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Fantasy When Heaven has fallen


Lord of Snow
God has abandon Heaven and now all the angels fall to earth. The demons are angry for all the torture they had to endure because of the angels so now they are taking their revenge against the weakened angels. you choose Between the five factions.

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Starter post

Azazel walked through the hell gate his body changing from his demon form to his human "I really hate this place" he mumbled to himself and walked into the town, as soon as he got near people he put a bright smile on his face and waved at people he recognized from his last visits. he hated acting human but it was the only way to fool the angels before he could rip them apart

@Jack of Cloves @Aleatorem @ZeldaFeb @FadeAway
Kaneis sat on his bed wrapping the gaping mouth that he had on his chest, this being the first time in the human world for an Angel hunt he could not control his excitement. After a few hours of heavy bandaging he was ready to go out and head into the human world, once out of the gate he heads strait to the nearest shopping district and blends into a crowd on a near by bench.
As the sun fell a night started to creep upon him Azazel went to the top of his apartment building that he used when he stayed in the human world as he walked to the edge his body became engulfed in purple flames, as the flame dissipated Azazel was in his demon form his black wings fanning out behind him as his Black boots thumped the ground. He made it to the edge and stopped to look at the sky "ah what a perfect night for killing some disgusting pigs known as humans" he let out a demonic laugh and his eyes glowed Purple before he jumped off spreading his wings and flying over the town looking for a tasty sin filled soul to eat.
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It's been roughly 24 hours since she's fallen on to Earth. Frankly, her emotions were all over the place and she could hardly keep her fear of being found in. Every angel knew that they had to take on a human form and hide their angelic presence in the hopes that maybe they can return to Heaven. She walked up to the bathroom mirror and watched as her onyx black wings shed into dust which she flushed down the toilet. Her silvery white hair darkened into a light chestnut hue and her cloudy white eyes faded into a light amethyst shade. She then walked up to the balcony of the apartment building whose landlord was kind enough to let her stay in for the night. The sun dipped under the horizon and the sky blotted with the deadly nightshade. Night is when the demons are at their strongest. She sighed from the thought.

Yesterday I was Cheytire Temnil," she brushed away the remnants of her feathers before watching the stars dot the night sky, "But from this day on, my name is Ava Dallas."

She hopped down the steps of her apartment and headed for the city for a quick snack. The clothes she found in the apartment had a decent amount of money in them and she was hungry. '
I wonder what delicacies these humans are fond of,' her mouth watered at the thought as she entered the district.

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Vesom was alone at night, walking through the night on his bare feet. He had no place to go. He decided it would be the perfect time to kill, to decide someone's fate. He quickly hides in an alleyway. As he turns he scratches the wall, and lets out a soft scream. Almost like a scream of pain. He was not use to transforming to a human form. He has finally reached his true form, as he lets out a evil laugh. He quickly pulls his dagger from his sheath, and ready to kill. "Blood, must have blood," he whispers to himself. Maybe he will run into another demon on his killing spree.
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Sayurn put her bag down, looking out her window from her apartment. The sun was fading, the time to fear the demons was starting, which would last until the sun rise.

However, she never showed this fear as best as she could. Though Sayurn was weakened and wasn't as powerful as when heaven still existed, she still went out to try to protect the humans in the night. The demons would take any human they pleased, and the best way to stop them was to put up a fight. Her weak and tired state wouldn't stop her.

Sayurn hoped she would get lucky and not come across blood-thirsty demons, but right as she left her apartment, she already heard her first sign of one. She narrowed her eyes in disgust, and partially out of worry about how strong she could be in a fight right now.

All in order, she heard a soft cry of pain, a menacing laugh, and a whisper intended to do harm (@Aleatorem ). Not turning into the alleyway yet, she sighed, and let her angel side out. Her pearl white wings grew out like tree limbs on her back, folded up against her. She had only brought her long, bladed spear this time, but if she went back to her apartment to get her arrows, she would surely be too late.

