When Darkness Beckons...


New Member

When Darkness Beckons - A Fantasy RP

The flickering darkness, the casting flame, the touch of light...


I decided to make a fantasy themed roleplay, except I would like to make the one fun, but mature and serious.


The world of Galadamish (Ga-la-da-mish) is being destroyed, bit by bit, town by town, city by city. A dark force has swept over the lands, no one knows where it can from or who summoned the evil. What people do know, though, is that Galadamish is on the brink of extinction.

The king has been assassinated and all hell has broken loose. Riots spread through the land, food is getting sparse and the amount of soldiers are dropping.

Nearly the whole of Galadamish has been destroyed, except for the lands of Agash, a wealthy land guarded by the most superior of forces. Here, in the heart of Agash lies the story of a group of adventurers who's life's will change forever. The remaining survivors have been locked in the church, surrounded by knights and anyone (Over 30) willing to help defend the lands.

Here in a this church is a glimpse of hope... Some help... The darkness won't stop, it will just keep stabbing... And stabbing...

Welcome to the roleplay of shadows and fire, welcome to the beckoning darkness that shines.


Hopefully you know everything about this rp now, I will make the first post below. If you have any questions or queries, send me a private message.

Gandal's eyes flickered open to reveal hundreds of people, chattering, sobbing, crying. He had no family, they were taken away by the monsters. Vicious things the monsters were, some of them were skeletons, some were - Gandal erased the though quickly, lifting him self to his feet. For the past five hours, he had been sleeping on the floor of the church.

He stretched two beefy arms, cracked his knuckles and pushed through the mob of people until he reached the front of the church. This part wasn't as full, luckily. In front of Gandal was a wooden altar and a large array of candles, flickering in the breeze, dancing in the wind. Gandal knelt, slapping his two hands together as he projected his thoughts.

God, hopefully you can save us from this outbreak, this plague. Please take care of my family. God help us...

Gandal rose to his feet, holding back a torrent of tears.
dragonborn99 said:

When Darkness Beckons - A Fantasy RP

The flickering darkness, the casting flame, the touch of light...


I decided to make a fantasy themed roleplay, except I would like to make the one fun, but mature and serious.


The world of Galadamish (Ga-la-da-mish) is being destroyed, bit by bit, town by town, city by city. A dark force has swept over the lands, no one knows where it can from or who summoned the evil. What people do know, though, is that Galadamish is on the brink of extinction.

The king has been assassinated and all hell has broken loose. Riots spread through the land, food is getting sparse and the amount of soldiers are dropping.

Nearly the whole of Galadamish has been destroyed, except for the lands of Agash, a wealthy land guarded by the most superior of forces. Here, in the heart of Agash lies the story of a group of adventurers who's life's will change forever. The remaining survivors have been locked in the church, surrounded by knights and anyone (Over 30) willing to help defend the lands.

Here in a this church is a glimpse of hope... Some help... The darkness won't stop, it will just keep stabbing... And stabbing...

Welcome to the roleplay of shadows and fire, welcome to the beckoning darkness that shines.


Hopefully you know everything about this rp now, I will make the first post below. If you have any questions or queries, send me a private message.

Gandal's eyes flickered open to reveal hundreds of people, chattering, sobbing, crying. He had no family, they were taken away by the monsters. Vicious things the monsters were, some of them were skeletons, some were - Gandal erased the though quickly, lifting him self to his feet. For the past five hours, he had been sleeping on the floor of the church.

He stretched two beefy arms, cracked his knuckles and pushed through the mob of people until he reached the front of the church. This part wasn't as full, luckily. In front of Gandal was a wooden altar and a large array of candles, flickering in the breeze, dancing in the wind. Gandal knelt, slapping his two hands together as he projected his thoughts.

God, hopefully you can save us from this outbreak, this plague. Please take care of my family. God help us...

Gandal rose to his feet, holding back a torrent of tears.

Before we can approve or decline your request for a Forum RP, how many players you looking for, etc?

It will help people decide if they want to play in your game. (Creating a Thread in Submissions, sends a notification to many members of the site who watch this forum, letting them know that you are trying to create a game, so they will come see and want more information).
dragonborn99 said:
I would prefer about 6 at the maximum and 2 at the minimum :D
You should also state what requirements you have for characters from users.
dragonborn99 said:

When Darkness Beckons - A Fantasy RP

The flickering darkness, the casting flame, the touch of light...


I decided to make a fantasy themed roleplay, except I would like to make the one fun, but mature and serious.


The world of Galadamish (Ga-la-da-mish) is being destroyed, bit by bit, town by town, city by city. A dark force has swept over the lands, no one knows where it can from or who summoned the evil. What people do know, though, is that Galadamish is on the brink of extinction.

The king has been assassinated and all hell has broken loose. Riots spread through the land, food is getting sparse and the amount of soldiers are dropping.

Nearly the whole of Galadamish has been destroyed, except for the lands of Agash, a wealthy land guarded by the most superior of forces. Here, in the heart of Agash lies the story of a group of adventurers who's life's will change forever. The remaining survivors have been locked in the church, surrounded by knights and anyone (Over 30) willing to help defend the lands.

Here in a this church is a glimpse of hope... Some help... The darkness won't stop, it will just keep stabbing... And stabbing...

Welcome to the roleplay of shadows and fire, welcome to the beckoning darkness that shines.


Hopefully you know everything about this rp now, I will make the first post below. If you have any questions or queries, send me a private message.

Gandal's eyes flickered open to reveal hundreds of people, chattering, sobbing, crying. He had no family, they were taken away by the monsters. Vicious things the monsters were, some of them were skeletons, some were - Gandal erased the though quickly, lifting him self to his feet. For the past five hours, he had been sleeping on the floor of the church.

He stretched two beefy arms, cracked his knuckles and pushed through the mob of people until he reached the front of the church. This part wasn't as full, luckily. In front of Gandal was a wooden altar and a large array of candles, flickering in the breeze, dancing in the wind. Gandal knelt, slapping his two hands together as he projected his thoughts.

God, hopefully you can save us from this outbreak, this plague. Please take care of my family. God help us...

Gandal rose to his feet, holding back a torrent of tears.
It doesn't really seem like you require an entire forum and subforums, for characters and stuff. You could do this RP in a thread and recruit players via interest checks and not require our approval(Since we wouldn't be giving you forums or resources to make your game).

However, the choice is up to you.
Oh. Sorry. This could be done in just one thread. I don't have any requirements from players really; just realism and maturity is pretty much it.
dragonborn99 said:
Oh. Sorry. This could be done in just one thread. I don't have any requirements from players really; just realism and maturity is pretty much it.
No problem!

If you ever want forums, let us know. It is an option we provide to users who want really big projects. http://www.rpdom.com/ all the games you see there are examples of what I'm talking about, under the filter system.

For thread RPs(these don't require staff approval). You can post here: http://www.rpdom.com/forums/thread-roleplays/

However. Posting in Thread RPs does not notifiy users, so if you want to attempt to get any players at all for your thread RP, you'll need to recruit here: http://www.rpdom.com/forums/interest-checks/

After you post in those two areas and assuming players want to join, then you should be all set.


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