Chitchat What's it like, having a pet? [ not including fish ]


✩ wishing star ✩
Honestly wish I had a pet that was not a fish.

What kind of pet do you have, and what's it like? I'm mostly interested in cats, though. :3
Pets are a huge responsibility in time, affection and money. When they are little they need shots, you have to get them food, and you need to be there for them ALL THE TIME. People buy puppies and kittens and then they grow up and the same people lose interest.

Cats - Besides food, cats poop in boxes. These boxes have to be cleaned out weekly at worst and daily at best. By cleaned I mean the litter either needs to be changed altogether, or you have to scoop out the bad stuff and throw it away. If you don't do these things, the cats will find someplace else to do their business. And it'll be the absolute worst place you can think. Cats are pretty independent things, so you are fine leaving them food and water and going away for a day without worry.

Dogs - Dogs poop outside. You think that's better than cats, but said poop damages your lawn so it needs to be picked up. Dogs are also pack animals that need MUCH more attention than a cat. Dogs who are ignored will find ways to amuse themselves and sometimes this comes across as destructive. Like eating a hole through your couch or shredding a pillow.

But whichever pet you get you have to make sure they are fed & watered, walked (if dog), cleaned (both), have their shots, get fixed, get licensed, etc.

But they also give you a lot back. They will be there for you when you are feeling down. They will love you unconditionally. Well, dogs will. Cats would just as soon eat your face.
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i have a cat back in my country, i had to leave it with my mother but as Elrondol said, you need to always (daily), clean their litter, also each cat has his own caprices and personality, part of the relation you build with your pet is based on its personality, my cat used to be picky with fish but not with other meat, she loved best yoghurts than milk but neither are good for them so i had to be careful with how i feed her.

From my perspective, Cats can give you a share of love depending on the trust they have towards you, in a sense, almost every dog will treat you like a god, with cats, its mostly based on his personality and they're very sensitive on the way you treat them, anyway i love her a lot,even in the distance, she must have probably forgotten me hahaha, i'm not sure.
Haha, thank you~

I'm still envious, despite all the work that has to be done.

I had just forgotten how nice it was to actually have a cat. Mine died ;^; but he was always so grumpy, so I was never sure if he loved
I also have a cat, who needs a lot of attention. She dislikes being alone and will greet me like I've been away for ages if I go to the supermarket and back :') If only one of us is at home, she will follow that person around the house most of the time and jump on his/her lap every chance she gets.

She also has zero manners.

It's a lot of fun, having a permanently excited little ball of hair running through the house. She's been living with us for over twelve years now, and she still surprises us on a daily basis, by coming up with new weird quirks. Wouldn't miss her for the world.
Man, I can't imagine my life without a dog or a cat, especially a cat. What Edrondol said above is true, but as someone who has literally never NOT had one or the other at any point, the responsibilities don't seem that tenuous to me. The big thing is money. Can you afford the vet bills of checkups, regular shots, and possible emergency visits? Can you afford flea/tick treatments (if they're outside a lot) and good food for your pets? Not to mention some breeds require additional care such as regular brushing or medicines for persistent problems, and cleanup can be hell if you have carpet flooring.

Despite all this, though, I wouldn't trade my sweet little boxer for the world, even if it meant no more shedding all over the floor and couch. My cat lives with my mom at the moment, but she is the sweetest, most loving thing and too curious for her own good. To hell with the whole bullshit spiel that cats don't love their owners--I would dare everyone that has ever said that to meet my previous baby Duchess if she was still alive. She passed away a couple of years ago due to old age, sadly, but I'll be damned if I meet a human or dog as loving as she was. Well, except maybe with the exception of boxers. Awesome dogs, but pretty high maintenance in terms of attention and grooming. Poor things have an awful time of separation anxiety without a buddy they can constantly be around.
But they also give you a lot back. They will be there for you when you are feeling down. They will love you unconditionally. Well, dogs will. Cats would just as soon eat your face.
I hear a lot of people say this and I just don't get it. I mean, outside of the scenario where the owner passes and they'll start nibbling away at them to survive. I think that's a positive more than anything though, I'd much rather they go on rather than pass with me out of loyalty. I know I'm weird in that regard though, so...

