Experiences Whats making you angry today? Rp pet peeves

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Here's something I was asked by an old roleplay partner back when I was 9.

We were doing a romance RP (At our age, yes, I know), And My character, as I do, had dark skin. The kid I was roleplaying with did not, and seemed to have an issue with it. He looked at me and blatantly said. "If you're going to be my girlfriend, you need to have white skin." We never spoke again.
I had one once before interested in rping and shared how I can reach them on Discord. At first, we do our hellos and share what we like. However the next day or so, the other has vanished. A week goes by and you hear nothing from them. Not a "sorry for not responding" or "life got in the way". Why is someone going to add you only to go quiet on you?
I had one once before interested in rping and shared how I can reach them on Discord. At first, we do our hellos and share what we like. However the next day or so, the other has vanished. A week goes by and you hear nothing from them. Not a "sorry for not responding" or "life got in the way". Why is someone going to add you only to go quiet on you?

They probably got busy IRL. I have had partners be hospitalized, have deaths in the family, get swamped with work/school, or even just loose internet access.

If they aren’t online than chances are they can’t be online and I would just put the roleplay on hiatus until they come back (or move on if you would prefer not to wait).

I think sometimes people forget that IRL issues can mean you don’t have access to the internet at all.

I had a partner who literally lost internet access for about a month. I had another person in a group who was hospitalized after a severe car accident.

So with those experiences in mind I tend to just assume my partner can’t get online and move on after a set number of days.
They probably got busy IRL. I have had partners be hospitalized, have deaths in the family, get swamped with work/school, or even just loose internet access.

If they aren’t online than chances are they can’t be online and I would just put the roleplay on hiatus until they come back (or move on if you would prefer not to wait).

I think sometimes people forget that IRL issues can mean you don’t have access to the internet at all.

I had a partner who literally lost internet access for about a month. I had another person in a group who was hospitalized after a severe car accident.

So with those experiences in mind I tend to just assume my partner can’t get online and move on after a set number of days.

Yes I can understand those but when someone is gone for over a month and don't say anything it grinds my gears a bit. I am not asking for a ten page essay of what happened but if you can just say what happened that is fine and I can wait. I mean you don't want to see them online one day and see how they are doing but don't even respond back.
Here's something I was asked by an old roleplay partner back when I was 9.

We were doing a romance RP (At our age, yes, I know), And My character, as I do, had dark skin. The kid I was roleplaying with did not, and seemed to have an issue with it. He looked at me and blatantly said. "If you're going to be my girlfriend, you need to have white skin." We never spoke again.

I mean on the one hand kudos to him for saying it with his chest. A lot of people try to cloak their bigotry with all kinds of excuses that basically boil down to

“I want to say these things I know are hurtful to you, but I don’t want you to call me a bad person.”

Or even more sinister “I will say this things I know are hurtful specifically so you call me out and I get to play the victim cuz you are being mean to me for having ‘opinions’”

Like as messed up as it is that little boy was racist at least he let you know who he was so you could get on with your life.

But like in general even if I am not opposed to the skin color request (I super don’t care if my character has dark skin for instance) if someone said “Your character has to be dark skinned so I can be attracted to them.”

I would be a bit wigged out like I don’t need you lusting after my fictional character.
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Yes I can understand those but when someone is gone for over a month and don't say anything it grinds my gears a bit. I am not asking for a ten page essay of what happened but if you can just say what happened that is fine and I can wait. I mean you don't want to see them online one day and see how they are doing but don't even respond back.

I mean are they back? Cuz if not it could be a legitimate crisis. Like that hospitalization I am talking about covered multiple months. As did the deaths in the family.

Also not everyone is comfortable talking about tragedy with strangers. They might not be comfortable telling you why they were away if it was a really personal issue.

In my experience if you need to have a set period of time for a hiatus than just come up with one yourself.

As a lot of my partners have had real life tragedies come up in the past here is what I do :
- I don’t hear from you for a week I send a health check. “hey are you feeling okay?”

- I don’t get a reply for another three days I assume a real life issue came up and the roleplay goes on hiatus.

- I will periodically delete the introductory PMs after about a month. If we actually started the roleplay I save an archive of posts so the player can come back at any time.

