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Fandom Homebound: Act 1


Aqueous Knight


I will ask a lot of you for character information, but I will be a fair judge and will help you when ever you need help so please ask me or anybody in the OOC if they are wiling to help~

Aspects and classes will be chosen by the unified choice of the group, your own opinion will be heavily considered but know that your character classpect will be decided by the general group consensus by your characters personality, interests and history~

Why am I doing this? Well I simply want to have lots of ideas tossed around by people who join and have people work hard together so we can form a close bond between player and character so we can have a long lasting Rp!

Here's the Character Sheet~

Name: your character's full name

Age: 12 - 16

Gender: What gender is your character and what pronouns do they use?



Color: what color does your character use and likes?


Personality: Two paragraphs at the minimum.

Likes: 1 - 10

Dislikes: 1 - 10

Fears: Can be as deep or shallow as you want it~

Appearance: Either use a Pic or a description.

Strife Specibus: What Weapon types does your character use? You can have to thee at first.

Fetch modus: What does your character use to hold all their junk?

Guardian: Who found you and your meteor then adopted you?

Title: Put your desired Classpect here first, but once we talked it over replace it with their true classpect~

Land: TBA once you have your classpect

Dream Moon: Prospit or Derse?
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Name: Art Matthews

Age: 16

Gender: Male / He/him/his

Height: 5'5" with prosthetic legs

Weight: 86 Ibs

Color: Crimson Red

Chumhandle: crimsonGadgeteer

Personality: Art is a technical genius, and is more than capable to quickly learning how to operate advance machinery in mere moments after just looking over them. He is also a private person who only opens up to those he forms close relations with, often time needing some measure of personal space both on and offline which makes it hard for him to form said close bonds to get comfortable with people. But once you become Art friend he will do anything to keep you around and happy.

But outside of machinery he is overall just a creative person, which can result in him getting into trouble as he loves to slate his curiosity that his creativity forms, which often times results in him doing stupid shit to learn if his thoughts are true or not often leading into explosions and other dangerous stuff, ironic as he hates to get dirty and hates cleaning up the messes he creates doing his mythbusting. But his willingness to learn the truth is powerful and once he has his sights on the truth he will hound it down until he has it.

Likes: Painting, exercising, sports, Video games, Engineering, explosions, mythbusting! Technology

Dislikes: Phantom pains, failures, Mud, Blood, Sand, Water, being without his prosthetic legs, books

Fears: Being pitied by everybody

Appearance: Art is young man of unknown origins who has pale skin and has dark almost black messy hair with red highlights and red eyes. He has a thin yet strong frame which is good for machinery and fixing problems around his house. The biggest thing people notice about Art is his lack of legs which he lost after a severe accident six years before the Beta comes out, but the prosthetics that replace his legs are top notch and are always ready to go where Art needs to be.

Strife Specibus: Thwnknfkind, wrenchkind, bombkind

Fetch modus: Array Modus: For a kid who likes complex things he has such a simple modus, you were thinking of changing it.

Guardian: Auntie

Title: - TBA -

Land: TBA once you have your classpect

Dream Moon: Prospit
Name: Cade Greyny

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Height: 5'0

Weight: 87 Lbs

Color: Hot Pink

Chum handle: pillowNubber

Personality: Cade is as sweet as the candy he eats. He loves helping his fellow stuffed animals with there daily problems and always keeps them entertained with his hourly tea party. Always there to help, Cade never wants to see anyone in distress. Unless your his sworn enemy, then he'll laugh and kick dirt in your face. Cade loves altering between personalities, first being a lovely social person, always wanting to know what you ate last night. A perfectionist, keeping the stuffies in line. Or a helping hand, making sure you don't die.

But... if you get on his bad side, you better cover your ears. He will shower you with insults and names, making you want to die in a hole weeping. His words is his best weapon. Though, Cade is more of a support character. Keeping up the spirits of his friends with very bad jokes or very awkward conversations. His many interests include, stuffed animals, pillows, assorting his room, re-assorting his room, his varied collection of marionettes, tasting exotic foods, and especially CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Likes: Stuffed animals, candy, eating random things, marionettes, assorting and re-assorting room, masks, and insulting his assortment of clocks. (He actually named each one...)

Dislikes: Vegtables, Cats, Lying, Air conditioning, rebellions, being alone, sadness and death.

Fears: Running out of candy, Dying from air conditioning, and cats for president.

