When a star falls... [LynxAmelia x DividesByZer0] [Inactive]


I will kill you ^.^
LynxAmelia submitted a new role play:

When a star falls... [LynxAmelia x DividesByZer0] - What happens when a star up in the sky fell to the ground.

A young girl was merely passing through the woods when she saw a falling star. Only that it fell a few feet from her.
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Name: Hayley Nadia Wilson

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Appearance :


Biography: Human. Typical run of the mill girl. Huge nerd. A tad adventurous. Lives with her parents.

Personality: Cheerful. Not very bouncy. Exceptionally brilliant. A tad too nerdy and shy. Sensitive with regards to her appearance. Ambitious. Not the one to stand bullshit. Has no belief in the supernatural. 
Name: Cooper

Gender: Male

Age: 21



Of small, slender build and with a youthful, feminine visage, Cooper cuts quite a different figure than would be expected of a grim reaper and his appearance belies his twenty-one years of age, making him look roughly 3-5 years younger, but he is easily recognized by his infamous distinguishing features: black hair medium length, and forlorn smile. Cooper's hair is thick and abundant, with all of the shorter frontal hairs falling across his face as bangs. Cooper's eyes, too, are unusual, being a deep violet yet his eyes change to a shining Azure to reflect his use of angelic powers, when angered, or when protecting those he cares for.


Soft-spoken, serene and humble, Cooper's usual demeanor suits his effeminate appearance perfectly. Always willing to put others before himself, both in terms of well-being and social standing, he usually refers to others with the utmost manners. He carries himself with an air of amicable temperance, politely conversing with the people he encounters and freely giving his meager services to those who need a hand. Cooper doesn't hesitate to put himself in the path of harm to shield those around him and often attempts to diffuse contentious situations with soft, calming words and a somewhat clownish personality involving feigned clumsiness. These traits lead those unfamiliar with Cooper to view him as ineffectual or easily exploitable, but more perceptive people become aware in short order that his gift for placatory eloquence and veiled redirection of disagreeable situations suggest a deep wisdom belied by his youthful, unassuming visage.

Tormented by what little he knows of why he fell from heaven, Cooper has developed an acute appreciation for life and has taken a vow in his heart to never sin and to do everything within his power to protect innocent people. Despite this, however, he holds his own existence cheap for being thrown out of heaven, and carries in his heart a grievous guilt that prevents him from becoming emotionally close to the people around him and compels him to a life of humble service and selfless personal sacrifice. Even with his prodigious skills and angelic powers Cooper refrains from wielding his great powers for his own sake, drawing his flaming sword for the well-being of others when words fail to appease. Spending much of his alone time in quiet contemplation of his past misdeeds and future retribution, Cooper often ponders what the right path toward redemption is and laments each life lost due to his weakness. As such, he has a tendency toward trying to solve problems all by himself and alienating his would-be allies with secrecy so as to keep them from becoming involved in his risky endeavors. Having lived his own life carrying heavy regrets, Cooper is reluctant to judge others for their personal actions, beliefs or mistakes and always offers hopeful encouragement so that those who have stumbled onto the wrong path might redeem themselves in the future. However, when forced to draw his weapon against those who abuse their power and undervalue the lives of others, Cooper's calm temperament gives way to a marked intensity capable of intimidating even other skilled warriors and can go so far as to become a powerful fury, despite his compulsion toward diplomacy.

But when his strength is insufficient to defend against a particularly threatening foe, Cooper's restraint falters and his personality reverts to that of his days as an archangel, He immediately abandons his serene humility, and releasing the wraith of god. Cooper's normally warm nature becomes cold and distant, allowing him to contemplate taking the life of his opponent and even make vicious, bloodthirsty threats. This side of his personality is one that Cooper struggles to suppress despite the fact that it keeps emerging when he is under great stress and in need of extra strength. His greatest fear is that, one day, he will return to his former self and become a killer once more.

As time passes, however, Cooper may learn to trust the people around him with the truth about himself as well as with some of the burden he bears, understanding that his life, too, is a human one and that his friends and allies would suffer greatly if he were to die. Another death that is.
Cooper opened his eyes to see a spirit shaped like a woman, who cradled his head in her hands, her hair a halo of pink light that fell over his face. angel eyes the color of straw looked down on him, and she smelled of parchment and old leather. as his eyes adjusted to the light, he saw that her freckled skin was tan, nearly brown, and for a long moment cooper waited for her to speak. This is heaven she would say. you will find peace here and oblivion. we will heal your hurts, friend. welcome home, she would say. you have been away too long. cooper would smile and she would guide him to radiant light...

