When Origin Paths Meet or Cross [Rogue Trader - All that Glitters...]


I thought this thread would be handy to talk the characters more together, after all there may be linking possibilities, through the paths, but perhaps through the Peer Talent as well.

Starting of with Mordechai

Origin Path: Noble -> Vaunted -> Chosen By Destiny (Xenophile) -> High Vendetta -> Prestige

Peers: Noble, Underworld, Administratum.
Jonas has the following:

Void-Born -> Scapegrace -> Renegade -> Ship-Lorn -> Pride

No Peer talents, but a Peer: Underworld has a chance of having had some contact with House Iktis on account of them being a Renegade House and working with underworld elements.
Theoretical Redneck rifleman arch-militant

Hive world->Stubjack->Criminal->The Hand of War->Endurance->Arch-Militant

No overlap yet.
Victris has

Noble Born -> Savant -> Chosen By Destiny (Truthseeker) -> High Vendetta -> Pride

Peers: Underworld, Nobility

Enemy: Ecclesiarchy


OVERLAP, EVERYWHERE when it come to Mordechai, at least.
Forge World -> Scapegrace -> Renegade -> Ship Lorn -> Vengeance -> Explorator

Enemy: Ecclesiarchy

Well Looks like me an Mordekai spent quite a bit of time overlapped...
Hive World-->Stubjack-->Duty bound-->Dark Voyage-->Reknown-->Voidmaster

Peer: Imperial Navy

Already linked my Dark Voyage to Grey's High Vendetta over PM. Plenty of other overlaps, I see. Happy to entertain suggestions.
sorry it's taking me so long, character's nearly ready. I'm not hugely familiar with the system, I'm afraid... do I roll profit factor?

Anyway, my origin path is Void Born - Scapegrace - Tainted - Press-Ganged - Endurance - Astropath Transcendent.
Profit factor is set for the group and modified by background choices. The group Profit Factor is 42 I believe. You can make one Acquisition so long as modifiers add up to +/-0
Hah, yeah, one Acquisition. I need to do that still.

The book suggests allowing people to take anything they want of Common availability and normal quality- is that OK with you? I ask mainly because the starting Navigator equipment doesn't include a void suit.
That is fine by me, I generally count the Acquisition towards something more rare and defining for the character. Or at least more needing for the Acquisition. Void suits are far too plentiful to count that for an acquisition.
I finished the character sheet completely, I've voiced my opinion on the ship.

Mordechai goes to space carrying lots of good food.
Sheet done also. I've got my acquisitions in- an Almanac Astrae Divinitus, the spoils of a secretive job for a rogue Tech-Priest a few years back.
As the Crazy Tech priest eager to transcend humanity. Mind if I take a cybernetic Upgrade as my acquisition?
What did you have in mind? Afterall you do get two implants for free as part of your starting abilities.
Well I get a Logis Implant free, then a large selection of Other Implants related with being a tech priest.

I figure plugging in a Calculus Logi Upgrade to go with basic knowledge analysis, and mostly the reason he is travelling into the Koronus expanse would be in hope to find old and ancient lost tech to bring back to the brotherhood.. After it was thoroughly tested and implemented of course >_>
You need to read the Special Abilities section at the end of Career Paths. You may start with up to 2 common quality bionic implants along with ability to increase their quality for experience.
I really need to check the end of each chapter they seem to pack all the good stuff at the end.

Anyway, I'm going to Nab the Calculus Logi Upgrade as an acquisition if you allow me and I will undo some of my xp spend to buy two other Good Quality Implants.
I'm pulling my disappearing act after today, so are we assuming Jonas is avoiding people by hanging in his sanctum and just talking to people with the intercom for a while?
I have this image of Eldrad Ulthwe offering a suspiciously lollipop shaped piece of xeno/archeotech to a dinky li'l techpriest...
Btw, might be good to know for the Lord Captain that Mordechai is very much playing what he calls the Great Game near constantly. Although his ambitions do not extend to getting a Warrant of Trade of his own. He has his sights set on something much more ambitious.
The info is appreciated. Victris is an ambitious man, but takes personal freedoms very seriously - he's most likely to provide Mordechai with support in his endeavours when he is aware of them.

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