by the 'Snow Angels' make his voice carry oddly loudly on the wind and he can be heard singing hymns long before he can be seen. His vision in the frozen landscape is impeccable, though the technology used by modern Agents makes this largely redundant.


    Noah is one of the last surviving members of the now disbanded 15th Arctic Infantry, more colloquially known as the 'Snow Angels' for their proficiency at finding lost travellers on patrols. When Noah joined the 15th they were heroes, considered the greatest defenders of the scattered colonies. No 'Snow Angel' was ever without a roof over his head, it was an honour to have one sleep under your roof. However, after a 5 year campaign intended to find the source of the perish, the 15th returned to find their home outposts ravaged. Anger against them coupled with growing suspicion of their religious beliefs lead to the group being disbanded.

    Noah and a group of his comrades travelled between colonies, looking for work but Snow Angels were considered 'tainted' by their training. They were deemed not mentally sound and none of the rising militia would take him. 20 years ago, Noah arrived at Daisy-7, emerging alone from during a blizzard. The last of his comrades had died on the journey and Noah was suffering the beginnings of frostbite. Daisy-7's recruiters rejected his application. Noah would not survive a journey to another outpost alone and so he turned to story-telling as a profession. He will begin the story as a recruit, finally allowed to join as the recruiters become desperate for new soldiers.

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Arthric Valos

Pilot Suit


"K9X Crusader" Suit with scales


Name: Arthric Valos

Nickname(s): Ark

Sex: Male

Age: 27
Birthday: 10/16/XX

Ethnicity: African-Asian

Height: 172.65 cm

Weight: 72.2 kg


Under his mask and armor, he's a smaller man, built for running when things get frisky. He has a few burns on his hands and forearms, black hair, dark skin, a medium-pitched voice, and curly hair. One of his eyebrows is always partially singed off from close calls in his Chariot.


Arthric is a savior sort of Charioteer, seeing that his large mecha is an upgrade to his previous job as a field medic. He sees his Chariot as an device to transport wounded off the battlefield and agents onto. He's also particularly fond of using his mecha an distraction, hoping that if he's the biggest, scariest thing there, he'll be the one that's targeted, letting other friendly forces absolutely destroy the opposing hive forces. When he's out of his mecha due to adverse effects taken upon it, he chooses to use the common technique taught to pilots learning the Chariot for the first time, and had been used for generations and generations back when the Romans were to rule and fall. Run like hell.

Outside of battle, he's quite the anti-hero in his own terms. He actually hates other people, forcing himself to dealing with them out of necessity, and so he won't go insane like a few others he had known. In his garage/room, he constantly patches, produces, and installs parts for his Chariot like it's his first girlfriend. He nicknamed it "The Regal Princess", after a famous cruise liner that an old television show
The Love Boat he used to watch with his grandpa before the ice age. He has taken his love for his Chariot so far in that in all his battles he has replaced all wounds it had suffered, and has refurbished 70% of the hull and chassis with salvaged, or newly created material.

Seeing that machines are a better alternative to people, he spends as much of his time when not in the garage changing the things that are his to better optimize him. His locker containing his pilot armor is custom fitted with thermal control so they'll be nice and warm as if they were to just come out of a dryer (Which is washed every day after battle or training), or his garage, which is optimized to have instructional guidance for newer pieces, and a convenience tray/table/toolbox that follows him around while he's working. Because who wouldn't want their personal servant.


During Arthric's childhood, he learned most of his tricks from his grandfather, who was an aviation engineer before the ice age. Taking an interest in Arthric, he wanted to teach his son's child to become what he would never accomplish in his life. So, Arthric grew up as a mechanic, picking up his distaste for that this isn't easily replaceable, and can't be fixed with a little bit of elbow grease. He also sought to prolong his grandfather's life to gain more knowledge. From his early teens to the beginning of his 20's, he looked for a solution to stop his grandpa from dying of lung cancer. Alas, there was none, and his grandfather passed away.

