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Realistic or Modern When the Dead Returns

Edward woke up early this morning. He got up, showered and dressed. This day was supposed to be like any other day, now that he was in the reserves he didn't have much to do at home. As he was just about to turn on the TV he heard a loud scream. "Someone help me!" It was a woman's voice. Edward jumped to his feet and ran to fetch his shotgun, he grabbed a couple shells and popped them in. Surely that would be all he needed. His movements were swift as he moved through the house towards the door, he swung the door open and was in shock at what he saw. "What is this" Edward said aloud. What he saw was a dead looking creature, biting on a young woman's arm. He thought to him self briefly, he had to save her. Edward aimed down the sights of his shotgun and shot the creature in the head, and stared at it's body, nothing he's seen in his life time.

His next thoughts were what could he do for this girl, she was screaming in agony. Edward was a trained medic, he had dealt with hurt people before, this was nothing new. He slung his shot gun on his back and scooped the girl into his arms and made way towards his house. Another of the dead creature was in the streets, he didn't know where they were coming from and didn't intend to find out. He entered his house, set her on the couch and made sure to lock the door. Adrenaline was flowing through his vains, he raced to his bedroom to grab a first aid kit. Edward froze in his tracks, he had to calm down, breathing in and out slowly he regathered him self. After grabbing the first aid kit he ran in the living room to see the girl unconscious. He checked her pulse, her heart had stopped and she wasn't breathing. The girl opened her eyes, they were a blueish gray, she no longer looked human. He backed up in fear as she started to make her way towards him, he pulled his shotgun into a shooting position. Edward hesitated for a moment, this girl he had just saved how could he kill her now. She walked faster toward him, he squeezed the trigger and shot her head off of her shoulders. His military instincts kicked in, this wasn't the first time he has had to kill.

He glanced through the blinds and seen more of the dead roaming the streets, his neighbor among them. He knew he had to get out of there. He ran into his bedroom, grabbed his pistol, Shotgun shells and a book bag. Packing all of the things he would need such as food, water, ammunition, a first aid kit. Edward knew things were taking a turn for the worst, he was just determined to survive.
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"Hey what are you doing up here", a mall security guard proceeded to say to Jason Wilks as he was sitting up his Barrett 50 cal. sniper rifle on the roof of the mall. He said "slowly step away from the rifle, with your hands above your head ". Jason went on to say "why don't you just go back inside and pretend this never happened if you would like to carry on with your life"! "Is that a threat" the mall cop then reaches for his taser but Jason was to quick on the draw , he pulls out his suppressed Glock 19 and drops three slugs in the security guards chest like it was nothing. "Fat pig" Jason says with a smirking satisfied look on his face. He leaves the body there and goes back to setting up his rifle . "Back to what I was doing " " Now where is that blonde bitch , ah there she is " Jason says while aiming down his sight. Soon as he gets a clear shot lined up 3...2... "What the hell" some pasty skinned character comes up and bites her on her neck . He then feels the presents of someone standing behind him he roles over and its that security guard , he is very startled and goes on to say " I just killed you " The guard goes to jump on top of Jason but he gives the guard a quick yet powerful up kick which kicked him over Jason of the roof of the mall! Jason stands up to gather his things since the girl he was after was bitten and bled to death. " what is going on I know i killed that guard " Jason gets his things and proceeds down the stairs into the mall.
Contemplating wittier responses he could have used in his argument with his parents, Alaine was walking home from his local super market which his sister, his mother, and his father were now located. It was getting late. The sun was setting and Alaine was dreading his status. His parents were poor, but despite this his father always seemed to put aside money for his doomsday preparatory defenses. His father was always paranoid of world ending scenarios and had taught his children all sorts of survival tactics. Alaine always hated the fact that his father would always spend money on those sort of things with his main issue being that they would not be as poor as they are if he would spend their money more effectively. This was the basis of today's argument. He hated the position they were in. He hated their neighborhood and he hated the fact that he only had enough money to go a community college because of their lack of funds.

He mulled over this until abruptly his thoughts became interrupted as he saw he was targeted by what appeared to be a neighbor of his. The peculiar thing about this neighbor is that he had been giving Alaine an empty gaze like a man who had just lost it all. This made Alaine stop in his tracks. From what he could make out, he knew the man in a somewhat of a formal way. His parents had spoken with him a few times, so Alaine was rationalized that out of respect for his parents the man wouldn't attack him, however it was getting late and the later it got the more hostile the environment became. Alaine was close to his house. It was merely two blocks down, so Alaine contemplated an option of running, considering the man seemed older in age. All thoughts of his escape then stopped as he saw a limping woman approach this neighbor. The neighbor seemed afraid as if the woman looked like she didn't need help, but it was merely a woman so in theory she couldn't do the man any harm, however as things turned for the worst the woman began lunging for the neighbor as he tried to run away, but he had something lodged in his left leg. The neighbor began running for Alaine shouting for Alaine's help, but this made no sense to Alaine. Obviously they both needed help; the woman lunging for the neighbor's help while the neighbor demanded Alaine's help. Not being able to rationalize this, Alaine tried asking the man what he needed, but the man was incoherent with his only word being help. Alaine pleaded for the man to stay back, but he kept coming for him and with this came the woman trailing the neighbor. Alaine began to run, but was caught by the neighbor who tripped unto Alaine's leg and hung on to this pulling Alaine down. "Stop", Alaine screamed while in the midst of kicking the neighbor who continued to incoherently yell with his only distinguishable word being help. Alaine contiuely began to kick his neighbor repetitively with the word help being more and more indistinguishable from his neighbors lips. In a fit, Alaine hadn't noticed that his kicks to his neighbors skull had caused his death and that his neighbor released Alaine's leg long ago. Alaine attempted to get any form of response from the man with failure. He knew he was dead.

