Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

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i've been seeing a lot of roleplays lately that center on themes of violence, abuse, and interpersonal harm. i really don't see the appeal and it makes me wonder about the type of person that actually wants to write out those scenarios. it's one thing to bring characters together with histories of trauma and have them work on it together and heal, but to actually enjoy creating harmful situations for the sake of angst and drama gives me the ick.

in the same kind of sentiment, the amount of fetishization of queer men (especially those with more feminine traits) (and even more so those who belong to minority races) on this website makes me incredibly uncomfortable. all queer, especially gay men, don't fit the docile, cute, stylish, skinny, submissive tropes that i see time and again. it really seems like some users are using this platform to live out their fantasies of how an ideal presenting gay man carries himself. yuck.
So I had three things that I wanted to work on today; my roleplay response, my other roleplay response, and a character sheet. NONE of these things have been accomplished and dinner time is approaching. Guess my inefficiency is gonna make me stay up all night again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So I had three things that I wanted to work on today; my roleplay response, my other roleplay response, and a character sheet. NONE of these things have been accomplished and dinner time is approaching. Guess my inefficiency is gonna make me stay up all night again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I feel this spiritually, cop.
So I had three things that I wanted to work on today; my roleplay response, my other roleplay response, and a character sheet. NONE of these things have been accomplished and dinner time is approaching. Guess my inefficiency is gonna make me stay up all night again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I totally understand this.
i've been seeing a lot of roleplays lately that center on themes of violence, abuse, and interpersonal harm. i really don't see the appeal and it makes me wonder about the type of person that actually wants to write out those scenarios. it's one thing to bring characters together with histories of trauma and have them work on it together and heal, but to actually enjoy creating harmful situations for the sake of angst and drama gives me the ick.

I've been known to have some really evil villains and some really horrible back stories for my characters. And I don't mind some dark events in the roleplays. Sometimes I go a little too dark when venting. But even I get tired of people who want to RP torture just to get off on it. I had someone want a character to be captured by some villains of mine, and they pretty much looked for reasons to take FOREVER for a rescue. They made out like they wanted to do a dark event and recovery for character development. But they never wanted to move the plot to him actually being helped once rescued. They just wanted to make him turn into a suffering abuse lump who refused to function. And they refused to pay their other characters always going back to the poor abused guy who did nothing but suffer. Nothing. Except suffer and use his suffering as an excuse to be a jerk who did nothing for plot.

Then I made the mistake of agreeing to start an RP with someone's character as a captured slave who would escape my villain and meet up with my good guys. Okay, fine. But they didn't actually want him to escape and kept wanting it to be him messing up and being punished. Ended that fast.

And then the abusive husband with PTSD RP that ended because I didn't have my character put up with it.

I love dark stories, but these horrible events should be for something. Showing how evil a villain or society is. Establishing why a character is how they are. Showing what effects the events have on people. When it starts to be just a fetish or obsession it gets old fast. And doesn't really offer much in a RP.
I loath the way post structure and order influences the flow of dialogue in big, key situations where a number of OCs are present. Instead of being fluid, natural, coherent, it's often a stew of stand-alone monologues trying to address the multitude of things being said every post round. I literally can't. I wouldn't know where to begin with that anymore.

This is a huge pet peeve of mine!!

It destroys the flow of the RP for me and doesn't leave room for any reactions to what people said.

The solution even though people won't like it - is shorter posts. Let the person reply to what is said instead of changing the subject so many times and having multiple conversations at once in the same post.
The solution even though people won't like it - is shorter posts.

"People won't like it" is deeeefinitely right. The length expectations of a fanfiction/original story is different from that of an RP mainly due to how it's just one person writing it. Two or three people can still do lengthy, but at some point compromises have to be made.
This is a huge pet peeve of mine!!

It destroys the flow of the RP for me and doesn't leave room for any reactions to what people said.

The solution even though people won't like it - is shorter posts. Let the person reply to what is said instead of changing the subject so many times and having multiple conversations at once in the same post.

This is why I don't reply to RP posts involving a set minimum of words/sentences/paragraphs. I understand no one liners, be detailed, give me something to work with and such. I know what it's like to keep getting responses from someone that are ridiculously vague in the lack of detail.

But I've found the super long writers are really not fun either. Well, super long for literally every post. Naturally if their is actually a lot to say then please say it. But a literal short story for a reply to a character asking someone what their name is, yeah that usually is a bad sign. They tend to often get rather redundant and annoying. A lot of info can pull you in, but also literally pull you away from things. Or they can literally not let you have any chance to have a say in a story. I've found the really controlling RPers use it a lot. Or the ones that know that they are essentially moving away from agreed to rules and hope to sell you on it before you end the RP.

Like one friend that would normally short reply a lot but if she wanted to throw in a plot that she knew I hated would wrote out a whole two pages worth of her characters brat running around causing trouble. Because she knew I had a no child heavy story rule. And she wanted to try to toss in a ton of endearing details to try to stop my character just taking the kid back to their mom instead of dealing with them. And to throw in something that would hopefully stop me from having them say something about it made no sense the kid was unattended in enemy territory.

Or another RP I did with an ex-friend that would try to write long drawn out scenes of their character flirting with my character and I keep making it clear I'm not shipping and why would he be putting up with this crap that long.

