When the city sleeps... [Marionette & tamaracorine]


But tonight, we dance.
Name: Xander Jones

Age: 20 human years, 145 real years


Species: Vampire

Back story: Xander was turned by a vampire whilst hiding in a church after his whole village was destroyed. He spent 50 years living in the woods, trying to avoid civilisation and temptation, but was brought into the city by a need for companionship. He became part of a group of vampires known as the Darkness, who are known to local authorities as a simple gang who rob and murder. Xander is in the middle of the group - not lowly, but not powerful. His main role is to find out what areas and people would be easiest to target, so that the enforcers can swoop in and do what they need to.

Strengths: Stealthy, thoughtful, passionate

Weaknesses: Hesitates too much sometimes, loyal to his kind without reason, and willingness to detach from what happens as a result of his work.

Name: Annie Maxwell

Age: 19 human years, 115 real years

Species: Angel

Backstory: Annie died young; she hadn't even reached her twenties when she had been killed. It had happened so quickly, yet she remembers every detail of it. There had been a little boy — he couldn't have been older than five. She had watched with wary eyes as he crossed the street, by himself, without looking both ways. A car that was going over the speed limit came racing in his direction; it hadn't seen him. Before she had even realized what she had been doing, she ran into the middle of the road, and she stood there with her arms thrown out to either side to stop the vehicle from killing the poor child. In trade, she had sacrificed her own life. She had always been a very innocent, good-natured person; that was probably what allowed her to become an angel after her passing. Now she roams the alleyways, mostly trying to stay hidden.

Strengths: Stealthy, resourceful, intelligent, quick thinker/quick reflexes

Weaknesses: Cynical, quick to fight, has trouble with emotions (whether they be coming frm her or directed at her)

Other: Annie carries a black Excalibur pistol with her in cases of self defense. In addition, she tends to surprise people with her ability to fight hand to hand combat.


The city slept. Well, most of it. In the middle of the city was a warehouse that everyone assumed abandoned and condemned, yet for the last twenty years, it hadn't been torn down. The notice was on the door stating that it was to be destroyed, but it never went anywhere. Within the walls of the warehouse were a hundred vampires. They slept through the days and roamed at night. News called them the Darkness. "The Darkness struck again," the headlines would read. "Three dead, four injured. No leads."

Xander left the warehouse wearing his typical clothing - black boots, dark denim skinny leg jeans, a black t-shirt, a leather jacket. It wasn't his favourite thing to wear, but it helped him blend in at night. No one came near him unless he made himself approachable, and that wasn't often. He left the alley way the warehouse was in and walked down the street with his hands in his pockets, pulling a packet of cigarettes out and lighting one as he went.

"Here we go again," he muttered, looking around. His job tonight was simple: the vampires were hungry and he needed a group of humans for them to feed on. He wasn't to gather them, just to find them. His temperament wasn't violent enough to attack them by himself, and so he found the people and others brought them back to the warehouse. His fangs burned. He was hungry. So hungry.

Turning a corner, he watched a group of people come from a club. The streets were quiet, but the club was buzzing. It was in a quiet area, and the only people there were clubbing. Most, drunk or high. "Perfect." he grinned to himself, and then perched on a stack of chairs outside, sitting on the edge of them. Before he went back, he wanted to wait for someone to walk out alone... The perk of his job was that whilst he couldn't take big groups of people down, he could find a loner and get a good feed before he went back.

And so, Xander waited.

(Normally my posts are half that length.... intros take a bit though!)
Annie's eyes were like two pieces of a shattered emerald mirror. Even in the dimness of the evening sky, her irises sparkled with the reflection of her surrounding scene. She was crouched; her left knee lightly grazed the ground as she balanced herself out with her fingertips, feeling the smooth sidewalk on the skin. Her light brown waves fell delicately over her shoulders and cascaded down her back, framing her face whilst appearing like an endearing halo — the irony was that she was, in fact, an angel.

Beneath her beige overcoat were her wings, hugged closely to her slender frame as not to be seen. They were white in color, although in some places, when exposed, looked almost silver. As of the current moment, she was ducked behind someone's parked car, watched the bustling club from her side of the street; listening to its high-volumes music as it made the walls almost pulsate. Sliding her tongue across her bottom lip in concentration, she tugged at the fingerless gloves that she wore on her small hands before returning to her previous position.

She felt the pistol that she carried in her belt digging into her hip, and although it hurt a bit, made no move to shift it's position. She she peeked around from the vehicle's hood, her steely gaze trained on a boy not seeming much older than she. He was dressed in all black as if he wanted to simply blend right into darkness. Her neutrality wasn't faltering, the serious, impassive expression on her features giving no hints away. She was still physically hidden from where she was behind the car. Her thin, link lips were slightly parted, her long, dark eyelashes tickling her browbones each time she blinked. Her stare was like ice; cold and bitter.
A man walked out of the club, his head hung low and a hood pulled over his head. He looked positively dejected and miserable. Xander assumed he had just been ditched or dumped, and truth be told, he didn't really care too much which it was. He just wanted to get some blood into his system before this burning in his fangs became painful.

Xander waited a few moments for the man to get further away from the door. The man leaned against the wall and lit a cigarette. Xander put his own out and walked over to the man, leaning against the wall beside him. "Hey, man, can I bum a cigarette?" he asked, his voice quiet.

Silently, the man handed him a cigarette, but as he did. Xander pushed him against the wall by the neck, beginning the frustratingly slow process of suffocating him to unconsciousness. He hated victims that squirmed, and so he made sure they passed out, then drained him. It felt... kinder... in a strange way.
"Shit, it's a vampire," Annie whispered under her breath, althought she probably should have taken the clues and made an inference. His dark demeanor and black clothing should have given that aspect away — but she wasn't being too observant today, so that wasn't her fault entirely. She didnt know why she hadn't made the connection of his attire to the gang The Darkness, but she'd scold herself later.

Still crouching behind the car, she shifted positions, her combat boots lightly scraping against the gravel sidewalk below her. She watched in abhorrence as the boy began to choke the victim unconscious, her teeth gritting together as her eyes took in the scene. Still making sure to duck, the girl began to stand up, scooting slightly more around the car. She pulled her hair back from her face only to have it fall right back in.

Angels were supposed to protect, yet she was standing there as the poor man became a bloodsucker's dinner. She pinched the bridge of her nose in irritation, exhaling in a huff; she wasn't doing very well at guarding people.

(Pardon my language, not sure if you approve of cursing.)
(Cursing is fine :) )

As the man's eyes closed, Xander found himself grinning widely. He used to resent this part of himself, but he found that over time he learned to give into it. He released his grip on the poor man's throat, checking that he still had a pulse - not that he couldn't hear the thudding heartbeat, but he always checked for some reason - and exhaled.

"First thing's first," he muttered, pulling the packet of cigarettes from the man's pocket and putting them in his own. He hadn't paid for smokes in years. With another broad grin, he lowered his mouth to the man's throat, his fangs digging in, and he began to suck the blood from his veins. Slowly, savouring the taste and the feeling, completely unaware of his surroundings for the moment.

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