When The Sky Darkens...


Y'all are peasants

There are two different character sheets. If your character is human, use the one below, and if your character is Scura, use the second one. It depends on which slots are available, too. If you're a Scura, your appearance has to be somewhat related to your power. (FE: blue hair=water power, or green eyes=earth power)

Also, I'll have one character who is going to be a Scura spy, who will sign up as a human, and won't tell anyone that they're Scura. Now, if you're interested in being the spy, PM me your Scura character sheet before you post your fake human one. I'll explain more to the people who are interested.







?C H A R A C T E R S H E E T?

N a m e :


A g e :


G e n d e r :

? (HAS TO BE MALE...too many females)

P r e f e r e n c e : (male, female, or both?)


G r o u p S t a t u s : (Leader, Co-Leader, or just member?)


A p p e a r a n c e : (anime)

P e r s o n a l i t y


H i s t o r y:


Why did you join the Continedous? (can be left blank if it'll be revealed in the rp)


O t h e r : (Did I miss anything?)









?C H A R A C T E R S H E E T?

N a m e :


A g e :


G e n d e r :

? (HAS TO BE MALE... to many females)

P r e f e r e n c e :


A p p e a r a n c e : (anime)

P e r s o n a l i t y :


H i s t o r y :


O t h e r : (Did I miss anything?)


S c u r a N a m e :


S c u r a A p p e a r a n c e : (anime)

S c u r a P e r s o n a l i t y :

(remember, it has to be the complete opposite of that of their human form's)


S c u r a P o w e r :


O t h e r : (Did I miss anything?)







(my character)

N a m e :

? Abigail Winters (but just Gail)

A g e :


G e n d e r :

? Female

P r e f e r e n c e :

? Both

G r o u p S t a t u s :

? Leader

A p p e a r a n c e : (anime)


P e r s o n a l i t y

? Abigail, or just Gail, as she likes top be called, is a natural leader. She's kinda popular, and is known for her smart-mouth. She breathes confidence, thought, which is why people joined the Continudeus-they had to get some reassurance from somewhere, right? Gail is also very rebellious, and lot f her teachers don't like her that much.

H i s t o r y:

? Because of her rebellious nature, she has a very long history. As a child, she's been suspended from school multiple times after insulting teachers while she lived in the city. Her parents made her move to the mountains in her senior year for a "fresh start". After going to Isolita University for a year now, Gail started to get suspicious. One time, she tried to sneak out of the dorms, an someone caught her. She was warned to never ever EVER sneak out again. She could of gotten expelled, but she threatened the person that caught her and... well... let's just say he was very protective of his toes for the next day.

Why did you join the Continedous?

? She was getting suspicious of the school's curfew and isolate location, so she became the founder of it.

O t h e r :


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N a m e : Misty Underwood


A g e : 17


G e n d e r : Female


A p p e a r a n c e : (anime)

P e r s o n a l i t y :

? Calypso is the kind of person that is the ask questions first shoot later. She is peaceful and calm. Calypso is the one to avoid confrontation. She is kinda shy yet can be social if needed. She is willing to compromise with everyone. She can be very withdrawn.

H i s t o r y :

? Born to a life of privilege, Calypso took everything for granted. Her fancy parties, the newest technological advances,everything. She was a spoiled little brat for the first few years of her life. Luckily her grandmother came to her rescue before the privileged life of bing rich affected her permanently. Her parents gladly gave her up to the grandmother because they didnt want a child. At first Calypso was disgusted at the thought of leaving her perfect home, to move to a tiny little mountain town. Then she learned to appreciate the liffe things in her life. Her grandmother encouraged her to try to take up the arts. Thus she became to learn of her still with her hands and began to play the flute. She loves to read and play the flute in her free time.

Then she was given a letter inviting her to the school. Calypso was going to deny but her grandmother made her accept the enrollment letter. So she moved to the school. At the school, Calypso learned of the existence of her Scura, Cara Lith.

O t h e r : (Did I miss anything?) Purple


S c u r a N a m e : Cara lith


S c u r a A p p e a r a n c e : (anime)

S c u r a P e r s o n a l i t y :

? Cara is the kind of person that is the shoot first ask questions later. She is stubborn so once she puts her mind to something, you can hardly change her mind. She is a natural born leader but can can be bossy without noticing it. She can be witty at times as well as sarcastic. Cara is very bold.

S c u r a P o w e r :

?She can make anything with her hands yet she has to have the material with her at the time.

O t h e r : (Did I miss anything?)

? She has a metal dragon pet.