This knowledge caused Alaine to throw up and tear up however, now was not the time for mourning. The woman that was now here and Alaine noticed that her pupils were dilated and her eye color was oppressive grey. This combined with the fact that her jaw was missing really rattled Alaine and as he began to run a tremendous explosion had erupted from the foreground and his father was reaching him at great speeds in his Jeep ramming into the woman and demanding Alaine get in. With no other option, he did and his father raced to their house. "What the fuck just fucking happened dad?!" Alaine was hysterical. "You just killed that woman!" "You can't trust anyone right now! I don't know what's going on, but that woman...something happened to her. She's gone crazy. Do you remember what I taught you? Now's the time to use it! This isn't practice anymore. When we get home we gather all we can and head for the ocean!" his father explained. "Wait, Dad. Where's Mom and Clarissa?''

Elliot tried his best to remain silent as he dashed away from a ghoul chasing him across the rooftop. He had been without a meal for about a day and a half now, since day zero when everything went black. Elli had no idea what exactly brought the world to this, or where any of his family was...more importantly his sister.

"Damn, i swear these things are getting faster." Elliot thought aloud as he cleared the gap between two small buildings in the city. The creature chasing him attempted the gap also, but smashed itself against the wall when it fell short.

Elliot slowed his pace, placing his hands on his knees and catching his breath a bit. "Things been chasing me for hours..." *cough cough*

After catching his breath he looked around a bit, searching for something that may be used as a weapon before moving forward. At this point Elliot moved on with no purpose, searching for his sister and maybe some food if he was lucky. Her name was Helena, she was home from college for the holidays, staying with their parents.

"This should work!"

The small smile that cracked Elli's face was erased when he realized how loud he was.

Hope that didn't attract to much attention..

He quickly cracked a broken pipe from one of the AC units on the roof of the building he was on, this would have to do as protection for now.


Elliot rose his pipe to defend and quickly scanned his surroundings as a woman's screaming resounded through the area he was in. Without thinking twice, he made an effort to head toward where the sound was coming from. In the case that Elliot was surrounded, he felt as if he was nimble enough to escape effectively...even if it did leave him with a few scratches.

He tossed the pipe into his bag and began running again, picking up speed as moved to leap another gap. Elliot was coming toward the edge now, and as a force of habit from gymnastics, he began to count his steps as the edge drew closer.

Five, four, three, two....shit, (Nanioo?!?!?)

Elliot felt a tight grip around his left ankle, he immediately knew what it was. There was a ghoul he didn't notice, hiding behind one of the AC units near the edge. He looked down to his feet, it seemed as time had slowed down as his body was sling-shot off of the roof and down into the ally below. The walker that had managed to slip past him still clung on as Elli fell, scraping against the wall on the way down.

The fall was hard, bruising his right arm, his leg, and his back; while effectively ripping the creature off of his foot. Elliot stood, rage and fear flowing from his soul.

"Come on, you rotting shit..!" Elli stood up, the whole left side of his body injured. He stumbled backwards into the street, struggling to unzip his back and pull out the pipe.

Just as he managed to equip his defense, he felt something bump his back. He snapped around, his attention temporarily diverted from the walker that fell off the roof with him..only to find the street he sought for refuge.. teeming with those abominations.

"What the...f-fuck?!" Elliot rose his right hand and erased the zombie's head from it's shoulder, only to find himself in a worse scenario...seeing that he had now broken the so called protection.

"Well, there goes that..."

Without looking back, Elliot sprinted as fast as he could. Heading toward the sounds of the screams he heard earlier, hoping desperately that whoever he heard earlier had survived the encounter they faced.


Elliot held his left arm close to him as he raced toward the sound of the screams he heard. With the injuries he had just sustained, and the walkers that noticed the little show he had put on..that seemed to be his only hope of surviving and finding his sister.
"Alright Guys...Practice tomorrow morning at six. Don't be late," said Sabastian as he bowed out to his class. Sabastian Gray had decided to take a year off to watch over his master's dojo. His master had grown ill with a sickness that now requires him to stay in the hospital until his disposition gets better.

Sabastian usually stays later to do his usual workout regiment to stay in shape for next years kendo season. Today wasn't any different.

"Phew. Another long day." said Sabastian as he began to take off his kendo gear. He then proceeded to walk to the showers that was in the back of the facilities. The warmth of the water had liberated him, lifting all fatigue that burdened him.

