When the Wind goes Sour....*Half-blood RP*


One Thousand Club
When the wind goes sour....The tip of my sword found my opponent - the chest of a plush training dummy. I dispatched it easily, and removed my sword. The dummy fell at my feet, spewing cottony fluff. I smirked and kicked it outside, my eyes scanning the training area for my next victim. I am the daughter of Khione, the Greek snow goddess. She is a minor goddess, and didn’t get too much respect in the old days. But I am still proud of my mother, and proud to her her daughter. I live in Camp Half-Blood, a camp for people like me. It is our only safe haven, the only place we can live with out a monster at our heels. Here, we train to fight.
Rules MUST READ ALL THE RULES! ~ No god modding ~ No perfect characters ~ Good grammar and spelling is appreciated ~ Be nice to fellow role players ~ Please, keep content PG13 ~ This is a literate role play, please have at least two detailed paragraphs for each post. Though, I do understand writer's block ~ Once you join please post ~ My mini-mods are WalkingDisaster and Odd, so listen to them as you would me ~ Please, feel free to PM me with ideas and concerns. I am open to anything ~ Please do not hurt another character without their permission ~ I will only be accepting three more characters, not counting WalkingDistaster's ~ Only one character per role player unless you have permission from me or WalkingDisaster ~ No characters from the original books ~ Try and make at least two characters, preferably one boy and one girl ~ Try and keep romance to a minimum ~ No over the top powers. If you want one but are not sure about it PM me about it ~ Please, only join if you have read all the books ~ No kids from the Big Three ~ No children of Artemis, Hestia, or Hera being that they are all maiden goddesses, but you my role play a huntress ~ No text talk ~ No crazy powers ~ I would like to have an open range; please only one child per god. If you have an idea that includes two children of the same god, just PM me with the idea Sign-up: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/3641-When-the-Wind-goes-Sour-*Half-blood-RP* List of gods and goddesses (If you have any ideas for more just PM me) Athena - Goddess of wisdom and battle technique. Also know as the Gray Eyed Goddess. Her animal is the Owl and her children have blonde hair and gray eyes. Creator of the bridle. Apollo - God of music, poetry, archery, light, plaque, prophecy, sun, and medicine. Creator of the lyre. Animal is the mouse. Aphrodite - Goddess of love and beauty. Her animal is the dove and her magical item is the guttural. Hephaestus - God of fire, technology, metal, volcanoes and blacksmiths. His magical item is the hammer. Ares - God of war and violence. Known as The Bane Of Mortals. Hermes - Messenger God of god of thieves. His magical item is winged shoes. His animals are tortoise, ram, and hawk. Khione - Goddess of snow and daughter of Boreas. Hecate - Goddess of magic and the dark side of the moon. Animal is the snake. She is known for lingering around graveyards and places where blood has been recently spilled. She is also a known symbol of the underworld. Eris - Goddess of chaos and discord. Her magical item is the golden apple .Dionysus - God of wine, madness, chaos, being forever young and parties. He would punish any mortal that did not believe in his divinity. His animals include, dolphins, serpents, tigers, and donkeys. Iris - Goddess of rainbows. She is the messenger of the Olympian Gods. Nyx - Goddess of night and creator/Goddess of Hellhounds. Daughter of chaos. She is a symbol of darkness and beauty. Nemesis - Goddess of revenge. Demeter - Goddess of agriculture. Mother of Persephone, and animal symbol is a horse, usually a black mare Eros - The god of love. Also, known as Cupid in Roman myths. Team Apollo: Byron Sailee Alex Tessa Team Artemis: Prentice Alec Grace Talini NiobeNiobe, the queen of Thebes and wife of Amphion, boasted of her superiority to Leto because she had fourteen children (Niobids), seven male and seven female, while Leto had only two. Apollo killed her sons, and Artemis her daughters. Apollo and Artemis used poisoned arrows to kill them, though according to some versions of the myth, a number of the Niobids were spared (Chloris, usually). Amphion, at the sight of his dead sons, either killed himself or was killed by Apollo after swearing revenge. A devastated Niobe fled to Mount Sipylos in Asia Minor and turned into stone as she wept. Her tears formed the river Achelous. Zeus had turned all the people of Thebes to stone and so no one buried the Niobids until the ninth day after their death, when the gods themselves entombed them. ChioneChione was a princess of Pokis. She was beloved by two gods, Hermes and Apollo, and boasted that she was prettier than Artemis because she made two gods fall in love with her at once. Artemis was furious and killed Chione with her arrow or struck her dumb by shooting off her tongue. Chione has remained furious and seeks revenge on Artemis Aura was Greek goddess of breezes and cool air, daughter of Lelantos and Periboia. She was a virgin huntress, just like Artemis and proud of her maidenhood. One day, she claimed that the body of Artemis was too womanly and she doubted her virginity. Artemis asked Nemesis for help to avenge her dignity and caused the rape of Aura by Dionysus. Aura became a mad and dangerous killer. When she bore twin sons, she ate one of them while the other one, Iakhos, was saved by Artemis. Iakhos later became an attendant of Demeter and the leader of Eleusinian Mysteries. Aura, still blood thirsty and angry seeks revenge on the lady Artemis. Niobe has now broken out of her stone encasement and is seeking revenge on Apollo and Artemis. With the help of others scorned by Artemis, she plans on destroying the two gods. She has trapped Apollo in a prison in Hollywood, California. And Artemis and Hollywood, Florida. She is looking to avenge the deaths of her children and her husband. ~The Role Play will start at camp and after a few posts I will send a god to get help~ The Role play may now began, whoever wishes to post first may do so.

