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Fantasy When Olympus Burns: Characters

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All the things that have parenthesis around it are saved for later. Accepted

Rank( Once Given): Unknown.
Diane Serpent
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Parent: The Giant Polybotes - Bane of Poseidon.
Diane lives up to her giant heritage with her outgoing and loud personality, she likes to joke that her body is only so large because nothing else can handle it. However, Diane is a strong minded person and will tell you the truth, what she honestly thinks. She does not beat around the bush. She is not too terribly kind to those around her, not really caring what or who she breaks. But Diane doesn't go out and seek trouble, usually. She does enjoy scaring some of the smaller monsters around her, threatening to stomp them underfoot. Yet Diane gets easily offended when somebody tries to pick on her, causing her to brawl quiet often with others around her.
~Tsunami (raises a large wave against her enemies but takes a lot of energy to produce - long cooldown)
~speak to equestrians (passive skill allowing her to speak to horse like creatures)
~trans-foam (transforms someone or something to sea foam temporarily)
Fire, she will be in great pain if it touches her, it will feel like acid on her skin.
Her giant hammer, Gideon
Due to her parent being a giant, a bane of Poseidon, she is over 14 feet tall or the size of a three story building.​

Accepted the open rank is Sigma
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Rosemary is a friendly sort of person. She always tries to at least get along with everyone, even if she strongly dislikes them, she'll at least try her best to be civil and be as respectful as she can when talking to them. Though that's not to say Rosemary is just a pushover who lets everyone walk all over her; If pushed, she can become slightly aggressive, though she'd wouldn't ever resort to violence against someone, unless it was her only option in a dangerous situation, and even then she'd hesitate slightly, as she's not particularly a violent sort of person. Rosemary prefers to try to put a smile on people's face and make them happy, rather than making them upset or angry. She's not completely passive about everything though, if she thinks something someone is doing, is seriously messed up, she'll say, or even do something about it. But, If everyone is against her she'll just go with it, just to keep the peace and cause any fighting between them and her, though she'd still try to have no part in it whatsoever.

Rosemary really enjoys cooking, and if anyone wants to learn how to cook something, she'd be happy to teach them how to. She also enjoys seeing people enjoying their favorite food, especially if she was the one who made it for them. Another thing Rosemary enjoys is puns; Her love for puns is second only for her love for cooking. Whenever she gets the opportunity to make a pun, she'll take it.

  • To Be Added


Enchanted food

Rosemary is able to make dishes that provide some sort of advantage to the person who consumes, at least one portion of the dish. The buffs provided by the foods would be at their strongest right after Rosemary makes the food, as after a while the buffs will slowly disappear, leaving the food as just normal food. The foods that Rosemary can make that provide buffs are:

Chicken Soup

Aside from being delicious, This dish is able to cure the person drinking it, of any illness they might have; It also has the ability to help cure people of most poisons, and for the rest, it would just help delay them from harming the person for a while. If the person drinking it has no sort of illness or poison affecting them, at the time of drinking this soup, then they will instead gain a resistance to illnesses and poison for a few hours.

Sugar Cookies

This food will provide the person eating one, with a small boost to their energy, allowing them to do energy intensive activities for longer than they normally would be able to. Along with the boost to a person's energy, it also improves a person reaction time slightly. This buff would only last for an half hour, per cookie.

Beef Stew

This dish grants the person consuming it a minor buff to their strength; The person who ate it, would be able to easily lift stuff, that they were only just previously able to. They'd also obviously be able to punch harder, and put more force into any attacks they have that require strength to be effective. This buff will last for around four or five hours

Pork Vindaloo

This spicy curry dish provides the person who consumed it, a minor buff to their pain threshold, allowing them to shrug off pain easier, and continue to fight through it; It doesn't allow them to completely stop feeling pain, but it does reduce the amount they would normally feel. Though it doesn't actually stop their body from taking whatever injuries they were going to sustain. The effect of this buff will last for around two and a half hours.

Rosemary has quite a few minor powers that involve cooking, in one way or another. These powers range from knowing stuff about food, to just being able to make naturally good tasting food. The Powers that she has are:

Rosemary is able to know pretty much everything about food, like what sort of food it is, what spices there are, etc, before she tastes it. This does rely on her sight and smell being available; She can tell some stuff with just one of the two senses, but for the maximum effectiveness, she does need both senses.

She is also able to tell the food that a person loves, and the food that they hate, almost instantly. Which she finds quite useful, since it means if she makes people food, she can make something that they'll definitely like. Along with this, She's also able to tell if anyone is allergic to any ingredients

Rosemary is also naturally great at making food, meaning her foods will almost always taste good (Unless someone completely hates the type of food that she made) The food that she makes will normally always taste the best that they can taste.

Another thing Rosemary is able to do, is summon raw ingredients. She can't summon any pre-made things, like pasta, pastry and other things like that. But she is able to summon things to make that stuff, like butter, flour, eggs, milk, and so on and so forth.

Kitchen utensil manipulation

Rosemary is able to control any sort of kitchen utensil, in a four meter radius around her. Though most of the time, she doesn't really use it for violent purposes; She mainly uses this power to help her cook multiple things at any one time. Though if she needs to, she is able to use this power offensively.

Kira Ren

Thetis, a shapeshifter, prophet, and Leader of the Nereids.

Kira isn't much of a fighter or confrontation-focused person, mostly sticking to staying quiet and unexpected. She moves as if she is constantly conserving energy and always takes the easiest path through a situation. She is clever and soft-spoken and seeks crafty appeasement rather than an argument. Seldom loyal and constantly concerned with not being pushed to the bottom, Kira is a hard worker for her own agenda at all times.
Shape-shifting: Kira can change form at will and gain the attributes of that form, for instance if she takes the shape of a dragon, she can breathe fire. Don't worry, she hasn't made it to dragon-status yet, but she's working on it. Each new form feels new and takes some adjusting, she doesn't magically learn every quirk of the creature she looks like. Be weary, her shapeshifting is not an illusion- Kira's shifts are very solid, and very real, and she has practiced shifting at a moment's notice.
Note: When shifting to take the form of another person, there will always be something slightly off about her appearance.

Close combat: Her own physical strength is a little less than average, being of a lighter build, but she has gained upper-arm strength for using her weapon. Still, in close combat, she lacks form, weight, technique, and is utterly inept with a sword or in hand to hand.
Swimming: Kira has... never actually learned how to swim.

Her bow: A simple oaken longbow with a draw weight of 25 kilos.
History( Optional ):

When out on a mission during the summer, before being brought under Rhea's wing, Kira was met with a mysterious being that hexed her to forget her history. Eventually, she has come to terms with the clean slate fate has given her and has strong faith in Gaea, having not known her parents before her time with the other 23 children and Rhea.

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Rank: Sigma

Name: Trish Sachets
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Parent(s): Aphrodite

Personality: Trish is a smart and vicious young lady capable of making everyone fall in love with her using her captivating appearance and luring personality. The daughter of Aphrodite knows how to use her gifts to get what she wants and have things her way, all the time. Trish loves being the centre of attention and enjoys manipulating and toying with people. She’s a big flirt, but tends to turn away if things get too serious for her liking.

Trish may not seem like it, but she has a heart capable of loving the world as it is. Her vanity clouds her judgement, causing her to feel otherwise.

