When The Wind Stops Blowing

Elvandel nodded at Enndolyn’s suggestion. “Yeah… lets just move as far away as we can… When we do get far away… let’s wait a couple month or so. Maybe come back after that?” There was a long pause as he watched the two exhausted sisters drink water, hearing Enndolyn’s snuffles. “Is there… anything I can do for you Enndolyn?” He asked quietly. He ate the last bit of bread that he has in his hand, wondering how she could stand to eat meat. For some reason he had always hate the taste of meat, so he stuck with being a vegetarian.

“Where are we supposed to even go?” He said with a realization. He knew no one outside their city. He was not even sure where they fly when they left. He had no idea what direction to head or where to go from here. “Maybe we should go to the Dragon Mountains? By now everything should be decomposed and gone… it would be a safe place to hid until things blew over…” Asetithe shifted her tail and just made a noise of agreement, feeling entirely too tired to talk.


Roen growled as Yale and Tannin began to shoo him away, “Rhea, contact me in the slightest chance that human shows aggression.”

“Roen, I will be fine. You guys just go have fun ok?” Rhea said with a smile, waving them off. She watched them wonder off. When Tannin asked her if it was a good idea she just shuffled her feet.” I am really nervous… but it should be fine. “

After that Rhea just waited in silence when she noticed a noticeably small man walking with a taller man. “I think that’s them.”

They waited for a long while they seemed like they inched closer slowly. Soon after they finally made it up the hill, Banter gestured to the two twins. “This is Tannin and Rhea. They are the two twins I was talking so much about. I would love if you trained them for me. Obviously I can’t do it. “ Banter said loudly.

The man that followed him was tall, he ware a cloak and long sleeves, long cloth pants to match. His had several scares on his face, they probably went all around his body. He ran a hand through his black hair and stared at the two kids. “Why did you want to train them again… they both have a lot of muscle. Your boy Tannin looks like he’s got a lot of spunk.” He eyed them both equally and glaced at Rhea, “And she showed no magical powers?”

Banter shrugged, “none, they are both magicless. Why do you ask?”

“Because she does not have a fighting spirit like her brother. But that does not mean she can learn, she just needs to learn a different style of fighting. For Tannin I will teach him aggressive style, and Rhea will learn a defensive style of fighting. Of course I am going to teach them all the same thing, they will just be taught to use it differently. I hope I make sense to you.”

Banter only nodded, after a few minutes of silence Banter broke it, “Tannin, Rhea. This is Andrew. He is a sword master and we will be staying in town. He owns a farm on the outskirts of is and he is willing to teach you guys to fight. As long as you guys behave. Got it?”

Rhea nodded, feeling a little rejected by Andrews comments, but did not take it to heart.
Enndolyn looked at Elvandel with a twisted face when he suggested going to the dragon's mountains. She tilted her head to the side and said quietly, "It would be a good place to hide, but... Everything there is dead. Do you think there are still dragons there?" Enndolyn had little interest in going there, but if they thought it was a good idea, she wouldn't see much room for argument.

Wren, however, felt much better about the idea. "I think it is at least worth a look. And even if there is no one, we still get to see a place with such rich history."

"We aren't touring, Wren," Enndolyn pointed out, her expression becoming a deep scowl. The dragoness was right though - it was worth a look. Enndolyn knew that dragons liked to stay close to their roots, anyway. What if there still dragons on the mountains? Then Enndolyn would be responsible for letting them die. But, then again, the dragons could be anywhere. Or....Or maybe there were none left but the sisters. She shook her head, telling herself she couldn't afford to think like that.



Tannin wanted to point out to this "Andrew" that different fighting styles were, in fact, not the same thing. Same class? Yes. Same "thing"? Of course not. But, to keep Banter happy, he held his tongue. The man said he had a lot of spunk and a "fighting spirit"....Huh. Okay. He was a decent judge of character; Tannin would give him that...

The comment on Rhea having magics was odd, though. He fought the urge to eyes his sister up and down and make an assessment himself. Tannin knit his eyebrows together and instead looked Andrew up and down. All the scars...They made him look like a rather intimidating, aggressive person. Tannin tried to look underneath them. Underneath the scars....Underneath them he seemed rather tender. Tannin decided to wait and see whether or not this was accurate. If Andrew did anything that made him suspicious, though, he was going to do something about it. He was sure Banter knew that. If he didn't, it would made known to him and Andrew.

Tannin smirked. "I'll be on my best behavior."

(*pulls hair out*)
(I feel your pain… since last night I have felt no inspiration haha.)