Byron remained still, refusing to awaken. It was early, of course, the air smelling of some sort of fruit as it always did. The other camp members moved and jostling about, bumping into Byron more than just once. The Hermes cabin was always overpopulated. The sons and daughters of Hermes, the children of Gods and Goddesses that are not among the twelve, and the campers that have yet to learn who their parents are all remain here. Chiron always told Byron that he would be moved to another location as a staff member rather than a camper, but that time has yet to come.

Annoyed by the careless shoving, Byron jolted upwards from where he laid. He was surrounded by children, most of them between the ages of nine and fifteen. Most of them never seeing a real fight. Reaching for his shield, Byron stood up right. Feeling the firm grasp on his bronze weapon, Byron proceeded to place it on his back. Many would see the shield as a tool, as protection, or worse yet; unnecessary. Byron was appalled by any who thought that way. The shield is as much of a weapon as a sword or bow. It can protect a soldier from powerful blows, allow him to move into the heart of combat. Without it, no warrior is complete. That's how Byron saw it, anyways.

As the parade of children left the cabin, Byron took a good, long breath into his lungs. Another day.
Sailee was greeted this morning by an earsplitting scream. Shakespeare had escaped from his cage, again, and had found his way into the bed of one of Sailee's half-sisters, again. He had been making a habit of that lately. Sailee let out an exasperated sigh as she slowly sat up in bed. She made a point of moving extra slow; taking time to stretch and run her fingers through her sleep-knotted red hair, as her sister whimpered in fear of the harmless (although slightly obease) grey rat.

When Sailee was satisfied with her sister's tourment, she drew back her blankets and gracefully stepped onto the hardwood floor of the Apollo cabin. She crossed the floor to the bed her sister occupied. She didn't say a word to her sister, as if she wasn't there. Sailee just pushed the covers aside and scooped the fat rat into her hands. "Oh my darling Shakespeare, did this shreiking nusence bother you? Mommy is so very sorry." She purred lovingly. Deep down she felt kind of sorry for how she treated her sibblings, but she couldn't help it. She had been an only child her entire life. She had grown up with the illusion that her father had been deeply in love with her mother. Only her mother. Then she was taken here, and greeted by five other children of Apollo. Sailee had not been his only child, her mother had not been his only love. That reality had devistated her, and so she took it out on these sons and daughters of Apollo. Her "brothers and sisters." She tried very hard to control her emotions. She would not breakdown and cry, like a spoiled princess who was told she couldn't have her way. No no no. Sailee was an actress. And the world was her stage.

Shakespeare's whiskers tickling her wrists brought her out of her thoughts. She smiled down at him with affectionate brown eyes. "Let's get you back into your cage and get you some breakfast, hm?" She scampered back to her side of the room, ignoring the looks she was getting from her siblings. She placed Skakespeare in his cage and grabbed the bag of dried corn from under her nightstand. She scooped a handful of corn into his cage then clasped the door shut, making sure it was locked in place firmly. She blew him a kiss then spun towards the door to the cabin. Now that Shakespeare was taken care of, she had to take care of herself. And first on the list was breakfast.

She exited the Apollo cabin and joined the sea of fellow halfbloods, visions of fresh strawberries and warm oatmeal taking over her thoughts.

(Is everyone okay with their teams?)

Talini awoke to the rustling of her five siblings around the cabin. She kicked away her tangled bed sheets. The smell of a winter day filled the icy room. Her sisters scrambled around to make the beds before breakfast, while the boys took their time on cleaning the floors. As always, Talini went straight to the bathroom where she slipped into her usual leans, camp shirt, and black combat boots. Strapping her dagger to her side, she left the bathroom, giving her sister's a quick nod, she left the cabin. As usual, she never gave her brothers and sisters much attention, she didn't grow up with them and didn't care to know them. The warm air hit her in an unsettling way, causing her to frown in distaste. Pursing her lips, she strutted through the camp in the direction of the dining pavilion. She could hear the sound of her siblings leaving the cabin behind her.

​Alex awoke with the sound of his alarm clock blaring in his ear and the smell of myrrh and mugwort. He groaned and forced himself into a sitting position. The statues around the room and masks on the wall seemed to stare at him in the dimly-lite room. He shuttered and got out of his bed, lazily making the bed before changing into some jeans, and his camp t-shirt. he looked around the cabin, books lined the walls in an endless selection of spells and ancient knowledge. Staring up at the statue of his mother, Hecate, he felt his usual feeling of not belonging. He sighed and put on his signature goofy smile. With his siblings he did the little cleaning the normally deep; dusting off the books, cleaning up late-time spells gone wrong, and leftover snacks. Together him and his siblings left for the dining pavilion.