Once he was finished, he went to the locker which contained his clothing. Sliding on his pants, he heard a noise coming from the direction of the entrance. At first, he thought that it was the occasional movement in the walls that came about from the spirit watching over the dojo, but as the noise continued, he grew suspicious. He couldn't remembered if he locked the doors when the students left. He did recall that a bag was left near the front office. Maybe the owner came back to retrieve it.

He slid on his shoes and laid his towel over his wet hair. He then began to proceed toward the front of the building when out of nowhere, the lights turned off. After a couple of seconds, the back up generators turned on, leaving a dim light hanging over head.

"Odd..I wonder what that was all about," he said as he continued to the front of the dojo.

Turning the corner, he noticed that there was a person standing outside of the door that lead inside of the dojo. It was a person that he had never noticed before. He didn't bother to tell him to go away because the time of operations were clearly printed on the door. With that, he proceeded to the office and collected the rest of his items, which was his suitcase, keys, and wallet. He started to look for his wooden sword, but the image of it resting on his couch had halted his pointless search.

He walked out of his office and noticed the same gentleman standing by the door.

"What the hell is wrong with this guy...Can't he read," said Sabastian as he set his suitcase down to lock the office door. He then walked over to the main glass entrance and shouted "We're closed" when he saw a SUV speeding in his direction. At the speed off how fast the lights was coming at him, he knew that there was no way that the car was stopping.

"What the He...,"

Sabastian had launched himself toward the wall as the vehicle crashed through the entrance of the building, leaving a large hole.

"No. No. No. I can't believe that just happened." he said as he got up and looked around." oh crap... are they okay?"

Sabastian ran to car to check on the people inside. The front end of the car had made an significant impact that there was no hope of survival.

"Holy Shit,"

Sabastian had stumbled backwards at shock of the situation. He pulled out his phone so he can call 911 but then a large group of people began to slowly enter the building.

"Hey, did anyone see this?" he said as he walked over to the group. After a couple of seconds of no response, he paused his advance. He noticed their odd movements and misplaced body parts. The scene that he was looking at had reminded him of one those bad sci-fi movies that he was fond of.

"This isn't funny...back off," he said as he began to step backwards. Without noticing, he had ran into the back of the suv that had forced its way into the building. In that split moment, one of the deranged humans launched himself at Sabastian. He effortlessly dodged the attacker by stepping low then to the right.

He then ran to back of the building where the emergency exit was located. He pushed through and began to run. Once he hit the exit of the alley, he was shocked with what he had seen.

"What the Fu.."
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"Help, Help", David and his roommate awake to another prisoner being eating by a cannibal.

To David it seems to be that his skin is decaying, maybe a soulless corpse.

The jail cell opens. "What the fuck is going on", David says; "I'm not sure but I won't allow this, whatever, to devour me alive, and you're not getting in my way." Smack, David's roommate knocks him out and then escapes the jail cell leaving him behind.

"David, David wake up, you got to get out of here, They will kill you", Says one of the prisoner named Ryan. David replies with, " Hang on man, my head is killing me".

How ironic

David tries to stand up while being giddy and wounded due to the hit on the side of the head by his roommate.

Ryan runs out of the cell leaving only David there

There's look alike living dead monsters sprinting all over the prison, some are crawling, some aren't. "Whoa", says David, a creature standing before him ready to attack. He begins to panic, goes for his secrecy and retrieves his machete hidden in the wall of the cell, "Come on bitch", he begins to lacerate the creature's head off his shoulder. David then starts slaying more and more of these monsters that surround him, leaving him with him stitch deep cuts and bruises all over. He reaches the door of the prison that leads outside, where he hasn't been for many years,"Finally I am out of that place, What was that back there, I could have died." He proceeds into the woods to escape the living dead without any food or water to eat and drink. David eyes an abandoned house deep in the woods and adventures on. When he reaches the home he realizes there's a fire place and begins to make a fire. He also finds a first aid kit with bandages inside and wraps him self with because of the cuts. When finished he says, "I'll sleep here until dawn hits and then I'll seek out to find water and food, and weapons for these, things."
"Food, Check, Water, check, ammo, check." Edward said as he chuckled to himself, he wished this was all a dream but he had a feeling that it wasn't. How could he find humor in this sort of situation. Slinging his bag to his back, he grabbed his silenced 9 mm and holstered it. He, wasn't sure if these things could hear, but he didn't want to find out the hard way. "What now?" Edward said as he looked out the blinds of his living room window. He was hungry, he still hadn't eaten breakfast. Edward glanced outside then towards the refrigerator. There weren't any of those creatures too close to his home, he thought he should be safe enough for a quick meal before heading out. Edward grabbed the things he needed to make a sandwich. "How could I forget the chips", he said as he grabbed a un-opened bag of Ruffles.

He then remembered something, he had forgotten his pocket knife. "Where is that thing", he said aloud. His top drawer slid open with a noise, revealing his pocket knife. "There she is", Edward said as he holstered the knife to his jeans. Sitting onto the couch he heard a lot of foot steps, sounded as if a marathon could be running by. Maybe they were being chased by some of those creatures, "Why me!" He said as he grabbed his bag. Edward peered through his window, what he saw was a hurt man being chased by maybe a dozen of those things. "I don't know if I can trust that guy, what if he's one of them", Edward said a he watched what was happening. His mind was racing, he loved helping people and he couldn't allow this man to be eaten by these things.

