Where Angels Fall


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Full Name: Liana May Renolds

*Nickname: Lia

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Liana is very sarcastic and blunt. She's been told she's a jerk, but she always just brushes it off. She kind of is a jerk though. She says things without the thought of others, and it always backfires on her.

History: Liana grew up relatively normal up until she was thirteen. Her parents suddenly died in a car crash. She moved into her uncles house, and of course, she just had to open her big mouth. She told her brat of a cousin that she didn't deserve the life she had, and her uncle decided to send her to Angel Falls, saying she was a "misbehaving and disturbed child."


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/pretty-girl-with-light-brown-hair-and-blue-eyeshaeds-thelegendarypaigehyland-enid31xl.jpg.80c4ef85ffe1d8f41169b147416e0eab.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10954" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/pretty-girl-with-light-brown-hair-and-blue-eyeshaeds-thelegendarypaigehyland-enid31xl.jpg.80c4ef85ffe1d8f41169b147416e0eab.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/12b52558bb8aa572bca9e77711aa0375.jpg.d36b4150a5d7391eb2f12520a3f4e572.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10955" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/12b52558bb8aa572bca9e77711aa0375.jpg.d36b4150a5d7391eb2f12520a3f4e572.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Full Name:
Jacob Andrew Hills

*Nickname: None.

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Jacob is very distant to everyone but his twin sister. He out right refuses to talk and uses his sister as his "translator" when he does have something to say. But, he actually is a very nice but disturbed kid underneath all of the layers he has.

History: Jacob was fostered as a young boy. His only friend became his sister, and he even convinced everyone that he was mute. But, in fact, he isn't. When he's in his room that he shares with his sister, he does talk in quiet whispers. Sometimes, though, he even will refuse to talk to her.

He was sent to Angel Falls because of his sister actually. She committed some crime he never asked her about, and when his foster parents accused him of having a part in it, he didn't deny it, earning him a spot at Angels along with his sister.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/45d8c54515315d38b1043fc036515276.jpg.a8a5d0325c447182caa11d9f49569615.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10959" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/45d8c54515315d38b1043fc036515276.jpg.a8a5d0325c447182caa11d9f49569615.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Full Name:
Danielle Monica Hills

*Nickname: Danny

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Danny is an all around "bad" kid. She's much of a loud mouth and lies often. She verbally admitted she hated everyone and meant it.

History: As soon as Danny was able to (at age eleven), she got a hold of drugs and started using. She began drinking at age twelve and lost her virginity at thirteen. She even became a gang member at thirteen as well. But, then, her brother Jacob just had to talk some sense into her.

Danny started to clean up by trying to stop using drugs and alcohol at the age of seventeen. She even tried to get out of her gang. Too bad they didn't allow her to leave. Instead of killing her, they set her up for a drug bust. Now, she's at Angel Falls with her brother, who someone got convicted along with her.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Girl-red-hair-tumblr-i7.jpg.3ddb8bc4830926c18de1927ed3a04254.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10960" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Girl-red-hair-tumblr-i7.jpg.3ddb8bc4830926c18de1927ed3a04254.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Full Name:

Darla Rose Blaine


Psycho or Rose






Darla is like a closed book. She could be thinking about the most crude thing to say to you but open her mouth and say something sweet. She is very good at lying and doesn't like people poking in her business. She prefers to read a book than talk though everyone needs to socialize so she tends to talk to people from tie to time depending on the person and mood she's in. Darla has a habit of seeming distant but she can be sweet though she does tend to sound serious most of the time.


Darla used to be a happy girl who had a simple life until she met a young man who was kind to her. She started dating the man but after awhile things turned sour. She was constantly accused of cheating. Was emotionally, physically, and sexually abused. She was forced to get an abortion whenever she got pregnant and then she was forced into a young marriage proposal. Living in constant fear everyday since the day she met him until the day she finally snapped. She was accused of beating her fiance to death. She plead guilty through her trial though the jury thought she was more fit to be placed with at Angel Falls rather than have her sent to jail. She did in fact beat her fiance to death while he slept and she didn't try to hide it. After she beat him to death with a blunt object she contacted the police only uttering the words "I finally did it..".


Full Name:

Arthur Scott Kyth








Arthur tends to keep to himself and doesn't like to socialize with other people at Angel Falls. Some might say he's weird or awkward because of the fact that barley talks. Some might say he is mean because when people try to be friendly with him he just ignores them and acts like there not there.