- But I usually start looking for a new partner after two weeks of no reply (not including the check in pm)

I find having a set policy makes me less anxious about my partners leaving and it makes them less anxious about contacting me. Since they know I am not sitting around waiting on them they are more likely to contact me than they would be if they thought I would get “mad” about the hiatus.
Here's something I was asked by an old roleplay partner back when I was 9.

We were doing a romance RP (At our age, yes, I know), And My character, as I do, had dark skin. The kid I was roleplaying with did not, and seemed to have an issue with it. He looked at me and blatantly said. "If you're going to be my girlfriend, you need to have white skin." We never spoke again.

Holy crap that gets an award for douchebag of the year. I hope he managed to grow out of being a racist.
This ^^ Nowadays people take internet connection for something granted, when in fact there are so many factors that can play such a big role on your internet connection, such as financial problems, living in a remote place, technical problems (and not having a decent team to fix them up), etc.

People also tend to take having portable WiFi items to mean everyone can be online a lot more than they can. I had someone ask why I didn't reply more often and I explained I am not always home and they actually asked why I didn't use my phone! When I told them I had a flip phone that didn't really get internet they actually mocked me and tried to send me adds for phones making a big deal they weren't that expensive (the adds they seen were actually quite pricey)

And skip to now I do have a smart phone, (that was cheaper in both phone and plan that the BS they showed me) The thing is when I'm with family, shopping or working I can't play online. Also when I'm doing yard work or something dirty or attention demanding I don't stop to check RP until I'm done.
Here's something I was asked by an old roleplay partner back when I was 9.
To be fair, if he was around the same age as you... I'm not entirely sure he understood the dynamics of bigotry and racism. It's entirely possible that he just didn't know better, being a naiive child. The childish thinking of "This is different than what I'm used to. I don't know what to do with this. It's BAD".

I know I made some prejudiced mistakes when I was younger, if the kid had a decent upbringing then he probably cringes at it today.
To be fair, if he was around the same age as you... I'm not entirely sure he understood the dynamics of bigotry and racism. It's entirely possible that he just didn't know better, being a naiive child. The childish thinking of "This is different than what I'm used to. I don't know what to do with this. It's BAD".

I know I made some prejudiced mistakes when I was younger, if the kid had a decent upbringing then he probably cringes at it today.

I am gonna assume since he specifically mentioned “white skin” he came from a racist/bigoted background and was parroting something his family taught him.

I say this because I am a (white passing) person of color who grew up in a small white conservative town. Trump country as it were.

Now 90% of the people I grew up with would never have taught their children to say “white skin” as a preference. Cuz they are self-aware enough to know that is incredibly rude (at best) and it makes them sound racist (at worst).

So I can see the kids I grew up with being “I want a girlfriend who look like (insert whomever little boys find attractive).“ Or even “I think your picture looks funny/ugly/etc.”

But for a nine year old to articulate the “bad” thing about an image is the skin color points to some very Klannish roots to me.
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True indeed. Most part of my day is spent on classes, abd uc there is a rule I follow religiously is the fact of never touching my phone during classes. So I won't be online in order to roleplay.

And just like you, I only got a smartphone "recently". By "recently" I mean that I had no phone until a few years ago and it was never a necessity, nor is it now. If us only a necessity when I go on long trips and I need to listen to music, or when I am trying to avoid people XD

Yeah, I notice many people don't have priority when they have a phone. A few times I will be talking to someone online then they say something that makes me realize they are at work and I'm that responsible worker type that's thinking . . . . why are we talking . . . . does your job not care . . . .

I held out on keeping the basic talk and text message phone for years. But then stuff happened and I needed APPs to make certain things like info from work, health care providers and such faster and easier. And now with COVID 19 I have to have the APP to pay rent.

I swear it's like they are trying to make us have to have a PIP Boy permanently strapped to our wrists.
I had one tell me before they had a heart attack before. Plus whatever they say is fine with me like "sorry I can't continue" or "I don't think this is going work" those I can accept. I just don't like it when they block me altogether or don't say anything.
I had one tell me before they had a heart attack before. Plus whatever they say is fine with me like "sorry I can't continue" or "I don't think this is going work" those I can accept. I just don't like it when they block me altogether or don't say anything.

As I said a lot of people just aren’t comfortable sharing info with strangers. Especially since people can get very rude about ghosting on this website, which I think makes the more nervous types too intimidates to speak up.