Becoming bitter towards people as he was turned away every time he asked for help with his quest to find the impossible cure for cancer. He stopped at Daisy 7 and turned to his machines and gathered enough money as a repair engineer for other mechs, along with his inheritance money from his grandpa's death, he bought himself a machine of his own. Known as the "K9X-Crusader", he adopted the model's large frame and easy accessibility to enemy troops to board, and used that as his new design to save people, so their grand kids would have somebody to look up to when they grow to become the next defenders against the perish.
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w. i . p.



Name: Royané (pronounced Roy-ahn-EY) Marsden

Nickname(s): Roy

Sex: Female

Age: 23
Birthday: January 1st

Ethnicity: Caucasian -- Scandanavian.

Height: 175.26 cm

Weight: 53.5 kg

A p p e a r a n c e

Royané has dusky, grey eyes that reminds one of the color of an overcast sky. Her silky, straight, platinum hair is short and falls just near her jawline. She has a very tall physique; a nimble and athletic build with soft curves. Pale, rosy skin and high cheekbones with thin, blonde eyebrows. She also has two tattoos: both of them are half circles; the top part of the circle on her left wrist and the bottom on her right.

She has a birthmark behind her ear that she hadn't noticed until her mother pointed it out to her when she was young. She got two wounds on her leg, clearly healed over but the scar still remains.

She often wears her hair in a loose bun on top of her head, or leaves it down in it's natural state.

P e r s o n a l i t y


Royane is a very dedicated woman. When she's given a task, she finishes it with swiftness and precision that only a perfectionist could do. She has the ability to focus on one task, do it immediately, then move on to the next. With that, she's not able to multitask very well, especially handling more than 3 to 4 tasks at a time.


Royane has always been good with numbers and mathematics since she was a child. Solving problems is therapeutic to her; there's always one way to solve a math problem and she can get it correct every time, no matter how many times she has to do it and no matter how many curveballs are thrown with it.

Photographic Memory

Royane has a long and withstanding memory. She can remember very small moments of time when she was an toddler; whining for her mother's attention to times of when she lost her first tooth and how she lost it riding on a bike when she five. She can look at vast areas and remember each piece as if it were a puzzle, then store it in her brain and recollect the information whenever she needs it.


Though Royane might come off as level-headed to many, beneath the icy surface is a boiling tumultuous brewing of emotions. She just had a hard time controlling how she feels, so she hides what she feels instead. Royane is always thinking, her mind always running one thousand miles an hour. She's easily hurt, easily jealous, easily love stricken all behind a cool exterior. She'd much rather make sense of her emotions and figure out a plan to solve them rather than to act out on the matter. On the occasion that she's had way too much to drink, the more bubbly and talkative side of her comes out and it's almost as if you're talking to another person. She's stumbly and rambles on and on about nothing, everyone is her friend, and enjoys telling people how much she loves them.. And often very embarrassed by her actions the day after.


Royané's family has had generations and generations of medicine. Royané's mother and father aided the wounded and helpless in the miltia camp in Daisy 7. She's seen death, though she wasn't able to quite understand it as a child. Through childhood, Royane was quiet and often kept to herself. Royane's mother and father tried to keep her away as much as possible from the sick. She would casually help them every once in a while by bringing patients cold or hot towels, or water but not anything more. Her mother and father loved her unconditionally and always pushed her to her limits intellectually. They taught her everything they knew and made sure that their daughter was was well versed. She was a tinkerer, and she was always creating gadgets; some even useful to her family's refugee camp. She took liking to biology and thought viruses and antibodies were both fascinating and disgusting all at the one time, and every chance she got she asked her parent's to teach her more about the phenomena.

Her mother wanted her to go into medicine and help save lives and continue the family line. As a child, becoming a doctor sounded perfect and she always wanted to be in her mother's graces. However, science labs and libraries were her home as she grew older, and she spent hours upon hours trapped behind a book in their makeshift library nook or testing experiments when she could slip into the labs after hours when her parents were asleep. In an attack on the militia camp, she lost both her mother and father.