  • Charm Speak- When using this ability, Trish can talk people into anything (Literally). When under the influence of Charm Speak, the person would do whatever Trish asks of them. The effect is strongest when she speaks, and lingers on for a few more minutes (normally 3 minutes)
  • Kiss of Love (Image Alteration)- Trish can cast a haze over any object/ person to make them look better than they normally would.
  • Passion's touch (Desire) - This ability enables Trish to look deep into a person's heart and bring out/ understand their true desire. The ability works better when she has any physical contact with the person in question, a brush of the hand, a gentle hold, a kiss.
  • As a daughter of Aphrodite, Trish holds the trait of charm and seduction.
  • Match Maker - The ability allows the user to attract two people to one another. However, due to a binding promise with Eros that she would never use this ability upon the living, Trish cannot use this ability. She still likes to medel in people's affairs, without the help of it.
Weakness: Vanity | Betrayal | Rip offs | Being held hostage | Big ugly monsters
Weapon( If any): This isn't exactly a weapon, but more of a tool. Trish has a mirror which allows whoever gazes upon it to show her the person for who they truly are, and what they wish to be.

History( Optional ): TBA
Extra: Trish is Elias' twin sister.
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Kia is very calm and levelheaded, always preferring to think actions through before making them, and rarely shows emotion. All-in-all, she is very cold to others, and has a tendency to ignore the injuries and suffering of her own allies. However, this calm and collected persona is usually gone after several minutes in combat, as she soon becomes a bloodthirsty killer hellbent on bludgeoning her foe... And getting bludgeoned herself.

She is both sadistic to the point that she feels no remorse in the act of inflicting pain on others, and masochistic to point where she may willingly put herself in harm's way, even going so far as to allow her opponents to hit her. Even outside of combat, she is clearly shown to be both, often finding pleasure in the torment of others. Times where she simply finishes an opponent off are rare, as she prefers to toy with them, just as a cat plays with it's food.


Changes will passively occur to Kia's body to cope with the environment, terrain, weather, temperature, and the opponents she's facing. Said changes could include increased resistance to heat and cold, night vision, more speed or power, increased/decreased weight, etc. While it is primarily to allow her to face any opponent on even ground, it also has uses outside of combat.

Battle Ready
Kia is able to store away objects and summon them at all. While there is a limit to how much she can store, she is still able to store any weapons or other belongings she might have. This allows her to always be prepared for both battle and other situations, as she can summon what she needs immediately from her storage.

Kia grows stronger the more injuries she sustains and deals, and rapidly regenerates wounds if she kills an a living creature, with the regeneration depending on the size of said creature. If she kills a fly or a rat, the regeneration will be almost unnoticeable, but if she kills a wolf or a human-sized creature, she will gain the full benefits from regeneration.

Battle Sense

While Kia's senses are incredibly sharp, even for a demititan, they increase enem further while in combat. What sets her apart however, is her ability to predict her opponent's actions, as well as the trajectory, speed, power, etc. of projectiles and attacks. The longer she fights the same opponent, the easier she is able to predict their moves.


Kia possesses an innate knowledge of how to use a vast majority of arms and armour, as well as unarmed martial arts. While she possesses the skill to use many weapons, she has yet to master any of them, relying more on unarmed martial arts than any other. She is, however, very skilled with a sword and dagger.

War of Attrition

The longer Kia stays in combat, the stronger she becomes. Over the course of a fight, she will continue to gain a steady upgrade to speed, power, all of her senses, though it will eventually reach a limit. Additionally, she will steadily regain stamina and regenerate wounds throughout the fight. Though the wounds regenerate quickly, it can be temporarily interrupted if she is struck on her wounds.


  • Unarmed martial arts means lower range than when wielding weapon. Although Kia can summon her weapons at will, she is not as proficient with them.
  • Bloodlust requires Kia to kill a living creature for the regeneration. This makes it unviable for most 1 v 1s, and it can be very situational at times.
  • Regeneration from WoA is interrupted when the regenerating wounds are hit. While it might not be as serious in most 1 v 1s as Kia can guard herself, certain enemies, environments, and fights may make it difficult, if not downright impossible to actually regenerate.
  • Adaption can only go so far. It will not allow Kia to breathe underwater or fly, and will merely increase her lung capacity or jumping height if necessary. She will gain an increased resistance, but not become immune to physical attacks when faced with an enemy that relies upon it.
  • Bullshi- Battle Sense requires Kia to have at least some form of sensing her opponent. Whether or not she sees, smells, hears, or feels her opponent, is crucial. Even if one of her senses are impaired, she can still put this power to use. If all senses are impaired, however, this power will no longer work.
  • BR's storage has a limit, and she cannot simply store her thongs inside on a whim. She has to pick carefully due to it's limited space.


A pair of bollock daggers which she dual wields for double penetration. She also wields a rapier, for thrusting.


Both her eyes and her hair are silver in colour. While they usually stand out, they blend in almost perfectly with snow. Snow is also harder to notice if any gets on her hair.








Kia is very calm and levelheaded, always preferring to think actions through before making them, and rarely shows emotion. All-in-all, she is very cold to others, and has a tendency to ignore the injuries and suffering of her own allies. However, this calm and collected persona is usually gone after several minutes in combat, as she soon becomes a bloodthirsty killer hellbent on bludgeoning her foe... And getting bludgeoned herself.

She is both sadistic to the point that she feels no remorse in the act of inflicting pain on others, and masochistic to point where she may willingly put herself in harm's way, even going so far as to allow her opponents to hit her. Even outside of combat, she is clearly shown to be both, often finding pleasure in the torment of others. Times where she simply finishes an opponent off are rare, as she prefers to toy with them, just as a cat plays with it's food.


Changes will passively occur to Kia's body to cope with the environment, terrain, weather, temperature, and the opponents she's facing. Said changes could include increased resistance to heat and cold, night vision, more speed or power, increased/decreased weight, etc. While it is primarily to allow her to face any opponent on even ground, it also has uses outside of combat.

Battle Ready
Kia is able to store away objects and summon them at all. While there is a limit to how much she can store, she is still able to store any weapons or other belongings she might have. This allows her to always be prepared for both battle and other situations, as she can summon what she needs immediately from her storage.

Kia grows stronger the more injuries she sustains and deals, and rapidly regenerates wounds if she kills an a living creature, with the regeneration depending on the size of said creature. If she kills a fly or a rat, the regeneration will be almost unnoticeable, but if she kills a wolf or a human-sized creature, she will gain the full benefits from regeneration.

Battle Sense

While Kia's senses are incredibly sharp, even for a demititan, they increase enem further while in combat. What sets her apart however, is her ability to predict her opponent's actions, as well as the trajectory, speed, power, etc. of projectiles and attacks. The longer she fights the same opponent, the easier she is able to predict their moves.


Kia possesses an innate knowledge of how to use a vast majority of arms and armour, as well as unarmed martial arts. While she possesses the skill to use many weapons, she has yet to master any of them, relying more on unarmed martial arts than any other. She is, however, very skilled with a sword and dagger.

War of Attrition

The longer Kia stays in combat, the stronger she becomes. Over the course of a fight, she will continue to gain a steady upgrade to speed, power, all of her senses, though it will eventually reach a limit. Additionally, she will steadily regain stamina and regenerate wounds throughout the fight. Though the wounds regenerate quickly, it can be temporarily interrupted if she is struck on her wounds.


