When Heaven Meets Hell~


a sad lil bean


Mayor Herus: I will play this role c: {Not main.}

Female: Aaron @IndiePrincess

Female: Hunter

Male: Graves

Male: Rhett
@Evil Ephemera

Demons: {Nickname for people of Infernus}

Female: Acacia Rose {Me}

Female: Alexa

Male: Knight

Male: Danny

You may play a max of 2 characters: Opposite genders.


{Insert Full Name Here}

{Appearance: Real and gif ONLY.}

{Name} is {age} and {gender} from {town}. Their favorite thing to do is {hobby: graffiti art is taken} and they like {likes} and dislike {dislikes}. They're known for being {personality traits}. Their greatest fear is {fear}.

{Insert a brief history here.}


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Jane Aaron Shawn (goes by Aaron)


Aaron is a 17 year old girl from the small town of Caelum. She's know as the artsy girl who gets in trouble for daydreaming on a regular basis, and is never without her cherished camera. She likes music, dancing, and photography, and dislikes uptight people, polo shirts, and the color yellow. Her greatest fear is being stuck in Caelum her entire life.

Aaron's parents died when she was a baby in a car crash, so she was raised by her godparents, who have a son the same age as her (she refers to him as her brother). She took on their last name, but her biological surname is Matthews. She's plays five instruments: guitar, piano, drums, bass, and cello, and writes music in her free time. Aaron doesn't have many friends, nor does she party or go to other social events; not that she wants it that way, though. She wishes she had friends, real friends, or at the very least people who wouldn't judge her for being herself. That isn't easy to find in Caelum though, so she keeps her head down and endures. So long as she keeps her grades up and acts properly in public no one suspects that she isn't the perfectly happy little girl. She uses a secret compartment in her closet to store the clothes she isn't aloud to wear, or even own, in Caelum. Not that she has anywhere to wear them, besides - though she wouldn't dare sneak out to go there - Infernus. But hey, storms have a way of changing things...

Aaron's family - minus her, because she wasn't feeling well - went on a boating trip around the island the day of the storm. She hasn't heard from them since before they left. She's also not gotten word of their bodies being found on the island or the mainland, but she assumes that they are dead.

We all have demons...
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Alexa Mary-Anne Rushton


Alexa is 18 and a girl from Infernus. Their favorite thing to do is gymnastics and they like thunderstorms and mythology. They dislike needles and birds. They're known for being insecure, caring and independent. Their greatest fear is being alone.

Alexa's parents never cared for her much, as was usual for the people of Infernus. She grew up craving love from her friends and family, but she got none. This caused her to be the way she is, insecure yet independent. She can be a bit rude at times, but rarely, as she never wanted to be like her parents.

We all have Demons..

Name:Hunter Mace

Gender: girl

Looks: very long brown hair and green icy blue eyes and tan <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.f02ce422ccb18af2a839cfc0ab8c62be.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16541" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.f02ce422ccb18af2a839cfc0ab8c62be.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.01cf1c54b82bd51acfb51e8c3ef31813.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16542" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.01cf1c54b82bd51acfb51e8c3ef31813.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.64a353d3e44e75a585ba8133f4c28bd7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16543" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.64a353d3e44e75a585ba8133f4c28bd7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hunter Mace is 19 and female from Caelum . Their favourite thing to do is ride horses, listen to music, sing, hunt and do everything reckless and they like drugs, smoking, parties, being a rebel, doing reckless things and dislikes snobs, rich girls, pink, chickens and vegetables They're known for being reckless, crazy, gorgeous, hot, party animal, equestrian Their greatest fear is sharks

Hunters parents died committing suicide when she was 13. They had jumped off a 30 story building into fire. She lived with older Caleum rebel teens and still dose. She has never had a good life so she drugs her self just to live her life high so there's no worries. She feels helpless and lost but won't let her dark side show. Only her high side.