Have two cats myself and their love seems pretty unconditional, though I admit the circumstances in which I've taken them in aren't quite normal. First one is an orange and white tabby. Went to adopt an animal from the shelter and there was someone standing outside with a box of solid black kittens and him, the one completely different in appearance. The weird one. Thought it was cute. Since the person was out of county she was kind of panicking in that she couldn't drop them off there. Got a bad feeling about that so took him home with me.

Thing is he was way too young to be away from his mother. Had to bottle feed him for a couple weeks. Follows me around like my shadow now. Always calls out whenever he can't find me. Currently fighting strep and at some point he curled up under one of my arms when I was asleep this morning, woke up and he was just laying there purring. Think he may have imprinted on me or something. Named him Percival, always joked that I'd need to get another three dozen cats or so to complete the round table.

Work picked up and could tell he was lonely so I decided to pick up another cat. Went back to the same shelter around Christmas one year and looked through the ones there. That's always kind of a weird feeling in that they are not a humane shelter. Lot of kittens, but the one that caught my attention was this pudgy older cat by the name of Jodie. Apparently she was getting short on time as, unfortunately, people are much more inclined to take an animal if they have no real history attached to them. As I was filling out the paperwork, taking care of fees, etc, they kept mentioning how bad she was around people. Ended up crawling right into my arms so I found that kind of odd. Brought her home, let her out and...didn't see her for almost two months. Occasionally I'd catch her eating but that was about it.

Now she's much more comfortable here, see a lot more of her. Loves everyone really. Adults, children, other cats, dogs. Goes around licking everyone to show her affection which is cute at first...but after a few minutes kind of starts to grate on your skin. Still doesn't do well with loud noises and quick movement. Convinced she has some kind of brain damage as well as she always sinks her claws into the ground when walking as if she has difficulty balancing herself. Not sure what happened to her in the past but it seems likely that she was abused.

Which brings up something that a lot of people seem to forget. Edrondol got it pretty accurately with his comment. Pets require time and money, but most importantly affection. While they aren't as complex as humans they can get depressed and become traumatized from events that have occurred. I've always been a crazy cat person, and to a lesser extent a dog person as well, and it always irks me how many people are oblivious to this fact.

So to answer the question of what it's like? I love it myself. Always have to keep in mind to provide for them beyond just basic health/sustenance needs but I can't see myself not having any pets.
I have a cat and a dog. My dog, Lexi, is 7 months old and is a Rottweiler cross. My cat is a rescue cat (black cats ftw) and is called Angelina.

Angelina keeps to herself, she loves attention but only when she comes asking for it. If you go to her and start stroking her or trying to play with her, she just won't. She'll sit there with "leave me the hell alone" eyes and will lash out at you if you annoy her. Which is completely understandable, I'd do the same if someone tried to stroke me...

Lexi on the other hand absolutely loves people. She loves people more than dogs. You can seek her attention out whenever you please and she'll love it to death. She's a funny character and easily makes you laugh.

Now on to the actual life part; dogs are extremely hard work, cats are less work but still difficult if you want to give them a good life. Dog's are by nature a lot more needy than cats. Not saying they need more attention, but they, in general, seem to be the much more attached, loyal and attention seeking animal. Cats can do okay on a few strokes on a night and as long as you feed them, give them water and let them out when they want to be out (and of course change their litter tray etc), they'll be alright. That's exactly what Angelina requires anyway, she curls up on my bed on a night and through out the day I don't see her at all. She's either out chasing birds or whatever, or sleeping in a room in the house.

