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Fantasy When Two Packs Collide (Wolf RP)


Neverwinter Scourge Warlock

*~Please Don't Begin Posting Till You've Been Accepted~*


























Shallow Moon Pack Ranks


Alpha Male:

Alpha Female: Hera

Beta Male:

Beta Female: Mikasa

Gamma Male:

Gamma Female:

Delta Male:

Delta Female:

Omega Male: Mei

Omega Female:


Medics: Pyro

Warriors: Saya, Camira

Pups: Rim

























Whispering Wind Pack

Alpha Male: Rudolph

Alpha Female:

Beta Male: Genesis

Beta Female:

Gamma Male:

Gamma Female: Sakiya

Delta Male:

Delta Female: Vrixa

Omega Male:

Omega Female: Lani

Hunters: Steel, Xilla

Medics: Nighena

Warriors: Torix, Fenrir
























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Torix padded over the boundaries of  the Whispering Wind Pack, the dry leaves and twigs crunching underfoot. He sniffed the air, looking for something. Anything to start a fight, but there was nothing.

There was the sound of light footsteps from behind him, downwind, and Torix spun around. It was a pale white form, and he bared his fangs at the wolf, but stopped once he recognised who it was. His sister, Vrixa.

"C'mon," she said gently, "why don't we head back. You're bored, I understand that, but you shouldn't stay out here on your own."

Torix's only answer was a low growl, and Vrixa sighed unhappily.

"So be it." She muttered, and turned around. She started heading back to the their pack's den.
With a slight skip and a hop the young male omega tripped over his paws and dove head-first into a small puddle of mud. This was not the first time that day that he had done something so foolish, however.

The wolf scrunched up his nose and rose a paw to pad above his muzzle. His soft brown eyes searched around before he stood up, sending mud streaming around him and gleamed at his paws. He "carefully" began to pad out of the puddle before he turned over and began running through it, rolling around in the puddle as if he were a puppy. No words were flooding out of the sire's lips, but yelps of joy screeched from him. The mud made no difference to his pelt, just darkened the lighter patched of peachy-brown that layered his underbelly. Then again, it seemed as if the wolf had no care in the world as he skipped around in the mud.

Mei was located just outside the den in a flat area where a few mud puddle lay await. Most of the puddles were small, but the one Mei had found seemed to lack in that dried-out end.

The alpha padded out of her den, breathing in the fresh crisp air of her territory. It was mainly made up of flat land and grass with lots of trees which was a good location to make a pack considering it was easier to conceal their dens. On the other side of the territory, however, sat a large waterfall that was the mark of the Shallow Moon and Whispering Wind territory border. The pond was split in half upon the two pack agreeing that it was neutral ground.

Shaking her blue fur, Hera's light blue eyes scanned the land making sure no other wolf was trespassing. Once the coast was clear, she began to trot around her territory to see if any rogues were thinking of entering without permission or seeking to join.


With a yawn the male lazily loped around the territory in search for food. He had noticed that the food at the alpha's den was getting low which meant he had to go hunting for the pack. The wind started to blow in which he smelt the scent of a male buck. This made him smirk as he began to run towards the direction of the scent.
Genesis sat in silence, his head turned up toward the sky as a small flock of birds flew overhead. Sighing, he rose slowly from his place outside the den and trotted off further into the trees. Everything was at peace. It was quite pleasing to the male to have a bit of quiet even though it lasted briefly each morning. He wondered if anything big would ever happen during times like these. The moments where he felt calm yet still fretted the worst. While going farther away from the den site, his ear twitched at the murmur of voices nearby. He knew the voice and shortly afterward caught hold of two scents. He turned his head and moved closer to the sound until walking out into a small patch of cleared land where he was able to see both Torix and Vrixa.

      "Morning." He stated with a small dip of his head upon stopping. It was apparent that the two wolves were acting as they always did; complete opposites.


~ ~ ~ ~

At the lack of warmth beside him, Rim's eyes opened half-way. After a moment of staring blankly, he blinked and rolled onto his back. His back legs stretched out followed by his front paws going straight up into the air. Once he'd finished usual ritual, he stood and shook out his fur. It wasn't new for him to wake up without Saya around though he did miss her at times. Moving out of the den to stand in the sunlight, he was just in time to see Mei go past. His tail wagged from side to side quickly at the scene and he couldn't stop from laughing. He smiled brightly and bolted forward to join the older wolf out in the puddles. Saya would definitely not approve though the mud was much too exciting to simply ignore. As he leaped, twirled, and slung himself around, the pup had no idea that his guardian was actually just out of sight watching.