(Tessa is going to come in later. Also, on the signup thread I asked if you guys want to go straight into the quest or play capture the flag. So if you guys could let me know so I can get things started in my next post that would be great.)

For the fourth time that morning Grace slapped her hand down on the snooze button of her buzzing alarm clock. She wanted another five minutes but knew that if she didn't get up now she would keep hitting snooze, oversleep, miss breakfast, and wind up with washing dishes when she was late for activities. With one deep exhale Grace pulled the pillow from her head and pushed her blankets aside. A shiver rolled down her spine as her feet touched the dark hard wood of the cabin floor.

The rest of her siblings had already left for breakfast, they didn't bother waking her up anymore. Which, either way, was fine with her. Let her get up at her own pace, and bonus, most of the time it gave her some privacy. Grace quickly pulled off her pajamas and replaced them with an orange Camp Half-Blood tee-shirt and a pair of dark blue shorts. She put her unruly wavy white-blonde hair into a ponytail, not bothering to brush it, knowing it was futile, there were somethings that even magic couldn't solve.

Glancing at her alarm clock Grace became aware that she had only a few minutes left before she was late for breakfast starting. Just because she was late all the time didn't mean that it was something that she enjoyed. Most of the time she at least tried to be on time. Before she left, she sat on the edge of her bed and shoved her feet into her combat boots, laced them up, grabbed her sword and attached it to her belt. Grace then jogged out of the cabin to the pavilion.
Byron made his way towards the breakfast pavilion, walking alone, as usual. The daughters of Aphrodite and nearby nymphs swooned some of the boys nearby, but not Byron. He refused to partake in their immorality. Several campers raced past him towards the smell of food, either playfully or solemnly. Byron, readjusting the shield on his back, noticed the usual team of three approaching him from his right. Quickening his pace, he tried to reach the tables before they could catch him. But he could not. The only thing that he could do was wait as they steadily approached where he stood. He gave out a long sigh as he turned to greet them.

"More taunts, Arney? Aren't you getting a bit old for this?" Byron said with distaste. Arnold was not one for aggressive behavior, not being the son of Ares as many bullies are. Instead, he is the son of Athena, whom Byron can only dream stares coldly down to him from Olympus.

"You forget my name yet again, Byron. 'Arney,' as you like to call me, is not the shortened term for 'Arnold.' Rather, it is a cute nickname which you use to taunt me with. But, no matter. Your petty words are as petty as your abilities. You see those sons of Apollo over there?"
Arnold said, pointing towards a group of archers across the way. "They can probably shoot an arrow from a mile away. Their range and accuracy is astounding. Son of Ares? My, there are excellent combatants. Although their rage may get the better of them, they are unmatched with the sword. Son of Hephaestus? There is not a star that shines as bright as a sword made by the hands of Hephaestus's children. But you? All you have is a shield and a name. In fact, you hardly even deserve to be in a place like this."

Byron glared at Arnold, paying no attention to the two lackey's he hid behind him. They were only there if matters became rough, and they hardly ever spoke a word. Although they were quite meek compared to Arnold, they can save him from a punch or two, come the circumstance. Anger welling up in Byron's throat, he instead released it with a sigh. He had no quarrels with him this day.

"Is that all, Arnold, or may I be on my way?"
Byron said with a blink, trying not to show the anger that he kept inside of him. Arnold shrugged, naturally. He was the son of Athena, as it were. He knew when he had angered Byron. However, he was also dissapointed with himself. It was only fun when Byron threw a punch.

"No, no more. Not for today. Enjoy your food in silence, you friendless troll." Arnold spat. With a quick flick of his wrist, his small posy of outcasts made their way towards the pavilion. Again, Byron let out a sigh, realizing that Arnold's last statement was true. However, Byron really did not care. Chiron was truly the only friend that he needed. At a slow pace, Byron slowly began towards the pavilion himself; his stomach rumbled, desiring whatever greasy mess they offered him today.
Sailee moved through the dining pavilion to the table occupied by her only friends, Hannah, Arabella, and Jessie. The three girls smiled brightly when they caught sight of her and she returned their smiles, seating herself next to Arabella, across from the other two. Jessie quickly began chatting as soon as Sailee sat down, filling her in on a fight that had happened between two of her brothers in the Aries cabin. Sailee nodded, though it was obvious she wasn't really paying much attention.

She was actually looking at the other end of the pavilion, where one of Hannah's brothers, who seemed to think he was hot stuff, was tormenting a boy she didn't know. She watched as Arnold (at least she was pretty sure that's what Hannah had said his name was, at one point in time...) glared at the boy, his mouth moving rapidly. She couldn't hear what he was saying from this far away, but she assumed it wasn't very nice. Sailee actually smiled when the boy didn't show any response to the taunting. Good for him, she thought. But her smile wavered when he took a seat at an empty table.

