What's Happened

Kat Trancy

Fancy Potato
I am good for a while

I’ll talk more, laugh more

Sleep and eat normally

But then something happens

Like a switch turns off somewhere

And all I am left with is the darkness of my mind

But each time it seems like I sink

Deeper and deeper

And I am scared…

Terrified that one day I won’t make it back up

I feel like I am gasping for air

Screaming for help

But everyone just looks at me

With confused faces

Wondering what I am struggling over

When they’re all doing just fine

And it makes me feel crazy

What the heck is wrong with me?
nothing lifeis just hard at times and sometimes it seems like everyone is happy cause most put up a face to hide how they really feel i too am guilty of this but usually i just take the best of a bad situation and make something good out of it

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