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Fantasy When Darkness Fails And Light Conquers The End Will Come

Elizabeth made a show of looking at her watch. It was getting late, and she wasn't keen on staying outside.

"I've never performed an exorcism before... might be fun. I've never believed in this kind of stuff, but given the circumstances I'm not sure what to think." She looked directly into Dark's eyes, and grew to pity him.

"I guess we should at least figure out who you, make sure this isn't dangerous." She tilted her head. "If this was your childhood home, is there anyone we could talk to inside?"
" It wasent... its my most recent home... and no, no ones in here "
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"Well," she laughed. "We clearly have some things to figure out. Like how you went about defeating the previous master, I bet there's a good story there." She zipped her jacket to the neck and wrapped her arms around her stomach.

"Gluttony, is it true what they say about vampires?" She withdrew a bag of candy from her backpack and placed a piece on her tongue. "You can't enter a place without asking?"
"There we are!" she exclaims. "Memories! What does Ninjitsu training entail? Shuriken throwing, Katana whacking, all that?"
"Right... I envisioned mochi eating contests or something." she shuffled in place. "What was this organisation intended to turn you into? Obviously, you acquired some skills there but I'm not sure on what it was for."
"No, we can go where we please. We don't sparkle in sunlight, the sun doesn't kill us, we have reflections, wooden stakes don't kill us, it's actually very hard to truly kill a vampire, and we're not cannibals".
" well your still technically a human, just one that is under a subclass of geneticly changed geans, even if you weren't human your still a humoniod figure and it thus would still be cannibalistic... " I take a deep breth
"Hey, being a humanoid doesn't necessarily make me a cannibal. Are we going to call lions cannibals because they eat other four legged creatures? And sure there are certain traits that are similar between vampires and humans but in the end we're still different from humans. Our genes are incompatible, you can't have both human and vampire parents". Gluttony scoffs "and I think I know my own species better than you do, pal".
"So what if you knew the first, I used to be the top researcher of one of the most renowned vampire families. I've delved into everything about our kind. I uncovered the best way to kill a vampire. I know more about vampires than even the leader of our family. Don't you dare think for a second that you know more about us than we do. Because you can't even conceive what we truly are until you are one".
Elizabeth looked towards the sky. "That's boring... I was hoping you would want to help count all this rice I've been carrying around."

When they began to argue, she tilted her head back and closed her eyes. She decided to avoid getting in the middle of it, hoping they would get it over it at least. She mentally assessed her situation, and considered her options.

"If I stay with these guys, I run the risk of being killed by a lunatic or sucked dry." She scanned the horizon. "But if I leave, I could only hope to find a group before I get eaten. And they'll probably be just as dysfunctional, but maybe..."

Her train of thought was derailed by the sudden increase in volume.

She grabbed Dark's wrist and spoke to him as gently as she could. "Dark,I know you've been through a lot, but that's no reason to antagonize people. It doesn't matter who knows more, all that matters is we stay sa-"

Elizabeth saw a figure approach from the shadows, followed by several others. Elizabeth shouted a greeting, but she saw their eyes and was fully aware it was worthless. She extended her pistol and prepared to fire.

"Let's save the Biology talk for later."
"Oh look, friendly people" he adds in quite a bit of sarcasm. He then gets in a fighting position, bringing out his silver knuckles. "Try not to waste your ammo, these guys don't look tough enough that you have to use it."
" you want a demonstration? " I say " than heres one... " a large sword appears in my hand " stand back! " i rush in to the group swinging and killing and you knowtice that all my hits slice the head off and in half, i finish 30 seconds later " there... now where was I...?"

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