"Sai, are you even listening to me?"
Jessie asked, annoyance clear on her face. Jessie absolutely hated being ignored.

"Sorry... I was distracted." Sailee apologized, but she continued to stare over at the boy- Or man, seeing as he appeared older than her- who sat alone.

"What are you looking at?" Jessie snapped, still ticked off.

"Who's that guy over there? I don't know him"
Sailee questioned, nodding her head in his direction.

All three of the girls who sat with her turned to see who she was referring to.

"Ooooh... Him,"
Arabella spoke gravely. "That's Byron... He's the son of some minor god.... like a really minor god."

Sailee didn't like the way her Arabella said that. Like being the son of a minor god marked him as not worth her time.

"Yeah," Hannah chimed in "I heard his dad got into a whole bunch of trouble... I don't know what for though."

Arabella, Hannah, and Jessie then launched into a conversation about what they thought or had heard Byron's dad got in trouble for. Sailee tuned them out. As dramatic as she was, she preferred to keep the drama on the stage and she was never one to find interest in the dramas of other teen age girls. Especially if that drama was gossip at the expense of someone else. As her friends chatted, Sailee silently nibbled on a strawberry, occasionally sneaking glances at Byron.
Sunlight streamed through the window. The light met a blond lump covered in sheets, snoring quietly. Prentice rolled over and groaned, his eyes cracking open. He blinked the light out of his eyes and shifted irritably. The watch on the table next to his bed ticked the seconds away. Prentice sat up straight and cursed. Great. He was over fifteen minutes late. Arnold sat on the bed across from his, laughing at him. "Mornin', Pren," he taunted as he walked out the door. He was probably getting something. Everybody was at breakfast.

"I can't
believe you let me sleep in," Prentice growled, jumping out of bed. He threw on his Camp Half-Blood tee shirt and rushed out the door. It was honestly amazing that he hadn't woken up to the harpies pecking at his corneas. Luckily, though, no one seemed to notice he was so late. He released a breath, got a tray of food and sat down with his siblings, who all laughed at his bed-head and apparent laziness. Prentice just shrugged and ignored them. The only reason he didn't wake up on time was because he was up reading late. It was amazing the difference one hour made. He would still be sleeping had the light not caught his eyes. At least he wasn't the only one late -he noticed that that Grace girl was also rushing.

The light-haired teenager ate his food quietly while his younger half-siblings gossiped. He noticed that Arnold was missing from the table. Prentice sighed and looked around...He was picking on that guy, as per usual. What was his name? Myron or something? Prentice shot Arnold a venomous look, which he either didn't see or ignored. What was
wrong with Arnold? He made Athena look bad. Prentice rolled his eyes when Arnold came back to the table, shaking his head at his half-brother. He then shot Myron - at least, that's what Prentice thought his name was - an apologetic look and waved. Fuming at Arnold, he stood up to give Athena her burnt sacrifice. An odd morning to kick off Capture The Flag.....

(Bleeh blah, Late reply and a crappy post DX Sorry y'all! I'll be faster in the future!)

After giving a small portion of her food as an offering to her mother, Talini took her usual place at the end of Khione's table. Her pale-skinned siblings sat around her, chatting and carrying on about the latest gossip around the camp. Talini rolled her eyes, not believing she was related to such pathetic gossips. She looked up at the sun. Was it dimmer than usual? She shook off the thought and looked around the pavilion, craving something to pull her attention. As usual, the Aphrodite kids sat around, giggling and talking about who to pair up next, the Hephaestus kids discussing their next projects, the Ares kids bragged about their latest battle scars, ect. A normal, boring day at Camp Half-Blood. Talini watched as Arnold prayed on his newest victim. Byron, was it? She thought that was his name, she had overheard her brothers talking about his father the other day. Talini looked away, uninterested and unimpressed. Oh, she couldn't wait until capture the flag, hopefully something eventful will happen for once.

Alex closed his eyes and scooted his fluffiest pancake off his plate as an offering to Hecate. After lingering for another second, he smiled and took his seat with his siblings. He looked around, seeing yet another kid being teased by Arnold. Looking as if the kid had things under control, he turned his attention else where. He continued to look around. The camp had been getting so crowded lately, that the dining pavilion has hardly been able to hold everyone. Even with all the new credit for the minor gods lately, their was still little respect, even some hate going around the camp, resulting in more violence than necessary. Alex hoped that it won't be too bad in today's capture the flag.

(Sorry for short post, guys. Also, in my next post we will be posting capture that flag.)

Grace jogged up the short marble steps into the dinning pavilion. Nearly late, she thought to herself, but not just quite. For good measure she avoided eye contact with the head table were Chiron sat, last thing she needed was another night of dish duty, especially now since about a month ago. It hadn't been such a big deal for her until Chiron had caught her using magic to clean the dishes, declaring it a disadvantage to anyone else that got the duty and a inappropriate misuse of her abilities. Grace just thought that was a fancy way of saying she was cheating. But she guessed it worked, she was much more important things to do than to bother with such a menial task as dishes without the aid of her magic, so she was now a bit more motivated to be on time.