Walking into his bedroom, he noticed his girlfriends cat, he was watching it for her while she was visiting her parents in England. "Here kitty kitty", he said as a plan formulated in his head. The man was nearing his home and would soon pass it unless he grabbed his attention. Edward then knew he had to act fast, he snatched up the cat and made towards the front door. The cat began to purr loudly, he had never really liked this cat but it was still sad to watch it go like this. If Edward couldn't get the man's attention and signal him of his plan this would be an absolute failure. He walked outside and began to whistle and jump up and down waving one of his hands, he didn't want to be noticed by the creatures but he had to assure the man he would be helping him get out this bind. "I really hope this works...", Edward said to himself
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As Jason gets down the stairs into the mall the door seems to be jammed. "The hell my day just isn't going good". He then reaches for his Glock 19 ,unholsters it then sends two suppressed rounds into the door lock. The door slowly opens, Jason peeks around the corner and see's a couple dozen more of those past skinned characters."What the hell am I gonna do, Jason says."He then contemplates well I have enough ammo to blast through them, or I can sneak through most and shoot a few.

As soon as Jason walks through the door a pasty jumps right into him. Luckily he already had his pistol drawn so he caps the bitch right under his chin in a upward direction. " Ugh this shit stinks" Jason says after the brains and ooze splatters all over his body . He then looks down at his pistol and noticed his suppressor was broken off "shit". Now i cant shoot anything cause it will attract some unwanted attention. Then Jason notices there is a pasty right beside him yet it isn't attacking him ? I guess the splattered guts on me mask my natural scent. "Well this should be a piece of cake!", Jason says. While Jason is slowly walking through the mall he is looking for stores that might come to use of him! " I cant believe in this entire fucking mall there isn't one damn store that will help me!",he says. Jason looks at a map of the mall trying to find the parking deck. He finds the parking deck,"now all I need is a car." , he says.

Jason thinks to himself I gotta get the hell outta here. "Agh yess!", Jason says in excitement. He finds a particularly large suv he believes is a Chevy Tahoe. He shatters the window of the car, but then a very screeching loud alarm goes off agh shit Jason thinks to himself I really need to get out of here now. He jumps in the car then he heres lots of moans and loud screams as he searches for a spare . "Oh well" , I guess I'm gonna have to hot wire this damn car Jason says to himself. Zzzz zzzz zz , the car cranks finally Jason throws the car into reverse and gets the fuck out of there there.

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"They're still at the store waiting for us. Everything has gone crazy, that's why I need to know if you remember how to defend yourself.", his dad heavily explained as they raced down their neighborhood. "Yeah, yeah I remember everything; makeshift weapons, armor, flares, looking for water and shelter, and all that", Alaine described as they had just made it to their house. The neighborhood was hell. They noticed the burning people, the sound of people screaming for their lives, the smell of rotting flesh, had started to take a toll on Alaine, but oddly this did not affect his father as much as he thought it would. "Good, good", Alaine's father replied while exitting the car. This knowledge seemed to have brought joy to him as a smirk rested on his face. 'How could he smile at a time like this?', Alaine thought as they made it into the house. They gathered as much supplies as they had, sorting through their perishable foods and canned foods, putting all of them in his father's makeshift bunker in his basement. His father had dug up a revolver and an Ak-47, which brought amazement and disgust to Alaine's face."See that's what I'm talking about" "What? This? Oh, calm down. You should be happy your old man has it now" his father replied while suiting up.

His father started gathering their phone books and taping them to himself crafting some makeshift armor. He also made a homemade gas mask out of a soda bottle and some cloth. "I'm going to check on our neighbors next door. Barricade the doors and the windows with those extra wood planks and don't let anyone in. I don't care if it's your high school friend, your teacher, your mother, or Clarissa. They know what to do if they see it's barricaded", his father began his exit. He leaned down toward Alaine now, "Hey it'll be alright man. Once I get back we'll go get your mother and Clarissa and we'll go let this pass in our bunker". This had put an uncontrollable smile of Alaine's face. He didn't even know why he was smiling. Upon seeing him smile his father began to too. "Alright I'm out. If im not back in an hour barricade this door and use this in whoever tries to come in". His father handed him the revolver. "You remember how to use it, right?" "Yeah", Alaine replied. This brought one more smile to his father's face and then he was gone.

Alaine wasted no time. He began barricading all the windows and doors, back and front and started barricading the upstairs. As soon as he made upstairs he heard a loud banging on the front door. He went straight to his window upstairs to view the situation. It was his ex-girlfriend's mother. She was screaming and hysterical and yelled for Alaine. "Alaine, please! I don't know where else to turn! I don't where you are but if your in there please we need help!". Alaine didn't understand what we meant until upon further speculation he saw what appeared to be a bloody rag in the woman's hands. He knew it was his ex girlfriend considering her mom was a single parent. This almost made him throw up. He wanted to move, but couldn't. He began forming tears in his eyes the more desperate the beating on his door got. He decided to balls up and go down there and let her in but as soon as he got up he heard her screaming again, but this scream wasn't out of desperation. It was out of terror. He looked and saw the mother being devoured by his ex girlfriend. He witnessed the entire situation. His ex girlfriend had bitten her mother's neck and as she fell his ex began eating the rest of her. All the while, the woman screaming for Alaine's help. "ALAINE! ALAINE PLEASE! SAVE MY BAB-!", the screaming stopped, but Alaine could not stop crying. "I'm sorry, Im so so sorry!", he sobbed. He began to feel woozy and passed out with the last thing he saw being the bloody face of his ex girlfriend appearing to look directly into Alaine's soul.
It's early in the morning, dawn has just reached the sky and David is getting ready to seek out for food, water, and weapons. He grabs his machete and proceeds into the woods to the point where the abandoned house is vanishing from his eye sight.