Saya's eyes took in the sight of Rim and Mei. They were far more childish than what she considered healthy. Of course, Rim actually was still no more than a pup himself. She smiled briefly before moving out of the shadows and standing away from the muddy patches of ground. Her eyes flickered from each male then turned in search of Hera in case she were around as well. Surely, she would think the two were being a bit over energetic, as well. It didn't matter. What did, however, was that the she-wolf had already been out and managed to bring down a small doe. The hunters had been off in search of bigger game but for now at least the pup and their alpha could eat.
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Skipper nosed the rest of the juniper berries onto the large leaf, then gripped it with his paws and teeth to roll it up. Pushing the roll to the large pile near him, he got up and stretched, only now noticing his grumbling stomach. He padded out of the den and glanced around, hiding the little worm of disappointment when he spotted no prey.

Huffing, he headed out of the camp, intending to catch a rabbit or two for he and his packmates. 
Pyro sat still at the edge of the waterfall, her eyes locked on a small cluster of marigold flowers at the other end. Her tail twitched and she began padding back and forth. She could easily swim, that wasn't the problem. It was the Whispering Wind Pack's territory. She had followed the river for miles on her territory, and there was no marigold in site until she noticed a cluster of them a few yards past the waterfall. She groaned, inching her paw slightly into the water but quickly removed it. She took a large breath, checking for other wolves nearby. Her heart sped up and she quickly ran through the water, reaching the other side and the smell of the border infiltrating her nostrils. She began uprooting the flowers as fast as she could, starting to make a small pile of the medicine in the dirt. Her heart slowed down slightly as she continued harvesting the plant. There were no other wolves around, it would be fine. A twig snapped in the distance and she jumped, her eyes going wide. She turned quickly but laughed as she realized it was just a buck. She continued to gather the marigold. 
Skipper continued padding along, suddenly coming to a stop when a scent hit him. When his head turned, the scent became clearer... Rabbit. His tail wagged in excitement as he began trotting faster, following the scent.
Vrixa raised her head, and smiled at Genesis. 

"Good morning."

Behind her, Torix muttered something unintelligible, and started walking away. Vrixa was disappointed, but she expected him to do this. Torix was rarely talkative.

Turning back to Genesis, Vrixa fixed a smile on her and tried to look happy.

"So, anything interesting happen? What's the news?

Skipper froze again when he heard something moving near him. Ahead, in the underbrush, he spotted the white tail of a rabbit as it scampered about. He lowered himself down into a crouch and slowly, quietly, padded forward, keeping his eyes on the soon-to-be dinner in front of him.

With a quick jump he pounced onto the rabbit, pinning it to the ground with his paws as he delivered the killing bite, his mouth already watering in anticipation.
Genesis watched quietly as Torix turned from them and began to walk away. He sighed softly under his breath and looked back to the she-wolf. It was obvious to someone who cared so deeply for his pack mates that Vrixa was being worn out by her brother's actions. He shook his head both at her question and to clear his own thoughts. "Nothing's changed..everything around here is peaceful as ever. That why he's been wandering like that?" He pointed his head to where Torix had disappeared to.


As the cool dirt touched the pads of her paws, Hera patrolled the pack borders. Even though it was her warriors who should do that job, she was also alpha and she had to do her part in helping her pack as much as possible. So, she decided to do just as that. Even though she had members express their concerns for their alpha and her safety, Hera went anyways. She wanted to be to herself for a bit, but also sought adventure. Maybe something will happen. With a shrug, Hera started trotting through her borders looking carefully around for anything.