Appearance: (Wanna get a pic so bad, don't know how to get one D:) Cade has messy blonde hair with candy wrappers stuck inside. He wears a pink polo shirt with a clock in his pocket (just if he needs an insulting break) he wears err... Um... Purple polka dotted boxers as pants... And pink nikes to top it off. He also where's a purple scarf. He is quite skinny and short for his age. But probably the most recognizable thing on his body is his face. He has black giant glasses that cover his already memorizing eyes. The alter between green, blue, red, purple, pink, ... ... ... AANNND were back. So if he took off his glasses you'd probably be in a permanent trance. Not to mention his vibrating body (is that normal?) He has pale white skin and that's it folks! We done describing this poor child. Ta-da!

Strife Specibius: CitizenKind, InsultKind, and ClockKind

Fetch modus: Taste Modus, you must describe the taste of the object you want, then it will appear (if you hate this idea, I can change it)

Guardian: Sis

Title: TBA

Land: TBA once you have your classpect

Dream Moon: Prospit

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Name: Bill Jonson

Age: 13

Gender: Male; he/his/him

Height: 5'8

Weight: 126

Color: Sky Blue

Chumhandle: hoodedTitan

Personality: Two paragraphs at the minimum.

Likes: 1 - 10

Dislikes: 1 - 10

Fears: Can be as deep or shallow as you want it~

Appearance: Either use a Pic or a description.

Strife Specibus: Spatulakind, later gets golfclubkind

Fetch modus: Morse Code; His Modus has three buttons on the back, which are "." "-" and "EJECT" Captchalouging an item causes the Modus to beep in Morse Code, and Bill has to use the first two buttons in the order of the code, "." being short, "-" being long, to get the item.

Guardian: Uncle

Title: I prefer Thief or Rouge of Mind, but anything else is good.

Land: TBA once you have your classpect

Dream Moon: TBA when class is chosen.

(I'll fill the second part later, the one with personality. I'm on a phone, and that'll take way too long.)
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Web Browser




    Probably starting with that picture.

    Basic Info

    Basic Info
    So, you need my info?
    Alright. My name's James Ableton, I'm 14, and I'm male. My hacking big sis is my guardian.
    What did she hack?
    Some stupid sites, like MS Paint Adventures & RPNation
    She also makes music & stuff. She made me a theme and everything (:3)
    Oh, cool. Do you have a link or anything


    I tend to send alot of files, for games and such.
    A Cynical jokester with a very sarcastic sense of humor. Also a tad bit of a nihilist, but he tries not to go overboard. A bit of a nerd, has an unbearable hatred for the Linux operating system even though it's the logical option, and will rant for hours. He is the most mild liberal in the history of ever and rarely panics, but when he does, he's dead meat. He likes to attack from a range, as his fear of death overshadows his fear of life. Also tends to ramble.

    He's far from a cinnamon roll. He hesitates when making tough decisions in battle, but hesitates to think more when following orders from a leader. Tends to use logic more than emotion. Will mentally break down under a large amount of pressure or if talked about various things. A trapmaster more than a hacker, though. The hacker is another member of the group.

    Likes: Japes, Puzzles, Debates, Humor, Cynicism, Logic, Video Games, Anime, Chocolate Mochas

    Dislikes: Linux, Grammar mistakes that are easily fixed, 13375P34K

    Fears: Snakes, Shears, Bringing up the neverinding pain he suffers day in and day out from living on this spinning rock in space...
    Strife and Modus
    Strife Specibus: Cardkind, Staplerkind, Legokind

    Fetch modus: A Tetris modus or Deck modus depending on his mood.

    The Tetris modus has a row for each item you need to clear. The Deck modus has a card for each item and is simple to use unless you shuffle it.
    Pref Title:Knight of Space

    Land: TBA once you have your classpect

    Dream Moon: Derse

    Sorry for any image errors, I'm completely new to Web Design.

    A lot of the info will probs be outdated by the time someone checks this to make my biography, but I'll try my best to keep it updated. When I'm not playing the Sburb beta I'm getting, that is. I'll probably have a ton of video links to my let's play of this series. It'll be the first series on my YouTube channel, I'm so exited (^.^)

    Let's Play SBURB

    Data not found.

    Send New Email
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    Re: Sburb Beta

    Hey! So, about that Sburb beta. I take it you need my info? Just in case, I've attached it above.

    Hope it helps (^.^)

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