She slunk over to the breakfast buffet, dead hungry by now, and loaded her plate. Before she went back to her table, she scraped half of her english muffin and scrambled eggs into the brazier for her mother, murmuring, "Wish me luck, today." Another game of Capture the Flag was later that day, and was Grace was looking forward to it more than usual. She had learned some new tactics she was eager to try out. Just thinking about them made her want to rub her hands together expectantly. Grace set her plate on her table and took a seat. As she did so she caught a fragment of a conversation, something about Arnold, a son of Athena, picking on some kid because he was a son of a minor god. That sent anger flaring in the pit of her stomach. There were few things she hated more than bullies, especially among demigods when they are suppose to be allies. Grace firmly believed the minor gods deserved more credit. After all, she was a daughter of a minor god. It sickened her when children of the major gods felt they were somehow better than any other. To her, the real worth of a person wasn't defined by who your parent was, but what you make of yourself. Grace had no respect for people like Arnold.
Finding a place to sit, Byron sat alone, with only a goblet to accompany him. Inside, he had chosen a simple cup of cocoa. It tasted fantastic, naturally, and it comforted well, even though the warm summer day beat on him so. He decided not to eat, rather not feeling hungry as it was. He watched those around him laugh, talk, play. Although Byron has always wanted friends, he cared not to be social with anyone. He'd rather sit alone with his thoughts. Memories of past years always accompanied him. Of swordsmanship, archery, capture-the-flag. Be it what it may. His fondest memories were of battle; pretend combat that the camp put together, naturally. There would be times when his allies would be fighting a losing battle, those around him being beat down by those who opposed them. For some reason, he did not feel sad that he was losing at this point, nor did he feel invigorated by the rush of battle. No, all he felt was anger. A burning rage towards those that fought his friends. Every time this would occur, he would rush into their aid, only to be cut and beat himself. But that never mattered. At times, he would fight against some dozen adversaries. And in the end he would limp back to his cabin with blood dripping from his wounds, alone. Such was the fate of the sacrificial. The fate of Soter.

He noticed the glances of a few in his direction. Some sympathetic, naturally. Others were of petty rivalries or jovial taunts. Either way, Byron didn't care. He was only a defender amongst warriors. A defender among fighters. He knew his place, and so accepted it.

(Sorry about the depressing updates. Just tryin' to flush out the character!)
(Guys, please stop spamming thread. Jab will post sometime today and kick-start the games. I, however, am going to a Halloween party and will be gone all night. I'll post tomorrow.


Chastity shot up as soon as the sound of Chiron shouting for them to meet him at the edge of the woods reached her ears. She had found a new interest in capture the flag, ever since more campers, children of less known gods had started flooding into the camp the game had gotten more exiting. Some hated the idea of mingling with children of lesser gods and fought more violently, some loved having new gads be acknowledged and played the game fairly, and people like Chastity, enjoyed to sit back and see how the episode would unfold. She loved hearing the excuses the campers would give for hurting someone to badly, or seeing how one could loose the game for the team in order to give some poor new kid a good beat down. It was an understatement to say the camp't stitching was coming undone, and it was obvious Chiron has been having a hard time keeping the peace. Chastity smirked and stood in the crowd looking up at their head counselor. Chiron cleared it throat and gave a stern look that would silence any room. Slowly, the crowd quieted. "Today the teams will be," Chiron's voice boomed at them. His voice was a sort of wise sternness, very kind, but very intimidating. "Hecate, Athena and Aphrodite in blue." he paused a moment to give the campers a chance to do their usual moans and high-fives. "And the red team will be Khione, Apollo, Ares, and Soter." again, he paused. Chastity didn't see the point of announcing Soter as if it was an entire cabin and as if he was at the same level as the other, when it was only one guy.

Alex walked with his cabin to the edge of the woods. A chill went down his spin, as it always did when he got even close to the woods. He was still not used to monsters, being that he was one of those boys who used to have his dad check for monsters under the bed, the whole idea them being real still freaked him out. Alex listened as Chiron talked told them the teams. Being on Athena's team was pretty good, but he hurt at the thought of playing on Aphrodite's teams again. He couldn't stand how they would stand around and gossip and then squeal and run away when someone would approach them. Alex shook it off, he would make it work.

(Guys, feel free to role play as Chiron when it is really necessary and go ahead and start up the game if you like. Sorry, for sloppy post, I was in a hurry.)

As Grace walked to the woods with her cabin she adjusted the straps on her specially-made armor that was forged in such a way that it reacted more easily to her magic, in which case she didn't need to expend so much energy changing it, she especially benefited because it didn't require her to divulge her attention from the heat of the battle. Her sword worked in a similar way, in the same way a magic wand would work focusing her energy. Grace smiled to herself, when she was younger she would run around their small little apartment in Manhattan waving one of those novelty wands, thinking that was what made the silk roses on the dinning table turn from red to her favourite shade of plum-purple; that was before she knew she was the one doing it, around the time she was just learning the trade when the line between illusion and actual miracles was blurred by childhood ignorance. Now the idea of having a little black stick with the tip painted white was ridiculous, just like the novelty ones her father kept around as reminders of way back when when he was first starting out before he developed his own trade and made ends meat doing children's parties. Around the time she was twelve she would occasionally join her father on the stage as his "apprentice-slash-assistant", she ran all the illusion most of the time not needing to put much effort forth to the whole "illusion" part seeing how the Mist covered that--but they only did that for the really big specialty-money-making shows every once in a blue moon. Even then they had to put a stop to them when their audience started popping with monsters attracted to the smell of demigod.