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Name: Shay Young


A g e : 17


G e n d e r : Female


A p p e a r a n c e : (anime)


P e r s o n a l i t y : Shay is a sweet girl. She loves to read, socialize, and party. She is very

loud. Shay would never dream of hurting a soul. Shay is very insecure, she takes very small things as insults. She can also get very annoying, because she never stops talking. She's a control freak. She tends to need to control everything in sight.


H i s t o r y : shay lived at an orphanage for the first 10 years of her life, one of the caretakers found out her secret the night of her 5th birthday. When it really started to show that she was a different person at night. The caretaker, having dealt with a boy like this before helped her through it. When it became apparent that she was violent in her scura form the caretaker adopted her, keeping her in a cellar under her house every night. She lived there for six miserable years, barely allowed to leave the cellar. Three months after her sixteenth birthday a school was discovered, one where scura's could live in peace and learn to control themselves. She was sent off and has lived there ever since.


O t h e r : (Did I miss anything?) Shay always carries around a small moon shaped pin that turns into various weapons (often only used in her scura form. Favorite color is light blue.


S c u r a N a m e : Shade Nightlock


S c u r a A p p e a r a n c e : (anime)


S c u r a P e r s o n a l i t y :(remember, it has to be the complete opposite of that of their human form's) Shade is violent, grumpy, and sarcastic. She is likely to make make a joke while killing you. Shade hates humans for of being locked in a cellar by one for many years. Because while thought of it as helping, shade thought of it as abuse.


S c u r a P o w e r : she can control darkness, she can make a bubble of darkness around some one, and the darkness she creates can choke someone.


O t h e r : (Did I miss anything?) favorite color is dark purple

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N a m e :

? Ashley Elizabeth

A g e :

? 17

G e n d e r :

? Female

A p p e a r a n c e : (anime)


P e r s o n a l i t y :

? Shy, innocent girl who understands nothing about emotions or love. With someone comes up to ask her out, she just runs and hides. She wears cute clothes and always with jeans.

H i s t o r y :

? Born from the Scura of Death(Father) and Scura of Life(Mother), she was given the power of emotions. Her mother died during birth and father from a fire caused by her. Always living on her own, she decided to do something with her life. Music is her life, she plays acoustic at day -fits her human personality- and electric at night -fits her scura personality-. At one point in time, during high school, a boy had a crush and ever since that day, she never gets close to anyone to save their life. At night, he found her secret and fear caused her to change and set fire onto him, killing him instantly. Hearing of the collage who knew about her, and was accepted as a Scura to learn to control her power.

O t h e r : (Did I miss anything?)


S c u r a N a m e :

? Eliza

S c u r a A p p e a r a n c e : (anime)



S c u r a P e r s o n a l i t y :

(remember, it has to be the complete opposite of that of their human form's)

? Outgoing, hopeless romantic. She has a darker side to her and loves to walk about at night. She wears shorts and tanks and short dress as she hunts in the night for some fun.

S c u r a P o w e r :

? She drives off of emotions. From happy to sad, loving to hatred. Depending on the emotion around her, her power is weak or strong. Angry, Hatred and Darkness give her power, while Lust, sadness and Joy weakens her. As Scura of Emotions, she can inflict them upon others. If someone is afraid of spiders for example, she can create an illusion of spiders, giving her more strength, but once they overcome the fear, she is weakened.

O t h e r : (Did I miss anything?)

? Black
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Well yes there are restriction. She cant create things out of thin air because that would be godmodding. So in order to use her power she has to have the material near by.

N a m e : Anastasia Riverton

A g e : 16

G e n d e r : Female

A p p e a r a n c e:

P e r s o n a l i t y : Anastasia can be rude, outspoken, cold, sarcastic and stubborn. Her trust is incredibly hard to earn, but once you do, she’s incredibly loyal. She’s learnt over the years to shut off her emotions, which often leads to her pushing people away. Deep down she longs for companionship, but isn’t really sure how to deal with people being nice to her, as she’s had her feelings messed around with so much.

H i s t o r y : Anastasia ran away from home, escaping an abusive father when she was 11 years old. After three years on the streets, she stumbled, cold and starving, into Isolita University. The teachers took pity on her, feeding her and taking her in, even though she refused to tell them exactly what had happened to her, and they still don’t know to this day. Anastasia stayed at the school for a few days before the teachers even realised she had a Scura form, as her Scura form is so shy- and often in animal form.☀

O t h e r : Having grown up on the streets, Anastasia has picked up various self-defence techniques, and now takes classes as a hobby. She also enjoys drawing, and has a talent for it.