Losing her parents was only the beginning of Royane's hardships. Losing a mother and father is like losing pieces of your soul. She now had to decide for herself and fend for herself. This hardened Royane and covered her in a icy blanket; encased in frost like the rest of the world. She camoflouged herself into the words of her books and notes scribbled with her mother's handwriting and her father's sidenotes. She's involved herself in her work since then, creating and using her knowledge of bacteria, disease, and chemicals as weaponry.

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Name: Mariana B. Hargrove

Nickname(s): Ice Queen

Sex: Female

Age: 26
Birthday: 07/08/YY

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Height: 170.5 CM

Weight: 73.9 KG


Mariana is an average woman with an average height, weight, and build. She keeps herself in shape but doesn't get to the point where she has excess muscle mass. She has no other defining features and feels that tattoos are pointless.


Mariana the Ice Queen, a title earned through her seemingly uncaring persona when it comes to her fellow humans. She is a cold woman who believes that sacrifices must be made for the greater good, and she is the greater good. She is a scientist and feels that the value of her life is greater than the value of others. This makes her quite unpopular around camp and few people seek social interaction with her outside of training and classes. If it came down to it she would sacrifice hundred, if not thousands of the few precious lives left on Earth to remove the alien threat and dissolve this dreadful Ice Age.

That's not to say she doesn't have a softer side that manifests itself when she is alone. If you catch her in her room sometimes you can fine Mariana reading an old world book, and smiling. Rumors of brief glimpses of her smile often circulate around base but few people believe that she is capable of anything besides disdain for anything. People view her a self centered and egotistical due to her belief that her life is worth more than others, leaving her as an outcast.

Honestly Mariana prefers to be alone, it helps her avoid pointless attachments to people who will probably just die. People are distractions to her and so she keeps her distance a only engages when absolutely necessary. She spends most of her time doing preliminary research for the more experienced scientists, and even they can barely tolerate her ice cold personality. When not doing her job she is studying research material or keeping herself in shape at the bases gym, knowing that a sharp mind is nothing with a frail body.


Mariana was born to a family who stayed with the military unit she now works with. For as long as she could remember she idolized those who fought back against the aliens and knew that's what she wanted to do, her parents were less than thrilled. Well one day the base was attacked directly and in the ensuing chaos her parents were killed and ripped to pieces by one of the monstrosities. This scene changed Mariana and she became distant and uncaring toward everyone around her. It was theorized that she had a form of PTSD after watching her parents get murdered and her new persona was a way of coping with the trauma.

A few years passed until she was old enough to join, but her views on what she wanted to be changed. She knew now that the best hope for humanity was scientists, and so she joined their ranks and began her training. Doctors were worried about allowing her to join at first, but few people possessed a wit as sharp as hers and her ability to learn faster than most helped as well. Now she spends her days studying as much as she can and keeps her distance from other humans, keeping distractions to a minimum.


Name: Jryk Ophre (Yir-Rick Off-Free)

Nickname(s): Snowshoe

Sex: Male

Age: 26
Birthday: 2nd of January

Ethnicity: Icelandic/Yakut

Height: 182 cm

Weight: 83.4 kg


Well-muscled and lean, has a Vegvisir tattooed above his left breast. Unlike in the picture, his eyes are dulled yellowish color.


Jryk is a professional. He's spent more time trekking through the most dangerous parts of the ice shelves and glaciers alone and mechless than anyone and it has colored his psychology. He tends to be very quiet and when he does speak, he is very succinct. This is just because he is used to being alone, and he is fully capable of conversing fluidly if pressed into a social situation. He believes in action though, and is an Agnostic and a realist.