That was possibly the hardest part about using her magic in Capture the Flag, it would attract monsters. As she neared the edge of the woods Grace could hear the familiar distant roar of inhabitance of the woods. Despite everything, she welcomed challenge and always enjoyed the war-games. Grace came to a halt next to Alex. She looked down to her celestial bronze helmet tucked under her arm and watched it's plume turn from red, her team from the previous games, to blue, her current team colour, the helmets did that naturally somehow knowing what cabins were on which team. She began to think about their lineup, the corner of her mouth twitched downward. Grace turned her gaze up from her helmet to Alex, seeing his expression as if he was thinking the same thing. "Advantage, Athena. Disadvantage, Aphrodite," she commented grimly, summing up what they were both thinking. "Ares, Apollo combo is a tough act to beat. We're going to need a seriously solid strategy if we're gonna have any chance at winning this thing."
Prentice groaned as Chiron read off the teams. Hecate and Aphrodite....A minor cabin and a useless cabin. He wasn't one to discriminate against the minor gods, but it wasn't as if Hecate's children could even use their abilities in the woods. Not with the looming threat of monsters lurking behind the bushes. As for Aphrodite....Prentice couldn't think of a more useless, pathetic group of demigods. They were jokes in his eyes, and he knew that they would either lean on him and his siblings or write off the game as a waste of time and a way to ruin their nails.

He pinched the bridge of his nose as if it was causing him pain and sharply inhaled. Prentice only took the game seriously because it was his only way of knowing if he could make it outside of camp. If his cabin lost too many times, Athena looked bad. Prentice didn't like making Athena look bad. Aphrodite's children would help Athena look bad.

After a moment, Prentice exhaled and dropped his hand. He wasn't above making sure Aphrodite's jokes knew he meant business, but he thought better of it. His eyes found Jenny, the leader of Aphrodite's cabin. She walked over to him. On the way she grabbed a girl from Hecate's cabin, Grace, and her brother Alex, toting them along to meet the son of the grey-eyed goddess.

As soon as she stood in front of him, she released the poor magicians from her grip. "Okay," she said, clapping her hands together. "So. How are we going to play this, Braininess?" Jenny looked at Grace. "Any ideas, wizards?"

Prentice's face twisted in to an irritated expression. He worked hard to mask the mild disgust. He wasn't sure how well it was working. "I was thinking you could scout. Hecate could guard and Athena could go for the flag. Sound alright to you?" This formula was a successful one. Or, at least, the best he could think up with this group. As long as Aphrodite was scouting - that way they wouldn't cause a ton of trouble. Then again, if they actually saw someone trying to get through, they wouldn't do much..."No, wait - How about Hecate scouts? Or....Ugh." His brain was drawing blanks. Anywhere he put them was an important position. "Any ideas, Grace? Alex?"

(Pockie...The awesomeness of your signature distracted me so as I wrote this.

Jab wanted me to RP an Aphrodite character for the game c: )
Grace swallowed back a yelp of protest as she was pulled against her will to where the team captains were going to talk about their game strategy. When Jenny finally let go of her arm, seeing as she had accomplished the rather simple task of gathering them all into one place deeming it necessary that she personally be sure of this, Grace rubbed her arm where Jenny's long pink manicured claws dug into her skin.

She didn't try to hold back the scowl that manifested itself on her face when the girl in front of her addressed her and her brother as "wizards". Grace's lips pressed into a firm line as she stood staring blinking incredulously, only vaguely aware of what Prentice was saying to her. After a moment, she composed herself, reassuring herself that this girl didn't possibly mean what she said and she was too stupid to figure it out otherwise. She turned her head very pointedly, speaking to the Athena boy, Prentice, and Alex. "I was thinking we could send half of the Aphrodite as scouts, the other half we send as a diversion up the left flank. Because the woods are more dense up there, Red team will be expecting an assault from that side assuming that because we have the disadvantage we would try where we would have more cover from arrows. Athena cabin can split into thirds, one group attack from the front, one from the rear, and the third defending." Here she paused and took a breath before continuing somewhat hesitantly. "Hecate can split into thirds, one group split between the ground assault, one defending, and the other..." Grace cut herself off. Even she was pretty doubtful of the idea. "Well...its pretty crazy..."
Sailee sighed in relief when Chiron announced that the Apollo and Ares cabins would be on the same side. She did not want to play against Jessie's family, they had a history of being a little.... overly competitive. Whenever Ares was on the opposite team, her hiding spot was always discovered and she almost always ended up in the infirmary. Not fun.