Running as fast as he could, the scent of the deer became stronger and stronger. It made is stomach rumble at the thought of fresh food, but he knew unless alpha Rudolph said he could eat the carcass he wasn't until he got permission. With the thought pushed aside, Steel came upon a doe who was grazing on some grass with its back end facing him. With a smirk, Steel knew he had the upper hand since he was downwind therefore rendering his prey helpless not knowing he was there. So, he made his move and tackled the doe making them both tumble but Steel maneuvered to latch his maw around its neck. Eventually the brute force Steel had used made the doe go limp which meant he had killed it. Proudly, he dragged the carcass back to the pack den to give to his alpha.
Rudolph laid in the center of the den, eyes closed as he took his time waking up from the small nap. He was woken momemts ago by the sound of Skipper's growling stomach. The healer was no longer presemt but his ever vigilant ears perking up as he heard Genesis and Vrixa not far away from the den. 

Peaceful as ever, he picked. Lovely news to wake up to. His eye cracked open to reveal his cutting yellow brown eyes. Rudolph let out a sigh through his nose as he stood up and trodded outside. He shook the dirt from his fur and sat down in the sun. After a few moments of letting the sun warm his black pelt he turned his gaze to Vrixa and Torix. 

"Vrixa. Torix. You two are back earlier than I thought you would be." He said to them gruffly. No, he wasn't doubting them. Rudolph was quite pleased with the competence of his pack, but he commented anyway so he would know where to pick up where they left off. Reinforcing the scent of wolf presence along the borders was never a bad thing. 

He would have continued with the question but he caught the scent of deer blood as the winds shifted. Along with the scent of Steel. Rudolph made no attempt to rush out to meet him, however would speak once Steel reached within clear earshot. "Steel. You really should not be hunting the larger prey without assistance. I would rather go hungry for a day than risk your brains being splattered across the grasses by a wayward hoof. And you wouldnt have to strain yourself bringing it back." It was more of an idle admonishment, as there was not really any displeasure in his tone. It was still good to be reminded his hunter was adept enough to handle such a task. "Good job, regardless."

Though Rudolph didnt mind eating from the field mice that skittered around, this catch would mean full bellys all around. He normally woke up more thirsty than hungry, but fresh kill was always nice. "Now then. Genesis, have you seen Skipper? We would hate for him to miss out on this." For the time being his usual demeanor was lightening. Today was shaping up to be an ideal day.

@demnkiller @ShadedRose @Talus @Rathalosa
The rabbit dangled from Skipper's jaws as he jogged into the camp, his ears pricking when he heard his name. He spotted the other wolves already out and padded over to join them, glancing at the deer carcass. "Quite the kill." He said admiringly, after setting the rabbit down.

Once he had delivered the kill to the pack, he had received praise from his alpha along with Skipper. He felt proud at which point he sat down with his chest extended and his head held high. The compliments made him feel excited and grateful that he was recognized as a great hunter. Looking at his alpha, Steel nodded at his words. "I know. It's a treat for us all. Something different. Luckily it was in our territory or I would have never been able to catch it." His eyes wandered to the kill, knowing that it was a prize to be caught. Steel then looked back at Rudolph. "Has patrol done a round of the territory yet?" He asked even though he wasn't much of a fighter and therefore didn't like to go on patrols or was a pack warrior.

Mei's creamy brown eyes glowed as he noticed the influence he had enforced into one of the pups of the pack. The omega watched as Rim splashed around in the mud puddles, and decided to not waste another second and dive into another one himself, his brown fur glistening with dark mud and shiny water droplets. After a moment he stood, staring at the mud at his paws before looking up at the pup who had joined him. Surely, both of them would get in trouble for it? Mei wasn't extremely worried about himself getting in trouble, but Rim might.

However, the omega disregarded it and pawed his way over to the bundle of fur, making a quick movement to pin down the pup's tail and flick his ears up in time to reveal a reaction to his movements.



Mikasa trotted about the Pack's territory her eyes examining every bit of it, which included the wolves. She narrowed her eyes letting out an icy sigh her fangs visible from her gums. She hadn't ate in a while because she had no appetite nor motivation, her ears perked up at the slightest joyful yelps sending her to straighten up from her position. Cocking her head to where she had heard the sound she padded through the damp grass her paws sliding in quick movements, her tail swung from side to side along her hips. Finally she slowed into a peaceful walk drawing closer to the sound

Mikasa stopped a couple of feet from the muddy puddles of which she classified her enemy, one speck on her fur would take weeks to get off! She licked her muzzle raising her head to see Mei & Rim, omega and pup. She clenched her jaw seemingly disappointed she kicked at the dirt with a sigh." Playing now are we?" She asked her tail resting on the grass behind her as she sat tall and proud her emerald eyes piercing as always. @ShadedRose@K NI G HT S KY
Rudolph walked over to the kill and gave it a few exploratory sniffs before sinking his teeth in its stomach. With a quick jerking motion he ripped off a mouthful. He repeated this a few more times, digging his way in towards the organs. It didn't take much fill him, and as per tradition once he did have his fill, be gave a nod to the others, signaling them they could eat as well.