The best way to get people to talk to you is to make it unnecessary for them to speak up. Come up with some kind of policy for putting roleplays on hiatus and then tell your partners about it.

Reiterate that they do not have to contact you if something pops up, you have your policy and you will follow it.

In my experience people are lots more likely to give you a heads up about their lives when they don’t feel pressured.

Plus as someone who has had real life stuff come up myself. The person who reacted entirely by focusing on how I was inconviencing THEM is the person I dropped like a hot potatoe. The people who were super nice and were willing to work with me to restart the roleplays are people I kept on as future partners.

Sometimes just being nice and having a plan goes a long way. (Not saying your being mean but being extra nice definately helps)
As I said a lot of people just aren’t comfortable sharing info with strangers. Especially since people can get very rude about ghosting on this website, which I think makes the more nervous types too intimidates to speak up.

The best way to get people to talk to you is to make it unnecessary for them to speak up. Come up with some kind of policy for putting roleplays on hiatus and then tell your partners about it.

Reiterate that they do not have to contact you if something pops up, you have your policy and you will follow it.

In my experience people are lots more likely to give you a heads up about their lives when they don’t feel pressured.

Plus as someone who has had real life stuff come up myself. The person who reacted entirely by focusing on how I was inconviencing THEM is the person I dropped like a hot potatoe. The people who were super nice and were willing to work with me to restart the roleplays are people I kept on as future partners.

Sometimes just being nice and having a plan goes a long way. (Not saying your being mean but being extra nice definately helps)
If they tell me they can't continue or need to pause that is fine. I just don't like it when they go quiet and vanish without a trace.
I feel this on a personal level XD Mostly because I am always afraid that my characters are just filling in archetypes and that they are not really unique in any way, so I scrap them, and rewrite them again, and again and again, but I am never happy with the result lol. I feel just so unimaginative sometimes.
I wouldn't worry about avoiding archetypes. The kind of people who think they're better for it either make really bland characters or end up falling into archetypes anyways.
If they tell me they can't continue or need to pause that is fine. I just don't like it when they go quiet and vanish without a trace.

My point is you can’t expect them to let you know. Not everyone is going to be comfortable with confrontation (and that is what let you know something is, it’s a confrontation).

Even if you as an individual are the nicest most understanding person they can’t know that until after the fact.

Like when my real life stuff popped up and I told my partners. They had all been very polite up to that point.

But while three of them were very understanding after the fact. One was very rude about me needing time off. And it kinda came out of left field.

Now I am not at all a shy person. I will call you on your shit immediately if you talk to me in a rude way. But not everyone is that comfortable with confronting bad behavior.

It’s why I keep saying to make a policy. As if gives you a clear course of action so you don’t feel like your time is being wasted. But it also puts less pressure on your partners. As they know exactly what you will do without them having to risk getting yelled at or treated badly

(to be clear I am not saying you would be mean, I am saying your partners might think you will be mean)
This whole thread was a good read. Some parts were better than others, some bits I stared at with a raised brow, but over-all it was great. =)

My additions: (Keeping these as things I wanted to say to RP’ers from another site. Any resemblance to someone on this site is purely coincidental and non-intentional.)
+ “Um...maybe playing a villainous super genius isn’t in your wheelhouse...” — Yeah, this was a fine kettle of fish. The creator of the role play wanted to be the big-bad in the story. Not a problem with any of the players except...it soon became apparent that he was not up for the task. Neither the villainy nor the super genius boxes were being checked. And the creator was the friendliest human ever to run a RP. Nice guy all around and fair when issues came up, so no one really had the heart to tell him that his bad guy probably couldn’t steal candy from a convenience store without either bungling it or feeling guilty about it and going back to pay the tab.

+ “My flexibility and willingness to ‘color outside the lines’ to make a story fun does not mean that I am weak or give you permission to neglect your end of the role-play expectations.” — Eek, this applied to many folks I ran into back in ‘09 that thought I had nothing better to do than to write their canon choice with their goddess Sue (far beyond a Mary Sue), while they pissed and moaned about playing a canon for my character in return and went out of their way to do a shitty job with said canon. Seriously, the only way they could have written that godawful was if they were trying - and they could clearly do better because they did when their OC was concerned. No idea why they thought I would keep putting up with that nonsense. I think the crowning gem from this time period was when this girl and her friend approached me to write for two canon characters against their OC’s, who were pregnant by the canons I would play, but they weren’t allowed to be together for some reason (that I couldn’t bother to remember.) And neither wanted to play anyone other than their OC’s, not even NPC’s.