Asetith snorted and dank a few more gulps of water, “I agree, it would be a safe place to hid and be. I don’t think there will be any corps left.” She said with a rasped voice. She had finally caught her breath, though her muscles were weak and burning with exhaustion. She just wanted to sleep.

“The only problem is I have no idea where we are at. We just flew out of the city and kept flying. Suppose all we can do it keep flying till we figure out where we are. After we do that, we can change course to Dragon Mountains. Lets get going.”

Mounting the Dragonelles once more, they took off, but at a slower pace than before. Sadly, whenever he looked back, he could see the dim lights of massive fires, their city obviously still in the mists of being pillaged. They flew in silence for the most part, taking multiple breaks until the dusk began to fade. They stopped in a clearing, and then moved into the cover of trees.

Elvandel offer to go get firewood if Enndolyn would set up their bed rolls. When he had gathered the wood, Evlandel asked Asetith to light the fire. She rolled her eyes and then spat out a lazy stream of flame, lighting the tinny branches.

Asetith than moved to her sister and rubbed her neck on Wrens and made a purring sound, Elandel guessed she was trying to comfort maybe. After a few minutes of Asetith talking quietly with her sister she laid her head across her sisters feet and closed her eyes, falling asleep almost immediately. She must have been exhausted… Elvendel thought.

Elvendel was not quite sleepy yet, but he hardly did any work, Asetith and Wren did all the work today. Ruffling his short hair, Elvendel sighed and laid on his bed roll and soaked in the warmth of the fire.


When Tannin made an obvious sarcastic remark, Rhea jutted him in the side with her elbow. She threw a stern, but loving, look at her brother.

After they finished introduction, Andrew led them the long way around the city, never into it. When they finally got to a small house with a large farm area, Andrew showed invited them inside. “My wife Sillia and daughter Kiarra has gone to get food for tonight. If you come with me, I will show you to your rooms. We have quite a few extra rooms.” Andrew motions to move upstairs and took both Rhea and Tannin to separate rooms. “We will start tomorrow. Today you guys should rest. You guys can explore anywhere that you want. Just don’t get into any trouble.” Andrew added on, Banter laughed.

After he left, Rhea asked Tannin to come with her to explore the farm. She could no longer feel Roen in the back of her mind, which means her brothers have gone far. Rhea knew Roen trusted Banter much more than he ever let on, Banter knew too. It was an odd feeling not having her dragon sibling ebbing in her head at all time. Rhea found when ever Banter was not around; she fell into speaking Drakken, for it was her first language she ever learned. She thinks Tannin might feel the same way, Drakken being easiest on their tongue and mind. One thing Rhea noticed was when they spoke; they had an ‘Accent’. Drakken was a rough language spoken my large creatures, it was a heavy tongued language as well. So when they spoke Common, they put weight on odd syllables, making the speech entertaining for some people. They did not talk about anything important, just silly things like jokes and memories.

Rhea remembers people at shopping always asking where they were from; she just says they come very far from the North, from a village that no one has heard of and long forgotten. Over the years of travel Rhea has noticed a chance in both her and her brother physically. They did not look like twins so much anymore, Banter one time took Rhea to a Dwarven women to explain to her what becoming a women meant. There were other things the women had explained to her that she tried really hard not to think about. But there were many things that she came to understand that day, as embarrassing as they were.

Rhea dragged Tannin around the farm without very much of his consent, but she did not think he minded. It had been a long time since her and Tannin were truly alone. That was rarely ever since the dragons were always there, mind or body, or Banter was tagging along. Al thought the lonely hole in her mind sometimes ached, she did like the peace and quiet. After viewing most of the animals, Rhea and Tannin finally stopped to watch the cows. Rhea was examining the wired scar on her hand. She could not remember her ever getting the scar; Tannin had an identical one as well. Part of her wondered if it was genetic. Watching the sun set for a while she thought maybe it was time to return back to where they were staying.
Enndolyn released a sigh. Asetith was right.....Any corpse left over would have eroded away by now, any blood washed away, save, perhaps, a few stained rocks. The thought of going there, though, made her stomach turn. It was just a bit much for her. Going to the place where almost every dragon was slaughtered simply for being a dragon.....

Wren, though, seemed very calm and collected about the whole endeavor. In fact, the red dragoness seemed a bit excited. When the Elf maiden mounted the dragon, her red scales turned underneath her. She wasn't tense. She wasn't uncomfortable. If dragons could smile, Wren's would have been a mile wide, and though the dragonelle said not a word, Enndolyn knew exactly why Wren was excitable. Dragon Mountain was not only filled with such rich history, but it was so different from the Elf's temples and city. The city that was probably burning now....Enndolyn's throat closed, and she found herself gagging at the thought, but after a minute or so that felt like one hundred years, Enndolyn caught herself before she could start sobbing. Her face, though, was wet and running. The Elf wiped her eyes, ignoring the dampness of her cheeks. Wren did nothing, letting the girl be.

