TV & Film What's your niche show or film that nobody seems to know about or enjoy?

the way they built tunnels to accommodate walking in daylight? Engineers would do that irl! Running out of blood? Statistically likely in a vampire-dominant society!
Yeah the fact that vampires became dominant in the first place is what feels realistic to me, bc outside of full-on apocalyptic I Am Legend scenarios that never happens, and to me it really feels like the only logical outcome xD
There was a TV show called Surface made in 2005 that I watched on Netflix years ago. It was unfortunately canceled and I wish they had done something like release a novel or some answers about some of the plots mysteries

Even if you Google TV show Surface, something different pops up now.
For me it was The Next Step. It's a Canadian show that not many people in America seem to be familiar with, basically it's about competitive dance, kind of based off of all the other dance shows out there. It's over the top at times but overall a good show, I wish more people knew about it. My other one is The Unlisted which is an Australian show I watched on Netflix, the story was really good in my opinion but somehow I'm the only one that's seen it.
VELOCIPASTOR i'm the worlds #1 velocipastor fan. saw it with friends and it's been living rent free in my mind ever since. it's about an american pastor who gets cursed to turn into a dinosaur. he uses his dinosaur powers to fight ninjas. best film ever made.
Oh gosh as a child/teen that grew up on SYFY as basically the only channel I could watch outside of BBC documentaries about drug wars when CBBC went off of air I have so many random SYFY shows that got cancelled or went off the rails that haunt me. Dark Matter, Warehouse 13 and Haven although I'd only claim the latter as one that truly stuck with me - it had a take on "superpowers," I enjoyed where they were more like curses and genuinely really fucked with peoples lives. Of course SYFY had bigger shows like The Magicians and 12 Monkeys too although they're a bit more recent.

Galavant was brilliant but sadly seems to have flown under the radar.

Russian Doll was a masterpiece that I wish more people talked about although again not sure if it's niche as in my circles it seems known but not wider ones.
Oh gosh as a child/teen that grew up on SYFY as basically the only channel I could watch outside of BBC documentaries about drug wars when CBBC went off of air I have so many random SYFY shows that got cancelled or went off the rails that haunt me. Dark Matter, Warehouse 13 and Haven although I'd only claim the latter as one that truly stuck with me - it had a take on "superpowers," I enjoyed where they were more like curses and genuinely really fucked with peoples lives. Of course SYFY had bigger shows like The Magicians and 12 Monkeys too although they're a bit more recent.

Galavant was brilliant but sadly seems to have flown under the radar.

Russian Doll was a masterpiece that I wish more people talked about although again not sure if it's niche as in my circles it seems known but not wider ones.
Oh man, those are some good ones. I'm pretty sure Dark Matter and 12 Monkeys are both on my to-watch list, while I've already watched Warehouse 13. Never heard of Haven though!
And 100% agreed about Galavant. It's still a comfort show of mine today. I've been pretty ill lately and I'd probably be watching it if I hadn't already gone through it very recently 😭
Oh man, those are some good ones. I'm pretty sure Dark Matter and 12 Monkeys are both on my to-watch list, while I've already watched Warehouse 13. Never heard of Haven though!
And 100% agreed about Galavant. It's still a comfort show of mine today. I've been pretty ill lately and I'd probably be watching it if I hadn't already gone through it very recently 😭
Great shout for a comfort show, I pretty much always have the main theme stuck in my head. Hope you feel better soon!
I mean, I thought Rise of the Guardians was pretty niche because few people talked about it. Thankfully it's not niche enough to get a roleplay going for it... at least, not a private one. Group roleplays are a whole other thing.

Anyway, it was a box office bomb - it didn't make nearly enough to qualify as successful - and I've never heard CinemaWins speak of it, or seen many positive YouTube reviews of it, so I assumed few people here would know of it. I mean, it could still be that I just happened to bump into the two people who had, but still. It's a movie that I wouldn't say I necessarily enjoy - it's more that I have a love-hate relationship with it -, but it's one that motivates me to indulge in roleplay, writing, and general fandom activity because while I am frustrated by it in many ways, I also think it had great potential. The most devout fandoms don't exist for the least flawless works, but conversely some of the most flawed ones. Harry Potter isn't a perfect series but it has an immense and active fandom. Lotr doesn't have as many fics despite being highly regarded by critics and being ancient compared to HP. Also, Lotr isn't flawless either hence I can explain the fandom's existence. My Hero Academia is far from flawless but has an immense fandom. Same with Frozen, same with most of the major fandoms. RotG doesn't have anywhere near as big a fandom, but it is as loyal. It just kind of refuses to die, like some Shounen anime protagonist.