  • Unarmed martial arts means lower range than when wielding weapon. Although Kia can summon her weapons at will, she is not as proficient with them.
  • Bloodlust requires Kia to kill a living creature for the regeneration. This makes it unviable for most 1 v 1s, and it can be very situational at times.
  • Regeneration from WoA is interrupted when the regenerating wounds are hit. While it might not be as serious in most 1 v 1s as Kia can guard herself, certain enemies, environments, and fights may make it difficult, if not downright impossible to actually regenerate.
  • Adaption can only go so far. It will not allow Kia to breathe underwater or fly, and will merely increase her lung capacity or jumping height if necessary. She will gain an increased resistance, but not become immune to physical attacks when faced with an enemy that relies upon it.
  • Bullshi- Battle Sense requires Kia to have at least some form of sensing her opponent. Whether or not she sees, smells, hears, or feels her opponent, is crucial. Even if one of her senses are impaired, she can still put this power to use. If all senses are impaired, however, this power will no longer work.
  • BR's storage has a limit, and she cannot simply store her thongs inside on a whim. She has to pick carefully due to it's limited space.


A pair of bollock daggers which she dual wields for double penetration. She also wields a rapier, for thrusting.


Both her eyes and her hair are silver in colour. While they usually stand out, they blend in almost perfectly with snow. Snow is also harder to notice if any gets on her hair.


Rank( Once Given):

Name: Trish Sachets
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Parent(s): Aphrodite

Personality: Trish is a smart and vicious young lady capable of making everyone fall in love with her using her captivating appearance and luring personality. The daughter of Aphrodite knows how to use her gifts to get what she wants and have things her way, all the time. Trish loves being the centre of attention and enjoys manipulating and toying with people. She’s a big flirt, but tends to turn away if things get too serious for her liking.

Trish may not seem like it, but she has a heart capable of loving the world as it is. Her vanity clouds her judgement, causing her to feel otherwise.

  • Charm Speak- When using this ability, Trish can talk people into anything (Literally). When under the influence of Charm Speak, the person would do whatever Trish asks of them. The effect is strongest when she speaks, and lingers on for a few more minutes (normally 3 minutes)
  • Kiss of Love (Image Alteration)- Trish can cast a haze over any object/ person to make them look better than they normally would.
  • Passion's touch (Desire) - This ability enables Trish to look deep into a person's heart and bring out/ understand their true desire. The ability works better when she has any physical contact with the person in question, a brush of the hand, a gentle hold, a kiss.
  • As a daughter of Aphrodite, Trish holds the trait of charm and seduction.
  • Match Maker - The ability allows the user to attract two people to one another. However, due to a binding promise with Eros that she would never use this ability upon the living, Trish cannot use this ability. She still likes to medel in people's affairs, without the help of it.
Weakness: Vanity | Betrayal | Rip offs | Being held hostage | Big ugly monsters
Weapon( If any): This isn't exactly a weapon, but more of a tool. Trish has a mirror which allows whoever gazes upon it to show her the person for who they truly are, and what they wish to be.

History( Optional ): TBA
Extra: Trish is Elias' twin sister.


Apollo Agresti
17 || Male || 6'0 || 79.4 kg


Apollo isn't somebody who has ever liked to stand out all that much in terms of ability, never considering himself all that impressive to begin with. Because of this, he has this
obsession with being absolutely average in most every single way, often forcing himself to work ten times harder at improving a skill, only to stop attempting to improve after he's made it to the middle of the list in terms of skill. This obsession with being average at everything extends to almost every area of his life, with the only exception being his fashion sense, which he prides in having what he thinks is one of the most distinct looks out of anybody in possibly the world.

Beyond all of that, Apollo is a rather nice boy, if not a tad air headed at times. He greets everyone he sees with at least a slight smile and attempts to be helpful whenever possible, though doesn't go out of his way to please or be necessarily respectful to people he doesn't like.
The Golden Gun:
Apollo can load up a gun that is tied directly to his soul. This gun looks almost translucent and golden, and it can use anything as ammunition, though instead of firing the item itself, the gun will fire energy that will do more damage based off the value of the object that is being used as ammunition. Objects will almost always fall into these categories for the sake of consistency:

Broken: If the object is broken, it will be practically unusable, only dealing damage akin to that of a slap across the face.
Junk: These are random unwanted objects littered on the ground. Something like a candy wrapper, used cigarette butts, or empty bags. The damage done by these objects will be similar to a light punch.
Common: These would be objects that, although useful, aren't difficult to find or buy. These would be things similar to keys, books, or a pencil. The damage done by these objects would be similar to that of a punch from a professional boxer.
Uncommon: These would be objects that, although not found everywhere, are still common enough that you might see it on a semi-regular basis. Objects like a phone, TV or video game would fall into this category. The damage done by these objects would be similar to that of a point-blank magnum shot to the chest.
Rare: These are things that you will only see/own a handful of times in your life. Things like an expensive necklace, a designer jacket or a diamond ring would fall into this
category. The damage done by these objects would be similar to that of a rocket hitting you with no armor.
Legendary: These are items a very small percent of people in history ever get to even lay eyes on. Objects like the Holy Grail are the only things that fall into this category. If these objects are used by the golden gun, the damage dealt by these items would be similar to that of an H-bomb.

Despite being more resistant than a normal person, Apollo still has his limits, and would
ultimately die to almost anything a regular person could die too

Apollo always tries to make sure he these on him at all times:

  • 50 junk objects
  • 35 common objects
  • 10 uncommon objects
These objects are contained in multiple pockets and pouches throughout his clothing, and he tends to freak out a bit if by the end of a weeks time he does not have this exact number of objects on his person

This character doesn't fit the criteria for this rp. They need a rank, you can find which ones are open in the Overview. They also need a parent from either the gods, monsters, titans, or giants. The character's powers have to fit within their parents power genre as well
This character doesn't fit the criteria for this rp. They need a rank, you can find which ones are open in the Overview. They also need a parent from either the gods, monsters, titans, or giants. The character's powers have to fit within their parents power genre as well
I might've realized all of this like, the moment I posted this and then spent like ten minutes dying inside as I attempted to fix it, not saying I did, but I might've

I need to edit allot of things
I might've realized all of this like, the moment I posted this and then spent like ten minutes dying inside as I attempted to fix it, not saying I did, but I might've

I need to edit allot of things

I'll leave you to it












Letavis is very calm, able to keep his cool even in the most dire situations, such as having a sword pressed against his throat. That isn't to say that he can't be surprised or caught off guard, though, nor does it mean he won't show any emotion. He will often display sympathy, sadness and/or pity, for those who would resist death. A pacifist at heart, he rarely resorts to violence, even with those he believes must be sent to Hades. Instead, he will try to talk others into accepting their fates, so that he may grant them a painless death.

He can be very charismatic, persuasive, and convincing when he tries, though he will not hesitate to use Peace and Torpor if attacked. For those who choose to cling onto life rather than embrace death, he will eventually resort to force if proven necessary. Using Dream State for Elysium and Peace is something that he only uses as a last resort, when he truly believes that there is no other way to convince the other to accept death.



A near-invisible, odourless green gas which emanates from Letavis' body. It has range of 27 meters. Slightly dulls the senses of those who inhale it, and numbs pain. The longer one inhales the gas, the more one's sense will be dulled.


A hazy, odourless blue gas which emanates from Letavis' body. It has a range of 17 meters. Relaxes and weakens the muscles of those who inhale it, and has a slowing affect. The longer one inhales the gas, the weaker one's body will become.