He did not expect the slap to his check nor the second of stinging that followed.

He did not expect the angel to drop his head hard on to the ground and declaim, 'I can't do anything with this turd.'

'My friend was not wrong Sesstri' a man said, cursing. 'this is what makes him my friend and not my dinner.'

the woman pulled away and light came pouring over cooper's eyes, almost as blinding as before. struggling he could see that it wasn't the light of heaven needling through his pupils. the sky above was jaundice and cloud dappled. and he lay in rain on an odd little hillock that bristled with yellow grass. above him, the two strangers just stood there glaring at his body.

and suddenly his body was all cooper could feel. lit up with pain, scalded. How had he thought himself dead, let alone in peace? his bones ached and his bowels shuddered and an abrupt crack of lighting over his head seemed to pierce his skull and live there, screeching agony between his temples. He tried to sit up but couldn't. he couldn't even roll to his side. and when he opened his mouth no words came out. he jawed like a fish in air and flopped helplessly. Then...

what happened? cooper scrambled his head to reassemble the continuity of his experience. the last thing he could remember was drifting through a boarder-less sleep into a half-dream of lightless depths. he recalled motion and masses larger than planets drifting through the murk of his dream self. he could not see them, but somehow knew them. and maybe passed beyond shadows he saw a city...

Before plummeting to the earth, crashing like a meteorite in the middle of a wooded area, a clearing in some sort of meadow or park. Only to be knocked unconsciouss again...
Tap-tap-tap-click. "Finally." Thump.

A little blue haired girl groaned in the corner cubicle of the reading area. A lone fluorescent light flickered over her head, threatening to go out any minute. Thick books were piled high to one side of the table in front of her while a wad of papers stood in front of her, bearing neat handwriting that any calligrapher would be envious of.

A window was open beside her, over looking a few other buildings and a busy street. In the distance, amongst a mixture of city and forest skyline, the setting sun kissed the sky a deep pink blush. "Really? That late already?" the girl muttered again, glancing at her watch. Just then, a sudden gust forced its way into the room on the third storey of the building. "Nonononononono!" the girl squeaked, chasing the papers that were set in motion by the wind. Her notes. Her hard work. She wasn't about to let it go to waste.

"About time you head home, little Hayley," an old lady's voice echoed through the room, "The library is about to close." "Yeah.. I'm just.. going..." Hayley was panting by the time she picked up every last one of her papers. After the librarian practically ushered her out, she could be easily spotted. Despite being barely five feet tall, she was the only one on the road, walking with an overloaded backpack and a couple of books in hand.

She glanced at her watch yet again. She still had half an hour to get home. A stroll by the park there. It wasn't more than ten seconds into her little stroll when a bright flash of light nearly blinded her. A meteor? The impact sure seemed like it. She nearly fell from it.

The road she'd walked through was deserted. Completely. She looked back into the woods where the light had come from. As scary as it was, curiosity got the better of her. I will get out in 15 seconds if I don't find anything.

A twig snapped under her weight in the fifth second. At the tenth, she called out a "Hello," preparing to retreat almost immediately.

What are you? Come out, I won't hurt you.
Cooper awoke again in agony. Actual pain? He lamented his physical form. No ethereal bliss. No radiant light. He damned Sesstri. Why couldn't she use him and why wouldn't she allow him to transfer to the watchers? He tired of fighting, righteous as it all maybe. He really despised killing women and children. Egypt and Sodom was more than he could bare.

He peered through the trees at the skyline, the sun hanging low as it turned in for the night. The wind blew soft whispers on his skin and cicada bug began their cries for love. He would need to find a place to stay for it probably got cold and with nothing save for pants and wings to clothe him, surely he would also be wanting of proper clothes to fit in with the humans.

Cooper stood, dusting himself off he noticed a small parchment folded up in the man shaped crater. Tied with string and folded up, the old paper seemed to hold something. He opened it up, revealing a letter with a small sapphire pendant hanging from gold.


If you want to become a watcher you have to know and understand humans. Live amongst them, laugh with them, become one. What you are requesting has never been done before. You cannot just stop doing what you were created for, it goes against the laws of the universe. However if you can do this and stay on earth for one year I will allow you to change your position. If you show off or abuse your powers you fail. Do keep your presence on earth to a minimum and besides humans tend to destroy things they fear. But what's the worse that can happen? You die and come back here.

