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Fantasy When Two Packs Collide (Wolf RP)


With a wolfish grin, Steel was happy that he was able to do something special for the pack. Once Rudolph was finished eating, he went straight for the hindquarters ripping each piece and savoring its tender flesh. As he took his last bite, he heard Rudolph talk about patrolling and how he was to join him which made him more proud nonetheless. 'I would see if I could at least be an omega since I couldn't be beta. Genesis is better for that role. Anyways, I don't think I'd fit official pack rank anyhow.' He thought. Once he was done, he went to Rudolph and nodded at him. "I am ready Alpha."



As she was mostly done with her patrolling, it had appeared nothing really was going to happen. All she spotted were deer loping through, birds singing, and squirrels causing mischief from above. With a sigh, she shook her gray and white fur from the dirt that had accumulated while she padded around her territory. It had seemed she was parched in the event she needed to speak with Rudolph about some herbs that she'd ask of for her medic just in case something were to happen. So, before she did that she finished her rounds and loped towards the waterfall which she was glad was considered neutral grounds for the two packs. Once she arrived, she dipped her head down and began to drink and allowing the crashing of the waterfall to soothe her conscious.
Lani watched her pack from a distance, underneath a nearby boulder pile. She didn't think that her alpha would need her, but if he did, he would ask were she was. She would wait until everyone else ate their fill of Steel's catch, considering she was the lowest ranking wolf of their pack. She wondered if any interesting stuff would happen anytime soon between the packs or something. It had been calm for a long time. She wasn't complaining, even to herself, but she knew something was bound to happen. 
Xilla watched once more studying the foreign wolf her claws digging deeper and biting deeper into the plump rabbit, she watched the surroundings taking her eyes off him and catching a bird. She would've dropped her rabbit and gone for it if it had not been for him, but 6 rabbits were enough for 2 hours already. She bit deeper into the rabbit as the precious bird was struck down and her eyes widened for a small bit, woah who is this wolf? She studied his ever feature her ears twitching as warm rabbit blood slipped down her throat, she licked her bloody lips cleaning it to be a plump pink again. This was before a shock went through her she sniffed around, He's too close to the pack's territory and he isn't a pack wolf. Her tail shifted as she stood up quietly this was then when she started making a quick, stealthy run against the trees to send the leaves a flight. And to show where he exactly was, she hit the trees lightly with her tail sending leaves onto his ground. She continued all around him before stopping to pant quietly as she stood in the shadows. @Yoshiro
Patrolling around his packs territory he sniffed the air and caught a whiff of dead rabbits and two wolves. One had a strange and different scent. Snarling he muttered to himself "If that trespasser attacks my Packmate I'll rip them to shreds." He said before running in the direction of the smells. Crouching in a nearby bush Fenrir watched and listens to here the two wolves. The wind was blowing against him so his scent wouldn't travel to them and alert them to his presence.

@Yoshiro @The White Rabbit
Rudolph nodded from Steele to Skipper, and to Genesis. (If Torix is no longer around, we can say that Rudolph asked Genesis to come alomg instead.) Though he didn't have anything for Fenrir, and did not mind him wandering off.

"Lani." He barked, "Hurry and eat. You will be coming with us." He said and began walking away. Today was as good a patrol as any to bring them along. Patrols were always a good chance to impart experience onto the lower ranks. As well as to see what areas they needed to improve in. The omega especially. Genesis, on the other hand, was who he trusted most in the pack. A good example for the others.

Rudolph would keep his pace slow until Lani caught up, after which he broke into a trot towards the waterfall. They would reach the stream first, where the alpha took a quick drink, yet a scent drifted in the wind. One that carried the familiar leafy scent of the Shallow Moon pack. The river was a good marker as it helped to keep the scents apart, and it made it much easier to know when a someone crossed. Or at the very least let them know someone came close.

His hackles rose. "Do you smell that? Find where it came from. Make sure no one entered our territory. If you find someone... chase them out." He said firmly to his packmates. Rudolph had little tolerance for trespassers, each was a potential threat and a drain on resources. He did not take kindly to this. Especially the Shallow Moon, who knew better.

(This is a reference to the Shallow Moon Medic crossing to get the flower. Not the packless wolf.  Also, tried to move things along)

@demnkiller @LittleWolf @Talus @ShadedRose
Skipper sniffed around beside the waterfall, looking for any herbs. He was nosing a small bush near the river bank when Rudolph's words met his ears. Turning to look up at him, he felt his fur prickle. A trespasser, huh.