+ “Are you a zombie? Every time I ask you a question, you respond with ‘idk’, ‘whatever’, ‘sure’, ‘maybe’, ‘nah’, or ‘okay‘ and precious little else and then have your characters mummy-walk through the scenes.” Often followed up a few days later with, “Why are you bitching at me for the story’s direction? Somebody’s gotta drive the bus!” — These people are why my ‘default mode’ is ‘GM’ in a one on one. One word answers, vagueness, and general apathy towards a story makes me crazy upset. This was really, really bad on the last site I was on and it was in vogue for, like, three years. If my partner shows interest and really dives in, things turn into a Rocket Raccoon and Peter Quill situation - we both pilot the ship and make awesome things happen. If not? I’m Belle Williams from Taxi...or Alan Parrish from Jumanji. (I’m either doing great at the wheel or we just went through a glass window into a Sir Save A Lot.)
+ “Um...maybe playing a villainous super genius isn’t in your wheelhouse...” — Yeah, this was a fine kettle of fish. The creator of the role play wanted to be the big-bad in the story. Not a problem with any of the players except...it soon became apparent that he was not up for the task. Neither the villainy nor the super genius boxes were being checked. And the creator was the friendliest human ever to run a RP. Nice guy all around and fair when issues came up, so no one really had the heart to tell him that his bad guy probably couldn’t steal candy from a convenience store without either bungling it or feeling guilty about it and going back to pay the tab.

Wow, a guy so nice he couldn't even make an evil character evil. Finally this thread mentions a guy we all would want to hang around.
When you recorrect a mapping mistake after creating the map, it is made public before anything happens, but the original is viciously fought over as being the correct map for all purpose uses.

It also pisses me off as much as someone touching my food, or someone trying to map the entire ocean as their land, when I create a biome map, create obvious features, then someone proceeds to argue that it is another thing. One time I had a mountain range about nine counties thicc, this was a thiccy gal you see. This one absolute unit marched up, claimed it, then proceeded to aggressively call and demand it be a dead-tree desert with full dunes and all. It wouldn't of been bad and I tried talking about it, but the worse bit is, usually when I make a map for something it isn't a commission because some random dude asked for one. When I make a map, even a basic primitive one that doesn't look pretty, I'm either the host or made in charge of mapping. The greatest sin man or machine can possibly make, is annoying the dedicated mapper LMAO. They can legitimately "ignore" or "misinterpret" your messages, explicitly to punish you for being an entitled princess lol.

So essentially what happened was, what I assumed a normal player ended up being a hostile animal. After trying to explain to them that it was a mountain range for a hard twelve minutes, they acted as if I didn't make the map and treated it as if I'm just some random that tried manipulating their beliefs. But they couldn't just be up and shot out, so I set them up in the world's largest ghetto, sandwiched between an already existing lich nation I still didn't have a player for, and two powers that had boners for economical superiority via mass production of cheaper goods, but couldn't trade with this loner. So they died slowly as the skeletons creeped in the back door, one of the guys straight up made a black market that made his country dependent on it, and the other guy flooded them with expensive prices while cutting off other trade sources such as trying to leave the country without paying a toll. The black market was designed to self destruct, so they got metaphorically nuked immediately. Suffice it to say, they died of starvation, closet skeletons, and contaminated water. Though the other two guys ended up yeeted by resulting disease coming out of that anarchic cess pit. I guess it was deserving, since their leaders gave zero about the well being of civilians.

Probably said this one before but:
I still get irked when some random dude pops up, and goes off about how something or piece of tech should work, think they know better than everybody else, and turn a triviality into a major deal. It's as if they think their opinion is a fact, and when it crosses over to anything RP from style to story, or worse, they depict things as one way when it isn't and there's like two people that has actually used it and three that researched about it, it really makes that guy look a top tier moron. The resulting argument they'll end up spanning for long enough that any new RPer in will suddenly lose interest or get themselves irked and up and abandon the project. Therefore, I have what some may even as far as to call an irrational agitation to people trying to win an argument over things they know nothing about and doing it for some time, rather than just either finally moving on in some way. Their action in of itself actually is being irrational by that point. Akin to someone trying to drive off players, because they had an assumption without care, then treat it as a fact. Then demonized the group upon unfounded nonsense which could of been seen easily if they bothered than to sit around. Such as for example they would of understood the other players weren't what they preached, but their mind wouldn't of been changed on the opinion because they stopped listening to anybody and wouldn't care to see how they actually we're in the projects they're being demonized for.