And then their are the ones me and some friends recently discussed. They do long posts that move the story with literally no chance to have a say in what your character does because they aren't really roleplayers as much as they have a story already planned and for some reason just want someone to ride along. Not realizing maybe they just need to write it and ask people to read it. While I have had the solo writer partners before for short times apparently their was a guy on DA that I never RPed with. But at least four people who eventually got together did and when they compared notes of the RP the stories were almost a copy paste of each other with just the mostly shunted aside replies of the guy's partners making just the slightest of changes in dialogue.
My goddamn writer's block! My hubby finally convinced me to go ahead and start writing one of my novel ideas. but I'm a chapter in and already I feel like giving up. It's SO fucking hard to keep myself motivated to write. Like, any little thing just turns off the burner.
Lately I've seen trend that irks me where people act like if you aren't okay with your character being killed of or otherwise being written out of the story at the drop of a hat then clearly you're too attached to your character and are just writing a self-insert.
Lately I've seen trend that irks me where people act like if you aren't okay with your character being killed of or otherwise being written out of the story at the drop of a hat then clearly you're too attached to your character and are just writing a self-insert.

Can't roleplay a character if they're dead!
When I Write a reply full of passion and charisma. Getting excited about our adventures during our RP, ready to ask questions, would building, but my partner comes in say 'lol okay'. And everything goes downhill.

It almost makes me not want to Rp ever again. Hell, it seems like I'm already taking that path. I have a lot of free time yet I'm becoming less active here; Because I'm tired of the same results.
When I Write a reply full of passion and charisma. Getting excited about our adventures during our RP, ready to ask questions, would building, but my partner comes in say 'lol okay'. And everything goes downhill.

It almost makes me not want to Rp ever again. Hell, it seems like I'm already taking that path. I have a lot of free time yet I'm becoming less active here; Because I'm tired of the same results.

Lol okay.

Big /s

though I feel it lmao
How my posts can go from that's kinda' nice to wtf-are-they-trying-to-say in a matter of minutes. Will I notice the sudden quality decrease, even after rereading it a few times? No, probably not.

I don't take it seriously in, say, a laid back 1x1 I'm doing with a friend. However, when I'm in an actual role-play where the quality is more important, I find it annoying that I have to check so many times that my signs of brain scramble aren't there and some still make it through somehow.
How my posts can go from that's kinda' nice to wtf-are-they-trying-to-say in a matter of minutes. Will I notice the sudden quality decrease, even after rereading it a few times? No, probably not.

I don't take it seriously in, say, a laid back 1x1 I'm doing with a friend. However, when I'm in an actual role-play where the quality is more important, I find it annoying that I have to check so many times that my signs of brain scramble aren't there and some still make it through somehow.
That’s a big mood. I read over my post like 17 times to make sure it flows, then I post it, realizing I somehow forgot to put a space between two words in my second sentence. Multiple times now, I have reread my post after actually posting it, seeing one sentence has somehow managed to have duplicates of words and is missing two commas. Why can’t you do your damn job and catch my mistakes, Grammarly!?
How my posts can go from that's kinda' nice to wtf-are-they-trying-to-say in a matter of minutes. Will I notice the sudden quality decrease, even after rereading it a few times? No, probably not.

I don't take it seriously in, say, a laid back 1x1 I'm doing with a friend. However, when I'm in an actual role-play where the quality is more important, I find it annoying that I have to check so many times that my signs of brain scramble aren't there and some still make it through somehow.
That’s a big mood. I read over my post like 17 times to make sure it flows, then I post it, realizing I somehow forgot to put a space between two words in my second sentence. Multiple times now, I have reread my post after actually posting it, seeing one sentence has somehow managed to have duplicates of words and is missing two commas. Why can’t you do your damn job and catch my mistakes, Grammarly!?
Y'all should try reading your posts aloud. It's really annoying and can't always be done thanks to irl circumstances, but even rereading your post in a whisper makes a WORLD of difference.
But what if they turn into a spooky ghost?

What if they've contributed to the plot already, served their purpose, and got a good death that added to the story and made the character memorable and ensured they left a powerful mark on the mythos of the story, and on the protagonist/antagonist cause as a whole?

I suppose the utilitarian, hobbyist mentality is making me angry every day. It hinders story telling directly at every juncture.
I hate in RPs when they don't have a plot.

I also hate when people keep reviving their characters :/

think of other things you hate in RPs
Asterisks, characters which change emotions on the drop of the penny, ‘kills’.. The list goes on.
When I Write a reply full of passion and charisma. Getting excited about our adventures during our RP, ready to ask questions, would building, but my partner comes in say 'lol okay'. And everything goes downhill.

It almost makes me not want to Rp ever again. Hell, it seems like I'm already taking that path. I have a lot of free time yet I'm becoming less active here; Because I'm tired of the same results.

I've had several RPs never even get started because of this. At best we show characters and then every question I ask about plot ideas and dos and don'ts is met with lackadaisical until no answer. Extra pet peeve of they have post saying stuff like "I want to make a story together. Don't make me do all the work. I like to talk to my partner. Let's write a story we both make!"

On the note of story making. A huge pet peeve I have run into more than once and apparently am not the only one. People that forget the RP is making a story TOGETHER! I get so sick of people that try to literally run roughshod over my rules about each person in charge of their own characters because THEIR STORY demands something. If you have to be god over all the characters and what they will and will not do without being able to handle things not going by what only you planned in your head make a post as you for a GM and be clear it's a straight forward story dungeon crawl with little side options. Or be upfront you are not actually looking for so much a RP as help writing a story.

Especially frustrating are the ones that are not immediately straightforward until they are triggered. As these people seem to want to unveil their story as a surprise and never even communicate all details.

Don't literally ignore everything your partner says about their rules and what they find fun in RP and get upset when someone make a character dodge an attack instead of your character unveiling they had poison on the weapon and your hero is a master alchemist. Or you are asking a character to do something not in their skill list and they suggest a different route. Or someone kills a side character they made and it turns out you planned him for the huge senpai role you apparently needed and rage quit the RP.
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