Arthur was born into a normal family of five. He himself was a outstanding student; He never got into fights, his grades were outstanding, and he respected everyone. He had a perfectly normal life until he told his parents he was Homosexual. Well apparently that was a problem for his family and whenever he brought it up there would be arguments, scolding, and sometimes even hitting involved with it. His parents sent him to psychiatrists to try and set him on the right path so he may find god again; there exact words. Well nothing worked he still proclaimed he was gay and thought nothing wrong with it. To make matters worse he found a boyfriend but that's where his parents drew the line. They sent him away to Angel Falls so they wouldn't have to deal with him.

"God has lost touch with you. . ." As his parents said.


Full Name: Arissa Noss

*Nickname: Aris

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: She's stubborn, sarcastic, rude, a total jerk and she really knows how to get under your skin BUT she can be very patient when you try to get back at her. She really does try to help people out, but she has no respect for snottiness of any kind.

History: Aris has always been and will always be a troublemaker. She grew up in Minnesota, the snowy part near Canada, and she misses it, though she'd never admit it to anyone. Her parents were very strict and very protective, they knew how to deal with their daughter's rebellious streak and knew when to tell her to stop and get it together. 2 months before she turned 17, they died in a freak fire and Aris was sent to a bajillion different foster homes, families who had no idea how to calm her troublemaker side. With every new home and every new family, she got in more trouble, got expelled twice, suspended multiple times, she was hacking into places she shouldn't be and almost got arrested once or twice until someone decided she needed to be sent to Angel Falls.



*Other: She loves art, though she'd never admit it to anyone. (See graffiti? Probably hers.) 

[QUOTE="Kat Shrodinger]Full Name: Arissa Noss
*Nickname: Aris

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: She's stubborn, sarcastic, rude, a total jerk and she really knows how to get under your skin BUT she can be very patient when you try to get back at her. She really does try to help people out, but she has no respect for snottiness of any kind.

History: Aris has always been and will always be a troublemaker. She grew up in Minnesota, the snowy part near Canada, and she misses it, though she'd never admit it to anyone. Her parents were very strict and very protective, they knew how to deal with their daughter's rebellious streak and knew when to tell her to stop and get it together. 2 months before she turned 17, they died in a freak fire and Aris was sent to a bajillion different foster homes, families who had no idea how to calm her troublemaker side. With every new home and every new family, she got in more trouble, got expelled twice, suspended multiple times, she was hacking into places she shouldn't be and almost got arrested once or twice until someone decided she needed to be sent to Angel Falls.



*Other: She loves art, though she'd never admit it to anyone. (See graffiti? Probably hers.)

I try :)
Full Name: Evangelyna

*Nickname: Eva

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Personality: She's shy and keeps to herself at first but once she gets to know you she is loving and extremely friendly even though her past is so horrible even she can't remember everything. She trusts very few people fully and just wants somebody she can talk to that may understand. She always puts other people first before herself.

History: Eva was born in a country environment until her mother got sick one day and her father taken off to jail. She was moved to a completely new place in the city with people she didn't really know where she was treated so badly she has nightmares about it. Although she can't remember the dreams or some of the events that took place. Her mother died shortly after becoming sick and her dad remained in jail for life. She was left on her own with noone that wanted her or that cared. She's been searching for a place to call home ever since. Walking in the middle of winter in barely any clothes she got picked up by a strange person. She then arrived at Angel Falls.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/evangelyna.jpg.d94a512525223f09fad17021ac062478.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11345" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/evangelyna.jpg.d94a512525223f09fad17021ac062478.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

*Other: She loves to draw and read. She has a fierce love for animals and would someday like to be a Vet.



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Full Name: Clareisse(clare-ezz) Angelia(ángelia) Moone

Nickname: Clarie

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Fay is very closed off. She is reserved and independent, not wanting(nor needing) anyone's help with her life. Emotionless and a determined person, she is strong and does anything for what she wants.

History: Fay truly feels nothing. She has no emotion towards people, and can't remember ever having any. There is a deep rooted sadness inside of her, something that she has never felt and she has never acknowledged. She doesn't know of sadness, none of that. As well at that, she feels no love, or affection. It was something she was born with, at least, she thinks so.

When Fay was five, she had a tumor in her brain and had surgery to remove it. During the surgery, something was botched up and the limbic system was damaged. Somehow, it was damaged enough so that she could feel no emotions. She just became empty of them. Her parents were informed, but never told her. They just shunned her, basically. Her brother did the same, but came to hate her. The way that she felt no pain, and no pity. No love.

