Experiences what's the most difficult fandom for you to find roleplay partners with?

hypnosis mic 😭 i oftentimes feel like i’m the only one who even knows what it is lol
I pitched a Dragon Slayer RP some time ago. Don't remember when exactly. But no one went for it. Probably because the theme was the PC's taking the roles of Dragon slayers. With the dragons being little more than wild, dangerous beasts. This server's community honestly strikes me more like the kind of place that would rather be dragon-friendly.
Dragon's Dogma has filled me with the intense urge to slay dragons. I'd be absolutely in

fuck dragons, we stay killin dragons
Por vous
Dragon's Dogma has filled me with the intense urge to slay dragons. I'd be absolutely in
this was... years ago. And the setting was medieval fantasy. I've been on a spacey, sci-fi kick for a while now, and have yet to get that itch scratched
Any game or fandom I'm into ^^' my main one now being Frostpunk, I really want to explore that universe more but....
For me, fandom RPs that I struggle to find partners for are usually just the ones I expect to. As long standing in my interest checks as Yuuki Yuuna is a hero and Shadowverse may have been in my interest checks, I am not exactly hanging on the edge of my seat for the moment where someone finds them. They are obscure things I only search for in my major 1x1 searches, which tend to be pretty packed to begin with. The partners I do get tend to almost exclusively be interested in my plots, which either tells me nobody was looking at the fandoms or the only people that did looked at the fandoms first and then at the requirements (or there could simply have been no interest in those particular fandoms, though I do think the other options are more likely seeing their numbers and knowing at least a few of them are relatively popular).

That being said, there are definitely a few I've looked for more explicitly which I did find I had hard time getting partners for. The main one of these is MTG / Magic the Gathering. I've tried several times in them, but they rarely get much attention, though admittedly as of late I've been trying D&D campaigns in MTG settings as opposed to straight up MTG roleplays - though even back when I tried doing MTG stuff by itself, it tended not to get that many people and it was hard to hold interest in the card aspects of what I was trying to do. I suppose part of the reason for the lack of interest may be because whenever I do an MTG RP I end up having some other gimmick alongside it, but the utter barren response leads me to believe there may be a disinterest in the fandom itself, as far as roleplay is concerned anyways.

Other cases of a hard time finding RPs for fandoms included Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha, and That Time I Reincarnated as a Slime. The second I've only ever searched in those 1x1 conditions, but even so it's super popular as far as I'm aware. Lyrical Nanoha on the other hand I actually did try to make a group RP of if memory serves me right, but only got a single response. There were also a number of other fandoms that in 1x1 searches I haven't gotten any responses (or almost any), but I either have tried myself and gotten attention in or have seen others successfully gather people for groups. Cases like Konosuba, Overlord, Digimon, Madoka Magika, etc...

I would also be remiss not to mention there are plenty of fandoms that have been in my interest checks, but on the "Rip-Off" category, where rather than the fandom itself, what I want is a plot / setting like that of the fandom, just without the baggage of the cannon content.
The Gone series, those were integral to my childhood & I've always had some ideas floating around for a OC based rp based on the novels.
The Gone series, those were integral to my childhood & I've always had some ideas floating around for a OC based rp based on the novels.
You just unearthed some hidden memories I forgot that I had. The Gone series was my favorite when I was in high school.
For me, It's definitely JJBA, because people always want to play mainstream characters on the rare occasion I do find a partner, and nobody seems to like the dystopian Eyes of Heaven ideas I put out there.
Probably The Raven Cyle. I had a couple roleplays on tumblr back when it was more popular, but now it's basically impossible to find partners for it anywhere, which is sad, because I quite like the series.
Holy shit, other people actually know that series? I mean, it's sometimes a bit of a mess, but in a very lovable sort of way.
For me, It's definitely JJBA, because people always want to play mainstream characters on the rare occasion I do find a partner, and nobody seems to like the dystopian Eyes of Heaven ideas I put out there.
What's this dystopian Eyes of Heaven idea? Asking for a friend. That friend is me.
What's this dystopian Eyes of Heaven idea? Asking for a friend. That friend is me.
DIO created so much zombie fodder that they sort of did their own thing. Cities burned to the ground, few groups of stand users are still alive and trying to figure out a way to take them all out. The Joestars were also killed at the beginning of this all.
The Gone series, those were integral to my childhood & I've always had some ideas floating around for a OC based rp based on the novels.
I used to love those books. If you ever end up running one of those ideas, please let me know.
Ahhhhh right

Dragon's Dogma is niche?

I thought it was super popular just a few years ago.

I'mma say Berserk, Metro series, the Belgariad by David Eddings, Castlevania (both show and games), Kenshi, and something like the Stalker series.

PS: Add The Black Company by Glenn Cook.
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Dragon's Dogma is niche?

I thought it was super popular just a few years ago.

I'mma say Berserk, Metro series, the Belgariad by David Eddings, Castlevania (both show and games), Kenshi, and something like the Stalker series.
Yeah, but it has gotten a bit more niche now.

Also agree with all of those. Especially Metro and Kenshi
i'd say the biggest one i've tried to get going and never done so successfully has been pokemon, which baffles me because i know how many people out there enjoy it or write things for it. one that i've had more recently has been something based on the plot of "a whisker away" on netflix.

as for roleplays where i struggle to find writers of quality, definitely supernatural (the show) and doctor who. you'd think that over time people who have been writing it for years would have improved, but i guess not lmao. it's not a jab at anyone specifically ofc

my biggest itch at the moment is death note and cyberpunk (because of edgerunners) but i'm not looking for anything really based in those canons necessarily, just inspired by them. haven't had any luck yet tho
damn i didn't even read that kenshi has been mentioned before lmao
It's difficult for me to find someone to do a JRP (Japanese) or KRP (Korean). The talent in the dramas are just amazing and they're some of the most original I have ever seen. Very inspirational. Also, the romance ends up being some of the most developed romances I have ever seen as well. I wished I could explain this better, but, in spite there being some kind of popularity to these genres, I haven't had enough requests for them.
Surprisingly Fallout. I see it pop up for other people from time to time but I only find anything every few months and then it's getting then to last more then like a week lol
For me, right now, I crave but cannot find Berserk, Dark Souls, or Salt and Sanctuary/Sacrifice. Then there's Fate, and that's its own whole can of fucking worms.
surprised how difficult it seems to be to find criminal minds partners given how how popular the show is and it's not that old so should be quite fresh.

Annoyingly, the only people who want to play it seem to be people who to be an OC whilst I play a canon character (Usually Reid). I don't want be to used purely for you to fulfill your romantic inclinations for a character.
I think its One Piece. From way back since I started up until now, I have yet seen an ideal way to run a story based on canon material. Problems always happen and you just end up with unhappy fans. And given how long the series has been running, its hard to keep everything consistent with the source material. Other shonen mangas that came out during the same time are simpler to deal with while newer titles are more free form and can rely on the narrative easier.

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