Enjoy your time,


Cooper cursed. He hated the way she played her little games. "Are you watching? This isn't funny." He said, not sure if she cared enough to look over him or not. While thinking about what his next move should be he heard a twig snap.

"Oh great, lunch." He murmured, thinking of what succulent animals he'd roast over an open flame. One of the few pleasures of physical form that he missed. It has been thousands of years since he last stood on earth. Perhaps a boar? After all, "It's not what goes in your mouth, but that which comes out of it that makes you clean or unclean." Best change ever.

"Hello." A voice called out.

At the ready, he hurriedly scanned past the flora, the bushes and trees using his angelic vision. The beautiful blue aura of a woman approached.

Crap, a human. He didn't know where he should hide. The trunks of trees where thin and his frame would do no good behind them. If he summoned wings and took to the air he would surely be seen.

He wasn't sure of the customs of the place or the manner of proper dress. Greeting her was out of the question, his appearance might frighten the girl. Worse yet she may scream for help thinking him a barbarian. There was only one course of action in his mind.

He summoned his flaming sword and gave himself a flesh wound, before making it disappear again. He laid back down in the crater and held fast to his bleeding stomach. He would have to play on her sympathies... assuming there was any.

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(OOC: my I love your writing. With that elegant echelon of eloquence, you are the most well written person I've ever had the pleasure of reading yet. I find so far that most people don't focus on different details like you do. Sights, sounds, color, emotions, etc.. I've much to learn from you.)

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(OOC: sorry I see there is out of character comments now, but it is limited so I'm doing another one of these. Anyway thank you so much. I'm learning a lot from your technique. I joined thinking I was going to meet a bunch of writers, but a lot of people like the lazy talk. Not that I mind that's fun, but I wanna feel something out of the the norm and take a walk on the wild side. let's go beyond our borders without borders and slake the thirst of the soul uncomfortable in it's own skin. This life is a positional game, it’s about keeping moving and yet standing still, of side-stepping the emotional time bombs and running into the wind until it lifts us higher than we could ever jump alone. and that air is our dreams collected held together by the hope in our bones that cries, when we sleep to remember that sometimes reality is our own creation...)
[Hope you don't mind comic relief]

Hayley could feel herself tremble. "Get over it, its not even a proper forest," she chided herself in a whisper. It was true. The place was nothing more than a small gathering of trees for the sake of making a park. A park that no one even used. Yet, despite being unsettling, there was something calming about the forest. Perhaps it was the soft rustling of leaves in the wind. Or the slight smell of wet mud that heralded rain. Perhaps it was the crickets chirping or the last of the calls a lone bird made before heading to rest for the day.

Whatever it was, it caused the little blue haired girl to stay in the woods longer and wander as her feet wished. But it was unfortunate that her feet didn't have eyes. For her wandering had brought her to the crash site. Her foot hit against something soft and mildly yielding, but hard enough to cause her to actually trip and fall onto the dirt floor. Her heavy bag ended up banging against the back of her head, her books fell out of her arms and her glasses were happily lost.

She was more than a little winded by the fall. But now, she began wondering what she'd tripped on. Her hand patted at the thing. She froze. A human body? But it wasn't moving. She gasped involuntarily. A dead human body! She waddled in place, trying to get up, but it wasn't exactly easy. Then she put a hand on the body's butt to lift herself off. She stepped back. She couldn't exactly see much without her glasses. But wherever it was, it was dangerous to be here much longer. The murderer could be around...

She bumped against a tree and let out a squeak. Immediately, she clapped her hands over her mouth and sunk to the ground. Please don't kill me. Please please don't kill me!
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Who would have known this girl would be so climbsy. Her shoe dug into Cooper's back as her foot hit him and she tripped onto the dirt floor. Her heavy bag banged against the back of her head, her books fell out of her arms and her glasses were lost.Then her little hand patted his butt as he laid in annoyance trying to stay as still as a corpse. She gasped, waddled in place, and tried to get up by pressing her hand on his butt again to lift herself up.

He wanted to yell "Are you truly blind or a little pervert?" But he couldn't risk it. Stay calm.

She stepped back and bumped against a tree, squeaking. "Please don't kill me. Please please don't kill me!"

He couldn't take it anymore. He stood up, dusted himself off and wiped the bloodstains from his hands on his pants. "I'm not going to hurt you so will you stop screaming." He said.

He picked up her glasses and handed them to her. "But I could use a change of clothes and some help if don't mind. You see, I was attack and left for dead."

He hoped she would belive him. It wasn't technically a lie he thought...