Jryk's father was one of the first Mech pilots to actually defeat one of the Perish. He took part of the beast back as a war trophy, which was how humans discovered the thermic power source that the Perish provided. Unfortunately, his father died when a small settlement they had moved to was overrun. Jryk was found by a rescue force several days later, having survived in the corpse of one of the Perish his father had slain. Taken back to a larger garrison town, Jryk quickly enlisted with the local militia and became a capable mech pilot. However, after a particularly disastrous mission where the old modeled mechs used by Jryk's squad caused them to become trapped when the mechs were disabled, and the subsequent slaughter of his entire team, of which Jryk only narrowly avoided due to a clamp malfunction in his mech, Jryk left the mechanized infantry and became an agent. Ranging on his own, or with a pack of sled dogs, Jryk became known as one of the best scouts and harsh-weather survivalists around. No snowstorm, no crevasse field, no rotten icefloe, could deter him. That's how he came to be known as "Snowshoe". Jryk is also a crack shot and builds his own hunting rifles in his tooling shop. He carves the stocks from Perish bone, which is ridiculously durable, and handloads his own high-powered HEIAP rounds.



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For some reason, picture did not work. This is Jryk.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/large.jpg.7f30a6d7f7bcd61d66a5e93aa2686489.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126936" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/large.jpg.7f30a6d7f7bcd61d66a5e93aa2686489.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]What a Jyrk.

Haha, it's Icelandic pronunciation. So "J" makes "Y" sound and "Y" makes "I" sound.

Виктория Юдин

Viktoriya Yudin

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Mitchell_Mohrhauser_Concept_Art_06-680x862.png.12c6266583328805dbb7c074d7ca3570.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="127375" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Mitchell_Mohrhauser_Concept_Art_06-680x862.png.12c6266583328805dbb7c074d7ca3570.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Виктория Юдин/ Viktoriya Yudin (veekTOreeya YouDin)

Nickname(s): Vikky,

Sex: Female

Age: 23
Birthday: 14th of october

Ethnicity: Caucasian - Russian

Height: 160.2 cm

Weight: 46kg


Vikky is a rather small 5 foot 3 girl, overall she has a rather small frame that makes her look rather underfed despite her being quite the heavy eater. Her body is very feminine and looks rather fragile anyone that looked at it would have the feeling that this woman's curves have fallen in the right place with slim to no excess fat but yet some well define female features she has what some would call natural beauty.

Vikky's body is covered in tattoo's and not just one or two, from the neck down to her waist is full of tattoo's most of which almost look like they should join together, since they should. Her tattoo's are not many but just one all knitted together to tell a story, the story of the Tsar Nicholas the second.

Vikky's face is nothing special and has no defining qualities. Her eyes are a hazel color and her hair is a simple brunette that is often tied in a pony tail or simply left to its natural state.


Hot-blooded and outgoing. Vikky is the type of women to run into things headfirst without looking up to see the problem. She'll take to any situation with extreme fervor, always eager to get the spotlight and to "save the day." She often tries her best to conduct herself with respect and leadership, but it's frequently hard for her shotgun voice to refrain from spouting a few profanities or vulgarities here and there. She's not afraid to speak her mind! She often finds herself going through periods of rest and chaotic energeticness. She generally has a positive outlook on life, and never seems to feel something is impossible or too hard to do.

Giving up or giving in is not something she'd easily do. And neither is failure. She is the type of person who takes losses and bad outcomes rather poorly; losing her temper and self-control over anything she can't seem to complete or succeed at. From simple debates to gambling, her respect can take quite a severe turn for the worst. She can be sneaky and underhanded at times when push comes to shove, but she never loses her sense of honor and fairness; "An equal opponent is a perfect opponent!"

Vikky also acts like she blasé about everything even new things, she acts like she as already seen everything and never seems to be impressed by it. They is a few odd occasions where she has been surprised in which it takes her mind a few seconds to process what going on and how it happened, which she won't move until her brain seems to have a solution normally ending badly.

Although hot-blooded and outgoing normally they is times when Vikky can get very serious mostly when the situation calls for it. When this happens her personality slightly changes mostly seen that she goes mostly quiet and stoic, she also begins to think things thought more and more rather than just running in. Personally she hates this factor but she can't do anything about it, its like a second person takes over whenever this happens and stays until it she finishes doing whatever it is she is doing.