"Please, please stop", David hears a scream from deep in the forest, "What is that."

David begins walking toward to the sound of the scream, "Oh Shit" he says, A bear that appears to have the same characteristics as the creatures back at the prison starts sprinting toward David. "Fuck", says David as he trips over one of the roots from a tree nearby, the machete slips out his hand. David crawls toward the weapon and retrieves it as soon as the bear pounces on him at the first chance the wild beast gets. He then slices the beast's throat and continues to slaughter him until death occurs.

Weak due to all the strength used to murder the bear, David tries to gather him self and looks for a trail that leads to a main road. He notices the trail and continues down the path. He reaches the end and says, "Damn, I'm getting tired of these things"

The creatures are surrounding the local gas station.

"How am I going to get in there, I need food and drink"

David stands and looks around for a entrance.

He then discovers a small opening and dashes through the front door at the quickest chance he had. David notices three dead men on the floor, one half eaten and the other two with just an arm missing. The man that was half ate had a bag lying near him.

David picked up the bag and put it on his shoulder.

He began stuffing all kinds of food and drink inside, "This should last me about about a week" Says David.

The creatures are now starting to enter the gas station staring at David ready to attack. His heart is beating fast and looks around for security. David examines and sees that there is a cop car on the side of the store parked but with the cop dead.

He knows he can't escape through the door because of the ghouls still entering, so he busts one of the windows out in the store with his machete. He exists through the broken window and scurries to the cop car hoping there's a gun in it. He searches in and around the car to make sure no creatures are hidden. David then opens the driver's door, "Oh" says David, a crawler grabs his ankle but with no hesitation he cuts off the crawler's arm and head. He jumps in the car slamming and locking all doors for no ghouls to enter. David then goes for the glove box, opens it and finds a Glock 9 resting inside, ready to be fired. David checks the , it's fully loaded, so he jumps out of the cop car cocks the gun and says, "Fuck with me now bitches."

Sabastian dropped the phone that was in his hand as the shock traveled through his body. What the hell was he watching he thought. The dial tone of a failed call could barely be heard over the explosions and screams that echoed throughout the streets. People killing people. People eating people. The world had fallen apart between the time he hit the shower and put his shoes on. He tried to process exactly what was going on, but no end product could add up to any logical explanation.

He then felt a slight touch on his collar of his shirt which then reverberated down to his spine and up to his brain, evoking a mental shock to his body telling him to move. Sabastian had been training in the art of the sword since the age of five. Day after day, he swung his sword without cease, harnessing his latent potential that his master had seen in him the moment that he laid eyes on the boy. With his long devotion to the sword, he had sharpened his body to be one with the blade, thus becoming a blade himself. His master' main focal point in his teaching was the concept of sensitivity followed by reaction, thus bringing fruit to Sabastian main style of fighting. Beating his opponent to the strike with a strike was the core principle. To feel is to believe.

With this drilled into his mind and soul, Sabastian could now react to most things that come into contact with his body for even the slightest of seconds without looking, so the moment that the touch had shifted the integrity of his shirt, he had already made his move.

He shifted his left foot then violently jerked his body to spin around the foreign presence with grace that could only be found in those who had an empty, clear mind that was free of debilitation. Once he was behind the target, he grabbed the attackers collar with his left hand then shoved his right foot into the groove of the attackers left leg where his knees caved in, forcing him to the ground. He then immediately switched arms with force of the kick by grabbing on to the collar with his right arm. With a swift movement, he trusted his left palm into the back of the neck where the spine and head met.

With no possible away of resistance, the attacker hit the floor face first. By normal means, Sabastian would of easily broken the neck of a person with the impact of the angle and force his open palm strike, resulting in instant death or paralysis if they were lucky enough to survive. This was, however, by no means a normal situation. The attacker rose to his feet as if the blow did not faze him. Yes...his neck was now bent in an odd angle, but that didn't stop his advancement.

Sabastian watched the person waddle at him at a significantly slower pace. He stepped to the right, allowing the creature to fall into the trash can that was on the floor. He looked around and watched some not as fortunate as he be devoured by more of these sickly humans. He decided not to stick around any longer.

He ran around to the parking lot to the side of the building where he left his motorcycle. He made sure to stay clear of zombies and deranged humans who seek help. Especially the humans. He had seen enough zombie-like movies in his time to know that the humans were far worst than any horde of the dead.