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Hayley's face blanched visibly. It was alive! And talking! Wait. Dead bodies don't talk....

She stared up at the blurred form of a man in front of her for a good few seconds before reaching a hand out to take her glasses. Putting them on, she realized she could see only out of her right eye. "Ah great," she grumbled before looking up at the man and smiling sheepishly.

"Hi," she said, waving a little before she stood up, dusting herself off and straightening her skirt, "Well," she looked at him up and down, "You obviously aren't dead." She squinted a little and bent at her waist to see the gash on his abdomen, "You should get that checked out," she said, adjusting glasses a little to find a way for her to see better.

"But, as you can see, I am not a doctor," she took a step to the side to pick up her books before slinking away from him with an apologetic smile on her face, "Nor do I have a clothes store." Then she made a show as if to look at her watch, "Would you look at the time! I really must be heading home. So if you'll excuse me..."

She turned on her heel and made her way out of the woods. She did not want to get involved in a crime. Or mafia wars. Not now. The very thought of it scared her enough to increase her speed of walking rapidly, clutching her books tightly to her chest. She hoped he wouldn't follow her. She didn't want trouble of any sort. Nor did she want to end up dead. Or worse.

[Oh and when I put things in italics, she is thinking those things xD ]
Hayley turned on her heel and made her way out of the woods. She increased her speed of walking rapidly, clutching her books tightly to her chest. She hoped he wouldn't follow her. She didn't want trouble of any sort. Nor did she want to end up dead. Or worse…

Cooper wasn’t going to let his first human escape without giving him a hand. He needed to learn how to blend in and this was a valuable opportunity. He summoned his wings and took to a low flight path under the tree tops, but over Hayley’s head before landing up a head of her and dismissing his wings. He waited for her to bump into him. He had to convince her to help him.

(OOC: I ran out of ideas haha =/ )
Hayley blinked a couple of times. She felt something whooshing atop her head and now that creepy guy from earlier was standing in front of her all of a sudden. She took a step back, slightly alarmed.

"You sure are fast for someone who was injured," she commented with a sheepish smile, trying to circumvent him as quickly as possible. Any more such moves from him and she might get lost....

(Oh and don't repeat what my chara does... Maybe an interpretation of it, but not the exact same words x3 )
"Ouch." Cooper made a show of grabbing for his flesh wounds. "Look, I'm gonna hurt you. I'm really in trouble and in need of help." He didn't know how he could explain the situation with out breaking Sesstri's rules. Keep your presence to a minimum doesn't mean that he couldn't tell someone. Could it? He figured it might be ok to have one person know.

"You see the truth is..." He thought of how he should put it. "I'm an Arch-Angel sent here from heaven as a punishment and I need to stay here for a year. I could really use a human to help me fit in." He considered the part of the letter about abusing his power...

"And look, I know how you humans get, but there is no reason to worship me or anything." He told her with the utmost earnestness, flashing his deep violet eyes into the windows of her soul.
Hayley stared at the man before her for a few seconds, her expression blank. At about the tenth second, she burst out laughing. She leaned against one of the nearby tree and laughed her head off. So much that her cheeks started hurting and she was clutching her stomach by the end of it. Wiping away a single tear from her eye, she said, "You've got yourself a concussion, buddy. You do need to go to the hospital. I would pay for your taxi ride by I don't have much as such."

Slowly, she moved away from him towards her left, "But yeah, either that, or a visit to the loony bin. Now, if you will excuse me, I have an exam to study for." Once again, she began walking away from him quickly. She felt sorry for him but she did have her own rent to pay and her exam to write.
Cooper thought her rude. Didn't humans in this Era have any compassion? He looked at her much like a child would look at brussel sprouts on a dinner plate.

"Im not crazy. I can prove it..." He remembered the letter and wondered if that was a good idea. "Just not yet, and not here anyway. But listen if you help me out, maybe I can help you out. Answers to this test that seems so important to you perhaps? I do have acess to the akashic records after all." He had hoped the promise of knowledge would help, there was not much else he could offer for help.

"And what's the world coming to when you have to offer something to someone when you need help. Back in the day people would offer you a meal and a place to stay if you were in need." He noted.

He awaited her answer each heartbeat seeming like an eternity, as her windswept hair curled around her thick frames. She was kind of cute... for a human anyway.

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Hayley turned around and strode up to the crazy man. She then poked a finger into his chest and spoke, "You know, I don't have any money of my own. I live off my family. I don't have the luxury to feed or provide for a random stranger. That too a lunatic that you are!"