One thing that is very noticeable about Vikky is her love for old things and knowledge of the old, this is shown not only by the tattoo covering her body but her collection of old things that people either gave to her, she stole or she bought, this started from a young age when she found a history book that her parents had, it was the history of Russia the place where her family originates from.


Виктория Юдин or Viktoriya Yudin as she is known as in the common tongue was born to two military personnel. Her father was a man called Vladimir and her mother was Anastasiya they both worked as mechanics meaning they saw very little action unless something broke down in the field. Her parents gave her the name Viktoriya as in english it sounds like the word victory so she was meant to be a little hope in the hell hole that everyone calls a world.

Viktoriya spent most her younger years along, as both her parents worked nearly everyday Viktoriya had to look out for herself. One day she took time to look around her house in all the draws and everything, it was then that she found a old rugged book that was very worn out. She opened it and began to read it the book was called "The Last Tsar: The Life and Death of Nicholas II" and she found it fascinating. Looking in the same place she found several old book and from then on another old she wanted.

As the years went on Viktoriya began to learn more and more on the old world some from books other from people. After a few years at the age of fourteen when normally both her parents would return only her mother did, her mother's face in tears as she explained the situation. Her father went out to repair a Chariot after all if one can be repaired its better than having to replace it and...he never returned even as the remains of the unit that the Chariot belonged to did.

Another year past and Viktoriya began to follow in both her mothers and fathers or well at least in the military. She got her mother to train her physically wise however she didn't want to full follow her family's path, she instead wished to have a more combat role.



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Ames Pierre


Name: Ames Pierre

Nickname(s): Amy

Sex: Male

Age: 21
Birthday: 15th of February

Ethnicity: Mixed - Black/Creole

Height: 172.8 cm

Weight: 65.7 kg


Ames has a short, athletic build and freckled bronze skin. A large, lighter-colored birthmark splays across a hand-sized area on their lower back. Their thick wavy hair is typically worn pulled back into a french braid that runs past their shoulder blades.


Ames is extremely talkative and often has some sort of comment to make. It's easy for them to fall into flamboyantly sharing a story that may or may not have truth to it to anyone who will listen. They seem to take up more space than they actually do. Although they never seem to be serious, Ames is an extremely loyal person to those they consider friends, and will, (almost) without consideration, do anything to see them smile or at least sleep soundly.

Beyond being outgoing, Ames can be brash and an arrogant hothead, often leading them to getting into arguments that they begrudgingly apologise for later. Though they're learning to bite their tongue and step down when needed, impulse sometimes gets the better of them. Their current outlet for anger is training intensely, away from others.

Ames may not be everyone's favorite, but there's no denying their skill as a sharpshooter. They tend to avoid heavy machinery if they can, due to some unexplained mistrust of technology. Attempts are made by Ames to laugh it off, but they're uncomfortable when wielding a Chariot.


Ames is an only child and grew up at Daisy 7, encouraged from a young age to pick up an interest in specialising in chariot operation, their parents believing it was the safest route to be trained in. Ames didn't take immediately to the machines though, but grew to be exceedingly agile like their father, who was an agent. Ames' mother was the one who pushed more towards them working in the mech suits, with her being a scientist and all. However, seeing how Ames revered their father, their mother could tell that her child would do all it took to be an agent.

When Ames was 14, their mother passed away from complications of a contracted illness. Ames took the death hard and took an interest in reading and learning about what they could do to remedy and prevent illness in this cold barren world. They've taken a special interest in learning what they can about medicine, bitter about how sparse resources are in the area. If the only way they can help is by completing training and missions, then so be it. They'll do their part and try to protect what they can.
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Camilla Pedrosa


Name: Camilla Alexandra Pedrosa

Nickname(s): N/A

Sex: Female

Age: 34
Birthday: 11th of October

Ethnicity: Afro-brazilian

Height: 180cm

Weight: 68kg


Long limbed, broad-shouldered, and an hourglass shape, Camilla's once angular figure has been smoothed out from age and motherhood, a stubborn layer of fat hanging onto her frame all these years later. Her stomach bears the fading pink scars from her first pregnancy, while her bosom has decreased since the end of her breast-feeding days. Her work at the greenhouses keep her active and busy though, and there's strength in those muscles and dexterity in her fingers.