Lexi on the other hand needs my attention almost 24/7. I don't work and I'm not in education at the moment so I am in the house every day, all day. I can leave her for a maximum of 4 hours. When she's not left, she goes out every hour or two hours (or just when she asks to be out), she needs two walks a day at least, fed twice a day, and needs a hell of a lot of strokes and attention. She's a puppy so she requires more than an adult dog would in regards to play and walks and the time she can be left will slowly increase (as a rule, I'd never leave any age dog for longer than 6 hours). It's almost impossible to sit on my sofa and pay 100% attention to my laptop. I can do that when I'm in my room and Lexi is downstairs, which I can do for about 3 hours at a time because she can hear me and she doesn't like it. She'll sleep, but she would rather you be in her sight. That's another thing, Lexi (and Rottweilers) are usually have a protective/very loyal personality. So the dog breed I chose specifically, LOVES to be with you. When we're on the sofa, she is either always touching me in someway, or she'll use her head and lift my arm up away from whatever I'm doing so that she can rest her head on my legs with my arm on her head.

Dog's are generally quite needy creatures as opposed to cats. That being said though, dogs and cats are like humans. ALL with different personalities. Breed causes variation on literally everything I mentioned above. As does previous experiences and behavioural instinct. Feral cats are almost always alone in the wild, they don't group up and form packs unlike dogs (wolves). Dogs are pack animals, cats are generally solitary.

So if you're looking for an extra person to be joined at the hip, get a dog (though some breeds are more solitary than others), and if you want a companion on an evening or for a small amount every day (but they still require your love and attention) then get a a cat. :3

I couldn't do without either.
I'm a pro-guinea pig sort of person, you won't lose it because its as fragile and as big as a puppy, and as playful as a mouse. Definitely for older people, or very calm people.

I have two cats and a dog, my one cat is older, she's 18, and the other is 6, and my dog is 14. All animals have needs of their own, and I e noticed that their temperament changes the older they get. My oldest one, Checkers, is very talkative now and loves being around people, and it's funny because she used to never come out to hang out with us. I think this changed when she turned 11 or 12, now, she likes to hang out with me and my folks. Especially if we're watching a movie!

My dog, Biscuit, is a miniature dachshund, and while they're tiny, they come with a whole slew of responsibilities! I wouldn't say she's the worst, but she's acted out with me with behavior I don't like, but my father will reward. I have a large backyard, and we grow fruits and vegetables during the spring and summer. We attract squirrels because of this, and they're not always bad, but my dog is a hunting dog, so it's in her nature to want to chase after them. We couldn't walk her without her pulling to try to get a squirrel... She killed a couple bid them, and I didn't like it, but my dad hates squirrels. She's calmed down a lot though!

The youngest is Miss Tabitha, as I like to call her, but we call her Tabbi for short. She's really skittish. Jumps at absolutely everything especially when it's not the person she imprinted on, my little brother. She's very sweet though when you do get to hang around her.
Cats make great and loving pets, don't listen to people who tell you that they don't care for human companionship! I have 3 cats and they're all very loving. You just have to respect the animal and don't go in thinking that you can treat cats like you can treat dogs.

Make sure that they have toys to play with and definitely have a scratching post or two!
I live in a home with a lot of pets- but my own personal pet is a hedgehog. And having a pet is the best thing- it's like having a tiny baby to take care of. They're your best friend, therapist- words cannot describe how amazing it is. Fish can be good pets too, though.
I think I might like my cat more than my husband sometimes and I'm pretty sure I'll be devastated when she dies. She is incredibly needy and vocal about everything but she is the most adorable, cuddly cat I've ever known. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/11097_10152726781814141_6657933897061396660_n.jpg.02da202b09254b6256a440944a940c92.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118210" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/11097_10152726781814141_6657933897061396660_n.jpg.02da202b09254b6256a440944a940c92.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Well, we can't get a cat because person X is allergic to cats and dogs. So we got Guinea pigs. I love them because you can go see them in their cage, pet them and feed them. I find it helps with stress. But it is a big responsibility. Also, they can eat dandelion leaves; free food for them if you have a lawn!
It depends on how well your personalities go together. I have two cats and one of them is like a version of myself in cat form; we are both quiet and emotional, and we're extremely close. He sleeps in my bed, calls out to me when I'm not there and looks me in the eyes and bites my sleeve sharply when I return - letting me know not to be gone so long again. He's very expressive and intelligent. Even understands words like "chicken" "beef" and "let's go out for a walk."