A thick, odourless purple gas which emanates from Letavis' body. It has a range of 16 meters. Greatly inhibits thought process of those who inhale it, and causes hallucinations. The longer one inhales the gas, the more difficult it will become to think.

A child of Death need not sleep. Letavis does not require rest or sleep, nor will he ever tire. He also possesses full immunity to both spiritual attacks and mental attacks/manipulation. Drugs, illusions, mind control, etc. will have no effect.

Dream State

- After one inhales this gas for 20 minutes, Letavis can activate Dream State to completely block all 5 senses for 20 seconds. Alternatively, he could overload all senses with the sensation of death, and could have one feel the pain of countless deaths in the span of 20 seconds.

Torpor - After one inhales this gas for 1 minute, Letavis can activate Dream State to completely disable all movement for 10 seconds. The targets would feel as if they were corpses, trapped inside their own bodies and incapable of even blinking.

Elysium - After one inhales this gas for 8 minutes, Letavis can activate Dream State to completely disable all thought processes for 2 minutes Alternatively, it could cause vivid hallucinations indistinguishable from reality, that show the many ways one could die.

Reaper's Impatience

After a deep breath Letavis exhales thick black gas which travels in one direction, unaffected by the wind, force and movement. It has a range of 10 meters, and travels at a speed of 20mph. The gas will cause metal to rust, food to rot, and organic beings to rapidly age. It does not spread out like the others, simply going straight ahead until the limit in range is reached.

Eternal Rest

Instantaneous, painless death/destruction. Letavis must first have the target's consent to kill them. Forcing the target either physically, by using mind control, or alcohol/drugs will not work. The target must actually understand what it's agreeing to. Works on both organic and inorganic creatures.

Death Beckons
Any and all undead, be they spirits, skeletons, reanimated corpses, as well as the living that have been revived, that are within a radius of 70 meters, will be retuned to Hades upon this power's actvation. No more mortals shall cheat Thanatos as Sisyphus had.

  • Most of Letavis' powers have no affect on inorganic creatures e.g skeletons, golems, spirits.
  • The gas from Peace, Torpor, and Elysium, are affected by wind and movement, meaning they are less viable in windy conditions. This does, however, open up more uses for said gas.
  • Death Beckons can only be used once every 7 hours
  • Eternal Rest requires the target's consent
  • Letavis must wait the whole duration again before using Dream State, e.g if he used Dream State for Torpor, he must wait 1 minute before using it.
  • Beings revived by Primordials are not affected by Death Beckons.


None. Weapons rarely see any practical use in Letavis' hands.




He is always seen wearing a pair of glasses.

Verdas Verdas







Andre is a mostly silent character unless satiating his hunger is involved. He's an avid listener. He's extremely envious of others having more than either he has or his teammates have as a whole. He likes to keep things strictly to business and believes that everything is for his own and his groups taking. He can be angered and baited though with desire. Extremely greedy and doesn't trust others outside of the group.

Famine Embodiment. Matter Ingestion. Drought Inducement. Energy Absorption. ATP Intuition, Absorption, Consumption. Can extend jaw widely to absorb physical flesh and items into his bottomless stomach. He can also suck in memories, emotions, and other metaphysical things of the sort. Can devour powers as well once they're airborne. Once he devours things from a victim they're empty just like he is and are eternally hungry like he is. Desire manipulation and inducement. Vice inducement.

Can't digest anything. Is empty and hungry himself. Can be baited by his desires. Cannot devour what he can't perceive.

No weapon. He ate it

The 4

Is in love with Stella because she is a woman who can supply. Supply is what he likes

Light Light





Heterosexual but she likes to experiment


She a child of war. She loves nothing more then fighting and displaying her strength. She thinks tactically and can counter any army in the matter if minutes. She enjoys nothing more then being with her friends or fighting. She follows her friends due to her keen sense of loyalty through the journeys they have had. In her spare time she fights. She through herself into enemy strong holds with nothing but a hatchet and returns bathed in blood and a smile on her face.

War embodiment

Metaphysical Attacks. Peace and tranquility weakens her. Treaties and cease fires.

Weapon( If any): Literally everything that could be a weapon. In duels she let's her opponent pick the weapon she fights and kills them with.

History( Optional ): The 4

She has favorite weapons

Skaggon Skaggon







She has a different personality/mindset every time she wakes up, ranging from hellbent on the killing everything in sight to crippling chronic depression, but there is still always one underlining similarity: she is convinced everyone is out for her demise, because no one truly likes sickness, no one wants to be sick.

Pestilence, Disease, Sickness

Cures, Getting Killed

Disease and Pest

The Four

Stays with Stella

DizjayDeathPride DizjayDeathPride
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Destra Halibel









Destra has 8 powers, one power for each of her hydra heads.

1: Self Blood Manipulation- Destra can manipulate her own blood as well as expunge foreign agents from it.

2. Weapon/Battle Proficiency - Going based off of instinct, Destra is extremely proficient with weapons and battle. This is proficiency is rumored to be trumped by those with mastery over these elements.

3. Dragon Aura - Destra surrounds herself in black and red dragon energy. Once she's enveloped in this aura she can deflect meta/physical projectiles and use it as armor. Once she charges with this aura on it can certainly smash through most anything.

4. Scale Manipulation - Allows Destra to control the size and shape of her scales at will. She can make shredded scales she keeps in a bag levitate in human form.

5. Hardening - Destra can fortify her skin, scales, and weapons. Hardening only affects her personal belongings and body. Hardening brings things up to the hardness of lonsdaleite.

6. Split - For each head she has she can make a clone of herself that holds only one of the 8 powers. This ability can be used in both Hydra and human form. If used in Hydra form each body will only have 1 head.

7. Shift - Since Destra isn't a mix of human and hydra, this ability is the reason why she's able to take a human form. This ability allows her to shift between her Hydra form and the form of the most recent person she's personally killed and devoured. She can sometimes shift the weight and muscle power of each form into the other. In human form she can keep her hydra weight and muscle strength. This allows her to be much faster and stronger since the muscle effort needed to move a large hydra body is now being used on a smaller human body.

8. Regeneration - Destra can heal off wounds and severed limbs within a number of days if not focused on. If she's given the time to focus all her energy on a destroyed organ, it should take a number of hours. She can't regenerate wounds to the heart and brain.

Destra can only use two powers at a time

1. Destra will have to cut open a part of her body to expunge foreign agents

2. Just because she's proficient with battle doesn't mean she's invincible. She can be overpowered easily by numbers and good strategy.

3. Her dragon aura can only form around herself and not wherever she may please.

4. Controlling these scales require manual control and focus, which makes it impossible for her to do so while trying to quickly regenerate. This also makes it difficult for her to move while manipulating them as well

5. Hardening only affects things she's owned for longer than a week. Which makes it impossible to harden a body she's just killed to shift into immediately. Harden also makes it just as heavy. She can't reverse the affects of harden once it's used. She can only harden one thing every 20 minutes.

6. She can only use one power now that she's split herself apart. This power she's left with is split itself. This forces her to rely on physical measures and numbers.

7. Shifting is extremely painful since it isn't a magical transformation. This leaves her vulnerable during shifting periods.

8. If she doesn't focus on the wound entirely it'll take days or weeks to heal off. Heart and brain injuries cannot be healed off.