She and her friends parted ways, each to their own respective cabins. Sailee entered her cabin, pointedly ignoring her brothers and sisters that huddled outside the cabin, laughing and discussing battle strategies. Good for them, Sailee had no interest in battle. Sure, she could fight-- and well for that matter. Being a daughter of Apollo, handling a bow was second nature for her, she would just rather escape this game uninjured.

"How are you, my sweety?" Sailee cooed to Shakespeare, who was lounging lazily in his cage. "Mommy has to go hide in the woods now.... but don't worry, I'll be back soon." She smiled down at him in his cage, then she went over to her bed and dug her armor and bow out from underneath it. The plume on the helmet stayed red-- she was on the same team last game. She pulled the bulky armor onto her torso then pushed all of her ginger hair over her shoulder, placing the helmet on her head. She glanced at her reflection in the mirror on the other side of the cabin and heaved a sigh. Oh well, she couldn't expect to look very attractive in armor.

She smiled brightly at her reflection, putting her acting skills to use to appear excited about the game. "Well, here I go!" She exclaimed and exited the cabin.

Her siblings stared after her as she skipped toward the edge of the forest, where the red team was meeting. "What's she so excited about?" One of her sisters whispered to another, ​"It's not like she plays. Once the game starts she completely disappears!"

"I gave up trying to understand her long ago, she's just.... weird..."
The other sister hissed back with a roll of her eyes.

"I bet daddy regrets claiming her... She's an embarrassment!" A younger boy snickered.

Sailee ignored them. She didn't care if they didn't accept her. She didn't care if Apollo didn't accept her. She was just fine the way she is.

She waited in silence for the rest of the red team.

With his mouth ready to respond to his doubtful sister, Alex's arm was gripped firmly by the manicured hand of Jenny, leader of the Aphrodite cabin. Soon, he and Grace, both dreading to deal with the air-headed Jenny, were being dragged towards a boy Alex only recognized with a strain. Jenny was taller than Alex by a few inches, she had an amazingly thin body with a face that could only be owned by a child of Aphrodite. Her perfect blonde hair fell to her shoulders, framing her head and making her jaw line appear bolder. Her blue eyes and high cheek bones were as striking and sharp as her grip. Like all other Aphrodite kids, she was beautiful, but tough to be with. They were only ever fun when being pranked. Alex shook away Jenny's grip with his lips tugging downward into a frown. He looked away from jenny to the boy they had been dragged to. Prentice? That sounded right. He studied carefully the child of Athena with interest. He was hard to read, but Alex soon decided he was just the usual Athena kid, an arrogant, but helpful smart-ass. Alex grinned a bit. He loved the Athena kids. They gave him a challenge. It got old messing with the easy Aphrodite kids, when in need of more fun, Alex went to the more difficult targets. Staring as Jenny as she asked if the the "wizards had any ideas", Alex tried not to laugh. She was, in his eyes, hilarious. Holding back a snort, Alex nodded to his sister. "I agree you you, sis. It might kill us, but it is worth a shot." he ended with a shrug.

Talini groaned and went to join her "team". Ares and Apollo on their team was bittersweet luck. Of cause, Apollo had some great archers, but after a while it is easy to find their blind spot. Personally, Talini admired the violence and anger the Ares cabin brought to the fight, but their thoughtless attacks could also get them in trouble. And Talini couldn't say she was thrilled about having Soter's one-man-army on her side. Talini left it to the cabin leaders to make the plans, she always ended up doing what she preferred in the end anyway. Like a lost dog, she wondered around, waiting for the horn to blow and the cabin leaders to make up their minds.

Tessa could hear her pulse in her ears, making her remember the pressure her time limit put on her. And the sounds of her quickening heart pounding made her quicken her pace as she raced through the woods. She knew she was getting closer, closer to the camp and to the end of the time given to her to make the journey. Counting each step, hoping each one will be the last. Her feet ached under her, blistered and red from all the running. She wished so bad to fall to the ground and sleep, but the thought of Artemis chained up and in pain pushed her forward. Closer and closer, but she still couldn't see even a speck to indicate she was closer.

Byron despised capture the flag. In fact, he partially zoned out as he listened to Chiron rattle of the teams. One cabin on one side, another cabin on the other. He would enjoy it more if he had friends to actually fight for. Rather, a cause to actually fight for. Heck, what he really needed was an actual war. In his own mind, he made up reasons why he was fighting. For the idea of capture the flag, the concept of Troy always came into his mind. One side has taken Helen from the other, and now they go to retrieve it. Sounded simple enough. His allies? Why, they were brave soldiers. Better yet, they were his friends. His true allies. They fought along side him as piers, as a whole. Or at least, that's what he believed in his imagination. That they were all fighting as one. That they were all fighting as a team.