My other cat, on the other hand, is a silly, hyper clown. He gets along best with my mother because he acts like a little child and thus enjoys babying.
Amazing. I have two dogs. One older who is sweet kind and gently and will accept anything the little kids do to her. My 10 week old pup on the other hand is hailersous and loves water! But she is loud and let's us know when dinner is and also woke me up at 5:30am yesterday Becuase that's when she wakes my sister.......not appreciated but their adorable and so much fun!!
I have 14 chickens. If you like cats and want a pet that can lay you breakfast, you might want to keep some of these guys. Their attitudes and mannerisms are the same.
I love my doggy! Having a pet is very fun!

...Although, every winter when it snows, she climbs out onto the biggest snow pile she can find, and then gets stuck and cries for us to help her. She does this over and over again. But she's still a very good dog!
My dog loves to sleep behind me in my bed.

okay time for story about my dog, so one time i had just made myself some hotdogs and then i get up to get myself something to drink and when i return to my meal, one of my hotdogs was missing it's sausage leaving only the bun and i knew exactly who had stolen it.
As someone who's always lived with cats I can confirm that they are, in fact, the spawn of Satan. But just like with any other living being, treat them right and they'll love you. It can be annoying when they express that love as laying down next to you when you're trying to sleep and causing havoc if you stop petting them and fall asleep, buuuut....

In all seriousness, cats are great, especially if you're a low-energy person. Having a dog is like having a toddler that you have to do everything for and pay attention to constantly; cats are more like bratty teenagers who mostly do their own thing, but still ask for your attention every now and then. (Don't get me wrong, I love dogs too, but I just don't have the energy to keep up with them!)
I apologize in advance if this is long. This may also be depressing, but losing pets is an important part of having them.

Having a pet is more than sharing property with an animal. It's giving part of your heart to them, knowing that they'll break it when they die. It's dedicating part of your life for them. Just them. Nobody else. It's everything messy and heartbreaking and lovely and scary and hopeful.

It's learning how to walk by clinging to a dog. It's sitting in a kennel with husky puppies climbing all over you, and your parents say that you and your two siblings have to decide on one. All three of you pick different dogs. You wanted a little gray runt with blue eyes because she took your glasses and half-buried them in the dirt.

It's running home after school to see your puppy. It's telling a boy that you can't date him because your dog doesn't like him. He thinks you're joking, but you're completely serious. It's doing your homework at the kitchen table with a white parakeet on your shoulder. She's playing with your earing, hiding in your hair, and chirping in your ear. It's finding her dead in her cage, and finding out that your mother used a cleaner, not knowing that the fumes were toxic. You were nine years old.

You see a parrot in a pet store. He's underweight and his feathers are ratty. He's beautiful. His name is Toby. He's on sale. $100 off. They say that he's mean. You don't want him. He'll never make a good pet. You'll never tame him. You say, "Watch me."

Two years later, he's a sweet little guy. You're the only one that he trusts to touch him, and he gets anxious and upset when you're gone. He's stubborn and difficult and skittish and obnoxious. He's also sweet and smart. He blows kisses. One night, he dies in your arms. He cuddled up under your chin, and he could feel your heartbeat, and he finally slips away.

It's crying in the middle of a crowded high school hallway, and asking your classmate if you can please, please pet her service dog. You hug him, because he reminds you of your own dog, a beautiful Siberian Husky who is dead now. A girl that you barely even know is passing by asks what's wrong, and you explain. The next day, she brings you a Beanie Baby stuffed Husky. She says, "I know this can't make up for your loss, but I thought you might like this. I hope it looks like her."

