When the Wind goes Sour....*Half-blood RP*

Prentice nodded. "Ah, guerrilla warfare...Impressive. Kind of dirty, but well played. As for the magic tricks...." He paused and thought a moment. If it took so much concentration, It would probably be safer to keep them off offense, at least for now. He really had no idea how magic worked, and was constantly wondering what kind of mind it took to do all of those tricks. For that, he did respect these people, even if the ability was genetic. It confused him. "I think...We should put the majority of Hecate on defense. Guard duty. The rest will be on border patrol. When you feel it appropriate, you can divert Ares away. I'll find a way to take care of Apollo, since they'll be using the more traditional route. They'll probably be guarding. I don't know anything about magic, only melee and very basic long range, so I can't tell you what to do. You probably don't want me to, and are getting sick of me, but-"

I'm getting sick of you," Jenny snapped, a manicure hand resting on her hip. "What is guerellah warfare?"

"-I'll give you an opinion if you want one." He looked at Jenny, decided he didn't want to deal with her at the moment, and focused on Grace again. "Any complaints with these positions, tell me and we can figure something else out. Om...As for Aphrodite...." He looked at Jenny, deciding that now he had to deal with her.

"I think we'll just slice you up evenly."

Jenny sneered and studied him. "I don't see why
you get to give orders. You probably think that because of your stupid ugly mom you know everything about everything. But, fine... Evenly it is."

"Don't talk about my mom," Prentice warned, "or I'll talk about yours. I'll let you decide who goes where. Don't let me upset you." He looked at Grace's brother... Why couldn't he remember the dude's name? Why did his brain find
X and C so complicated to separate? With an inaudible sigh, he took a guess and hoped he was right. "Alex, any complaints? Any where specific you want to be assigned? Don't let me coordinate everything."

(Pren's inability to remember Alex's name is probably my fault, for I have called him Alec multiple times. Sorry Jab
xD )
When Prentice commented on her fighting style, she wasn't sure what to think. It was kind of dirty, if she used it against her friends. But this was a "War-Game" for a reason...Those people out there, they were still her friends, but there would be no allowances, no easy on either the monsters that fought her or the monsters she fought. And the purpose of Capture the Flag was to prepare them for the real world--or the hidden world, she should say, the world that was shrouded in Mist and contained the ancient past where legends and nightmares existed. It would be unfair to her friends if either of them was to hold anything back. Sure they learned how to fight and wield their weapons, but what use would that be if they didn't have any experience using that knowledge in actual circumstances. That was the purpose of Capture the Flag.

Grace shrugged, "So what if it's dirty? For us--at least for me--when we use our magic its all about pacing ourselves from over consumption. At the end of the day it really takes it out of you. I know I'm not the greatest with my sword," Grace placed her hand on her sword, "But my real advantage is my magic. But it's use is more direct which is why it works for me."

((Lazy post, I'm sorry.))
Byron saw as the other team talked amongst themselves, deciding their plan of action. The team that he was with, however, had no such plans. No such co-operation. The only idea that he had was to run fast, not dare look at those around him, in fear that he would once again feel the urge to protect them. Looking at the enemy, he noticed their ranks, their warriors, ​ per say. Members of Athena, Hecate... some not meant to be dealt with. Their father's and their mother's much more powerful than the simple spirit of Soter. But this day would not end with the failure of his team. He would make sure of that.

Weighing his shield, he made a note to charge forward with it out and open, to both protect himself and those behind him. The greatest defense may be an offense, but the greatest offense is a sacrificial defense. And that is what he would do.

(Alright! Let's get this show on the road!... Please?)
(Could we just have the horn blow, or the person come to get help, or something??? We seem to be in a rut of absolutely nothing happening, and that makes me really sad because this Rp has great possibility.... sooo.... come on people.... [MENTION=1094]WalkingDisaster[/MENTION], [MENTION=1093]jabberwocky19[/MENTION], anybody push this a long a bit??)

(Sorry it took so long, guys! School came up and all that, sorry! c:)

Alex quickly agreed with Grace's idea. "I am fine with being anywhere. Feel free to put me anywhere you please" he told Prentice. He really knew nothing about battle tactics. All he knew was you either had a good or bad team. He mostly went my that. Though he was far from intelligent when it comes to battle plans, he did know if would most likely be best not to plan to much ahead, anything could happen. For the first time since Chiron announced the teams, Alex felt they might have a chance. He looked at Jenny and Prentice, both looked pleased with the plan. Prentice looked happy enough, as happy as he could be while he beat himself up about not coming up with Grace's idea and for just getting his mother beat on. Silly Athena kid. Alex thought to himself with a grin. He pat the poor kid on the shoulder before the booming voice belonging to Chiron commanded everyone to move to the wood's edge. Everyone headed to the forest's edge instantly, no hesitation. Alex sighed heavily and took his hand from Prentice's shoulder, he nodded to hist sister and started to walk over.