Destra is very territorial and defensive of her allies. She's easily angered and mostly headstrong in regular situations. Despite having 8 brains she fails to make the best decisions in life. Though when it comes to battle, she's one to be feared since she doesn't rely on her brain. She merely relies on instinct in battle. She's quick to jump to conclusions and is difficult to make peace with. Destra is distrustful of others and hates the gods.

( DizjayDeathPride DizjayDeathPride Skaggon Skaggon Antagonist, complete! )
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Desmond Redmond





Desmond is known to be a very violent, competitive and aggressive person. He's not the type to solve an argument or dispute by talking it out, but by in some type of challenge. No matter how ridiculous the challenge might be. He loves the thrill he receives from conflict regardless if he's in it or not.

As the son of Ares he's very proficient with many weapons but he prefers to use his hands instead of a usual weapon. This decision has more to deal with his hands being a lethal weapon. He's very proficient in hand to hand combat more than anything else. He knows many weak points within the human body he's able to exploit it in his favor.

When it comes to Desmond's control over his temper, he's shown to have a decent amount of control. He doesn't burst into a rage frenzy but is able to control his anger and use it to his advantage. Desmond will never raise his hand to fight a female. It's how he was brought up. Regardless how much a female pisses him off, he can't bring himself to lay a hand on them. Though if the female threatens his life and he has no other choice then he won't hesitate to kill/break her to save his own life.

Enhanced Condition- Desmond's physical condition is greater than any mortal.
Ferrokinesis-Metal Manipulation
Metal Mimicry-Desmond can transform body into black steel. In his metal state, he's more durable, stronger, and is resistant to electricity and thermal. He's also able to shape shift his limbs either making them bigger, longer, or change their shape entirely.
Necromancy-Desmond can summon the fallen soldiers of any war.
Gift of Ares-Being the son of the God of War, violence, anger, hate, death, and bloodshed make him stronger and heals any wounds he may receive as his soul is able to absorb the psychic energy created by such events.

Desmond can only generate metal to create one weapon but the weapon created can be morphed to shape another one.
Desmond's metal state still falls victim to corrosion and magnetism.
He can't and will not lay hit on a female, unless it's to protect his life.

Besides his hands and any other weapon, Desmond's personal weapon are two Greek Daggers.

Desmond was raised in the projects of Chicago, Illinois. He was apart of a family of seven. Four males and three females. Desmond was the third born of his family and the only one who was without a darker complexion. His mom was black and Ares took the form of a Caucasian man. Most of his siblings fathers were black with only two being Hispanic. As the only white looking child growing up in a predominately black community, Desmond had to go through many trials and tribulations. He had to fight to protect his siblings and himself. His entire life growing up he had to fight either it was to survive a week without food or fight his younger siblings bullies. His mother's baby daddies raised him and his brothers to always protect his sisters and all females.

Out of his siblings Desmond's father was the only one who wasn't around and he despised him for that. Though he's siblings were kind enough to bring him along whenever they went out with their dads. Desmond despised his father until the day he was told who his father truly was and all he accomplished. Now the hate for Ares was transformed to more of a desire to be better than Ares himself. A better warrior and father.

After being taking away from his family and raised under Rhea along with other Demi-beings, Desmond trained his mind and body vigorously. He honed his skills with many weapons having the practice with many weapons come easy to him, a natural instinct. Though his preferred form of combat is hand to hand, since his hands were pretty much his first weapon since he could remember. Desmond doesn't have a problem with most of the other teens, but some really do get under his skin.

Desmond is a tall with a muscular built, but still slender frame. He stands at 6'3 and weighs about 166 pounds. His eyes are hazel and narrow, and his hair is in a "bed head" style. He has scars on his upper torso on both sides of his body.
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Desmond Redmond
Desmond is known to be a very violent, competitive and aggressive person. He's not the type to solve an argument or dispute by talking it out, but by in some type of challenge. No matter how ridiculous the challenge might be. He loves the thrill he receives from conflict regardless if he's in it or not.

As the son of Ares he's very proficient with many weapons but he prefers to use his hands instead of a usual weapon. This decision has more to deal with his hands being a lethal weapon.

When it comes to Desmond's control over his temper, it's very little. He's quick to be angered and result to violence, to relieve it. But the fault of this attribute is that Desmond will never raise his hand to fight a female. It's how he was brought up. Regardless how much a female pisses him off, he can't bring himself to lay a hand on them. He'll rather harm himself than a female.

Enhanced Condition- Desmond's physical condition is greater than any mortal.
Ferrokinesis-Metal Manipulation
Metal Mimicry-Desmond can transform body into black steel. In his metal state, he's more durable, stronger, and is resistant to electricity and thermal. He's also able to shape shift his limbs either making them bigger, longer, or change their shape entirely.
Necromancy-Desmond can summon the fallen soldiers of any war.
Gift of Ares-Being the son of the God of War, violence, anger, hate, death, and bloodshed make him stronger and heals any wounds he may receive as his soul is able to absorb the psychic energy created by such events.

Desmond can't create metal, can only control pre-existing metal.
Desmond's metal state still falls victim to corrosion and magnetism.
He can't and will not lay hit a female

Weapon( If any):
Two Daggers

History( Optional ):

Name: Alestria Sasbaey
Age : 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: She doesn't necessarily remember. She loves her sister more than anyone though if that counts


Parent: Bia
Personality: Alestria is a docile and kind figure. She doesn't have any memories besides knowing who her sister is, the fact that she's the child of Bia, and some recollection of her powers. Due to this she chooses not to be bold about things in life since there's a lot she doesn't know. She loves her sister dearly and will support her through anything. Though at the same time she depends on her sister heavily to protect her both physically and emotionally. She's very gentle and careful with what she does and is extremely forgiving and considerate towards her sister. Most can say she's a doormat. She usually expresses the emotion or thought within her mind as a status word at the start of each sentence. When she's let down she'll say, "Disappointment. I don't know if this equates to what I wanted..b-but it's just fine!"

Powers: Force, power, might, bodily strength, compulsion, and raw energy. Alestria and her sister both share indomitable will, incomparable strength, condition, and dermal strength. Alestria and her sister represent the pinnacle of power. Though when it comes to energy, their powers become quite complicated. Alestria is a support type while her sister is the carry. A hollow surrounding ( energy term ) floats above Alestria in the shape of a sphere looking like it's made out of glass. Alestria can create and amplify energy but cannot manipulate or use it. When she creates or amplifies energy, it can only occur within the hollow sphere as a system ( energy term ). Her sister cannot create or amplify energy and can only use energy that forms within the hollow sphere. If Alestria creates kinetic energy within the sphere, her sister can now use Kinetics. Electrical energy, her sister can now use electricity. Etc.

Weakness: Just like the human body needs food to fuel itself, the hollow sphere needs a nutrition system to work as well. Alestria is this nutrition system. When a human eats, 60% of that energy is transferred to body heat and the last 40% is what goes to the body for movement and actually making the body function. Though for Alestria, when using her powers her 40% will slowly be drained to power the sphere. The energy leaves as raw energy towards the sphere and she can mold that energy into any type of energy she wants with that. This means she can only make so much energy and her sister can only use the energy power so much before she ends up draining Alestria of what very little energy she has. The twins have very little understanding of their own powers.

Weapon: Hollow sphere
History( Optional ): She forgot
Extra: The hollow sphere can change shape.