It's running out in front of a semi-truck, hoping he'll stop for you, because he doesn't see the dog running in the street. Your parents were mad, because it was stupid, but you're not sorry. You'd do it again.

It's waking up in the middle of the night, screaming, because you had a nightmare that you're dog died, but it's just a dream, right? Wrong. You reach down to pet your dog, and she's not there. You end up sleeping with your hoodie, because it's covered in fur and smells like her, and you haven't been able to wash the hoodie you wore the day your dog had a seizure and had to be euthanized. Her collar is own your desk. It's white with black paw prints.

Maybe every star is an animal who was loved by somebody and is still missed. They're looking down at us, always there, but we can only see them at the darkest times.

When you hear you sister cry in the next room, you have a selfish terrible thought. I wish it was somebody else's dog. It's selfish and you know it's wrong. But you still think it. Then you have a worse thought. It should be me. Coping is hard, because everything good and pure and beautiful reminds you of a lost pet. When people say they're all in a better place, some dark part of you might even wish that you dead, so that you could see them.

It's pretending to be happy and fine because your family needs to grieve, not worry about you.

It's sitting in front of your laptop, typing up several paragraphs about what it's like to have a pet, and you start listing the names in your head, and pretty soon your crying too hard to see the keyboard.

Despite all this, you go out and fall in loved with a new animal, because all the pain is worth it. It's so worth it. But it is terrible to loved something that death can touch.
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I have pet snake and a cat who lives at my dad's shop (my sister is allergic.) I had a dog from the time I was 2 to 17. We were the same age, lol.

Dogs are great fun and good for cuddling, and I don't mind being licked but if it's my hands or face it's kinda gross. They're very social and their tails are cute. Before he died he was my favorite family member lmaoo.

Snakes don't do much. They swallow dead mice whole, and you have to be pretty ok with dead bodies, the smell of dead bodies, animal death/consumption, and touching them to own a snake. And the possibility of getting animal blood/organs on you. So not really recommended for the faint of heart or people who would be upset about the mices' deaths.

But snakes are really beautiful to look at and are rather low-effort. They don't eat as often so if you forget for a day it's not a big deal compared to animals that need to be fed more often, although they do need water every day. You have to spot-clean their cage, and do a total cleaning once a month.

They can be dangerous because all snakes will bite. The kind I have does not bite in defense so the chance is much lower, but they have bad eyesight and are kind of stupid and if you smell like food they might accidentally bite you. There's been times when I've tried to feed him a mouse and almost gotten bitten, but I've been pretty lucky so far.

If your snake is very chill and hand-tamed, you can take them out for periods of up to 30 min. Again, they don't do much, but they feel cool in your hand.

Snakes can't feel affection or love, but they can recognize you and prefer you over other humans.

You need to regulate the cage temperature and all the equipment you need can be very expensive, and things like heat pads, thermometers, and thermostats are not option. Altogether just the basics for keeping you snake alive can be hundreds of dollars and you should not buy one unless you can afford it.

Altogether, probably not too different from owning fish.

Cats are great. If you want a friendly and loving one you should adopt one from a shelter thats 1 year old or older, because older cats have more stable personalities and you can find out if they're cuddly or not by spending time with them before adopting.

Plus there's massive issues with cat overpopulation and buying from petstores only contributes to that.

Our cat was a stray who was found and taken into the shelter.

She's very friendly and demands your attention but doesn't like being held or being on people in general, and that sadly includes cuddling.

She's very vocal and meows at you or pats your leg with her paw until you pet her. She also loves sitting on keyboards.

If I lay on the ground she might try to groom my hair for me.

Overall 10/10 cat.

Would be 11/10 if I could actually live with her. :(

As a person who's pretty picky about people, cats fulfill the human need for closeness well enough.

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