He quickly cranked his bike and sped of toward his house. He needed to collect some supplies if he was going to survive this pandemic.
As Elliot drew closer to where he thought he heard the screaming earlier, hope began to dwindle. His leg was becoming increasingly painful, and it seemed like every time he looked back two more walkers joined the horde trailing behind him.

"I can't, not like this..."

He pushed the thought of stopping out of his head, and hoped to god that someone would burst from their house and invite them into a food and water filled house. Though he thought as strong as he could, he knew things like that only happened in movies. He also knew that this being the end of the road for him was a very real possibility.

As if credits were about to roll over the screen, Eli began to hear his favorite song being whistled. A faint, melodic tune...perfect if he were to die here.

"You gotta be kidding me," He tried to ignore the song, presuming that it was just his imagination. But it seemed that the more he ignored it, the louder it became...almost as if he were closing in on the source.


Eli stopped running for a moment, having gained some distance from the horde behind him.

"Is that a..?"

He squinted his eyes and focused in on a house not too far from where he was standing, making out a silhouette of a man. He was standing in front of a house, jumping and whistling. It almost looked like he was carrying a cat.

"Hey, help me!"

Immediately it was as if Eli had popped two hydrocodone and half a can of monster. The pain in the left side of his body was drowned by wells of adrenaline, and it seemed as if a limitless energy filled him. Despite the fact that he was injured and hadn't eaten, he broke into a stride that would put Usain Bolt to shame.

"Hold on guy...here I come!"
"There we go!", Edward said as he seen the young man glance his way. This was going better then he thought, though this time he wasn't gonna let his patient die. "Wait, what are you doing", he said to him self as the man stopped where he stood". Then out of no where he began to sprint almost violently fast towards his home. Edward didn't know whether to think of him as an enemy or an ally. His being moved on his own, he began towards the horde with the cat clutched in his hands, moving to execute his plan. He went over it in his head, Edward would get close to the horde and bait them into a corner, then he would drop the cat where it had no where to easily escape, then allow the creatures to handle their business. "I hope this works man" Edward said aloud. He passed the young man and they made eye to eye contact, hopefully he knew to just go in the house and let him handle this.

Picking up the pace the creatures switched their attention to him and the cat he was holding. "I'm sorry little kitty", Edward said to the hapless cat. He was in control of it's fate, but their was nothing he could do for it now. Once he was close enough to the creatures he began to pace into a backyard across the street. Making sure he got into a corner he dropped the cat, it ran but couldn't escape. The creatures jumped on the helpless cat, he heard a loud shriek. He was sure the cat would be devoured soon and the creatures would turn their attention to him. He ran out of the backyard and made sure to lock the gate. Edward seen a grill on the front porch and rolled it in front of the fence gate to ensure they couldn't follow him easily. "I forgot about that man, I hope he doesn't get any bright ideas", He said while pulling his shotgun from behind his back. Though he just saved him, he didn't know this guy, for all he knew he could be stealing his belongings and planning to make a run for it. It was good Edward decided to keep his weapons on him, the only weapon would be a kitchen knife. Edward looked around and didn't see him any where in sight, he must have been in the house. He walked up on the porch, walking slowly towards the front door. "Here goes nothing", He said as he opened the door slowly, expecting to be hit with an object on the head.
Jason is driving through the city like a mad man at alarming speeds . Taking sharp turns left and right. Then as he finally gets close to the outer lair of the city there is a obese man fleeing from some pasties , Jason then honks the horn a multitude of times while yelling " get out of the way mate " as he gets closer Jason then yells "bloody hell i didn't mean to run him over!" "He just wouldn't get out the way..". Jason exclaimed for the world to here! Because he was driving at the speed of at least 85mph Jason was home before a blink of an eye. When he gets to his house he slams on breaks and his tires come to a screeching halt , luckily not attracting any pasties.

He then runs into the home to retrieve his compound bow, ammo, large buck knife, some canned foods, a couple cases of water, and a gas mask! Jason then runs back to the car with his hands completely full and notices something peculiar about the car, "I never opened the back door" so Jason walks up to the car and goes around to the side where the door wasn't cracked acting like he didn't notice anything. Jason then at a very intense speed opens the door grabs the unknown character by there collar pulls out the large buck knife and thrust the blade deep in there chest then proceeds to dump them into the street! He took no hesitation time in killing this stranger because when your out in the field "you kill first ask questions later" Jason looks into the strangers eyes and notices that it was a middle aged man. Jason never has met in his life, he then throughly searches the body, finding a hand full of .44 pistol rounds and a holstered .44 magnum , also fully loaded! Jason then goes on to say "this man intended to kill me... ". Jason looks down at his blood stained hands and gets his items he dropped in the yard puts them in the car and starts to drive.

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After giving the walkers a piece of his mind, David began to realize there is no way in hell he would be able to fight off a whole horde of walkers.

He knew those type of things only happened in movies and this is no horror film.

But he had to come up with a plan because they were coming after him, so he then started to think and then the light bullb flickered on. David remembered the dead cop by the car and figured he would take the cops uniform, wear it, and pretend to be an officer. David knew no one would trust him as being an ex crook.