( Verdas Verdas )​

Valeria Sasbaey








Hoe is very outgoing and quick to befriend others, although it's usually a one sided friendship. She loves to send things flying, but despite this, she prefers to talk things out first in the case of a fight. And by talking things out, that means she threatens, insults, and bluffs, first. She usually doesn't care about the feelings and opinions of others. Even if one were to get all their limbs as well as their head cut off, she would simply say that it's just a 'flesh wound' and leave it at that. However, she is like a completely different person when it comes to her twin sister. She will trust her every word, almost like a dog would it's master, and is very considerate and caring of her, choosing to prioritise her sister's safety over own. She doesn't remember how she was before, but she rarely concerns herself with thoughts about what happened to them, preferring to focus on the now and, of course, her twin.


Indomitable Will ('Tis but a flesh wound), Superhuman Strength, and Dermal Strength. Hoe can manipulate energy, but cannot create any herself, only able to use the energy that her sister creates inside the hollow sphere. If her sister creates kinetic energy, she can use it. And the same applies to thermal energy, electrical energy, etc.


While versatile and able to cause a wide variety of effects with the energy her sister creates, she becomes significantly less dangerous without her twin due to not being able to create and/or amplify any energy herself, due to her lack of skill and experience. Since her sister's power to create and amplify energy is quite draining, she can't be reckless with her powers. Additionally, she often hesitates to use her powers due to concern over the strain it has on her sister.


A small, pocket size orb which can transform into almost any weapon, as long as Hoe puts her will into it.


"Sorry, but my brain's being an asshole right now! Maybe later, K?"


Wincest FTW

( Light Light )


Valeria Sasbaey
View attachment 304518








Hoe is very outgoing and quick to befriend others, although it's usually a one sided friendship. She loves to send things flying, but despite this, she prefers to talk things out first in the case of a fight. And by talking things out, that means she threatens, insults, and bluffs, first. She usually doesn't care about the feelings and opinions of others. Even if one were to get all their limbs as well as their head cut off, she would simply say that it's just a 'flesh wound' and leave it at that. However, she is like a completely different person when it comes to her twin sister. She will trust her every word, almost like a dog would it's master, and is very considerate and caring of her, choosing to prioritise her sister's safety over own. She doesn't remember how she was before, but she rarely concerns herself with thoughts about what happened to them, preferring to focus on the now and, of course, her twin.


Indomitable Will ('Tis but a flesh wound), Superhuman Strength, and Dermal Strength. Hoe can manipulate energy, but cannot create any herself, only able to use the energy that her sister creates inside the hollow sphere. If her sister creates kinetic energy, she can use it. And the same applies to thermal energy, electrical energy, etc.


While versatile and able to cause a wide variety of effects with the energy her sister creates, she becomes significantly less dangerous without her twin due to not being able to create and/or amplify any energy herself, due to her lack of skill and experience. Since her sister's power to create and amplify energy is quite draining, she can't be reckless with her powers. Additionally, she often hesitates to use her powers due to concern over the strain it has on her sister.


A small, pocket size orb which can transform into almost any weapon, as long as Hoe puts her will into it.


"Sorry, but my brain's being an asshole right now! Maybe later, K?"


Wincest FTW

( Light Light )

  • Appearance:
  • Rank( Once Given): Omicron
  • Name: Ries Aspida​
  • Age: 17​
  • Gender: Female​
  • Sexuality: (She's still figuring that part out..not that she would tell anyone that.)​
  • Parent: Ajax​
  • Personality: An individual with unyielding determination, who takes her job as a protector very seriously. She's very hard on herself and tends to ruminate alone when met with failure. Like the shield she carries, her intense, hardened exterior actually covers up a much softer, more relaxed side, which when not on the field of battle, and in front of those that she trusts, she's more liable to reveal. She has a hidden love for music.​
  • Powers:​
    • Peak Human Condition: Ries spent many years bitterly training her body up to face the tasks ahead of her and to shoulder the burden her equipment places upon her.​
      • Whether it be from her heritage, a result of this training, or just a plain unwillingness to die, Ries is exceptionally harder to kill.​
    • Dispel: Ries can project magic barriers, using her shield as a focus.
      • Counter: Upon contact with an external force (physical or magical), the barriers it cancel out. Upon Ries's command, the barriers can then release an outward blast of energy in retaliation.
      • Pile Bunker: By using her shield's built-in spear as a focus, Ries can generate a smaller, but substantially more forceful short-range burst, giving her attacks a potentially devastating second impact.
  • Weakness:​
    • Her shield can only block in one direction at a time​
    • Blocking and barrier casting takes large amounts of stamina if used excessively.​
    • A lack of self-preservation that hinges on suicidal if a teammate is in danger. Regardless of the risk to herself, Ries will always be the first to charge to an ally's defense.​
    • Due to her bulky weapon and armor, Ries makes for a poor infiltrator, and is a bit less nimble than most.​
    • Narrow doorways​
  • Weapon( If any):​
    • Gamaliel: A shield of strange shape and design, featuring a spear-tip at it's bottom and an internal mechanism running along it's length.​
      • The shield's odd appearance, while seemingly dubious, actually makes it capable of being used as a focus for magic.​
      • The built-in spearhead is crafted from unicorn horn, a material that, once refined, also makes for a powerful magical focus.​
  • History( Optional ): The daughter of Ajax the Great, the legendary bulwark of the giants. Ries inherited from him a strong, protective nature, which only grew deeper when shown visions of her father's mighty shield failing him in battle. Since arriving at the underground city with Rhea, Ries has tirelessly worked to keep the city and it's inhabitants safe, which has had the side effect of putting her at more of a distance with the others, only coming to interact with them during training. For a year, Ries has been on a journey within the deepest parts of the forested island, tasked by Rhea to procure the horn of a unicorn in order to repair Gamaliel. Finished with her quest, Ries returns to the underground city, knowing nothing of what has changed since she's been gone.​
  • Extra: Ries's clothing is outfitted with light armor, which is enchanted to make her slightly more resistant to magic. It's nowhere near as strong as her barriers, but it helps.​

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  • Appearance:
  • Rank( Once Given):​
  • Name: Ries Aspida​
  • Age: 17​
  • Gender: Female​
  • Sexuality: (She's still figuring that part out..not that she would tell anyone that.)​
  • Parent: Ajax​
  • Personality: An individual with unyielding determination, who takes her job as a protector very seriously. She's very hard on herself and tends to ruminate alone when met with failure. Like the shield she carries, her intense, hardened exterior actually covers up a much softer, more relaxed side, which when not on the field of battle, and in front of those that she trusts, she's more liable to reveal. She has a soft spot for children and animals.​
  • Powers:​
    • Peak Human Condition: Ries spent many years bitterly training her body up to face the tasks ahead of her and to shoulder the burden her equipment places upon her.​
      • Whether it be from her heritage, a result of this training, or just a plain unwillingness to die, Ries is exceptionally harder to kill than most.​
    • Dispel: Ries can project magic barriers, using her shield as a focus.
      • Counter: Upon contact with an external force (physical or magical), the barriers it cancel out. Upon Ries's command, the barriers can then release an outward blast of energy in retaliation.
      • Pile Bunker: By using her shield's built-in spear as a focus, Ries can generate a smaller, but substantially more forceful short-range burst, giving her attacks a potentially devastating second impact.
  • Weakness:​
    • Her shield can only block in one direction at a time​
    • Blocking and barrier casting takes large amounts of stamina if used excessively.​
    • A lack of self-preservation that hinges on suicidal if a teammate is in danger. Regardless of the risk to herself, Ries will always be the first to charge to an ally's defense.​
    • Due to her bulky weapon and armor, Ries makes for a poor infiltrator, and is a bit less nimble than most.​
    • Narrow doorways​
  • Weapon( If any):​
    • Gamaliel: A shield of strange shape and design, featuring a spear-tip at it's bottom and an internal mechanism running along it's length.​
      • The shield's odd appearance, while seemingly dubious, actually makes it capable of being used as a focus for magic.​
      • The built-in spearhead is crafted from unicorn horn, a material that, once refined, also makes for a powerful magical focus.​
  • History( Optional ): Coming Soon!
  • Extra: Ries's clothing is outfitted with light armor, which is enchanted to make her slightly more resistant to magic. It's nowhere near as strong as her barriers, but it helps.​