In further context of that one but not throwing in everything, they effectively generalized everyone involved as a high level of bad and an entire RP genre because all they had to go off of about the players, were community jokes, how a single person acted, and theorized everything in a sequel RP as a world domination fantasy for the rest despite national relations in the region starting a world war ended off rubbish in the original. That saying some but I think a previous thing I did about this was more detailed. [Boosting their negative opinion, as some of the community on both sides thought diplomatic relations would be good, despite in the previous RP entire nations got muscled into randomized treaties, lost lands by horrible deals, some collapsed small and larger nations devastated other countries without any future reparation, and the super powers neglecting and then ignoring all attempts of peaceful communications too. I just assume they thought because time flies decades forwards and some don't read nation histories, they thought diplomatic relation issues would be resolved via OOC means. Which could of been alright, however the majority preferred IC interaction and classified this as a major action, therefore for over 50+ years for one power in particular, they've had several other powers varying from fear to outright despising them IC. It would go against how the nations and people would act to immediately pretend that everybody would be perfectly chill with each other. And it has been made known repeatedly prior to even the start of the RP. The superpowers however, tried making everything seem happy and fixed as a get out of a jail free card. This being OOC belief to them and nobody on either side actually doing anything or agreeing in planning phase combined with all the IC negativity, it logically wouldn't be treated as fact in what "storyline" exists for the universe. Despite a NB being basically an overarching story invented by each nation inventing up their own story, especially if they interact with others such as trade.]

but other than those and rehashing the last one forever more, nothing has got me wanting to eat a thousand nukes thus far.
players who gold grudges against other players just gets me like ?????
to clarify i don't mean just being put off/disliking someone
i've bumped heads with many ppl on here n it'll peeve me for like 2 seconds n then i go back to being 🤷🏽 bc dude it's the internet who tf c a r e s who tf has t i m e to care ?
unless someone is transphobic/islamophobic/racist/misogynistic/rude/etc, i'll treat them like i treat anyone else the next time we talk but apparently ppl don't do that and legit hold grudges against others and will NEVER forget the fucking tOrMEnt the other person put them through ?? 😭 i don't get that m8 like y r u so obsessed ??? grow. tf. up.
a big pet peeve of mine are people with their holier than thou attitudes on here tbh. i've met plenty of folks (and butted heads w some, its inevitable) who have been downright racist, transphobic, homophobic, or fetishistic of certain sexualities and/or races, and who have also been downright rude as well. and the minute someone calls them out on their bullshit, they get so high and mighty acting like it's the rest of the world that has a problem, and they've never done or said anything wrong in their life lmao. just have some accountability ffs.
Crow Crow
Oh, he was super awesome - just not with writing villains. XD I’d hang out with him again anytime. I joined several of his group role plays and in each one, he was great to work with. On the last one - the one I’m referencing - I was his second in command and got to see the behind the scenes work he put in to keep the story fun and fair for everyone. (It was a lot!) Someone else on the crew eventually told him that his villain was about as maniacal as a box full of kittens and I took on the role of the big bad. (He was actually relieved. Even being mildly evil was making him squirm.)

It’s nice to be able to share a more positive experience!