With her spear gripped in one hand and her new white hair flowing as she walked, she turned the corner into the alleyway, being met with the demon only fifteen feet away, "What a surprise to see a pig out at night. Looking for your humans?" She mocked.
"Hah! You angels are so pathetic, thinking you can defeat us demons at night. We are more stronger than you will ever know, and what a pity that you're all alone. I will make you bleed," grinning with an evil smile. He then flips his dagger into position ready to attack the angel. (@ZeldaFeb)
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as Azazel flew above he felt the presence of an angel "oh this should be fun" he smirked and flapped his wings sending him downwards at the area were he sensed the angel, he stayed in the darkness when he saw the angel fighting a demon he gave a loud laugh and flapped his wings to keep him in a floating position "Well isn't this funny an angel fighting a demon at night when we are stronger the sense in that is....delicious" he called down from the darkness all that could be seen is his glowing purple eyes

@Aleatorem @ZeldaFeb
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Sayurn became distracted, noticing the demon lord (@FrostXShadow) overhead. She locked eyes with his glowing eyes. Trying her best not to be fazed, Sayurn growled, rolling her eyes and setting the bottom of her spear on the ground, "Looking for blood too, ugly?"

She stepped forward some, letting her wings whip out to a neutral state, five to ten feet out on either side of her. She could try her best to escape if needed in this state.

"Two against one? I like this." She said half sarcastic, feeling annoyed. She looked back towards the regular demon (@Aleatorem), remembering what he had said, she responded, "Pathetic? Says you? The only thing you have to feast on is humans; without them, you're nothing." She advanced her bladed spear, pointing towards the demon, ready to attack if needed. At the same time, she knew she wasn't strong with a demon lord and demon against her. Nonetheless, she persevered, "I'd like to see you try to make me bleed; my blood would be an honor for someone like you to see."
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"Vestom starts to shake as Demon Lord Azazel appears. (@FrostXShadow) Lovely night isn't it, Azazel? Except for this pathetic angel wanting to ruin my fun," He said with a shake in his voice.

"You think it's a honor to see an angels blood? It's hideous!" He shouted towards the angel. (@ZeldaFeb) "Enough talk," he then begins to stance himself for a quick dash for the angels arm, and a dash he made. He then quickly retreats back to the Demon lord still in his stance.
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Azazel gave a laugh "oh your a feisty one aren't you but then again all you angels are" he said flapping his wings he floated down next to Vestom he snickered when he realized Vestom was shaking from Azazel's presence. he looked towards the angel "now i'm feeling nice today so I will give you 5 seconds to flap your wings and fly away before I tear your wings off" he tilted his head and gave a toothy grin showing his fangs "your choice" he held five fingers and began to countdown "4.."

@ZeldaFeb @Aleatorem
Having it turn night time I slowly shifted into my neutral demon form and blended into the crowd silently walking looking for something to entertain himself with. After walking past a few stores and got to a place where the humans were minimal I feel a blast of energy, both angelic and demonic surge from a few blocks away. "A fight must have broken out" I muse, "How exciting, having it been only my first night out here too~" Taking off into the direction I plan on making sure to get my self a nice spot for my new found entertainment.
Azazel felt the presence of a new demon he flapped his wings and flew up seeing if he could see where the demon was coming from

he saw a rather high level demon heading towards the alley from far away "ah a newcomer" he snickered and floated back down towards the angel and Vestom, he held out his hand and his famous scythe appeared

@Jack of Cloves @ZeldaFeb @Aleatorem
As Chey turned a corner from the city, a malicious aura began emanating from a certain part outside the borders of the city. She knew that only great demons could give off such a powerful aura and it made her cautious. She then began following it but stopped before she heard the cackles of different life forms. The aura of an angel reached her senses as she leaned on a pillar, throwing around a knife and snickering. "Sayurn..?" she tilted her head as the familiar angelic presence brought back memories to her consciousness. "Looks like you got some trouble here huh?" She shrugged her shoulders amused at the entire situation and keen to remain out of the fight. She eyed the different demons and raised her hands in a defensive stance, "Please continue. Don't mind me... I won't attack you unless you attack me."