Flying over the trees, trying to get their surroundings figured out. They would stop more frequently and fly a lot slower. Enndolyn was a bit of a mess, the dry tears on her cheeks leaving a salty residue, her eyes red and puffy, lips chapped, hair a mess.....She didn't care, though. She just needed to accept what was happening to her, and she would be fine. It was just too fast. Enndolyn wasn't good with quick, unexpected change. Especially tragedy. No one was, but Enndolyn was especially bad about it.

They stopped in a nice clearing, and Elvandel offered to gather firewood while she set up their bed rolls.....She accepted while the girls relaxed, setting the rolls up a couple yards apart. When Elvandel came back and Asetith grumpily started a fire, Enndolyn watched as the dragonelle rubbed on her sister, the red dragon returning the affection with a very loud purring sound. When Asetith settled onto Wren's red, red feet, Wren draped her own head over Asetith's back, bringing the dragoness close. That was sweet....That was what Enndolyn liked to see between the two.

The Elf girl settled in to her temporary bed, taking quite some time to fall asleep. She was devastated, confused, angry and worried all at the same time, her head pounding with worse case scenarios and gory scenes. Enndolyn woke with a silent but quick gasp and realized she was dreaming...She couldn't remember what exactly she dreamt of, but it was in no way a sweet dream. Thinking she would have trouble sleeping, she released a breath and closed her eyes. Enndolyn didn't dream.


The Elf girl woke before her partner. She decided she would prepare something for him to eat, then get the dragons ready so he could sleep a little longer. Once her things were tucked away, she gathered some leaves and twigs she was familiar with and boiled them, making some hot tea. It was strong and bitter, but once it was down, it was really nice to have. She made some for Elvandel and put that aside, then cooked some meat for herself, preparing a sort of fresh salad of some kind for Elvandel. Once she ate and had Elvandel's food and tea ready for him, she woke up the dragonelles. They were still curled up together, and woke silently, blinking their big eyes. Asetith gave her a few questioning looks, but went along with the saddling. Once they were ready to fly, Enndolyn gently shook Elvandel awake. "Wake up...We should get going. Sleep well?"


Rhea gave him a bump in the side with her sharp elbow, followed by a scolding but affectionate look. Tannin couldn't help but be amused - this way way too easy. He knew he would get in to quite a bit of trouble with Rhea and Banter later, but it was there. He had to take it. Consequences were just something Tannin didn't care about. He never cared, and couldn't see himself ever caring. The young man was always one to leap before he looked; who jumped without knowing how deep the water was. That was how he had always been. Rhea, on the other hand, was his exact opposite. She always thought about things and what doing this would mean for that. Tannin just didn't have time for that sort of thinking.

Andrew then talked of how his wife and daughter were gathering food, they should rest...Blah, blah, blah....Tannin only caught half of what he was saying, but Banter laughed at something. He wondered if it was something for him, but recalled hearing something about getting in to trouble...Yeah, that was for him.

When Andrew gave the OK to explore, Rhea took his wrist and dragged him off. It took some willpower not to shout something in Drakken, so instead of a shout of protest, what came from his mouth was a sort of yelp combined with a scream. First it was a word that didn't belong to most languages, exclusively in Drakken. It was basically him starting a rather naughty word in his mother tongue, then him catching himself, so it turned in to a very majestic yelping sound...Hooray for energetic sisters. The girl dragged him around, looking at all the animals. The chickens, the dogs, the horses....Tannin appreciated the dogs the most, finding a sort of hatred for chickens. What useless animals. The horses, though, were very nice....He liked the power they had that was masked by gentle eyes. He wanted to ride one, just to feel that power, but knew very well that a dragon was a much more exhilarating experience.

When the day winded down to a slow stop, they sat together to watch the cows. It was the first time the twins had really, truly been alone for a while. Tannin watched the cattle lazily graze, swinging their tails to bat any flies away. He released a breath and looked at his sister. She was studying the scar on her hand. Instinctively, he looked down to make sure his matching scar was still there. He often wondered what happened to earn the scar...It wasn't a birth mark. There was no way they got the same scar by accident. He often thought that it was what their village did to them before they were cast in to the woods to die...Some morbid way to identify their corpse. Tannin furrowed his brow, feeling some hatred for a village he couldn't even remember....There was a chance they gave him and his sister the scars, but he didn't know for certain. He tore his eyes away from it and looked at her. "What are you thinking about?" he asked her, his tone low but gentle.