"There has been. However I will be leading one shortly. I will be heading to the waterfall to drink, and will check the border and markings southwards down the shallows. Steel, you and Torix will be coming with me. As will Skipper, who will collect anything he needs from afar while we are out." He said to them as he gave them the opportunity to eat. He looked over towards his beta. "Genesis and Vrixa, you two rest, watch the den, and keep your ears open." He said. Whenever Rudolph headed to check the territory along the stream, he always went expecting complications. It wasnt a secret that he had some distaste for the Waterfall Truce, particilarly with the Shallow Moon pack. He did not exactly have a high opinion of them, and certainly didnt trust Hera to keep her wolves off of his land. By keeping a strong presence on that border, he hoped to dissuade such attempts.

@demnkiller @ShadedRose @Talus @Rathalosa
At the arrival of their alpha, Genesis turned his attention from Vrixa and smiled slightly. "Morning, Rudolph." He dipped his head respectfully then turned his gaze toward Steel, who'd joined them shortly after. It was truly impressive how he could take on such a big game without any assistance although it made sense why Rudolph had made his remark. If anything were to happen to one of their best hunters, they would surely suffer due to it. Of course, he was just happy to have all his pack mates around him and safe as ever. Rolling his shoulders, he looked around while noting all who were there and who was not. Skipper was the one missing. His head turned to look at his alpha, his head shaking from side to side. "I-...there." Right as his words were forming Skipper came into sight, a limp rabbit hanging from his jaws. "Good catch." He smiled slightly to the wolf before looking around again. Everyone was there now.

He watched Rudolph go to the kill and take his portion. It was a good sight for Genesis and it gave him peace of mind that his pack was feeding well on days such as these. He knew how hard it could and would eventually be with the changing of seasons but for now they were all well and that was all that truly mattered. Once the alpha had finished, the wolf stood and stepped closer, tearing away a chunk of meat from its back and chowing down on it. When most everyone had had their share, he picked his head up to listen to Rudolph again. He didn't mind resting though never enjoyed the idea of Rudolph going out to the waterfall without him. At least there would be Torix and Steel going with him. Out of respect, he bowed his head slightly before looking to Vrixa and nodding to her as well. Just another day.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Rim had not a single care in the world as he rolled through the mud puddles, yipping and howling out of excitement. He remained unaware of his foster parent, Saya, watching from in the shadows but at the time he didn't mind who was watching them and who wasn't. The pup's only worry was missing out on an opportunity such as this had he not woken in time. His already light brown fur was now dark and a bit heavy from the drying mud weighing him down. Never-the-less, he continued to skip, slide, and fall into the puddles around him. He only stopped when Mei pinned his tail in a sudden movement. The pup's eyes glowed as he whirled, or tried, to get from the older wolf's grasp. He growled playfully, yet paused once again at the sound of their Beta wolf. His ears twitched into her direction and he smiled wide. "Wanna play??" He jumped up, sending a few mud drops into her direction.

Saya, who was watching the whole ordeal found herself standing at the sight of Mikasa. She walked quietly from the shady spot where she'd been and looked from the beta to the omega and pup. "You two are an absolute mess." She sighed, her words hardly more than mumbles as she went pass them both. She'd have to wash Rim for at least a day to get all of the mud he'd aquired out of his pelt. Shaking her head, she looked at Mikasa and grinned as Rim had asked her to play. "Yeah, why not, Mikasa?" She knew the she-wolf's dislike toward filth and found it somewhat amusing.

@KN I GH T SK Y @The White Rabbit
Skipper beamed at Genesis, his fur puffing up a bit, proud.  "Thanks."