@ZeldaFeb @FrostXShadow @Aleatorem
Azazel spun his scythe and looked over to the new angel "oh goodie a two for one special my favorite" he gave a demonic laugh and his toothy grin appeared once again "might as well get ready to fight little angel because your soul smells pretty tasty" he said his eyes glowed a bright purple and purple flames flickered

@FadeAway @ZeldaFeb @Aleatorem @Jack of Cloves
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Asriel had been wandering the streets for what seemed like forever, it had been nearly twenty-four hours and he was still unable to find out which city he was currently in. His head was throbbing and he was extremely paranoid about being found out. He constantly looked over his shoulder and peeked around street and building corners, checking for any signs of demons or other angels. Of course, he was already in his human form, but he couldn't help but feel like he looked suspicious. He knew how humans were, and how they could get when they found someone suspicious. He honestly didn't even know what he was looking for anymore, he was just searching for something, anything.

At this point, Asriel needed to see another angel, as he felt he was alone. All he could see was humans and their souls, he was unable to see angel or demon souls so there was no telling them apart. This was making his head hurt more, he couldn't risk being found by a demon, not when he was in such a weak state. He approached an alleyway, with voices coming from down the way, he peeked around the corner to observe the situation that the voices had drawn him to.

[@ Anyone]
Azazels eyes darted towards an angel soul that he could smell peaking around the corner "well well well you angels just come in packs don't you" he pointed his scythe towards the angel, his eyes widened a little " your an Archangel" he could tell because looking at the guys soul it was much brighter than the other angels "which one are you huh....Light maybe...perhaps war?" he yelled out to the Archangel peeking around the corner

@child of satan
Asriel mentally smacked himself for being so obvious, he timidly stepped out from around the corner. He smiled at the demon "Possibly, although I've never actually seen an angel pack before." He laughed a bit walking closer to his accuser " Why yes! I am, but I'm the Archangel of Death. I don't believe we've met before," Asriel couldn't begin to comprehend exactly what he was doing. His 'God' taught him to be kind to every living being, but did that really include demons? His head still ached for reasons he couldn't explain, maybe it was clouding his judgement?

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Azazel flapped his wings and floated pass the other two angels and floated right in front of the Archangel "Archangel of Death huh...tell me something Grim reaper How was your fall to this godforsaken planet that your 'god' created. he gave a smirk "I wonder what type of powers you have" he opened his left hand and purple flames blazed to life

@child of satan

From the pitch black skies and the dark clouds immersed an immensely bright golden sun colored ray. The ray hit on a spot in front of the two angels. In a moment, the ray disappeared and from it, emerged Malthael, the Architect of Light.

He stood like a tower in front of the two angels , hovering over the others with his white robes and black face. His blue tentacle like wings flowing in mid air.

"Heaven has fallen. The sun has not. But demons are getting naughty." Malthael spoke, eyeing the weapons the demons had taken out. He then saw Asriel, the Archangel of Death with the few Demon Lords around.
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" It wasn't very pleasant-" he watched as the demon rose above him and the other beings. " Uh well, I don't have a lot-" he knew what kind of trouble he was getting himself into, and it wasn't good. 'Why couldn't I have just kept walking?' he thought to stumble back a few steps, he was in no condition fight, he was still weak from the fall and his head wasn't helping. 'Lord, I should've kept walking.' He quickly looked around, searching for something to cut himself with. His eyes landed on a rusty knife sitting on the ground, " Oh God." He made a dash for the knife, there was no way he'd make it. But he needed his scythe and he needed it now.

@FrostXShadow @MrPotato
I hover near the rusted knife and see you rushing a it, so I also go towards it only to pick it up and tease, "Oh my, what have we here? Do you really think you can fight a demon with a rusty knife? Or are you really just that stupid?" I wave the knife between my fingers for a while
Azazel sighed "Pathetic" he looked back when he saw a giant beam of light form and a man coming out of it he scoffed "another Archangel..but then again your stronger aren't you Malthael" he called the Archangel by his name "so this is the legendary Archangel of Light" he looked at Malthael up and down "you don't look that special your probably weak from the fall" he snickered he flapped his wings sending him a little higher he out reached his hand and His purple flames erupted shooting a giant vortex of purple flames towards Malthael

@MrPotato @Jack of Cloves @child of satan

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