He shrugged and trotted over to where Rudolph's was, catching a whiff of the scent... A female wolf.
Lani, at the sound of Rudolph's orders, got up and followed them. She went over and ate quickly, not wanting to be left behind, or disrespect her alpha. She soon quietly ran after her alpha and caught up to the group. She sniffed around when she heard Rudolph tell the group to find out where the scent of the other pack came from. She smelled the scent of the other pack... not on their own land. She assumed this is why he had told them to find out where it came from. She wandered, following the scent of the other pack. She crept closer to the waterfall, the scent getting stronger. She soon saw the infiltrator, a female medic from Shallow Moon. Lani noticed that the other wolf had not seen her, so she stepped out from behind a tree and growled at the intruder. 

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Something was still off. No matter where he turned, he could smell a foul stench. It almost smelled like a- "Oh, maggots." He had wondered into a pack's territory. How had he not noticed the boundary smell before? Zacarus dropped to the ground, trying to find an escape route. If any wolf found him, he'd be dead within seconds. Where could he go to? The smell was coming from everywhere, and he couldn't find any familiar scents anywhere. "Fire maggots! This is not good, not good at all." Zacarus turned to where he had come from, finally catching a hint of his small hole. He had to get out. With the bird still partially in his mouth, he slowly got up and began to head carefully over to the narrow path.

@The White Rabbit @DeathValley105
((I completely forgot Pyro was at the waterfall xD I'm such a bad person))


As she was taking a drink, the alpha caught wind of a familiar but unfamiliar scent however it wasn't just one scent she caught. It was about five. Whispering Wind wolves. She knew she was strong for she wouldn't have become alpha if she wasn't. Any other wolf would be intimidated by the smells of a small pack nearby, but it was mainly Rudolph she was seeking to speak with. She also noticed Pyro, her medic, trying to collect marigold on the other side of the waterfall which she was a bit confused at her actions. Maybe she forgot this was neutral ground? At any rate, she would defend her medic at all costs given that she was an important asset to the pack like all of her other pack mates.

Before she could ask Pyro what she was doing, a growl came from the tree. This made her immediately turn defensive as she whipped around towards its owner, snarling with her hackles raises. Hera saw that the owner of the growl was a white female wolf which she wasn't sure where she had saw her from. Pointing her nose up slightly, she sniffed the air and soon caught that the female wasn't really a threat. Of course the waterfall was neutral grounds anyhow so she wasn't particularly worried. "Rudolph. Where is he? Where is your alpha?" Hera asks, now calmly and casually. Eventually she saw a black and white wolf, (Steel) emerge as well but he seemed more cautious due to the situation.


The whiff of Shallow Moon filled his nostrils as it had appeared that the wolf had been there for sometime. It was a good thing he mentioned patrolling to his alpha. A growl emitted from his chest as Rudolph ordered them to seek the intruder which is what he immediately did. Lani had already left them and given that Steel was a hunter, his tracking was better than most. However, when he took off towards the scent he smelt another. A she wolf, but not any other she wolf. He could smell the difference and it was big. Emerging from the trees, it was like he was staring death in the face. The alpha of Shallow Moon herself. It made him cringe to think of facing an alpha, but the alphas of Shallow Moon and Whispering Wind were those that struck fear into other alphas of other territories.

He shrunk back slightly, even though it was neutral ground. An alpha was still an alpha. He heard her question, asking where Rudolph was. Luckily, he knew his alpha wasn't far behind and for that eased his worry. Steel's eyes then wandered to the medic who was trying to get the marigold from the other side of the pack line, but wasn't sure why she was acting strange. Neutral ground was neutral ground.


Miles and miles away, a large male shook his blackened coat. His mane in the form of a Mohawk but was bare in one place due to two scars, swayed with his movements. He looked at his body which was covered in scars due to having to fight all his life for food and for access to roam territories. Throughout the years, they were a reminder to him that one day he would be strong enough to kill the alpha (Hera's father who he doesn't know isn't alpha anymore) and take the title for himself. It was time. After three years of fending for himself, he knew he was ready.

Trotting Southbound, Phoenix caught the scent of an incoming pack (has nothing to do with SM or WW). Five wolves intercepted his path and a golden wolf stood in front of the rest. "I am the new alpha, Phoenix, and we are done with your reign of terror. It's time for you to be eliminated."