Then she dropped her hand and sighed. "I can write the exam myself thanks. I don't cheat and I don't condone cheating. Nor do I like cheaters," she said to no one in particular.

Then she looked up at the man again and chuckled wryly. "This is what the world is coming to. A smart girl talking to a mad man as though he can understand her," she said, putting a hand on her forehead, "Maybe I have a fever. I just hope it doesn't make me skip my exam..."
Cooper couldn't believe her cynical mindset and her disbelief in angels. "Back in the day people would have bowed in reverence to be graced by my presence. Very well human. It seems I have no choice as I'm in dire need of assistance and you think me crazy, I shall allow you to bare witness to my awesome true form."

He took a step back and his wings exploded open, bringing about a violent gust of wind. He charged at her with the speed of dark, and the ferocity of a jackal. He swooped her up into his arms, cradleing her and flying high above the clouds hoping he would be out of eyesight of any other humans. "Do you believe me now?" He asked in an almost threating manner. Not very angel like, but he was fond of the old testament way of doing things.

He claimed he was loosing his grip, hoping the girl would be scared enough to listen to his plight more ernestly. It saddened him that it had come to this. He thought perhaps he was better suited doing his violent job despite himself...

He didn't actually want to hurt anyone though. Why couldn't humans be kind with out being forced into being nice?


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Hayley was practically shaking with fright. It didn't help that she'd always been afraid of heights ever since she was small, when her brother often threatened to throw off the roof of their home. Her heart was racing a mile a minute as she looked down at the treetops below.

I'm going to die...

She couldn't exactly pay attention to what the man had to say. She thought it was impossible, a dream at best. But this paralyzing fear was too real to be ignored. She clung to him desperately, her voice nearly pleading as she spoke through seemingly endless rivulets of tears that were pouring from her eyes. "Please don't drop me.. Please.. Please!" Her voice grew in intensity at every syllable. It was all she could do to make sure that this.... angel would listen to her.

"I'm scared..." she said before her voice broke down completely. Her mouth opened and closed soundlessly much like a fish as she looked up at him. If he was as heartless as he appeared to be now, she would probably die out of a heart attack sooner than from the fall, if and when he would dropped her.
The girl cried, her voice breaking from the blood curling fear. That should serve her right. Perhaps he would get some respect now. He cradled her tight and swooped down upon a roof top of a near by library, where she couldn't run away. It seemed closed and empty enough to talk. He shushed her and began to ask again. "What do you think? Do you believe me now?" He said in a proud voice, with arms around his waist and wings spread open. He flourished them in an extravagant manner to get her attention.

"I, an angel of heaven, am in need of your assistance. I'm on a mission of the utmost importance and I will be needing help with lodging and tips on how to fit in." He had hoped the girl was religious, being worshiped would be better than ignored in his dire circumstances.

"In fact I think I will be commandeering a bed in your home until further notice, do you live alone?" He debated how to hide from any family she had. He would hate to have to sleep in a closet, but at this point anything would do.
"You are now the reason why I don't believe that 'angels' are good!" she exclaimed scuttling to a dark corner of the roof where she could curl up. "If you want to kill me, do just that. If not, leave me alone!"

Her voice shook harder than any rocky boat. It was obvious that she was more frightened than anything. There was no way she would let him in her house! "Leave me alone. A vile creature like you can never have a place in my house," she said, putting her head between her knees and covering her head with her hands, "I don't care what happens to me, but you, you will never set foot in my house."

She cried. She would never see her mother and father again. Not even her stuck up brother. She wouldn't be able to go to Uni. She would never be able to study all that she wanted to. Even in this situation, she saw an irony. She was going to die in a library.

While she may be over reacting to this angel, she couldn't help but see him as an abomination out to kill her. Especially after their little 'flight'.
Cooper was disheartened and saddened. This was not the reaction he wanted. "I'm sorry I was just desperate for help, but if you really would rather leave me to die that's ok I'll find my own way." He took off above the coulds.

He waited and thought perhaps he could just follow her home and observe her. Maybe he would underatand a humans better and figure out how to live in thia crappy situation.

As he lay on top of a cloud Sesstri appeared next to him. "Man you sure know how to treat a girl and ask a favor." She laughed at him.

"Leave me alone" he groaned.

"Fine but word of advise, you can uses most of your powers why dont you just turn invisable and stay in a person's house. Watch and learn up front."

He considered her words, "maybe I will."

Sesstri chuckled and dissappeared. She conveniently forgot to tell him his invisablity would not last long...

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