Other ✨🔮What's Your Forecast? Envisioning 2024 Trends 🔮✨


I ax-o-lotl questions.
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What emerging trends do you foresee in 2024 within the realms of roleplay, sci-fi, fantasy, dice games, art, and other creative pursuits, especially in the context of the vibrant community here on RPN? Dive into your predictions and insights, exploring how technological advancements, cultural shifts, and collaborative innovations may shape these diverse creative fields in the coming year.

I think that we will start to see more individuals returning to the hobby as a whole. Many people seem to have thrown themselves into real-life fun after the restrictions of the last few years were lifted. However, I am expecting a possible recession of sorts this year that will cause people to tighten their belts and return to more cost-effective entertainment. Which will include returning to hobbies here. I know a little dark but that's me always a realist.
I'm rather new to role play nation. However, I have seen a growing trend of dice play in role play. It's not something that's been uncommon in the past, I just saw much less of it. With the rise of dungeons and dragons esc table top role playing going off with like dimension 20, critical role, other really cute independent groups. It's bleeding into role play. I don't see it too much hear yet but I sort of see that evolution happening here. I think we will see more posts just naturally be pronoun free or neutral. Posts will focus more on like physical traits rather than pronoun based. I mean these are strong shifts I've seen in a short amount of time and I'm always interested to see how things evolve. One thing that I really love which is unpopular is AI. I utilize it a lot but I try to be mindful and ethical. I use apps I pay for, if I'm using AI art I use one which like pays artists where they pull their pool from ; I can't stand the thought of like pulling from a stranger so I'm very mindful. But it's the future and you have to learn how to use it and oh my gosh I'm always learning

Super interesting. What do you see?
I'm rather new to role play nation. However, I have seen a growing trend of dice play in role play. It's not something that's been uncommon in the past, I just saw much less of it. With the rise of dungeons and dragons esc table top role playing going off with like dimension 20, critical role, other really cute independent groups. It's bleeding into role play. I don't see it too much hear yet but I sort of see that evolution happening here. I think we will see more posts just naturally be pronoun free or neutral. Posts will focus more on like physical traits rather than pronoun based. I mean these are strong shifts I've seen in a short amount of time and I'm always interested to see how things evolve. One thing that I really love which is unpopular is AI. I utilize it a lot but I try to be mindful and ethical. I use apps I pay for, if I'm using AI art I use one which like pays artists where they pull their pool from ; I can't stand the thought of like pulling from a stranger so I'm very mindful. But it's the future and you have to learn how to use it and oh my gosh I'm always learning

Super interesting. What do you see?
Dice in role-playing games have been a thing since the '70s, probably even before that. Gary Gygax didn't just wake up with a game plan after falling off a toilet seat in 1974. It's been strong for the last 50 years, not a slow bleed.

Before YouTube, we did our thing in basements and living rooms. The dice have always been there, adding that touch of unpredictability to the game. Nowadays, platforms like YouTube have brought us together in new ways, connecting players and building communities.

Check out this forum link if you're into dice role-playing: Dice Interest Checks.
Dice in role-playing games have been a thing since the '70s, probably even before that. Gary Gygax didn't just wake up with a game plan after falling off a toilet seat in 1974. It's been strong for the last 50 years, not a slow bleed.

Before YouTube, we did our thing in basements and living rooms. The dice have always been there, adding that touch of unpredictability to the game. Nowadays, platforms like YouTube have brought us together in new ways, connecting players and building communities.

Check out this forum link if you're into dice role-playing: Dice Interest Checks.
Thank you so much for the resource. :3

I was just stating the trends I'm seeing when it comes to "text based roleplaying". A strong and popular trend for 2024 and helps evolve a persons experience when doing a text based role play. You are absolutely correct youtube has completely evolved the game and I must say I'm really loving it! From Blades in the Dark to Candela Obscura. It's really interesting to watch. It may have been a strong substance in your particular community since the 70's ,but, dice play has had it's waves of popularity concerning in the text based role play community. At least where RPN is concerned and other platforms like it. I'm excited to see how it evolves even further and I'm really excited to see the new role plays of 2024. I feel like it's going to be a good year!

Thanks again for the research. I'll be certain to check it out! It's great to see how much history inspires role play <3

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