Other What's Your Roleplay Go-To?

mortal yet

What do men know?


<div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#9999ff;">Hey y'all! Had an interesting question pop into my head on a whim. What's your roleplay go-to? What elements, themes, character types, etc. etc. do you find yourself most often returning to when you take on the task of writing? I myself am most comfortable with and fond of medieval fantasy, shapeshifters, and elementalists. I've realized over the years that I often associate my characters with dogs in some form or another, haha. I love writing strong-willed women, men devoted to a passion, and children caught between the roads to good and evil. Eager to hear from you! mortal yet :></span></p></div>


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[QUOTE="mortal yet]

Hey y'all!

Had an interesting question pop into my head on a whim. What's your roleplay go-to? What elements, themes, character types, etc. etc. do you find yourself most often returning to when you take on the task of writing?

I myself am most comfortable with and fond of medieval fantasy, shapeshifters, and elementalists. I've realized over the years that I often associate my characters with dogs in some form or another, haha. I love writing strong-willed women, men devoted to a passion, and children caught between the roads to good and evil.

Eager to hear from you!

mortal yet


Hmmm definitely characters now adays who are ambitious/plot. I've played a lot of other characters and still do take on more passive roles but when the plot is dying you kind of have to move it along with a devious and 33% evil scheme. muahaha
I love any roleplay that includes some sort element of fiction or fantasy. Its nice to roleplay things I can't do in real life.

As for characters, I play females with opposite personalities as mine. They tend to be confident, loud, flirtatious, and brave. I also gravitate towards sneaky criminal characters for god knows why? Yep. That's about it.
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I pretty much always play older characters now. I at least like to have the character 30 years old, although I usually go older than that. Occasionally I'll think to have a younger character, but it's usually in the event that I decide to play a rookie.
Cocky characters that will most likely end up getting themselves hurt from doing something stupid. I think its because I can relate a little too much...
Roleplays live and die on conflict, so when in doubt I write characters with a personality what will either cause conflict, or characters that have conflict following them. That said, most of my characters tend to be loud, opinionated, and/or have questionable morals.

It tends to keep a roleplay going even if the main plot stalls.
Me, I go for modern stuff and people who know what they're doing. I also like playing demisexuals and asexuals because I don't like America's sex culture :P
I love space based stuff and super power x-men kinda things :) My usual characters choice however, is more side-line (healers) or comic relief, as I like to avoid the normal brooding teen types, which fill up most main roles. But this also, kinda, puts me at a disadvantage as I'm a softie at heart and absolutely love a good romance, but very few people have their characters go for the socially awkward lass xD
I pretty much exclusively do fandom-based RP. To me part of the appeal of RP is being able to play around in settings and with characters that I love so it's very very difficult for me to become interested in something without that hook. I will say in recent months this might be starting to change a little as I've been considering doing pen and paper/dice style RP which usually doesn't have that kind of hook.

As for character archetypes, I love the 'eccentric genius'. Mad scientists, weird wizards, grumpy old bastards with a heart of gold, I love em. I find some of my fandom OCs drift towards this mold as well. I also find I tend to play characters that I wouldn't consider loners but for whatever reason they have a very small social net.

I'm not into modern settings unless there's some sort of element of adventure or the 'unreal'. So I basically never do slice of life style stuff or what some people call 'mundane AUs'.
Mercenaries about to lose their targets and are freaking out because of it. Generally suspenseful things.

I also like low fantasy, things that are clearly not-of-this-world but work with a clear set of rules and have a reason behind all of their abilities. (You must explain to me how exactly your shapeshifting character works or I just will be attempting to figure it out by any means necessary, I will dissect an innocent fairy to figure out how its magic works, etc.)
I most certainly need a 'detailed' roleplay. I can happily do any genre (Probably not strictly romance), but I get really excited when there's a certain fandom.

In terms of characters, I preferably either go one of two routes: 1) The cheerful, happy, cocky, boy-scout. 2) The dark, mysterious, brooding-type.
Currently... I've been obsessed with Lunars from Exalted. I'm also very akin to making spellswords and anything that has to do with wolves. If one were to mix things in a blender... you'd add a pinch of Alundra, half a book of Exalted... and three scoops of Sabriel >> oh and a dire wolf pelt.
Animal and children characters are quite recurrent themes. I really like exploring the themes of innocence and handy caps those provide.

Intelligence is another big thing for me.

Oh and hydras. Can't forget those hydras.
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Definitely need more strong-willed female characters. I love diverse characters and settings honestly. Hmm, I'm not the best when it comes to building characters but I tend to veer towards angst too lol. I hope to branch out a bit more on this site!
Counter Terrorist forces, and military aspects, are what i love.

I don't care what time in history, but war is such a fascinating subject of history.

From Trebuchets to ATGM's i love it all.

Edit: Oh, and anyone who comes from a long list of characters i created, who happen to all be ancestors or family members of eachother. And it all started with K.
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My go-to is always cosmic horror levels of challenge. I like my characters to face odds and be shown to be weak and frail compared to what they are facing. And I'm not always one to let my heroes win in the end either. I like the option open for them to fail in their mission and everyone to die. I also usually end up including some reveal that magic and miracles or magicians and clerics are just two sides of the same coin.
i feel like i can play any character type fine enough, but when it comes to setting i prefer a sort of "everyday life" story rather than a complex adventure.
I constantly return to themes of power, responsibility, rulership, and transhumanism. I tend to gravitate to characters doing bad things for good reasons - or at the very least, they believe their reasons to be correct. Frequently I write monsters - which is to say vampires, or demons, or whathaveyou - who attempt to use their terrible power for the greater good.

Which means I often end up with hubris as a core theme, too.

But as much as I like inhuman, once-human, or soon-to-no-longer-be-human characters, I also like horror. That's when the nihilist in me comes out. If you enjoyed season one of True Detective, my horror RPs would hit most of those notes but hopefully be less pretentious.
Usually Medieval Fantasy types filled with magic and a bunch of different classes, personally sticking with mages, monsters, or shapeshifters of sort. I've never been fond of realistic RP's, especially the romance driven ones since they feel so limited in comparison.

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