Back on topic!
(And still keeping references to experiences on another site.)
“It’s been fun being ignored and writing monologues, but I’m gonna have to leave this cliquey situation for my sanity’s sake.” — My last group role play experience in an arranged marriage set-up. I was just starting to branch into more demanding stories with a minimum length requirement. (1k for this one.) I joined this one group story that looked promising as it said everyone would have at least one someone to interact with due to the nature of the story. What I didn’t know was that almost everyone there was part of the same writing clique - except for the thread creator. So my profile and sample were accepted happily by the GM, but the other characters owned by the clique-folks pretended my character didn’t exist. I first thought I was doing something wrong until other players not in the clique joined and they were treated the same way. Meanwhile, the GM was fighting the good fight and tried to break things up by assigning a clique member to an ‘outsider’ for their arrangement. When the ‘outsider’ would try to interact with their clique match, however, they continued to be ignored. So the GM closed the story and told everyone to ‘sod off’.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” — It is really, really rare that this happens, but over the years I’ve found a handful of people that have given me a truly detestable writing experience. Every time I saw these individuals bumping their search thread and witnessed a new naive face expressing interest, I’d have to fight the urge to warn them. People can change, after all, and what happened to me might have been an isolated incident. But then there was this one, glorious time where two of these people on my ‘never again’ list struck up a role play with each other. I ‘subscribed’ to that thread just to watch the shit-show - and I was not disappointed. (Two Gnorga’s faced off at the ‘Ok Karen’ Corral at 3 o’clock - in a bitch-off that would determine who was the ‘Fairest in the Land’.)
Here's one--

Often times, I find the rpers who give like 2-3 paragraphs are better writers than the ones who give 5-10.

Writing for roleplay is meant to have an element of spontaneity. You cannot predict exactly what your partner (or partners) will write, so you cannot predict exactly what your next response will be. You are going to be looking for things in your partners' responses to react to-- be that dialogue or action. You cannot react to their inner thoughts or memories, since you are not in the other characters' heads. Those things are important and can help build a really amazing response, but it's also important to do so delicately.

As you may or may not know, I'm currently in university studying creative writing. One of my favorite professors talks frequently about economy of language and emotion. Basically, making sure every single word is necessary, has a function, and is working to drive the story and the emotions of the scene forward. Repetition is fun, but when your seven paragraph response is basically just rephrasing the same emotional note in multiple different ways to "seem poetic," I'm going to get bored and I'm going to skim. Choose the phrasing that hits the hardest, keep that, cut the rest. Then add real action and things to react to. Body language, dialogue, details about the world around us. Those things can help me build my next reply in a way that continues to drive the story.

"Advanced literate" should have nothing to do with word count. I can write ten page short stories if I want to, but if all I need to write is my character's response to a conversation, what they're thinking/feeling, and what they do next, then I can write it in three paragraphs and have it sound better than if it was fifteen. I'll add a paragraph or two if I need some big plot stuff to happen, but I try to keep it concise. The fewest words possible to give the biggest impact possible. And I tend to immediately click away when I see somebody who wants "advanced literate only" or above 5 paragraphs for every reply.
Here's one--

Often times, I find the rpers who give like 2-3 paragraphs are better writers than the ones who give 5-10.

Writing for roleplay is meant to have an element of spontaneity. You cannot predict exactly what your partner (or partners) will write, so you cannot predict exactly what your next response will be. You are going to be looking for things in your partners' responses to react to-- be that dialogue or action. You cannot react to their inner thoughts or memories, since you are not in the other characters' heads. Those things are important and can help build a really amazing response, but it's also important to do so delicately.

As you may or may not know, I'm currently in university studying creative writing. One of my favorite professors talks frequently about economy of language and emotion. Basically, making sure every single word is necessary, has a function, and is working to drive the story and the emotions of the scene forward. Repetition is fun, but when your seven paragraph response is basically just rephrasing the same emotional note in multiple different ways to "seem poetic," I'm going to get bored and I'm going to skim. Choose the phrasing that hits the hardest, keep that, cut the rest. Then add real action and things to react to. Body language, dialogue, details about the world around us. Those things can help me build my next reply in a way that continues to drive the story.

"Advanced literate" should have nothing to do with word count. I can write ten page short stories if I want to, but if all I need to write is my character's response to a conversation, what they're thinking/feeling, and what they do next, then I can write it in three paragraphs and have it sound better than if it was fifteen. I'll add a paragraph or two if I need some big plot stuff to happen, but I try to keep it concise. The fewest words possible to give the biggest impact possible. And I tend to immediately click away when I see somebody who wants "advanced literate only" or above 5 paragraphs for every reply.

I think a lot of people can agree with this.

Whiiiiich reminds me of a guy I know who wanted paragraph length without understanding why paragraph length was a thing, going so far as to say that starting a new paragraph for each new person that spoke was 'one-lining multiple times' and that people should shove entire conversations in one paragraph.
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