A hard jawline, thick eyebrows, high cheekbones and puckered lips are her most distinguishing features. Upon closer inspection one may also notice the wrinkles which have begun to crease near the corners of her mouth and forehead, or the darkening shadows beneath those brown eyes. Camilla tends to keep her ebony hair short and cropped, with a few grays peeking out by her pierced ears. She has no tattoos, and wears no jewelry other than the bronze studs and a plain silver band on her ring finger. Her movements aren't necessarily graceful, but the woman carries herself in a self-assured fashion, serious yet approachable as she strolls through the complex.


Write about your character's personality here. Three paragraphs or more.


Born and raised in the Gemini-III agricultural complex, Camilla was the youngest child of a geneticist and botanist, living also with her two elder brothers and their maternal grandmother. Their parents often worked long hours, and so their grandmother took care of them much of the time, telling stories of the world her mother had known before the New Ice Age whilst teaching them how to bake bread and grow herbs in flower pots. As she moved on to her school years, the young woman became a diligent student, eventually choosing to specialize in agriculture as her parents and eldest brother did. The teen often volunteered at the greenhouses, helping to nurture the plants and grains which became rations for the neighbouring outposts. Her knowledge was more intuitive than scientific, but she nonetheless thrived in the artificial sun.

Camilla was in her mid-twenties when a group from another outpost came to visit Gemini-III, hoping to learn how to build their own sustainable farming complex. Amongst them was Ahmed, an architectural engineer who claimed to be instantly attracted to the young agriculturalist. She was indifferent to his charms for a time, but eventually grew to return his affections. When it came time for the group of apprentices to return eight months later, Camilla chose to remain at Gemini-III, with her lover promising to return once his contract was finished. Two years later, Ahmed had indeed returned, and the two got married as discussed.

However, though they had maintained limited communications during their time apart, the love which had blossomed between had withered in their time apart. They liked each other well enough, but they had both changed as people since their brief romance. The two tried to make it work, but ultimately the relationship came to an end. Shortly thereafter, aware that the peak of her childbearing years were coming to an end, Camilla chose a sperm donor and ended up giving birth to a daughter, Samara, the child quickly becoming the centre of her world.

Camilla and daughter continued to live in Gemini-III with her retiring Daisy-7 were seeking to expand their agricultural complex, and she left her
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Castiel Garner


Name: Castiel Garner

Nickname(s): Cas

Sex: Male

Age: 20
Birthday: 02/02/yy

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Height: 199cm

Weight: 106kg


With his collected muscles and tall posture, Cas not only looks like a sturdy figure but can also be downright imposing when he'll appear out of nowhere in view. His skin is as pale as the snow he's grown fond of traversing, and free from acne or other disfiguration from scars. He does, on the other hand, have a row of tattoos down his right arm and one on his central back, tracing his spine. The one on his arm is a tally of how many people he knows who've died prematurely, and the one on his spine is a tall tree, representing his hopes and dreams for the future.

Brown hair and hazel-eyed with high cheek-bones and masculine sharp facial features, Cas can easily be considered attractive. However, both on and off duty he rarely pulls down the cloth that separates his mouth and nose from the extreme cold of the outside. From the looks of things he's actually quite skittish towards the cold, and though that's quite far from the truth he sees no actual reason not to dress heavily in cold weather.


Reclusive, antisocial, maybe even shy. Ask anyone, that's your response. Fact is, while Cas might not say much, he often fantasizes about how it would be if he did socialize more. Life has taught him that it's simply not his cup of tea, and while many might suspect him of being an aggressive, loner sort of guy, he actually warmly welcomes the company of others in his own mind. Those that somehow manage to strike up a conversation with him will find that he gladly shares his opinions or stories should one only ask. As for summoning his own courage to speak, that's one of his more fatal flaws.