S c u r a N a m e : Nymeria.

S c u r a A p p e a r a n c e :

S c u r a P e r s o n a l i t y : Nymeria is usually a rather quiet, sweet, observant girl, and very shy. If you get on her bad side, however, she has a bad temper, and can be extremely feisty. Like in her human form, Nymeria has a very hard time trusting people, especially humans, though once someone earns her trust, she’s incredibly loyal.

S c u r a P o w e r : Nymeria can transform into any animal. Transforming drains her energy though, so she can only transform a limited amount of times without resting.

other: Her favourite colour is blue
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N a m e :

? Iria Ryan (everyone just calls her Ryan)

A g e :

? 18

G e n d e r :

? Female

G r o u p S t a t u s :

? Co-Leader

A p p e a r a n c e :

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Close.jpeg.28de208fa2c7836ff71ff5dcc509645f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14984" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Close.jpeg.28de208fa2c7836ff71ff5dcc509645f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

P e r s o n a l i t y

? Ryan is group oriented, and tends to feel personally responsible for the misdeeds of individuals of a group. Though she is reserved and a little bit tensely serious, she feels close to her classmates, especially her senior class, and wishes to see them all graduate without a hitch. Ryan has learned to understand that despite her will, not everything can be helped. But some things...

H i s t o r y:

? Ryan entered Isoltia University her sophomore year. No, she didn't like the strict curfew, and understood why many of her fellow classmates felt no reluctance in breaking the rules. She didn't see the necessity for the severity of the punishment for breaking a simple curfew rule, but soon began to feel the consequences weren't worth the risk. Now in her final year, she wishes to graduate without a hitch, and wishes the same for her fellow classmates.

Why did you join the Continedous?

? Knowing that her fellow group members cannot be convinced otherwise, she feels it her responsibility to be part of the group and keep the members (especially her fellow seniors) of Continedous from getting into trouble with the university

O t h e r :

? Red



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n a m e : Dmitri Stotski

A g e : 19

G e n d e r : Male

G r o u p S t a t u s : member

A p p e a r a n c e : The man himself

P e r s o n a l i t y: Dmitri following his parents example is hardworking and determined. He isn't a genius, but with some effort he can maintain a mid-range b average. He gets along with authority figures fairly well, if there is a clear reason though. To teachers he’s a guaranteed hard worker in class, to administration, not so much. He’s helpful to most, and loyal to his friends. Though if someone ticks him off, he will hold a grudge, at worst some people are considered “ persona non grata” meaning he will not acknowledge your existence. It usually requires an apology. It is fairly hard to change his mind, some would call it a thick skull, and you probably would be right.

H i s t o r y: Dmitri came from a family that started later than usual, his parents lived in two sections of the eastern bloc, they only came across to America after the Berlin wall fell, and even then it was 2 years after leaving Europe they both met. Dmitri had a fairly normal childhood. Things changed after his 10th birthday though. Not a discovery of some special power, or something tragic, no, it instead was his uncle Isaac. He informed his sister and brother and law he was interested in working in the small business they had opened, also after being separated for so long he wanted to be a family again. 3 weeks after he landed,Dmitri expressed in learning martial arts after being bullied in school. Uncle Isaac was right there, and taught it to him for free. That continued until college, where Dmitri got acceptance to Isolita. Though soon the things the school was doing sounded sketchy, when he asked teachers or staff, the dodged the issue or the response was “knock it off.” When he almost broke curfew, the administration threw a fit, reminding him that the penalty was suspension, For him, That was the last straw, he was an otherwise good student?! why such severity!? Now come hell or high-water, he has decided to get to the bottom of this.

Why did you join the Continedous?: His parents grew up in the eastern bloc, Secrets for no other reason than secrets, generally indicates that something is very wrong. If there were some reason for it, he’d be fine, but vague reasons for a curfew, remote local, and “because I told you so mentality.” Has not crushed his suspicions rather just heightened them, throw in recent administration action, and with everything his parents went through in mind, he just can’t let it stand.

O t h e r:

The martial art his uncle taught him? Krav maga. (Uncle Isaac may have been more than a soldier for Israel…no one asks. >.>) Can Dmitri actually fight like a solider? No, can he still do some damage to someone trying to attack him? Maybe, He hasn't tried before, he was mostly taught control and redirection. He also doesn't say much about the fact he knows it. there isn't much reason too anyway.

Interests: Cello, reading/studies, friends, and working out, in that order.