(Thanks Kagu (: Again, I apologize DX Wanted to give you a nice long one, sorry I took so long~)
Elvandel felt heavy and all he saw was darkness that surrounded him. It was not long until he saw fires, they were small lights, sprinkled about the darkness. But they grew, the fires grew quickly, sprouting up like gazers’, Elvandel’s heart jumped. The fire started to spread quickly, connecting with each other. He was blinded by how bright they where, unable to get away, completely surrounded. Confusion overwhelmed him, where was Asetith? Enndolyn? Wren?

He turned to find an exit, but was surprised when several goblins jumped out of the fire, tackling to the ground, they were shaking him, trying to throttle him, “Wake up.” He opened his eyes suddenly to see Enndolyn staring down at him, “We should get going. Sleep well?” She said.

He said, dozily. He sat up and rubbed his head, geez he slept like a rock. Looking around, he saw both the dragon’s were already saddled and ready to go. There was even food ready for him, “Enndolyn? You did all this? Oh, you could have woken me, I would have helped…” He said, feeling pretty guilty that she had done all that work by herself. Getting up, he quickly rolled up his own bed roll and connected it to the side of Asetith’s saddle bags and then picked up the small ball of leafy greens.

“I can eat as we fly.”
He said, getting on top of Asetith. Did you have a good sleep? He asked the Dragonell through their link. Yes… My sister makes an excellent pillow as always. Hopefully we will not have to fly like we are running for our lives today. She said sarcastically. As long as nothing is chasing us. He said back seriously just as they started to take off.


Rhea glanced up at her brother, her attention brought to Tannin. Her eyes bore into his own, wishing she had a telepathic connection with him like she did with Roen. His voice was gentle and seemed calm.
“About us.” She said quietly, her gaze stayed with Tannin. He and their brothers was the only person she ever makes eye contact with, She even rarely makes eye contact with Banter. “Are we human or dragon?” She asked suddenly, reaching for her brother’s hand.

She picked up the hand that her brother’s scar was. Placing her own scarred hand on his, she watched their hands, as if waiting for them to do a fancy tick.
“I hate the fact that we are human. It makes me hate myself sometimes. I wonder if Mother secretly hated us, or our brothers.” She said, the thought of the only mother figure in their life hating her almost brought her to tears.

(Such a lame post to a good one... might take me a bit to get back into the swing of this one... >.<)

Elvandel was still exhausted. She could tell. The reason she let him sleep was because not only does Enndolyn have to keep her mind busy at all times, there was also the fact that Elvandel was doing everything for her already. She was a complete mess the day before, and he was there picking up her slack. That just wasn't right in her mind. Elvandel needed his sleep, and from the looks of it, the sleep he did get wasn't worth a lot.

She offered a small, almost shy smile. "No, it's okay....You seemed tired. I didn't want you worrying about all of that. I took care of everything," she told him, but knew very well that taking care of everything wasn't fro him. It was fr her - Enndolyn just had to distract herself. If she hadn't, she knew she was more than likely to break down in tears she couldn't control. So while Elvandel got some sleep, she gained some much-needed self control.

The Elf maiden mounted her lovely red dragon, who waited patiently for the girl to get in to the saddle. Wren didn't seem to want to rush, but Enndolyn could tell easily due to their connection that Wren was very excited. The dragoness was just fantastic at hiding her emotions, much unlike her Rider. While Wren could wrap her emotions in neutral content, Enndolyn would either laugh or cry or smile about it and in no way be able to stop it. It was just how she was. Emotion was nothing to be ashamed of, and she never was. Enndolyn seemed rather dramatic in comparison to her dragon.

How are you, sweet girl? Enndolyn asked the dragonelle, patting her on her muscular red neck.

Better than you, Wren replied, tilting her head towards the girl. How are you feeling?

Better, I suppose...Of course, Enndolyn could hide nothing from Wren. From anyone. She wore her heart on her sleeve, and saw nothing wrong with it. I think I've come to terms with what happened.

Wren blew smoke from her nostrils and pushed herself off the ground, taking only three wing beats to find the air.


Tannin let her take his hand, watching her as she placed them together and stared. She was wondering about their scars. He pondered her question.....Were they human or dragons? Seeing her almost in tears, his face hardened, his I'm-your-brother-so-I-must-keep-you-in-a-bubble-so-nothing-happens-to-you-ever habits kicking in, he took his hand from his sister and wrapped his arm around her. "Born human, raised dragons..." he said, though she knew very well that he wasn't one hundred percent sure. What she said about their nest family almost hurt him...

