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Realistic or Modern When I Met Her.


New Member
I met her on the edge. She was on the edge, not me. Of a bridge I mean. It feels like it should be a metaphorical bridge but it wasn’t. It really should have been. That would have made it 10x easier to walk away. I wouldn’t look like an asshole for walking away if it was metaphorical. But how do you walk away from someone standing on the edge of a bridge, looking very determined to jump off of said bridge? The quick answer: you don’t. Any rational person would get them to get away from the edge right? Mhm. But am I any rational person? No. I am a 5’3 chubby package of board games and red flags. I should have walked away. But the kid on the edge? Oh yea. She’s the real nutcase.

Vienna Vi. That’s me. The girl on the edge? Shit. I don’t even know her name…
Hi this role-play sounds interesting! When I saw it I was like Ooo! I'm big time into romance and this seems like a romantic type role-play? Even if its not I'd still like to role-play with you! If you're thinking about saying yes just shoot back at me and we can discuss this together! If it's still open that is!
Sorry I'm kinda new here in rp-nation and I'm still struggling my way around here! How do I DM someone?

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