Accepted rank is Omicron


She has long blonde hair that soons fades to a color black at the tips and it is slightly parted to the right side of her head. It reaches just above her bum. Her skin is a bit pale. Her eyes are a sky blue color.


Has long beautiful jet black hair that reaches just on her lower back dimples. Brown reddish eyes. Her skin is a light tan color. Two small scars on her left cheek, almost below her eye.

Rank: Tau

Name: Her name is Dream, which has lots of meaning to it in every way. Though when she switches to her other personality, they call her Tilitu, which means "of the night"

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Dream is Heterosexual. Lilitu on the other hand likes both Male and female and even if they're Trans, in other words; Pansexual.

Parent: Hecate


She is a really sweet girl. She doesn't care what others think and always defends herself as well as others. Shes kind, honest and loves to help out. Though if she has to, she will fight you in anyway possible. Dream is very independent and carefree. She hates cussing because she thinks using such foul words could make someone look mean and ugly. She'll also make every negative thing into something positive, or well tries to.

Lilitu is the opposite of Dream, She's evil. She wont mess with you, but if you do bother talking to her, she will put you down. She gets mad very easily. She doesnt like the attention, only by the person she loves, if she ever loved anyone. But besides all the hatred she has towards everyone, she really is honest and cool person deep down. Though of course she wont show that side of sweetness of her to anyone. Also being the opposite of Dream, Lilitu will literally cuss in every sentence. Itd be a surprise not to hear her cuss for once.


  • Dark Arts
  • Blood manipulation
  • *Curse inducement*
  • Elemental manipulation (Plasma) *more elemental control*
  • Necromance
  • Life creation
  • *mutation inducement*
  • *Demon summoning*

Weakness: Dream and Lilitu are vulnerable during their personality switches. Both will protect who ever they fall in love with even if it means they're put in harms way.

Dream has more control over her powers but not as strong as Lilitus.

Lilitus are stronger than Dreams but harder to control.

Weapon( If any):

Dreams Weapon:

Lilitu's Weapon:

History( Optional ): Hecate found the soul of a girl who was killed by darkness, taking pity on the young girls soul she brought her back to life as her daughter, with hair so gold it was like a dream that became her name: Dream. Soon after she was reborn, her other personality emerged and from this, Lilitu was born.
Though Hecate didn't like the fact that Dreams other personality was born, so she's given Lilitu nothing but hate. Therefore thats what all she's ever learn. Hate. Now, as she grows older and older, she doesn't exactly know how to communicate well with others. Nor does she know how to be polite. And when she tries to, she feels disgusted and weird about it.

Extra: Lilitus nickname is "Demon."
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She has long blonde hair that soons fades to a color black at the tips and it is slightly parted to the right side of her head. It reaches just above her bum. Her skin is a bit pale. Her eyes are a sky blue color.


Has long beautiful jet black hair that reaches just on her lower back dimples. Brown reddish eyes. Her skin is a light tan color. Two small scars on her left cheek, almost below her eye.

Rank: Tau

Name: Her name is Dream, which has lots of meaning to it in every way. Though when she switches to her other personality, they call her Tilitu, which means "of the night"

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Dream is Heterosexual. Lilitu on the other hand likes both Male and female and even if they're Trans, in other words; Pansexual.

Parent: Hecate


She is a really sweet girl. She doesn't care what others think and always defends herself as well as others. Shes kind, honest and loves to help out. Though if she has to, she will fight you in anyway possible. Dream is very independent and carefree. She hates cussing because she thinks using such foul words could make someone look mean and ugly. She'll also make every negative thing into something positive, or well tries to.

Lilitu is the opposite of Dream, She's evil. She wont mess with you, but if you do bother talking to her, she will put you down. She gets mad very easily. She doesnt like the attention, only by the person she loves, if she ever loved anyone. But besides all the hatred she has towards everyone, she really is honest and cool person deep down. Though of course she wont show that side of sweetness of her to anyone. Also being the opposite of Dream, Lilitu will literally cuss in every sentence. Itd be a surprise not to hear her cuss for once.


  • Dark Arts
  • Blood manipulation
  • *Blood magic*
  • Curse manipulation
  • *Curse inducement*
  • Elemental manipulation (Plasma) *more elemental control*
  • Necromancy
  • *Resurrection*
  • Life creation
  • *mutation inducement*
  • Summoning/ banishing
  • *Demon summoning*

Weakness: Dreams weakness is Love as for Tilitu is her past and animals.

They are vulnerable during they're personality shifts.

If they fall in love with someone they will protect them even if that means putting themselves in harms way.

Weapon( If any):

Dreams Weapon:
View attachment 312097

Lilitu's Weapon:
View attachment 312098

History( Optional ): Hecate found the soul of a girl who was killed by darkness, taking pity on the young girls soul she brought her back to life as her daughter, with hair so gold it was like a dream that became her name: Dream. Soon after she was reborn, her other personality emerged and from this, Lilitu was born.
Though Hecate didn't like the fact that Dreams other personality was born, so she's given Lilitu nothing but hate. Therefore thats what all she's ever learn. Hate. Now, as she grows older and older, she doesn't exactly know how to communicate well with others. Nor does she know how to be polite. And when she tries to, she feels disgusted and weird about it.


You need to really cut down on the powers and have actual weaknesses and limits to those powers specifically not just a, "love is her weakness."


She has long blonde hair that soons fades to a color black at the tips and it is slightly parted to the right side of her head. It reaches just above her bum. Her skin is a bit pale. Her eyes are a sky blue color.


Has long beautiful jet black hair that reaches just on her lower back dimples. Brown reddish eyes. Her skin is a light tan color. Two small scars on her left cheek, almost below her eye.

Rank: Tau

Name: Her name is Dream, which has lots of meaning to it in every way. Though when she switches to her other personality, they call her Tilitu, which means "of the night"

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Dream is Heterosexual. Lilitu on the other hand likes both Male and female and even if they're Trans, in other words; Pansexual.

Parent: Hecate


She is a really sweet girl. She doesn't care what others think and always defends herself as well as others. Shes kind, honest and loves to help out. Though if she has to, she will fight you in anyway possible. Dream is very independent and carefree. She hates cussing because she thinks using such foul words could make someone look mean and ugly. She'll also make every negative thing into something positive, or well tries to.