At the age of eighteen, Fay ran away from home and moved out of their small town, as far as she could get away. She got a job in a bar as a waitress and her own apartment, going to college during the day and working most of the night. The only thing that she is sure of, is that there is an emptiness in her. Acknowledging that she feels nothing, she instead works and works and works, subconsciously pushing away what any normal person would consider to be hurt and pain.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be93d7a6d_MeghanOry.jpg.7795cf71a238dc79d74d865bf3e07889.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11449" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8be93d7a6d_MeghanOry.jpg.7795cf71a238dc79d74d865bf3e07889.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: She has a large tattoo on the back or her neck and on her back. It is of a tree with no leaves, like the tree of life with the number 5 in roman numerals woven into it.

Full Name: Fey Asher Summers

Nickname: n/a

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Fey is incredibly open and friendly, wanting to help anyone that he meets. He is immensely curious and always has to know everything. He hates not knowing, it makes him feel vulnerable. Weak, exposed to the unknown. He has a fast temper, but never holds grudges.

History: It all started in sixth grade, when he started following a girl. Stalking her, basically. not even wanting to know her name, though, he was more obsessed than anything. It was like something similar to OCD but, different. He just felt compelled to follow her everywhere, as if she were in some sort of danger and he was the only one that could save her.

Eventually, he started following another girl. Nicknaming each one of them, one girl he called 'Vigil' because she was always staring into the distance. It creeped him out, yet he was curious. She was the one he followed the longest, for six long months. Dodging and hiding, but she found him and got a restraining order.

Noticing that something was wrong with their song, his parents started watching him, noticing the little obsessions that he had. Everything had to be spotless. He always had to know every last detail. Finally, it got to be to much when he started watching his younger sister, staring at her and beginning to call her 'Luna'. In his mind, he had no idea why. In his subconscious, he knew it was because of how she looked. Haunting, frightening. The final, final straw was when he attacked her, for the mere reason that she had kept a secret, a tiny one about his birthday present.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/teen-male-1.jpg.b4cbf44c675456f85898b9702a8f618c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="11450" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/teen-male-1.jpg.b4cbf44c675456f85898b9702a8f618c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other: n/a



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XpoeticjusticeX said:
Full Name: Clareisse(clare-ezz) Angelia(ángelia) Moone
Nickname: Clarie

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Fay is very closed off. She is reserved and independent, not wanting(nor needing) anyone's help with her life. Emotionless and a determined person, she is strong and does anything for what she wants.

History: Fay truly feels nothing. She has no emotion towards people, and can't remember ever having any. There is a deep rooted sadness inside of her, something that she has never felt and she has never acknowledged. She doesn't know of sadness, none of that. As well at that, she feels no love, or affection. It was something she was born with, at least, she thinks so.

When Fay was five, she had a tumor in her brain and had surgery to remove it. During the surgery, something was botched up and the limbic system was damaged. Somehow, it was damaged enough so that she could feel no emotions. She just became empty of them. Her parents were informed, but never told her. They just shunned her, basically. Her brother did the same, but came to hate her. The way that she felt no pain, and no pity. No love.

At the age of eighteen, Fay ran away from home and moved out of their small town, as far as she could get away. She got a job in a bar as a waitress and her own apartment, going to college during the day and working most of the night. The only thing that she is sure of, is that there is an emptiness in her. Acknowledging that she feels nothing, she instead works and works and works, subconsciously pushing away what any normal person would consider to be hurt and pain.

Appearance:View attachment 35081

Other: She has a large tattoo on the back or her neck and on her back. It is of a tree with no leaves, like the tree of life with the number 5 in roman numerals woven into it.

Full Name: Fey Asher Summers

Nickname: n/a

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Fey is incredibly open and friendly, wanting to help anyone that he meets. He is immensely curious and always has to know everything. He hates not knowing, it makes him feel vulnerable. Weak, exposed to the unknown. He has a fast temper, but never holds grudges.

History: It all started in sixth grade, when he started following a girl. Stalking her, basically. not even wanting to know her name, though, he was more obsessed than anything. It was like something similar to OCD but, different. He just felt compelled to follow her everywhere, as if she were in some sort of danger and he was the only one that could save her.

Eventually, he started following another girl. Nicknaming each one of them, one girl he called 'Vigil' because she was always staring into the distance. It creeped him out, yet he was curious. She was the one he followed the longest, for six long months. Dodging and hiding, but she found him and got a restraining order.

Noticing that something was wrong with their song, his parents started watching him, noticing the little obsessions that he had. Everything had to be spotless. He always had to know every last detail. Finally, it got to be to much when he started watching his younger sister, staring at her and beginning to call her 'Luna'. In his mind, he had no idea why. In his subconscious, he knew it was because of how she looked. Haunting, frightening. The final, final straw was when he attacked her, for the mere reason that she had kept a secret, a tiny one about his birthday present.

Appearance: View attachment 35083

Other: n/a
Clarie is Ruby! You just made my day!

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