David began to fight off the walkers while taking off the uniform the dead cop was wearing, which was not easily done, draining most of his strength. After the uniform is completely stripped David hops in the car bringing it with him. At first he was going to hot wire the vehicle but noticed the keys were still in the ignition, therefore he cranked the car and sped on.

When David gained some distcance from him and the gas station knowing the horde couldn't follow, he stopped the car put on the uniform and started to drive again. After driving for some while he came up on a town and realized it had a grocery store. He entered the local grocery store searched for any walkers, which it had none then racked up on food and supplies, especially a first aid kit he found at the pharmacy inside the store.

That would serve him well.

David started putting much of the food, water, and supplies inside the trunk of the car. After gaining all the suplies he could hold, he noticed a pawn shop with maybe weapons inside. David found a center block and busted the window out due to the door being locked, he started loading up with guns, knives, and etc..., knowing if there is no more life here on earth other then the living dead then he must have these weapons.

When finished loading up the amount of weapons he needed, David got back in his car and went on throught out the town. While he was driving David noticed someone in front of a house wondering if its an actual human, in doing so he slammed on the brakes , got out with the gun pointing toward the undefined person and yelled, "Are you real, I will shoot, Are you real!"
Waking up in a daze, Alaine hazily noticed his father outside murdering what he called a girlfriend before. Although drowsy, he got up and let his father in. "Im so glad your okay!", his father exclaimed as he entered. It was as if his father's genuine expression told him everything he needed to know. After his father hugged him and locked the doors, Alaine began: "Dad, tell me the truth. Mom and Clarissa aren't waiting for us at the supermarket" he paused "Dad.....their dead aren't they?" His father was busy putting away food cans, but heard Alaine's words. He didn't turn around to face his son. "I--I did all I could. Your mother. She was the first one bit. She tried to chase after you and thats when it happened. As she screamed I ran as fast as I could, but when I got their your mother...she......" he turned to Alaine with a gush of tears rolling down his face. "And your sister, I'm so sorry I wasnt able to protect her! Everything I've done to help this family to survive nd I couldn't........I should've stayed with her. If I hadn't have gone to your mom then.....I'm so so sorry Alaine..I'm sorry Alaine...I'm sorry Oriana...I'm sorry Alaine" his father was on his knees now hugging his son. Alaine stared at him the entire time with a blank stare never even hinting at shedding a tear.
"Damn," said Sabastian as he veered around a deranged couple coming straight at him screaming stop. He didn't even think twice to pull over to help them. A horde of the those... things... were seconds away of grabbing them. He wouldn't risk those odds even if his mother was in the same position. It would of ended badly for all of them. Now it would just end badly for them.

More of the same situations occurred as Sabastian traveled through the city to get to his home. Most of the main roads were congested with accidents and running humans. He was able to squeeze between some of the obstacles being that he had a motorcycle as his chariot, but this wasn't always the case. Most of the time he had to take long detours just to get around road blocks of all sorts.

Sabastian made a sharp, effortless turn down an alleyway to avoid another accident. Reaching the end of it, Sabastian was forced to slam on his brakes instantly. A group of people had ran around the corner just was he was about to turn into it.

They stopped and stared at Sabastian with faces full of shock for a brief moment before they quickly shifted to a crazed like manner. Sabastian instantly knew what that meant. It meant that he screwed up.

"Shit," said Sabastian as he quickly revered up his bike to have a quick acceleration forward to bypass them. They stared to to run at him to take the bike, but Sabastia let go of the brake as soon as they were close enough and took off, hitting one of them in the process. He then drifted around the corner and took off. He busted out in laughter due to relief. "Phew. That was way too close for comfort."

Sabastian continued down the road until he was finally out of city limits. He pulled over to the side for a brief moment to take a breathe from everything he had seen. He made a promise to himself to not to go back into the city. With last years census, there are three million people who inhabit the city, making the city to be a bad place to go right now.

"Wait hold on. Take us with you,"

"Please help us,"

Sabastian looked back and saw a group of people running toward him. He wondered if they noticed that he only had bike, which by no means could support the amount of people seeking assistance. He then came to a conclusion of what would happen if he tried to help them.

  1. They would kill him
  2. Then they will begin to each other.
  3. After all that's said and done, only one or two people will escape with the bike and Sabastian wasn't one them

With that, he cranked up his bike and continued his journey until he reached his house, which was about ten minutes from city limits.

He first inspected the front of the house to make sure there was no forced entry. Once he discovered that there wan't any, he slowly rode into his backyard along the concrete pathway that he had made specifically for his bike. The path way led to the shed where he usually kept his bike parked at.

Stopping at the entrance of his shed, he put the kickstand down before getting off the bike and unlocked the door. When he was finished, he rode his bike to the back of the shed, parking it in his designated spot.

"Finally," he said as he cut off his engine and hoped off his bike. He put his cover over it as he always did. He started to walk toward the shed door, when he realized he didn't have anything to protect himself with. He grabbed two a screwdrivers, which he slide into his pockets and two hammers, which he carried in his hands.

Once he was ready, he locked the shed and went to his back door. He took his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door.

He took a deep breathe then proceeded to open the door.
Each time Elliot's foot struck the ground a sharp pain reverberated throughout his entire body. He knew that forcing his body to move at these speeds was no where near good for his body, despite this he pushed on.