We All Have Demons.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.8f4508a4e4924b9ac1e165dc1408dd48.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16546" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.8f4508a4e4924b9ac1e165dc1408dd48.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Knight is 19 and male from Infernus. Now you might be thinking "really Knight" but that was what his mother named him, says that he saved her life when he was born, showing her happiness. Her knight in shining armor. Now passed, he holds that name a treasure to him of no other. Now more of a dark night then anything.

His favorite thing to do is to draw. Truly he is amazing at it, even though he doesn't seem like one to draw. Yet drawing isn't the only thing he enjoys, he loves the night sky, always wonders what could be up there. He also loves to swim.( there is a lot more he like but you just need to figure it out)

What he dislike is fights on the other hand. He will not stand for them, usually breaks them up or fights in them. Acting as a leader to most, no one messes with him. And who would, I mean, he is 6.6 feet tall, has muscles like no other, and a voice that can be deadly to most.

Knight stands out to most, he is known for being a leader, is very protective, andExtremely brave. He does have a rebel side to him, so he's not always good. Showing why people think of him not as a shining knight but a dark knight. One that will do what is right most of the time. But overall is a good person inside. He is kind and charming but only to few. And romantic when he wants to be, caring as well. He does what he believes must be done no matter the consequence, yet he is always there to help. But above all he is loyal, and would never leave someone behind.

His greatest fear is to loose his loved ones, when his mothered died, he didn't know what to do. But he slowly figured it out, and came to realize his biggest fear was to the ones he loved. He can care less about him self, being in pain, or even getting himself hurt, even killed. He would do anything for his loved ones, anything.

Name: Knight

(doesn't have a last name, his mother never told him)

He lives alone now. His family passed a few years ago. His mother was the only one left.


Tan, brown ash hair, white teeth, great smile, grey eyes.

Height: 6,6.

Weight/body shape: great shape, very muscular.

Town: Infernus

Age: 19

Gender: Male

We all have Demons..



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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? s ? ? ? ?

Rhett is eighteen and male from Caelum. His favorite thing to do is play the drums and he likes eating/cooking food and dislikes uncomfortable situations. He's known for being a bit on the awkward side, but he still tries to have fun and is just overall generally a nice guy. Their greatest fear is pain, both physical and emotional.


Rhett never really many friends growing up. Despite his looks now, as a child, Rhett wasn't exactly the most good-looking guy on the block. And with his already awkward personality and impaired social skills, making friends was always a challenge he consistently managed to fail. Kids in elementary school wouldn't want to play with him because they believed ugliness could rub off on others, while preteens in middle school didn't even acknowledge his existence.

Loneliness had become the norm for Rhett.

Then puberty came. Haha, and boy was puberty good to him. After coming back to school in after summer in the later years of high school, some people couldn't even recognize the boy. Of course, his awkward personality remained, but what was viewed as, "weird" just a couple of months before was now viewed as "cute and funny" among girls. People started approaching Rhett and hanging out around him. If it wasn't for the way he had been treated before, he probably would've been glad to befriend them all, but the fact that they only liked him for the way he looked didn't make him feel good about himself, but instead he felt sick inside.

Even though people began to accept him, nothing changed. Nobody liked him for him.

Loneliness was still the norm for Rhett.

We all have demons...

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Daniel (Goes by Danny) Theler

Danny is 18 and male from Infernus.

His favorite thing to do is walk on the beach.

He likes parties, Jack Daniels, rainy days, the beach, walking and mangoes. He dislikes white wine, annoying people, beets, and "people who stuff religion down your throat."

He's known for being rebellious, fun-loving, and immature. His greatest fear is losing someone else.

All Danny has ever cared about is his little sister, Angela. When their father was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder a year ago, he became very violent, resulting in Danny's move from his home, taking Angela with him. They were on their own the whole rest of the time. Danny knows how important an education is, so he tried his best in tutoring Angela and taking care of her so she could stay healthy. The only thing he was concerned about was her well-being. When the accident happened on the island, Angela got lost, and was counted as dead when they did the final census. Danny doesn't care about much now.


we all have demons...

