[When Dreams End] The Road Less Traveled

After the search of the keep and other examinations it is nearly evening. The sun would set within the hour. This was the time for second thoughts about staying here for the night. As the air cooled, a light mist rose from the river at the bast of the hill, though of the mundane sort. The village lights began to come on one by one and soon the streets below were empty.

A stillness hung over the land, bereft of the normal noises of birds or insects.
"We should probably withdraw to a safe distance and see if we can observe the effects of the fog up close. Hopefully we'll get a better idea of what we're dealing with." Said Kesh to the others, moving away from the fog at a steady pace.
Aoshi ticks her head to the side. "I think the Castle may very well be safe- we should go to it, and observe from there, for the first night- then investigate the castle after resting, and go from what we have gathered at that point. The Castle is.... let it be said, for now, that I simply do not doubt that it was created by a mage of high order- I can explain more later."
"If you think the risk is worth taking, then by all means, let us climb to the top and watch this fog's magic unfold." Said Kesh, politely gesturing for them to lead.
Let's explore the castle! There might be some awesome stuff inside! Kaori was nearly jumping in excitement, hoping the others agree to.
About an hour after sundown a wind begins to blow. It is cool at first, but begins to grow warmer. After it has been blowing an hour it feels as warm as a desert breeze. That is when the fog comes. It rolls over and down the hills like a waterfall, a bank as wide as the eye can see.

Slowly it begins to rise, covering the town and the lower hill until it looks like an ocean, and your hill and the ones farther toward the mountains stand like islands. Then it just sort of... sits, neither rising further nor retreating.

The lights of Northford are visible through the fog as is the faint shape of the river. It seems the strange fog is not particularly thick.
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"Interesting." Muttered Kesh as he watched the fog. "What say you, sorceress? What magic can you see from this fog?" He asked Analise.

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