But he's surprisingly happy, all things considered. There don't seem to be a lot of people disliking him, though many find him boring. He's a follower, not a leader, and he's not much for trying to impose his own philosophies on other people. Live and let live is his way of life, which is in itself why he happens to hate the perish so deeply. No matter how he tries to scour his own head for a reason not to treat them with utter disgust, he simply cannot. Their only reason in life seems to be to destroy humanity, and after so many have died because of them there's no excuse anymore. This is also why he's became a soldier.

Being short on words at nearly every occasion has some bad consequences though. Whether it's reporting in or simply having small-talk, Cas might accidentally leave out something important that'll rub people the wrong way. It's never intentional, but he's both a victim and perpetrator of many miscommunications. This has lead him to be overly careful, both in social and practical situations, and is directly why he rarely strikes up conversation. On the other hand, he rarely makes the same mistake twice.


Raised on stick fights, snowball fights, lumbering and meat-filled diets, there's hardly a complaint to be made about Cas' early life. Except for the Perish. His family home was at a certain outpost Iota 2 where monster activity was rampant. His parents were adamant on not letting them live in fear though, and always explained that there would never be a real danger unless they themselves gave up on living. Wise words at the time, but when his 15th birthday rolled around and the outpost fell it didn't ring quite as true.

Cas had been out with his older brother, so they only heard the sirens in the distance. In itself it wasn't that alarming(hah), they only knew that they could be needed back home. It was the moment when the sirens slowly failed that their hearts sank. But they knew what had to be done. For two days they were on foot, heading down towards the nearest outpost they knew of. They were a warm-blooded family, so their amp upkeep requirements were low. Still, it wasn't as if they'd prepared for this. The knowledge that their amps would soon run empty loomed over them, and terrified them more than the thought of any monster or bandit.

Soon Cas noticed that his brother was slowing down. The thought that he might die first scared Cas so deeply that he didn't even dare ask him how he was doing. Instead they wandered for a full day in silence, before he simply fell to the ground. As it turned out, he'd done it for Cas. He turned his amp off, and saved it for him so at least one of them would live. In his last moments, he made Cas swear to do everything he could with the only life that survived Outpost Iota 2. As it's only legacy, he carried the responsibilities of an entire people on his shoulders, and he didn't want to disappoint them.

Still, there was little a 15 year old boy could do on his own. For the coming years he trained his body extensively and helped out at the new outpost however he could, but it was a quiet and humble existence. When he heard of the recruitment in Daisy 7, he immediately gathered all his belongings and set out for a new life. One where he could make a difference.
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Alexandra Corwin


Name: Self-explanatory

Nickname(s): Alex, Cory

Sex: Female

Age: 19
Birthday: 16th of April

Ethnicity: White - American

Height: 165.10 CM

Weight:92.53 KG


Alex is a moderately short woman, and a little on the chubbier side. (I couldn't find an image of that totally fit her, sorry about that.) Her hair is messily cut short and bleached, and she wear a pair of glasses or goggles at all times. She is usually seen in loose-fitting, comfortable clothes, and often crop tops, despite the freezing weather. Her nails are usually chewed down to stubs from stress, and her lips constantly bitten and cracked.


Alex is a nervous but excitable girl, mature for her age and incredibly smart. She's studying to be a medic for the Daisy 7 team, and is going to do science and innovation work when not needed in the med bay. Though only 19, she's been studying her entire life about medicine and caretaking, as well as inventing ways to help others. From a young age, she knew that she wanted to join the militia, but not to fight. She's practically destined to work in the labs. That's another thing about her, she's stubborn. She knows what she wants, and she is going to get it, whether others like it or not. This hard-headedness has caused her many arguments with her family in the past, as they didn't want her to join the outpost.