As she wandered around aimlessly, Talini thought about the games more than she would have liked. Though she was not the biggest fan of the war games, she looked forward to seeing how they would turn out in the end. Who would win? She hoped it would, again, be the team she was placed in would win. They always had an advantage. One would be amazed how ice and snow can slow one down. The thought made her smile. She was confident going into each capture the flag game. All she really did was wonder around freezing people, never really having to fight. Her head snapped up at the sound of Chiron's deep voice demanding them to the forest's edge Talini rolled her chocolate eyes and stalked to where her team stood, ready. She adjusted her helmet and starred ahead, waiting for the horn. Not a long wait. Everyone flooded into the forest without hesitation.


Talini flew forward. Atremis was in trouble, that was all that mattered to her. She could care less whether or not Apollo was saved a well, or if anyone came out alive, if she came out alive, Artemis was the only thing that matters. Her surroundings blurred together, her only focus was straight ahead. She let out a shaky breath she had been holding in at the sight of a small dot ahead. It had to be the the camp. She pushed faster, ready to stop running. She could only pray she wouldn't run into any more monsters on her way.

(Sorry this is not my best post. I was in a hurry and I have little muse. Bare with me while I struggle to find muse. Sorry again)

Grace was stalking through the trees, in an utter silence that can only be learned through mock war and military-like training exercises. Her combat boots touched down in a careful heal to toe movement, shifting her weight smoothly to the next foot. Grace was keeping a look out over head as much as she was on her footing. Illusions were her thing, she'd grown up with her father honing this ability. It was much more of a simple task to create an illusion surrounding their group, to camouflage them in with their surroundings. She could go so far as to manipulate the sounds that were produced. But only to an extent. Sounds were very difficult filmsy things, and if she did not know they were coming the chance just as easily slipped by her. The real trick to it all was not actually the sound itself, but weaving the Mist to cover up what needed to be done. And Grace was a whiz at the Mist. This technique worked well on the stage, when acts were choreographed, sounds were still slippery as they cannot be predicted. Grace would be able to change the pitch or sound an object made that would otherwise tip off the audience. Her father found explosions and sound-makers to be gaudy and superficial to the magic world. While he did use them occasionally for theatrics, it was Grace's job to hide or amplify sounds as a minor part of her overall duty, it went along with the whole 'smoke and mirrors' thing.

But here, that knowledge would do little use. It was tiring, manipulating the Mist to insure all sound would be misconstrued as something less threatening to the enemy forces. There was no way she could stop or cover up the sound of the branch snapping if it were to happen. She thought of this as she crept along in the bushes with what was the actual ambush team. She wondered about the other forces. How defense was holding up, if her siblings were able to successfully manipulate the Mist there and hide the location. And their decoy force, hopefully they were being sneaky in a careful reckless way that would draw attention to them without making it so utterly apparent that they were doing it on purpose. However, since it was made up of mostly Aphrodite, Grace hardly doubted the other side would be surprised that they would be so loud; but on the other hand, they would know right away that something wasn't right, that it was just to divert their attention. No one ever sent out Aphrodite to fight. Practically useless in all things war, and survival, and all things of the serious nature, with the exception of a vast useless knowledge of all assortment of beauty products, children of Aphrodite could never be counted on, never trusted, and as a general unsaid rule, kept out of the action of the war games. That was what had her worried. With any luck the few campers of other cabins would keep them in line long enough to do their job and preoccupy the enemy long enough for the ambush forces to capture the enemy's flag.
Sailee charged through the trees as soon as she got the okay from Chiron, her hair blowing behind her like a forest fire. She was not hunting for the other teams flag, she was not hunting for the other team at all. Her only goal in this game was to find a new hiding place and stay there the whole time. She wanted to escape this game uninjured and unseen. That's what she did every game, it was just a matter of finding a place to hide... And quick. Sailee took a quick peek over her shoulder to make sure there was nobody sneaking up behind her. Luckily, she couldn't see anyone.

Sailee knew she couldn't hide in a tree this time, the last time she did that she had an Ares kid poking a spear at her. Not fun. Luckily, she spotted a shallow cave up ahead. She ducked in and quickly piled leaves in front of it. She sqatted down and inched back until she felt the cold rock wall behind her. She tried to slow her heavy breathing, the hardest part of the whole thing was over. Now she just had to be patient until one team or the other won, then it would be done with and she could go back to normal life until the next game.

Yeah, normal life. She thought, Apollo's failure daughter, a freak to her own siblings. That's me! Aren't you so proud of me Daddy?? She finished sarcastically.

She let out a depressed sigh. When she was alone she didn't have to act. If she wasn't happy, she didn't have to pretend to be. Of course, she didn't actually have to act either..... It was just natural for her.

And so was hiding.
(( Horrible Stomach Bug, I've been posting basic stuff for the past few days. I'll try to post something nice in a bit ))
(Guys, I'm really sorry about being so absent! My excuses are a social life, school and horse riding.