Graves Gilchrist

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Latest-Trendy-Teenager-Messy-Boys-Long-Short-Hairstyles-Fashion-2013-6.jpg.788d1aa8fae4352d197202f36997e383.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16578" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/Latest-Trendy-Teenager-Messy-Boys-Long-Short-Hairstyles-Fashion-2013-6.jpg.788d1aa8fae4352d197202f36997e383.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name/Nomen: Graves Gilchrist

Age: 18


Hair Color:Black and Blue

Height: 6'2

Weight: 205

Sport of Choice: Sailing, Crew, and Football.

Instrument of Choice: Baritone Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, and Baritone.


Hobby:Marine, and Auto mechanic

Likes: Working by himself, The ocean, Fishing, The beach, Metal music, Jazz, Storms.

Dislike: Being landlocked, Videogames, Being indoors, Classical music, Unbreakable rules.

Personality: Grave's enjoys working on his own being a free-lancing worker. When he's not working his taking a boat out for " Testing", to get away from the difficulty of Caelum's rules. When he's not working, or busy Grave's enjoys spending time with his friends, whom feel the same way he does about Caelum. While he's not a big partier, just getting away is better than being held down.

Fear: Fear of being away from water.

History: From a young age Graves was always near the water. Both his mother, and father were part of the US navy thus allowing him to travel while he was young. When it came time for his parents to make the decision to either keep moving around or settling down they took to obvious decision. Grave's mother Ashley was a Key West native, and Grave's father was from Caelum. Since both of his parents were still current active duty military, and Since Grave's was now a Senior in High school, it was decided he'd graduate from Caelum High. After his time being a Naval brat, Grave's picked up several different hobbies, many good, and useful. While other the people of Caelum frown on. One being his natural knack or motorized vehicle both marine, and auto. After begging his parents they allowed Graves to open his own auto-port, and to live on his own. Due to Caelum's strict rules it made working quite difficult. After finding some ways around the school problems, he's made a name for himself within the marine mechanic's world. However even with all his experience, and success one thought dwindles in the back of his mind " We all have demons, who has the worst of them.."

We all have Demons...



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Acacia Rose Winters

"The Adrenaline Junkie"


Acacia is 18 and female from Infernus. Her favorite thing to do is graffiti art, tagging buildings and she likes boys, flirting, indie music, bands, graffiti art, heights, adrenaline, and Jack Daniels and dislikes prudes, Caels, hip hop, classical music, people who are afraid of everything, rules, and girly girls. She's known for being spontaneous, rebellious, rash, cool and slow to anger, witty and funny, sarcastic, confident, and an adrenaline junkie. Her greatest fear is commitment.


Acacia grew up in Infernus, never knowing her parents. Her guardian and only known relative was her good-for-nothing drunk uncle, who died during the hurricane. This isn't a huge loss for her, as they didn't get along, and she didn't care for him. She had to work for everything she wanted, getting no help from her uncle or anyone else. In the meantime, she became very close with the other Demons.

Her whole childhood, people told her what she could and couldn't do, so she just snapped eventually. Now, she does whatever she wants to do, and never walks away from a challenge. The more of an adrenaline rush she gets, the better. From illegal activity to jumping off a cliff, she loves it all.

She doesn't care much about Caels, doesn't hate them or like them. Acacia tries to think positive about the merging of towns.

Her kind of Street Art


Mayor Richard Herus

"Call me Herus, please."


Mayor Herus is 42 and male from Caelum. Their favorite thing to do is work, work, work and they like making rules, control, order, organization, Caelum, and the color brown and dislike teenagers (although he won't admit to it), Infernus, disorder, and rebels. They're known for being controlling, organized, hot-tempered, fearless, and responsible. Their greatest fear is uprising.

Richard Herus grew up like any other typical Cael, with loving parents and caring neighbors. But somehow, he always felt so out of control, like his life wasn't his after all. After realizing this, he vowed to always have control, order, and calmness. He became Mayor of Caelum after his father passed away (his father was Mayor before him) when he was 31.

Hey, I mixed up Caelum and Infernus. I meant for my chara to be from Infernus (hell). Is there a possible way I can edit my chara and change it to Infernus? Sorry about the confusion >.<

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