Alexandra is incredibly empathetic and passionate about other people and even animals, the rare few that have survived and adapted to the cold. She will do all she can to help others and to keep them safe, even if that requires putting herself in danger. She's brave too, willing to sacrifice herself for others if need be. Incredibly charismatic, she can make a convincing case for herself with ease, allowing her to be manipulative if she must be. Alex tries not to do that to others, as her morals rely strongly on a self hatred-fueled complex of "It should be you, not me."

Lastly, Alex is still basically a kid. At only 19 years old, she's very mature and advanced for her age, but can be prone to the occasional teenage emotional breakdown. She makes friends with everyone, even though she's young, and is well liked for being helpful and respectful as much as she can be. She's just a smart kid doing her best to help out.

History At only 19, Alexandra doesn't have much of a backstory. She grew up with her mother and younger brother, Andy. From a young age, she helped around the house, usually watching her brother while she played doctor with her stuffed animals. At age 13, she and her brother were lost in a blizzard, and since then, she has never stopped blaming herself for the damage done to him. She now wants to protect him and her mother at every cost.

Her brother and mom aren't very keen on her joining the troops and dealing with the Perish, even though she assured them that she was going to become a scientist and wouldn't be working with any live extra terrestrials. Her mother, also incredibly strong-willed, had refused to let her join, so she ran away and did it anyway. Now, she's a fresh member of the military, and she's ready for her life to really begin.

WingedAlabaster said:

Alexandra Corwin


Name: Self-explanatory

Nickname(s): Alex, Cory

Sex: Female

Age: 19
Birthday: 16th of April

Ethnicity: White - American

Height: 165.10 CM

Weight:92.53 KG


Alex is a moderately short woman, and a little on the chubbier side. (I couldn't find an image of that totally fit her, sorry about that.) Her hair is messily cut short and bleached, and she wear a pair of glasses or goggles at all times. She is usually seen in loose-fitting, comfortable clothes, and often crop tops, despite the freezing weather. Her nails are usually chewed down to stubs from stress, and her lips constantly bitten and cracked.


Alex is a nervous but excitable girl, mature for her age and incredibly smart. She's studying to be a medic for the Daisy 7 team, and is going to do science and innovation work when not needed in the med bay. Though only 19, she's been studying her entire life about medicine and caretaking, as well as inventing ways to help others. From a young age, she knew that she wanted to join the militia, but not to fight. She's practically destined to work in the labs. That's another thing about her, she's stubborn. She knows what she wants, and she is going to get it, whether others like it or not. This hard-headedness has caused her many arguments with her family in the past, as they didn't want her to join the outpost.

Alexandra is incredibly empathetic and passionate about other people and even animals, the rare few that have survived and adapted to the cold. She will do all she can to help others and to keep them safe, even if that requires putting herself in danger. She's brave too, willing to sacrifice herself for others if need be. Incredibly charismatic, she can make a convincing case for herself with ease, allowing her to be manipulative if she must be. Alex tries not to do that to others, as her morals rely strongly on a self hatred-fueled complex of "It should be you, not me."

Lastly, Alex is still basically a kid. At only 19 years old, she's very mature and advanced for her age, but can be prone to the occasional teenage emotional breakdown. She makes friends with everyone, even though she's young, and is well liked for being helpful and respectful as much as she can be. She's just a smart kid doing her best to help out.

History At only 19, Alexandra doesn't have much of a backstory. She grew up with her mother and younger brother, Andy. From a young age, she helped around the house, usually watching her brother while she played doctor with her stuffed animals. At age 13, she and her brother were lost in a blizzard, and since then, she has never stopped blaming herself for the damage done to him. She now wants to protect him and her mother at every cost.

Her brother and mom aren't very keen on her joining the troops and dealing with the Perish, even though she assured them that she was going to become a scientist and wouldn't be working with any live extra terrestrials. Her mother, also incredibly strong-willed, had refused to let her join, so she ran away and did it anyway. Now, she's a fresh member of the military, and she's ready for her life to really begin.

Shoot, the image didn't post. This is her. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/alex.jpg.41275330bf2b0796f8d90f4ed164bca7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133181" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/alex.jpg.41275330bf2b0796f8d90f4ed164bca7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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