What's The Most Annoying Character Type?

Xenoxx said:
People who roleplay Kuudere, its not even the archetype, just people being halfway Tsundere and halfway absolute prick! Whoever i was RPing with, their character went from Kuudere to full Keemstar. I have yet to find someone who can RP Kuudere correctly
Why would you get involved with any of those kinds of roleplays? That's normally for ten year olds who do 1x1s in Tumblr...
Reznor said:
An online writing club???

After-school club. We're classmates and clubmates.

"Interesting" to listen about how some chick had two personalities, killed her husband, and cried for two hours. And her other personality took over. Killed thousands. Then slit her mouth Jeff the Killer style and the cliché "you'll be her next victim" ending.

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Reznor said:
Why would you get involved with any of those kinds of roleplays? That's normally for ten year olds who do 1x1s in Tumblr...
It wasn't of my own volition, they just, they just....*shudder*....provided infinite cringe until we kicked him
[QUOTE="Danchou Tsubomi]

After-school club. We're classmates and clubmates.

"Interesting" to listen about how some chick had two personalities, killed her husband, and cried for two hours. And her other personality took over. Killed thousands. Then slit her mouth Jeff the Killer style and the cliché "you'll be her next victim" ending.

If it was online I'd let that shit slide, but after school??? Did she get kicked out at the least I mean I'm all in for brainstorming ideas and just jotting them down but going as far to write a hate poem? Reminds me of this girl I knew in kindergarten who said she could see ghosts...
Reznor said:
If it was online I'd let that shit slide, but after school??? Did she get kicked out at the least I mean I'm all in for brainstorming ideas and just jotting them down but going as far to write a hate poem? Reminds me of this girl I knew in kindergarten who said she could see ghosts...
Nope, she still goes there. No one reported it because she only shared it to the eleven people in our club and we're pretty used to it now.
One person did point out how petty that was and she told him "trust me, no one should say things like that. Dark humor's disgusting."

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Hmmm most character types can be done well if enough thought and effort is put into them, but there is one type which seem to get on my nerves the most.

The bitchy princess type - Not necessarily a princess but you'd never guess it from their behavior. That act entitled and think that everything is about them. More often than not they're the main love interests or at least one of them. Other characters talk about how kind and sweet they are because they help others in need, but at the same time they treat their supposed friends horribly and are either verbally or physically abusive to them. They never actually show any sign of changing and tend to whine and complain all the time. If a love interest exists for them, these characters are usually pushy and put the love interest down every time they make a mistake (and freak out if that character does the same back to them even on a single occasion). And to top it all off, their bitchiness is completely ignored because "oh they're actually really sweet" despite doing almost nothing to show it.

One could probably fix this type by either having people call the character out on her bs, having the character realize over time that being bitchy drives others away and feeling remorse for doing that (instead of indignantly self righteous), and actually having her go through a character arc where she learns something by the end. Snobby characters are fun of people acknowledge that they're a snob instead of pretending that they're a good person. They can be empathetic if they actually acknowledge that being physically and verbally abusive is wrong and try to change for the better (even if it's a struggle for them). When this character gets what they want and are seen as "spunky and assertive" instead of "rude and pushy", it really bothers me. It happens more often than you would think too.

If I were to name one character of this type that I like, it would be the protagonist of the secret garden. The story acknowledges that she's a terrible person and she mellows out by the end. She gets over being a spoiled brat and learns to appreciate other things in life.

I think the main thing that bothers me is the implication that it's okay for a girl to be abusive, because deep down she's really sweet. A story with this sort of character has to be very careful to establish that certain behavior isn't okay for anyone to do ("good person" or not) and that the character should behave differently. Characters of this type get away with behaving poorly way too often, and it makes me uncomfortable that they're so often a love interest. That's usually a sign that possessive and abusive behavior will be given a pass, which is always really uncomfortable.
@ApfelSeine - I work too much in customer service I think. Because I've known people like that IRL. I know some one - a friend of my mom's daughter - who is a horrible person. And yet she gets people to take her in and help her out all the time.

I mean granted that love interests this spawns are not my cup of tea but I'm also sad to say they're probably more realistic than anyone likes to admit.
nerdyfangirl said:
@ApfelSeine - I work too much in customer service I think. Because I've known people like that IRL. I know some one - a friend of my mom's daughter - who is a horrible person. And yet she gets people to take her in and help her out all the time.
I mean granted that love interests this spawns are not my cup of tea but I'm also sad to say they're probably more realistic than anyone likes to admit.
The fact that they're realistic bugs me even more xD I only know one person who is exactly this character type, but I really disliked her because she behaved badly (and hogged the attention of my friend who felt bad that people weren't giving her a chance, even though she basically ignored anyone she wasn't interested in unless she wanted to brag about herself).

It isn't poorly written (though sometimes it is) but if I have to subject myself to such a character, I'd like them to either get what's coming to them, or realize that they're hurting others by the end of the story or roleplay. I suppose that's not always realistic, but I can say for certain that none of my characters will fall for it xD its one of the few things that's consistent between all my characters. I don't think I could stand it in a rp if my character want at least uncomfortable around such a character. I will usually minimize contact with such a character unless I intend to have my character pick on.

Weirdly though, bitchy/snobbish characters in general I quite enjoy. It's strange since the behavior is often very similar. I think the main thing that gets annoying for me is when a character never feels accountable. I really dislike people who are like that, and the same applies to characters xD
@ApfelSeine fair enough. I'm just too much of the - smile and let them rant at you because whatever if you don't you'll get fired. Working at a desk desensitizes you to a lot of horrible behavior in people.

I mean again I usually just don't interact with that character/player type anyway so it's a matter of avoidance leading to acceptance.

That or I guess if I have to deal with them as long as it doesn't derail the plot I'll let it go. I'll let pretty much anything go as long as it doesn't derail the plot or bleed into the OOC.

You can think my character is a push over all you like. But you try being rude to me as a person in the OOC I'll set you straight in a hurry.
nerdyfangirl said:
@ApfelSeine fair enough. I'm just too much of the - smile and let them rant at you because whatever if you don't you'll get fired. Working at a desk desensitizes you to a lot of horrible behavior in people.
I mean again I usually just don't interact with that character/player type anyway so it's a matter of avoidance leading to acceptance.

That or I guess if I have to deal with them as long as it doesn't derail the plot I'll let it go. I'll let pretty much anything go as long as it doesn't derail the plot or bleed into the OOC.

You can think my character is a push over all you like. But you try being rude to me as a person in the OOC I'll set you straight in a hurry.
Good for you ^_^ No one should get to be rude OoC. Annoying characters are manageable if the player is manageable. In the end it really comes down to who's controlling the character.
I am fine with all normal character types, really. By normal, I mean not the common emo, overdone sob story, contradictory personality and overall bane of my existence.

What I'm more particular about, though, are characters that seem okay / borderline OP (surprise surprise, I actually trusted the guy not to cross the border)

and then comes out with omnidirectional attacks, sudden charisma that apparently draws others to him/her, no chance of escaping(I WAS TOLD THAT MY CHARACTER HAS NO CHANCE OF ESCAPING, BOTH INDIRECTLY AND DIRECTLY. DOES ANYONE FEEL MY PAIN?) and last but not least,


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