I'm also glad to know that someone here likes Disney's Dinosaur. Most people view it negatively, but I think it has its charm.
I'm also glad to know that someone here likes Disney's Dinosaur. Most people view it negatively, but I think it has its charm.
People will have to pry that movie from my cold, dead hands. Adore the movie to pieces and I literally watched it like last week lmao
A Brighter Summer Day. Hands down the greatest thriller ever made. Accurate depiction of Taiwan in the early 60s. Once every blue moon, I do find someone who watched the movie. I believe it deserves much more recognition.
I have a huge list of cult tv shows that none of my friends ever watched. As for movies, one that comes to mind is: My Best Friend is a Vampire
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Mine is Hyouge Mono, Feudal Era Japan daimyo political story about a normal man that loves tea. It's a comedy anime.

Sakuran, a film based on a manga that is absolutely beautiful and the soundtrack is done by Shiina Ringo. Anna Tsuchiya stars in it. It's a tragic tale of the life of geisha.

A Killer Bride's Perfect Crime. Outlandish comedy film about a bride who accidentally kills her landlord and has to dispose of his body before her fiance finds out.

Then there's stuff that HYDE did back in the day that I was obsessed with. Last Quarter and Moon Child.
Oooh, I love the stuff by Flanagan I've seen! I've only seen The Haunting of Hill House and Midnight Mass myself, but I absolutely loved both of them, they're brilliant. I think Midnight Mass is the one that lives rent free in my head more, but Hill House was so incredibly done that I always have a ton of thoughts and feelings whenever my mind goes back to it.

(I need to get around to checking out Bly Manor, at least, before his The Fall of the House of Usher comes out... Maybe some of his movies too!)

I saw his movie Absentia in 2011 and it is one of my favorite movies of all time. Not sure if it's everyone's cup of tea, but I still laud it to everyone.
I can't find anyone else who loves Mike Flanagan's work as much as I do, especially the one-season run of The Haunting of Hill House. It's more of a psychological drama than a horror film, but it's so good. :hearteyes:
Haunting of Hill House is so gut-wrenchingly sad and painful but I love it. I think I cried every single episode and a lot of it was just ugly sobbing.

Now that it's November, did you watch Fall of the House of Usher?
I saw Haunting of Hill House and The Haunting of Bly Manor. Those were pretty good.

Everything Now, Netflix. I haven't heard anything about it from anyone else. I found myself binging the series in a matter of days that I enjoyed it so much. I think I will look at Blue Eye Samurai next.
Right now I'm watching "From," which is a horror series about people being trapped in a town that they can't escape. At nighttime, creatures resembling humans come out and attempt to basically murder the trapped humans if they step outside their homes. Only a talisman will keep the creatures out of your homes.

It's kind of like skinwalkers. They resemble and sound like humans and try to lure you outside, or get you to invite them inside. Once they have you, you're brutalized.

I haven't seen anyone talk about this show anywhere, and only found it through an Instagram reel with few likes. It's a new show, from 2022, and accessible through AppleTV and an MGM+ subscription. It's honestly really good so far!
There is a German TV film from 2004 that was released in the U.S. under the title Dark Kingdom: The Dragon King. The movie was based off of Völsungasaga, a story from Norse mythology. Most people are familiar with the story of Sigfried and Fafnir and this movie focuses on that part of the larger epic.

The acting is questionable. Some of the dialogue is cheesy. The special effects are nothing, well, special. They're mostly practical, which I appreciate. I couldn't tell you how they compared to other effects from 2004 and I don't care. The movie still holds up for me and other than my love for Norse mythology and specifically the story of Sigurd and Fafnir, I'm not sure what it is about this movie that I love so much.

I first saw it when it was released on the sci-fi channel here in the states. Is that still a thing? Is broadcast television still a thing?? Never mind. I don't care. It was probably around 2007-08 when I first saw it. I'm pretty sure I was already out of high school when I first saw it. I still have my DVD copy. I never checked but I highly doubt it ever got a Blu-ray release.
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I can't find anyone else who loves Mike Flanagan's work as much as I do, especially the one-season run of The Haunting of Hill House. It's more of a psychological drama than a horror film, but it's so good. :hearteyes:
You met another. I haven't seen his movies yet, but anything Flanagan is my favorite. I watched Usher in two days.
I feel like not enough people got to know about Code Lyoko when it first came out. It’s an old french cartoon with crappy cgi in the first season or two, but the premise was AMAZING and the characters were charming (even the unlikable ones). I feel like if it came out today, more people would definitely be into it
It's a tossup between a couple different Kids WB shows, I think Magi Nation because I've seen no one talk about it, but also Dino Squad deserves an honorable mention as something I'd actually recommend because it falls into the category of "it's bad but it's fun". The concept is teenagers getting the ability to transform into dinosaurs and it's also a show where everyone I've seen it has some serious or gritty reboot they made of it in their head because for some reason this show has a lot of weird story and character potential

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