Other: Blue

"also you said violence is good let's try to have violence > :D " (this is an attempt to enable for a human character to be able to do this, If it needs to be toned back or removed I can do it no problem. I don't think it's too overpowered. Also he's not going to be stupid, as soon as someone starts shooting laser beams... running is going to be a good idea, and/or only idea)
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?C H A R A C T E R S H E E T?

N a m e : Gary J. Black


A g e : 18


G e n d e r : Male

P r e f e r e n c e : Female


A p p e a r a n c e : <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/kjhghjkkjh.jpg.cf14a75ea9f4c3df01684a18545e8703.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15638" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/kjhghjkkjh.jpg.cf14a75ea9f4c3df01684a18545e8703.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

P e r s o n a l i t y : Gary's a deadpan snarker with unresolved family issues. His father, mother, and older brother control the inner workings of his life and without them Gary would be lost. Other people drift in and out of life, but family is permanent. That doesn't mean that Gary likes them or wants to be around his parents. He knows how manipulative his mother and brother are, but he can't separate himself from them just like they can't let him be either. Art class is the hightlight of his day and Gary has a talent for water painting.


H i s t o r y : For most of Gary's life, the Black family isolated itself from the rest of the world. He lived in an upscale home with a wide yard and a fence around the property. Gary's best friend is also his enemy--his older brother. Their parents didn't condone toys or video games or other people's kids so they only had each other to pass the time growing up. Everyone in his family has virtually the same ability.


O t h e r : He's claustrophobic and his pet peeve is girls who chew on their nails.

Sunset Orange!


S c u r a N a m e : Lucian


S c u r a A p p e a r a n c e : <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/b5c4089c104e1a554c4cb3e011c41ea1.jpg.1d305700e46b238aa3ace988f23e1015.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15641" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/b5c4089c104e1a554c4cb3e011c41ea1.jpg.1d305700e46b238aa3ace988f23e1015.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

S c u r a P e r s o n a l i t y : Lucian is bluntly honest and critical of other people. He's not passive aggressive or pandering to the people around him like Gary. Lucian will act if he thinks he's right about something and if it turns out he wasn't, no huge deal. Lucian is confident and he doesn't put the future on the back burner because he still can't handle his past. Lucian tries to reach out to other Scura while staying close to his family as well. Though he never lets them dictate his choices. He might try to kill his brother one minute and have a calm conversation with him the next. They have a constantly morphing relationship.


S c u r a P o w e r : Lucian absorbs the physical damage done to him and builds it up into a powerful light attack. The strength of the attack is in direct proportion to how much damage he endured. He also heals quickly. Most injuries right themselves over the course of a day.


O t h e r : Halloween Orange!



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N a m e :Yuri


A g e : 19


G e n d e r : Male


P r e f e r e n c e : Female


A p p e a r a n c e :

P e r s o n a l i t y : Yuri is a quiet male. He is shy around girls, so there;s no surprise he has no idea how to speak to them properly. Instead he is a total jerk to any female. it is a way to defend himself. He looks books, school, art, video games, and computers. He most or less has he nose in a book then socializing around campus.


H i s t o r y : He grew up only knowing his father. His father worked hard to keep a home for Yuri to live in. He learned his mother didnt want him and thus abandoned himself and his father. a year before being accepted into College his father passed away. Yuri knows he father his proud of him to getting into college. He wants to make his father proud. There has been times he wonders about his mother. But because his mother left. Yuri never knew how to treat women, and his father was working to support them both, so he never taught him either.


S c u r a N a m e : Lance


S c u r a A p p e a r a n c e :

S c u r a P e r s o n a l i t y : Lance is a total ladies man, a true gentle to a T. He knows what to say and how to act around women. Though he may be kind he never plays a women's heart. Yuri knows of lance from one night making a vblog and transforming through the video. So now each night They leave videos for each other to communicate. Lance is trying to teach Yuri the art of women and how to act around them. He is will protect a women who needs help and does not except anything in return.


S c u r a P o w e r : Weapon mastery. Lance can take any weapon and master is within a short period of time. He can not master a new weapon within a fight.


Other: Favourite colour Siliver

N a m e : Daman


A g e :19


G e n d e r : Male


P r e f e r e n c e :Both


A p p e a r a n c e :


P e r s o n a l i t y : A total sweet heart. He helps where he can to whom ever he can. He loves music and writing. He stands up for friends and is smart where it counts.


H i s t o r y : When he was a small child his parents passed away. He went to live with his old aunt who hated everyone. Though something about him made her smile. She made sure he had culture and arts. and knew how to read music. When she died she left her whole estate to Daman.