As Elliot dashed past the man, he confirmed that he was holing something, and confirmed that it indeed was a cat.

Thanks...fucking thanks,

Eli thought to himself as he blazed by the man with a gust of wind. He flew straight for the house that he saw the man come from. Despite the fact that the house could be the wrong one and filled with zombies, Elliot didn't think twice. He gripped the doorknob with his entire heart, swiftly twisted it then snatched it open.

As he entered the house, it seemed as if his intent to survive immediately drove him to find the kitchen. When Elliot stepped in, he immediately laid eyes on the sink. He took hold of the faucet knob and twisted as hard as he could, desperately hoping running water still existed. To his avail, it seemed like the water just wanted to spew out. Consumed by hunger and dehydration, Elliot placed his lips upon the faucet...think that he may even suck it dry.

Mid drink, he felt a sharp throbbing attack his ankle. Almost about to collapse, he managed to gain his bearings just enough to turn the water off. Then plop onto the couch.
His heart was racing, Edward had been face to face with a dozen of those creatures. Adrenaline racing through his vains as he walked through his front door, what was he thinking helping this random guy. For all he knew he could be a psycho, or a serial killer, it was just in Edwards nature to help people. The door opened slowly, Edward didn't want to startle the guy or let his presence known, maybe if he was plotting something he could catch him off guard. As he turned the corner peering into the living room, he let out a big sigh of relief. The man was simply sitting on the couch, but he did seem to be in a huge deal of pain. Edward knew what to do from there, he walked over to his bag and pulled out the very resourceful first aid kit, it was for professionals and could help you with any injury.

While examining the man's body Edward could easily see that his ankle was swollen and needed to be dealt with soon. He walked over in front of him, looking at his face he could see he was hurt badly. "Don't even bother thanking me, my job isn't over yet", he said with a smirk. Edward slid the mans pant leg up revealing the swollen ankle, he didn't want to hurt him anymore but had to deal with this before it became infected. "So man, tell me your story, what's your name, how'd you end up being chased by those things, and where were you when all of this started". he said as he began to pull out a bandage and a needle. He would have to give him a shot to take away the pain for a while, the injury would heal quickly, in a day or two. "I hope your'e not afraid of needles", Edward said and chuckled as he pushed the needle into his swollen ankle.
Alaine was hurt. So much that he was numb to it. Numb to the fact that his mother and sister had perished and he didn't know how to react to it. He had seen so much death in the last day that he was confused. He didn't understand the barriers between life and death anymore. His father must've noticed this as he wiped his tears and tried to change the subject: "We should see if the other neighbors need supplies too. I bet they have some casualties as well." "Yeah, we should check with the Lins, they seem to have a relatively big family," Alaine responded. They suited up using their phone book armor and Alaine began checking his revolver ammo and food supplies. His father seemed overjoyed, which creeped out Alaine as they had just talked about the deaths of their family. "I love you so much son. I know we haven't seen eye to eye on finances, but loving each other comes way before that. Your mother knew that too. She knew you loved here till the end. And I'm so glad that you actually use what I thought you. Your growing into a great soldier," his father passionately exclaimed. "Soldier dad?", Alaine grinned. "You know what I mean," his father rubbed Alaine's head. "Let's go-Oh! Dont forget to lock up!", his father pulled out a metal tin can that seemed to be containing something. "What is that?" "Its a makeshift tripwire bomb, made of gunpowder, scissors and other sharp metal shrapnel. Kinda like the smokebomb I told you to make, but deadlier," Alaine's father set it up at the door and they left.

They walked to the Lin's fully vigilant. Not as much happened to them this time. Not like the first time Alaine was out. Just a few corpses and fires here and there. As they approached the Lin's their family dog began to bark. Alaine remembered the dog as it had bit him once as a child. Ever since then, he had been afraid of dogs. Luckily he dog was still alive which was a good indicator that the family was okay. They knocked on the door and stated who they were and that they had food. "Go away!", shocked Alaine's father reiterated, "We know you guys have a big family and we have canned goods that can really help you guys survive. We don't mean to harm. If you let us in we'll keep our guns at the door," "I said GO AWAY! Just leave. We have food. We have water. We're okay". Alaine recognized the voice. It was the Lin's eldest daughter. She had helped Alaine on multiple occasions in school and he used to have a crush on her until he started dating what was now mush thanks to his father. "Bethany, its me. That was my dad you were just talking to. He tells the truth. Its just the two of us. We just helped the Delany's with supplies too you can ask them. We dropped our guns we just need--", the door began to open." To come in so we can give you the---" An enormous shock startled Alaine. He was frozen and didn't even remember what he was saying. He focused on the door and saw a small smoke from a nozzle and then focused his attention kn his father who layed limp on the ground in a pile of blood. "NOOAAAAAAWHHHHUURAGH!!!!'' In a fit, Alaine rapidly shot at the house breaking a window and causing the Lin that shot to retreat into his/her house. Alaine screamed at the top of his lungs. "no no No NO NO FUCK FUCK FUCK NO FUUUUUCKKKK!!!!!", Alaine's screaming began to attract the attention of more of the monsters. Now was not the time to grieve.
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