Lilitu is the opposite of Dream, She's evil. She wont mess with you, but if you do bother talking to her, she will put you down. She gets mad very easily. She doesnt like the attention, only by the person she loves, if she ever loved anyone. But besides all the hatred she has towards everyone, she really is honest and cool person deep down. Though of course she wont show that side of sweetness of her to anyone. Also being the opposite of Dream, Lilitu will literally cuss in every sentence. Itd be a surprise not to hear her cuss for once.


  • Dark Arts
  • Blood manipulation
  • *Curse inducement*
  • Elemental manipulation (Plasma) *more elemental control*
  • Necromance
  • Life creation
  • *mutation inducement*
  • *Demon summoning*

Weakness: Dream and Lilitu are vulnerable during their personality switches. Both will protect who ever they fall in love with even if it means they're put in harms way.

Dream has more control over her powers but not as strong as Lilitus.

Lilitus are stronger than Dreams but harder to control.

Weapon( If any):

Dreams Weapon:
View attachment 312097

Lilitu's Weapon:
View attachment 312098

History( Optional ): Hecate found the soul of a girl who was killed by darkness, taking pity on the young girls soul she brought her back to life as her daughter, with hair so gold it was like a dream that became her name: Dream. Soon after she was reborn, her other personality emerged and from this, Lilitu was born.
Though Hecate didn't like the fact that Dreams other personality was born, so she's given Lilitu nothing but hate. Therefore thats what all she's ever learn. Hate. Now, as she grows older and older, she doesn't exactly know how to communicate well with others. Nor does she know how to be polite. And when she tries to, she feels disgusted and weird about it.

Extra: Lilitus nickname is "Demon."

Still have issues with it but accepted

Amyline Voidra


( She was far bellow Omega so she didn't hold a seat of official rank )

Amyline Voidra



Demon ( Obsession )



Extremely skeptical yet a curious person. She's a hardworking, smart, and capable person. She's patient and refrains from talking if her input isn't needed. She can be pretty blunt and bold. She believes in honesty. She hates when her efforts aren't noticed at all. She can give good advice and inspires others to be themselves. She can be level headed and makes the decisions needed for the sake of others. Brave enough to jump head first into a death or death situation. Especially if it's for the sake of another. She has a big soft spot for the weak and is less lenient on the strong. Very kind in her own backwards way. Pretty humorous. ( First picture )

Though as timelines went on, Amy began to change drastically. Watching the group die before her eyes several times caused her to snap mentally and emotionally. This break last for several timelines and in these timelines she ended up killing the group off herself. There were other timelines in which she even committed suicide but her powers would activate and still throw her back. Once she reached a point of emptiness with nothing but her vile obsession for Demon driving her, the Reaper began making drastic changes. Instead of caring and being involved with the group, the Reaper decided to watch from afar, kill the divine and kids who stood in her way, and give up on caring for anyone but Demon. Amy is currently mentally ill and manipulative. Completely engrossed with Demon to the point in which her previous friendships with others don't matter. She's only pushing on for his survival under the pretense of wanting to save the group and humanity. Nigh-nihilistic, obsessed, and mentally broken are the three adjectives to what Amyline has turned into. Her obsession for Demon is something she uses as an attempt to ground herself and have motivation. ( Second Picture )


Amy had no original power of her own or skill. That was until she came into contact with a Selene's dead body. Amy can absorb the divinity from others if she comes into contact with their divinity. Since Amy is the child of Khaos she had no power or skill of her own. Most things did come out of Khaos, leaving it an empty void. Though what leaves the void can come back, which is why Amy can take in skills and divinity.

Only a specific child of time or fate can kill her. She's stuck in a time loop because the group keeps dying. Can't master all her powers.


In the first timeline, Amy was the weakest of the mercenaries. Most times she wasn't allowed to go on missions. Though if she was it was either a minor role or she became dead-weight. She annoyed most people due to her ruining most missions trying to prove she can do more than she was ordered to. Most times she questioned why she was apart of the group regardless of who her parent was. With no skill despite all of her training someone decided to help her out. Whether or not it was out of pity was little of concern, help was appreciated. Demon had taught her how to use a gun as well as other weapons. From then on she began hanging out with him, sharing stories about her past with the boy she slowly grew infatuated with. Near the end of the war the kids were invited by letter to participate in a theater within Japan. Japan being no-mans land even for the divine took the interest of the group, causing them to travel to the continent. Once they arrived they could see life...human life carrying on like normal upon the landmass. They found out why such a place was forbidden and what 'theater' really stood for. In the end of the forgotten struggle, the only one left alive was Amy. Having absorbed Selene's divinity a few days prior, they had proceeded to absorb both Demon and Umeko's. Starting the time-loop they're now cursed to repeat.
Slain Divine

Elder Kyklopses


Death Rattle: 6 shots magically reload. Silent gun. Penetrating bullets. Each bullet has a different cursed function and differs in stagger. 1) No stagger, painless. Makes the target hit glow to the Reaper like a walking bullseye. 2) No stagger, painless. Makes the hit organ or limb go completely numb. 3) Stagger, pain if not hit in numb section. Makes the area around bullet penetration rot. 4) Stagger, pain if not hit in numb section. Bullet combusts and will burn target if the bullet is not removed. 5) Very Heavy stagger, pain regardless of numb area. Makes the target bleed out rapidly. 6) Very heavy stagger, pain regardless of numb area. Makes the target slowly die over the course of 10 minutes unless the bullet is removed.
Gigante Mini: Can only hold 4 bullets. Explosive Stagger. Can fire single shots or more than one at the same time. Each bullet explodes upon contact. Semi-automatic, physical reload.
Kyklopes: 5 bullet. Physical reload. Heavy stagger. The closer the target is the weaker the bullets are. Bullets will bounce off with no stagger or damage done if it's up close. The farther away the target is and the more the scope is used for each shot, the higher the damage and stagger gets. Once far away the bullets will penetrate and stagger heavily.

Pirde and Envy: Semi-automatic pistols holding 15 bullets per pistol. Very minimal staggering power. Can only be loaded physically. Pride empowers the Reaper with each accurate shot while Envy cuts down the power of an enemy. Bullets are non-penetrating.​
Michael and Lucifer: Each can only be loaded with 6 bullets. Magical reload. Mild staggering power. Bullets from Michael burn and grow hotter with every shot, resetting the heat level once all 6 bullets are fired. The heat ranges from that of a fire to a kindler. Lucifer corrupts the target. Each bullet it fires scales the same way Michael does and resets once all 6 are fired. They corrupt on a scale of 1) Nausea. 2) Dead skin, boils, and puss. 3) Blood clot. 4) Hallucinations. 5) Despicable act inducement. 6) Sin inducement. Both non penetrating guns.
Olympian Crossfade: 6 bullets, magically reloads. Has the ability to steal the ability of the first person the gun shoots. Once another is shot their power is taken as well and switch. So victim #1 gets victim #2's power, vice versa. The affects are permanent until the gun is reloaded. The bullets have to penetrate the skin and will stay in the target. No stagger whatsoever.
Hyperion: Gun blade that has two different ways of firing. Magic reload. It's primary state of firing is a near absolute stagger spread shot. Much like a shotgun but with more reach and wider spread. In this state the bullets do not penetrate and fragment to pieces once they travel their maximum distance. It's secondary state has absolute Stagger and penetrates. All the bullets that spread condense together and fire as one large mass, a powerful bullet. It travels a far distance and will always stagger the hit victim so well they'll either drop to their knees or be blown back through a wall.

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