S c u r a N a m e : Sasha


S c u r a A p p e a r a n c e :


S c u r a P e r s o n a l i t y : A cold heart person living in Daman's heart without him knowing. She loves to hurt people, lure them in and then destroying their hopes and dreams. A type of seductress to get either gender to do her biding. She does not know of Daman during the day.


S c u r a P o w e r : The power to alter her appearance to look like anyone to wish to look like.


O t h e r : Loves sweets, Favourite colour Red

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? Adriel

A g e :

?18 1/2

G e n d e r :

? Male

P r e f e r e n c e :

? both

A p p e a r a n c e:

P e r s o n a l i t y :

? Sunny and open, Adriel is known for his affinity to animals and his general, warm aura.

H i s t o r y :


O t h e r : (Did I miss anything?)


S c u r a N a m e :


S c u r a A p p e a r a n c e : (anime)

S c u r a P e r s o n a l i t y :

(remember, it has to be the complete opposite of that of their human form's)


S c u r a P o w e r :


O t h e r : (Did I miss anything?)


?C H A R A C T E R S H E E T?

N a m e :

? Alexander Rose

A g e :

? 16

G e n d e r :

? Male

P r e f e r e n c e : (male, female, or both?)

? Male

G r o u p S t a t u s : (Leader, Co-Leader, or just member?)

? Member

A p p e a r a n c e : (anime)


P e r s o n a l i t y

? Alexander is a bit shy when first meeting people, but once he gets use to the person he is quite outgoing, flamboyant, basically just 'energetic' in general. He enjoys playing the guitar and writing in his spare time. Although he will never show it, he gets hurt easily by insults and will usually only tell those he is extremely close to. The fact he likes men is usually expressed often just through him talking about who he likes, thinks is cute, if they talked to him, those sorts of things. Alexander isn't one to take control and is usually more submissive to others. Work - wise, he is usually very determined to do things to the best of his ability and feels a little put down when he can't. With relationships, he befriends others quite easily, though when someone hurts him, it is hard to gain his trust and/or respect back.

H i s t o r y:

? Alexander was raised with his two brothers, one older and the other younger, along with a family friend and his parents. He generally had a simple life, even though his family did have a bit of wealth. Alexander never really saw reason for buying everything he wanted, and just stuck to clothing and maybe a few little unneeded items, such as his guitar. He was the most modest out of his brothers, who were always loud, had a large ego, thought they were self-entitled to everything. They never quite got along too well, though Alexander did with his parents. A year before going to the University, Alexander came out to his family who simply enough rejected him. He was forced to leave and moved in with a friend of his. Shortly after he came to the University his father had been diagnosed with cancer and later died. Oddly, it didn't make Alexander feel anything, mainly because of how easily his father rejected him.

Why did you join the Continedous? (can be left blank if it'll be revealed in the rp)

? He was suspicious over the curfews, and the likes, and when he had heard of the group being created by the others that were wondering over these strict rules, he wanted in.

O t h e r : (Did I miss anything?)

? Purple and Red.

I shall sign up as a human, will get character sheet done soon.
N a m e :

? Gary Streep

A g e :

? 17

G e n d e r :

? Male

P r e f e r e n c e :

? Unknown (He still hasn't decided :P ) [if it's allowed :P ]

G r o u p S t a t u s :

? Member

A p p e a r a n c e :


P e r s o n a l i t y

? Gary is the very epitome of a doofus. He is the type of person who randomly bumps into walls and falls up stairs. He's the type to forget to turn off the faucet until it floods his house. Well, by now you should see that he isn't just an average doofus. He has a severe case of DOOFUSIASIS. Despite all that, Gary is a lovable friend. He'll stick by his friends no matter what hardships they're facing. Also, he is a huge video game addict.

H i s t o r y:

? Gary is an only child. He was raised in an average middle-class suburban home. As such, he lived a simple life with no frills. One day, a letter arrived. It was a letter inviting him to attend the University. Gary could not believe his eyes. He blinked twice, and stared at the paper for a good ten minutes. After deducing that it truly was real, he immediately packed his belongings and ran out of his house, only to crash headfirst into the front door. Rubbing his now sore head, he smiled - it was a dream come true.

Why did you join the Continedous? (can be left blank if it'll be revealed in the rp)

? Gary joined Continedous without knowing its real intentions. He believed that it was a spooky ghost hunt in the middle of the night (and he still believes it as such)

O t h e r : (Did I miss anything?)


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