Phoenix laughed heartily at his words, but then pounced and pinned the male. His sharp claws tugging at the alphas neck. "Now you listen here." His voice deep and rugged. "Cross me again and I will kill you. You may be the new alpha, but I used to be apart of Shallow Moon. You have a lot of pelt to fill before you're worthy to challenge me." With that he smacked the male in the face, humiliating him in front of his pack members. He then snarled at the other four who were quick to know that it wasn't a good idea to fight so they ran. That being said, Phoenix started trying Southbound again and this time straight for Shallow Moon.

@KingHink @Talus @LittleWolf @Kzadrin
Xilla finally emerged from her hidden bush holding the rabbit in a tight lock. She watched the strange wolf (Zacarus) walk away, she stood her ground growling loud enough to let him hear. She then sat down proud," You may have been spared now Wolf (Zacarus), but I won't take kindly like the other wolves in my pack!" She yelled at him shooting him her famous  'Eagle eye glare' before huffing and turning around. Lifting her muzzle up she sniffed the air walking back to her pack. The rabbit was a pale from all the blood loss. She wincrd her lips chapped as the fur blew through her fur she then stopped. Walking around she sniffed the ground tracking with all she had before stopping in front of a bush." Fenrir is that you?" She asked in  a low come manner much quieter than her yell. @Yoshiro @DeathValley105
Lani looked up from where she was looking at the other pack's medic and saw their alpha. She immediately looked back down and stopped growing; she also started to cower a bit. "He's just behind me," Lani said in a very quiet voice. She knew that she might get in trouble for not chasing off the medic from their side, but she also knew that this wasn't exactly their territory, so she didn't want to start any fights. She backed up a couple of steps. She glanced over at Steel, seeing if he would do anything. 

Standing up Fenrir towered of the bush and Xilla. He looked at the wolf face still in a slight snarl "Aye, who was the other wolf? Pack Member rouge?" He says simply noticing the smell of blood and dead rabbit on her @The White Rabbit
Xilla looked up at due to the fact he was a big wolf, and she was sadly tiny compared to him. Dropping her pale rabbit she licked her lips cleaning her blood splashed muzzle and fangs. Her eyes were cloudy going through her thoughts as he talked, " Sadly I have never come across that wolf, he doesn't smell like a Shallow Moon wolf. So he's a loner." She answered proudly her fangs visible as she talked about her intel. She then looked around at the scene, plenty of leaves, droplets of bird & rabbit blood, fresh wolf prints, and the peaceful aroma surrounding her.

Xilla then looked back up at Fenrir and got up, " Anyways what are you doing here?. . . Did you come to check on me? I'm highly capable of protecting myself you know." She pouted letting out a huff of sweet air as she narrowed her eyes on him. A bit disappointed that most wolves in her pack might actually think that...  So what if I'm small, at least I'm not puny! That's why the Alpha let me into Whispering Winds he said the birds & rabbits wouldn't hear me at all even because I weighed nothing like a light leaf! Her lips curled into a small snarl as she went through her memories, remembering the Alpha's words as she strode along side him as a pup. Finally, she focused on reality shaking her head so her snarl disappeared and her face was once more emotionless. @DeathValley105
"No i was patrolling our borders when i caught your scent along with a unknown wolfs. so i hid here waiting to see if he/she would come this way. Im sure you can guess what i would do when he/she came walking by." He says simply, noticing the rabbit at her feet. "Also i know that your very capable of protecting and fending for yourself but as a warrior and one of the best in our pack its my duty to protect everyone in the pack with my life." He says before rolling n the ground letting the feeling of leaves and moss go through his pelt. @The White Rabbit
Xilla listened to his words, yes he is a warrior what was I thinking? She nodded in understanding looking up at him, her small paws crouched together under her. There were slapped red with fresh blood,  her eyes blinking catching intel each time. She was like a little pup who had just finished her daily play, and had wandered out of the safe home of Whispering Winds. Shaking her head which ruffled her fur turned her back into the young adult she was, or at least hoped so.

She looked up  at the sky it was time to stop and head back, she watched the bright yellow sun before looking back down.

" I'm heading back, your welcome to come with." She answered  picking up the rabbit crushing its soft bones all over again. She slapped the leaves off her tail stretching before she would walk. She started at a trot huffing her tail swinging back and forth, as if saying " I'll hunt you down if you come close. " @DeathValley105
Hearing the wolf's voice behind him did make Zac go into full-on sprinting, in order to be out of the packs' ground. He hated living under the fear of them, but what could he do against them? It wasn't worth fighting over anyways. He'd have to change over to his other hunting spot for awhile, until Whispering Wind had forgotten about him. 

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