Alex glanced at Elizabeth. "Well, all right. I better head on towards the field. Coach will be mad if I'm late again."
Elizabeth blinked. She quickly closed her bag up. "Mind if I come?"
Alex raised a brow at Elizabeth. "I don't think Coach would let you on the bus. We're heading out for an away game..."
"Oh...." Elizabeth sighed and set her bag on the ground. "Okay."
Alex blinked. "Besides, we can't let Sylvia get lonely."
Elizabeth was quiet at the comment. She looked at her hands. "Right."
Alex blinked and shrugged before turning to. Sylvia. "Tell Brittany that we'll miss her at the games."
Alex headed towards the gym after that with a group of guys.
"I'll see you around," Elizabeth said. With that, she headed out of the cafeteria and towards the classrooms. She did ask someone where her next class was, but just mostly stayed quiet.