Aqueous Knight

I will ask a lot of you for character information, but I will be a fair judge and will help you when ever you need help so please ask me or anybody in the OOC if they are wiling to help~
Aspects and classes will be chosen by the unified choice of the group, your own opinion will be heavily considered but know that your character classpect will be decided by the general group consensus by your characters personality, interests and history~
Why am I doing this? Well I simply want to have lots of ideas tossed around by people who join and have people work hard together so we can form a close bond between player and character so we can have a long lasting Rp!
Here's the Character Sheet~
Name: your character's full name
Age: 12 - 16
Gender: What gender is your character and what pronouns do they use?
Color: what color does your character use and likes?
Personality: Two paragraphs at the minimum.
Likes: 1 - 10
Dislikes: 1 - 10
Fears: Can be as deep or shallow as you want it~
Appearance: Either use a Pic or a description.
Strife Specibus: What Weapon types does your character use? You can have to thee at first.
Fetch modus: What does your character use to hold all their junk?
Guardian: Who found you and your meteor then adopted you?
Title: Put your desired Classpect here first, but once we talked it over replace it with their true classpect~
Land: TBA once you have your classpect
Dream Moon: Prospit or Derse?
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