The wolf padded over to the kill, leaning down as he sunk his fangs into the succulent flesh of the deer. He took a few bites, the taste and aroma flooding his senses. After he was done eating, he took a few steps back and sat down on his haunches, licking off the blood around his mouth. His ears pricked as he listened to Rudolph's orders, bowing his head when he heard his name.

@KingHink @ShadedRose
Coming out of his cave Fenrir looked around. The sun was shining and the smell of a freshly killed animal was in the air. Looking at the group around he noticed Rudolph was probably giving them command. Stretching he walked over to the group before sitting down and asking "Am I needed for anything?"

Mikasa, Beta Female



Mikasa quickly moved from her comfortable spot in the grass so not a bit of the "flying mud" could touch her her tail touched barely by it. She winced shaking her tail back as the mud flew back into the puddles of which it came from." I'd rather not interfere now, for I was told to be a boring mud wrestler once." She joked chuckling quietly so her silver fangs reveled under her pale lips. Her head turned as she faced Saya with a peaceful grin, " Well trust me you wouldn't want me clogging the whole river by getting that  icky  mud off would we?" She asked in a joking manner once again her tail swinging back in forth through the air as she watched the wolves play.

She patted down a piece of stray hazel fur laying on her head, she watched Mei's paw on the young pup and stood up. " Teasing him are you Mei?" She barked  rolling upside down like a pup, so her fur was ruffled once more. She then got up again looking back at the Dens of the Pack," I wonder what they're doing?" She murmured to herself with a slight frown not affecting her joyful aroma at all.

@K NI G HT S KY @ShadedRose
[SIZE= 14px]Zacarus felt the air blow through his pelt, making it hard to stay asleep. He rose slowly to his feet, shaking off the wonderful feeling of sleep. It was quite rare for him to have slept this long. A growl from his stomach made it clear that the slumber was not appreciated. He perked his ears up, listening in for any sounds of movement. His stomach begged for a rabbit, but he knew too well that the fur balls resided in clan territory. At least I still get some of the fattest mice around. The birds aren't anything to yawn at either. Zacarus walked towards the forest, carefully sniffing for both prey and predator.[/SIZE]
Xilla yawned enjoying the peaceful aroma of hunting, she had  been out around the outskirts of her pack's territory. Sniffing and looking out for any clues of newly prey, instead all she got was empty grass which made her bored. Luckily she had caught 5 rabbits already, digging a deep hole of which she buried the corpses, though after while she had givin up hunting close to the dens. Instead she was tracing along the territory's outskirts trotting carefully, each step treading a small track as if a large rabbit's. She sniffed the air once again breathing out the smell of honey dew, her eyes were closed her nose focusing; tracking.

Almost instantly her eyes opened o-o she licked her jaw catching the slightest scent of a rabbit, revealing a pleased grin. She started at a run before trotting quietly so only the leaves rustling made noises, her eyes scanned the area. Luckily no wolves had beat her too this snack, she crawled quietly her tail swinging threw the air.  Aha found you.. Her fangs slid out of her lips tracing her tongue as she watched a rabbit snack at the berries she lowered herself into a lunge. As if in an instant she lunged pouncing down onto the fat, juicy rabbit quivering in fear at the sight of the female wolf. Barely moving an inch the rabbit's life ended with a slice to the throat caused by her long claws, now stained with blood. She let go of it licking he paws before picking it up by the scruff a tightened bite caused by her fangs. With this she trotted back to her hole pleasantly listening and feeling the peaceful dew before stopping.

She narrowed her eyes claws unsheathing as she looked around following a certain scent, a foreign wolf. She slid across the grass stopping behind a bush at the sight of a wolf far ahead, sure he was not in the pack's territory, but he was close. @Yoshiro
Perhaps it was just the leaves by him (damn things were horrible for his fur), but something smelled off. Whatever, this bird was going in his belly whether something was weird or not. He had drawn himself lower to the ground, his haunches prepared to make the leap. The bird hopped across some leaves, scaring itself from the noise it created. Seriously? Zacarus jumped, his snout already prepared to bite. And within a few moments, it's tiny neck was snapped. Thank you for fat food, Maker. There was no Maker, Zacarus just liked saying it. Something about the whole mock-prayer was hilarious to him. 

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