When Soter was called, Byron completely blanked on which side they were assigned to. Rather,
he was assigned to, since he was the only child Soter felt like having it seemed. Looking about, Byron decided to run over to the Red team, hoping that it was correct. Fortunately, it was. As Byron stood, weighing his shield, he remembered that he had left his cocoa on the table. Oh, how he wanted to drink that cocoa instead of fight. Being a son of Soter, he was cursed to defend those around him rather than fight. It was a natural passion which he enjoyed, of course, but afterwards, no thanks would erupt from anyone's lips. Not even the slightest "Thanks." Always silence, always a silent disregard. There was one time that he had strayed an enemies knife from an allies breast plate. She was beautiful, Byron noticed at the time, and he was so very young. Wishing that he could enjoy her presence, if not even in love, just friendship, he had taken the chance to deflect such a square blow to her chest. He was fast, surely, but not fast enough. Her gaze of interest deceived him, as his opponent delivered a left hook squarely into his jaw. Losing his footing, he fell on the girl in a swift action, taking her to the ground. Although it only lasted a moment, it was to be a memory he would never forget. But because of the events that occurred thereafter, it would be for reasons he would want to forget. After the battle, she disregarded him like a used tissue. Not wanting her to pass by like so many others, he thought too quickly, and grabbed her arm. For two years after, he was labeled a creep, a nuance. A freak. Just by that minor action.

Ever since, he has been devoid of friends. Just another face in the crowd. Worse than a face. A joke. So even now, he could be defending his allies for a false sense of honor. To feel redeemed for a crime so minor, it did not deserve a penalty. Such is the fate of sacrifice. Such is the fate of Soter.

As he readied himself for what was to come, he placed his legs far apart, preparing for a run. And a run it would be.

(Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. Exams, homework... *sigh* I hope to be more active as the week continues, but bear with me.)
(Okay, I have excuses! Horse riding, a social life and I tend to get grounded a lot. Ugh, sorry! This is a lazy post, but they'll be longer and far more frequent from now on.)

Prentice found himself cursing, but the tone was far from frustrated or angry. It was more like,
why didn't I think of that? He looked at Grace, who looked rather flustered, as if she doubted this idea. "Oh, my gods! No! That's a great idea. I've always been going the traditional route, which was assigning each cabin to whatever their parents' field suited. Splitting the cabins will ensure that different styles and abilities are spread out, and this way Aphrodite can't cause any dam- er, ah....D-distraction?"

Jenny folded her arms over her chest and gave him an angry look, her thinly arched eyebrows creasing together and her . He was embarrassed, but who cares? He respected the goddess, her offspring were just useless. He knew she knew that, and yet she still snapped at him. He managed to block her voice, but she said something about Athena making him a smart ass, the tone he spoke in being weird, followed by calling him something that rhymed with the word

"Ah...Anyway, all we have to do," he continued, trying to cover up his slip of the tongue and regain at least a shred of authority, "is find a way to split the cabins. An even distribution that will ensure success." He looked at Grace and what's-his-face...Alex? Alec? "Is there anything specific you feel is your or your cabin's strong point? Offense or defense? We don't necessarily have to split up in thirds."
Grace turned her gaze to the ground and bit the inside of her cheek in attempts to hide the smile that was starting to make it's appearance. She felt like she was already crossing into foreign territory, and it felt weird. The strategizing was Athena's strong suit. Of course she was flattered that Prentice, a son of Athena, had approved of her idea. She as a daughter of Hecate, a minor god, earning respect from a child of a major, she should feel proud. And she did, but it left her with a strange feeling she couldn't quite place, like a subtly bitter aftertaste. Grace rubbed the back of her neck. For some reason she felt foolish for treading that no-man's-land.

When Prentice asked his first follow up question, Grace understood what that feeling was. It was responsibility. She would be held responsible for victory...or more importantly, failure. She was suppose to know the ins and outs of the plan, it was her idea, wouldn't she be expected to know how it would succeed? But what if it turned out to be over ambitious, overreaching the campers and their cabin's strength. Grace didn't know how to deal with that. The blame would be laid on her shoulders, and that would only further prove how unwise it was to step into another godly parent's expertise, and how insuperior minor gods were to major gods.

She bit her lip harder. Prentice seemed to have faith in her--her idea, she meant. Grace was determined to make this work. Children of minor gods didn't get the respect they deserved, it was her personal mission to disprove that theory.

At the Athena boy's second question she shrugged and took the plung, "Either really, depends on what we do. Personally I like guerrilla warfare, myself. Defensive generally stronger. We can use our cabin throughout our forces to create camouflage and illusions. In our defense we can cast a spell to disclose the actual location of our flag. In our 'distraction' force, we can illude that our force is larger than appears to divert the enemy's attentions to it. And our offensive strike team will take measures to remain hidden; however, everything has to be precisely timed, we will only have a small window of opportunity. Once our diversion is engaged with the enemy, our concentrate is easy to break and it will know that it was only a distraction. So you can assume that we will have to move in quickly. Ares should be quick to take to our 'distractions', eager to fight as they are. Apollo are more prideful, they would be keeping watch from heights, our illusions would be more easily compromised from the sky from the sheer fact that it takes so much energy, projecting it on all sides will take it out of us. So we need to figure out how to take them out of the picture."

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