"I think maybe Mom was weary a while," he told her, face still hard. "Worried, concerned, a bit upset, perhaps..." He hugged her tighter. "But I don't think we were hated, Rhea. It was the humans that hated us, and the dragons that accepted us."

(Wow...Wow, I suck for bumping
xD I just saw you posting in other things and got excited, haha~

Ah, thanks! That means a lot, haha. Your post is short, but it's fine! I have neglected this RP so long DX

Whoa, a reply that took less than a month? WHAT IS THIS?!)
(Oh man I really have to get back in character for these characters haha.)

Flying that day seemed long, but Asetith was determined to fly as far as she can, and with the new pace they had set, she was able to fly longer. The group rested once or twice during the day and made camp at sunset. Elvandel and Enndolyn traveled like this for several days, not seeing a single settlement of another Race.

It was about a week later, Elvandel spotted a large tower. The tower reached several feet over the ground, looking kind of jagged and warn down. Asetith made is a point to fly around the tower a few times before landing on the ground next to a wooden door.

“Think anyone lives here?” Elvandel asked, jumping off Asetith. The dragoness snorted as she folded her wings, “If there was… then they should be cowering in fear because two dragons landed in their front yard.”

Elvandel sighed, but he knew her point, dragons have not been around for years. If he had not grown with the female lizards himself he would probably would have run for the hills as well. Dragons had fierce lies that surrounded them, such as they were mindless beats, killers and horrible monsters. “Should we knock? Or maybe we should move on?” He asked Enndolyn. He wanted her opinion; he wanted her to be a part of the choices.


Rhea smiled, accepting her brother’s answer, not wanting to go further into the deep rooted questions. She hugged him back and took a few steps away from him. He was making those faces he made when they went into cities and towns, or when Banter upset her. They were troubled faces, one where he would tell things to keep her calm or happy. She appreciated this sometimes, but then there were other times when she needed to contemplate such things.

“Come on Tannin, I think it is time to go.” She said, picking up his hand and pulling him back to the house. When they had gotten back, Andrew was sitting at the table with Banter. The two looked rather relaxed with each other. Rhea could smell food coming from the kitchen, some kind of cooked meat. There was a girl, about their age, the daughter of the swordsmen. Karrin was her name, if Rhea remembered correctly.

Dinner went quickly, by the end of the day, Rhea was as exhausted as usual. Andrew’s wife had insisted that the two children get a bath, although the water was rather cold, Rhea appreciated feeling clean again. Sillia also handed them several pairs of new cloths for them to wear while they stay. Rhea was grateful to the women of her hospitality. When it was time for bed, Rhea had said good night to her brother and went to her own room. The room seemed dark and large. A curtain loneliness clutched at Rhea. Not only was her larger brother not in the back of her mind, none of her brothers were close to her. She was honestly alone.

Getting up, Rhea found her way into Tannian’s room, wordlessly climbing into bed with him and snuggling close to the boy. Sleep found her much easily with one of her brothers close to her.
Enndolyn looked at her partner and his dragon. They were discussing whether or not someone lived here, and if knocking would a good idea. She looked at Wren, who didn't seem to be paying any attention to anyone as she thoughtfully folded her wings. Enndolyn bit her lip as Elvandel asked her what she wanted to do. Without saying a word, the girl walked up to the door, lifted her balled fist, and knocked loudly. An older man with a twisted nose and gnarled hands answered the door. He looked over the two Elves and seemed surprised that they had wandered from their city. His gaze then found the dragons, and his mouth fell open, lips curling in to a smile.


The girl, Karrin, at the other end of the table was rather quiet, so Tannin paid her no mind. If she wanted someone's attention, she could get it herself. Andrew's wife, however, was rather talkative, telling them all about how well her husband can train in melee, and even giving off a list of some he has trained. Tannin knew none of the names, and some of them sounded rather odd. Banter seemed impressed, and so did Rhea. He knew Rhea was faking to be polite, something he didn't bother to do, but he couldn't decide what Banter was doing. If it was sincere.

Tannin had never been in such a soft bed. He wasn't sure how much he liked it, and wished for a hard scaly back underneath him. There was never a time, not in his life, that his sister or brothers weren't right next to him. It was uncomfortable and depressing to think, and he wondered how long it would take him to sleep. Once he closed his eyes, though, the next time he opened them there was light in the room. He couldn't remember the last time he didn't dream.

Sitting up and yawning, he saw a tiny tan girl with enough hair to cover her face laying down next to him. He wondered when Rhea had come in, a little sorry he had missed her. "Rhea," he whispered, a firm hand on her shoulder. "Get up, I think we slept late."

(Sorry! I've been riding and looking at horses, and trying them out and just spending all my time at the barn DX)

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