As bad as I feel, I am still a mod, and...Y'all are spamming xD )

Prentice groaned and walked on. Okay, I'll put Arnold on offense, Lucy on border patrol patrol...he thought, letting everybody else assign what ever they wanted to who ever they wanted. He had no idea why he was so serious about these games...Okay, he did. What he didn't know was why he strung it out so far. Prentice wanted Athena to be proud of her oldest living son. Sure, everyone wanted to please their parents, but pleasing a goddess? That was a whole new concept. A major goddess like Athena? Much, much harder than impressing, say, Soter, who probably only had five or six children scattered around the country in the last three years. Back in Ancient Greece, pleasing a goddess like Athena meant saving a city-state, stopping a war...Today it was a lot simpler. All one had to do was steal a magical artifact, or go through the Labyrinth and live. Winning a few games? That wouldn't do a whole lot. Maybe winning with a confused cabin and a useless cabin would get him some points with Mom.

So, the young man rushed in, knife drawn and shield ready. He put himself on offense and headed north, seeing nothing wrong with having the confidence to jump in and attack. As long as it wasn't Ares style...That was reckless and stupid. The way any Athena child rushed in was very, very different - they typically had a plan.

After a few minutes of running around in "uncharted territory" that was still his team's, he stopped running and walked for a few minutes. He was still on his team's side of the forest, and was being careful not to go too far in to the woods. Not only were there stupid people wielding weapons, this place was teeming with monsters. Other campers were easy to handle, and couldn't give him more than cuts and bruises. Monsters would kill him if they could. It was not a good place to be lost.
One hundred yards and counting. Grace was approaching Red Team's base. She herself and those in her company were camouflagued into their surroundings. Up in the trees archers were waiting to spot them, between ten to fifteen yards up, arrows on their bowstrings, ready to be pulled and shot down at enemies. Their bright red plumes giving away their positions, even under the cover of the tree's foliage.

It was then that a twig snapped under someone's shoe. Grace's eyes widened her lips forming a silent curse in Ancient Greek. The Apollo closest to them tensed in his position high in the tree. His head snapped down to the ground. But before her mouth could hiss a word, there was a commotion over to the right. It was a ways away, but it's noise certainly got the archer's attention. That was enough to bring her to her senses. Grace must act, hesitation helped no one, she was in charge of this covert attack party. Her gaze had never left the archer's in the tree. Suddenly there was a muffled cry from high above as the leather and bronze of the Apollo boy'd breast plate stretched outwards and towards the branch the boy was perched, wrapping around. The side-burns of his stretched around over his mouth and pressed his lips together. Trapping him up in the tree. His bow tumbled down, Grace left it on the ground, with the diversion going on now, they would send all available people over there instead of scouting.

"Let's move!" Grace hissed low under her breath waving her company forward with two fingers. They'd have to make their move now. Grace ran in practiced crouch, periodically checking behind her on her people. Twice they were engaged by Red Team a mix of Apollo and Ares. When she reached the clearing with the Red Team's flag, her force was cut in half. Some of her people vouching to stay behind, and either engage the enemy or stay to make sure the way was clear on their way back to their home side. Grace pulled her sword out of her sheath, expecting a fight.

The first Red Team opponent she faced was a large buff Arese boy, older in his eighteens, with impressive rippling muscles. Like she had the move choreographed, Grace didn't engage, merely evaded, ducking and rolling to the side. The boy's spear turning into a long thick-trunked green snake, his rubber soles melting into the dirt leaving him startled. The next was an Ares boy her age she had a particular grudge against. A smirk spread mischievously to her lips. She ducked the horizontal sweep of his sword, he swung again. Grace met his sword with a clash of her own allowing the momentum to swing it in a circle while Grace stepped closer to him out of his sword and underneath his arm sliding her sword into his belt loop and shoved her sword into the ground. He whirled to go after her but found his shorts around his ankles. Grace laughed. Sure she had just Pants someone to avoid them, slightly motivated by her need for revenge to get back for a joke he'd played on her. Sure it was probably childish, but he out-skilled her, she used any weapon at her disposal. This move hadn't required any magic at all.

Her remaining comrade was engaged with an Apollo who had scaled a tree and was firing arrows down. Her sibling ducking behind trees and catching arrows with his shield. Grace snatched the Red flag from the post, while doing this the Apollo girl in the tree spotted her and fired one of her arrows, catching her in the back towards the bottom of her rib cage, or it would have been her rib cage if she weren't wearing armor. However the arrow caught an already weakened area of the back of her breastplate and pierce through it, stopping most of her force but submerging the tip at least an inch and a half below her armor. Grace cried out and fell forward with the force. She immediately rolled onto her side so she could look at the girl up in the tree who didn't know anything was wrong. The Apollo launched another arrow as Grace blinked. In the split second it was in the air it twisted and transformed into a rubber chicken, the first thing that came to mind, the most innocent non-weapon she could think.

The shaft touched the ground and jostled the arrow. Grace gritted her teeth, biting the inside of her cheek and tasting blood. In the next second the Apollo was strapped tightly to the tree by her armor.

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