Food what's the nastiest thing you ever ate?

The snot of the ocean, clams. Drunk me doesn't care enough to make good decisions
Visited USA, I was so hyped for Wendy's.
My friend drove us to the drive-through, I was so hungry and hungover and when I got home and tasted that awful dry, tasteless, oily burger it ruined my entire day.

And licorice.
Visited USA, I was so hyped for Wendy's.
My friend drove us to the drive-through, I was so hungry and hungover and when I got home and tasted that awful dry, tasteless, oily burger it ruined my entire day.

And licorice.
Licorice yuck.. 🤢 black licorice there’s licorice root drink nasty
Most recently, uni. >.< I wanted so badly to like it, but it just was not it for me.
Technically this is about a beverage, but yeah.

Oh boy, do I have a story for you (using the royal you here)!

So I don't remember how long it has been now. Maybe 12 or 14 years? Well, I was going to make coffee one day. Nothing out of the ordinary for me. I drink way too much coffee. Something to know about how I like my coffee is that I love it sweet. On this day, though, we didn't have any sugar nor honey nor syrup nor anything to give it sweetness.

But guess what we did have? A very delicious (on its own) beverage called Mountain Dew: Code Red

Yeah, you can probably guess where this is going.

In my defense, I didn't know how it would taste. I thought "okay the Dew is sweet and good. This will be fine!"

Whoever guessed I was wrong gets a cookie because holy balls was this disgusting. I'm talking about spit-out-wash-my-mouth-out-with-listerine-mouth-wash disgusting. One sip and I felt my gag reflex kick in cause I was spitting that crap out faster than I ever spat anything out in my entire life.

And I never have lived it down. Not from my family and not from my friends. Especially not from my friends. They're brutal and they throw it in my face every chance they get.

...Though, to be fair, I know plenty of stuff to use as ammo if need be. God, I love my friends.

Anyway! That's my one thing I've consumed that I will never ever ever consume again.

Moral of the story, kids, adults, and other: Don't put Mountain Dew: Code REd in your soda. Use sugar like normal people!
I wanted to be a little adventurous I tried a Stevia soda it’s disgusting and a misfortune to have tortured my taste buds. The chalky after taste is the worst feeling.
I found a box of stevia back among things in the cupboard I use, from before when I had switched to using agave nectar, so now I am using those ones from back then up, instead, and will have to wait to when I can add agave nectar to my teas, or my coffees, as I would be doing as it is preferred.

Something I do not like and would not use is okra. There is a way to cook it without any sliminess I heard somewhere, or read it, but still I am not trusting myself to be able to do that, it just doesn't attract me to try it still. Yet it could get more of a chance than other things I really don't want.
Still there was brussel sprouts. Once biting into brussel sprouts and finding after swallowing a big bite that lots of tiny bugs are in it between all the folded leaves in it, where they were hidden, and cooked with it, a trauma sets in for a young child, and no brussel sprouts will ever ever be trusted to not be infested just that way. It's not worth it.
Still there was brussel sprouts. Once biting into brussel sprouts and finding after swallowing a big bite that lots of tiny bugs are in it between all the folded leaves in it, where they were hidden, and cooked with it, a trauma sets in for a young child, and no brussel sprouts will ever ever be trusted to not be infested just that way. It's not worth it.
Ick.. Just nightmare fuel sorry your kid self to go through that.
Ooh, canned mackerel is pretty nasty. The smell and texture. I had someone put ketchup in it when they prepared it and that was just the last straw lol.
That I can most recently remember? A fried chicken liver. Just a little taste was disgusting, and the texture was all wrong to me too.
ChobanI zero sugar the artificial sweeteners were so strong I couldn’t stomach more.

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