What were they thinking. . . ?


Boldly going nowhere!
Character Sheet

Name: (full)

Nickname: (nothing offensive please)

I am: (The Fortunate, The Unfortunate)

From: (List one of the cities our outer settlements)

Age: (18 +) who sends a baby to fight?!


Class: (magic user, fighter)

Personal Story (Optional)

Personality:(type as much or as little as you want)

Appearance: (Picture or written description is fine)

Post them and feel free to start. Please read the overview.

And try not to tinker with your profile too much after posting it, people
(me) might get confused.
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Name: Aria Relaenna Dortalos

Nickname: Just call her Aria

I am: The Fortunate

From: The Realm of Gyles

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Class: Illusionist

Personality: Talkative, excitable, sarcastic, and sneaky.​
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Garland.jpg.b6f049b935c2e90828b31db77efeca5e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36918" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/Garland.jpg.b6f049b935c2e90828b31db77efeca5e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sadrius Garland

Nickname: N/A

I am: The Unfortunate

From: The Realm of Aerert

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Class: Warlock (Knight/Earth Magic)

Personality: Calm, quiet, and composed especially during a fight. Lives to fight and doesn't know anything else, all thanks to spending a good amount of his life out in the wastes.

Background: Originally Sadrius lived as a Fortunate in Aerert and grew up without any knowledge of the poor who were suffering and having to barely scrape by in the Wastes. When he finally got the news of the poor's way of life, he came to hate and regret his status and left home at age 19 broadswords and smuggling large fish like salmon and cod. He did this for two years until he was charged for theft and fled the city the following night. When many thought that he had perished out in the wasteland he managed to survive by some miracle and learned some basic Earth Magic from some Fortunate mages in Egiond. He works as a mercenary but doesn't charge much for his services.



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Omg yay! Sky you're accepted, post whenever you're ready, or you can wait for others! Although there is something missing.
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Name: Void Star

Nickname: Sekeolath ( draconic for shadow, possibly learned from a book*

I am: The Unfortunate

From: Realm of Gyles

Age: 25

Gender: Male


Personal Story: When I was born, there was hardly any food to go around, most of the food that was worked out of the barren Earth was sent to those despicable people whom live in safety inside the barrier. My father was a great man, or at least to me. He was a decent illusionist and never believed in using it for wrong. As for me, well a starving man whom can turn invisible is rather hard to spot amongst a wheat field on a windy day. My mother sadly, was taken from us due to disease, and for a time, even I stopped my silly antics to help my father through such a tough time. A time, I thought to myself, that wouldn't have occurred if that damnable barrier didn't block us off just because we didn't have money. From that day on, I promised myself that I'll bring the truth to the eyes of those idiots, even if I die trying.

Personality: Quick to anger and rather deceitful, enjoys forcing people to face their fears or at least unnerving them. Protective of those he cares for, willing to sacrifice a stranger if it aids someone he cares for or if it furthers his goal.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c1108855e_images(2).jpg.773cdd8295a84ba06c90f6e9c8d671d9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36966" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/57a8c1108855e_images(2).jpg.773cdd8295a84ba06c90f6e9c8d671d9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Linden R. Pentagast

Nickname: Lindy

I am: The Unfortunate

From: The Realm of Gyles

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Class: Hunter

Personal Story Lindy was your typical abandoned child who had been dodging the recruiters for years... until she was betrayed by a friend. She was a decent hunter, but had no experience in warfare. She was nervous, but wasn't going to let anyone take the life she'd worked so hard to keep.

Personality: Friendly on the outside, but she can be a little sarcastic. She lives by the phrase "It is what it is" and tries not to hold peoples natures against them. Still, given her history, she's slow to trust.


Long Live the Realm of Gyles
horray someone who read everything!! Hello, thank you for joining and feel free to post.
Name: Aileda Montello

Nickname: Leda

I am: The Fortunate

From: Egiond

Age: 22

Gender: female

Class: healer

Personal Story: Some exit the barrier to fight for a cause. For Leda, it wasn't a choice. It had always been just her and her father. Her mother had died during childbirth. The town's healers had all gone on missions to aid the war effort and so no one was there to save Leda's mother. Her father blamed and resented her, but she loved him dearly as he was all she had. She would always remember this sorrowful, far away look in her father's eyes. It had always been there. It was for this reason Leda took up healing. The world within the barriers was supposed to be safe. She wanted to ensure that other families would not suffer needless losses and could feel safe again. Unfortunately, a day came when Leda's father fell ill. It was unlike anything she'd ever seen. Try as she might, she couldn't heal him. Many of the healer's had returned in need of more supplies. They gladly took Leda's money. She hired the best she could find, but none could heal her father. It wouldn't be long before the money would run out, and he would pass away. This is where the journey begins. Now that the money has run out, Leda is being tossed outside the barrier.

Personality: Leda is watchful and does not trust other's easily. She is sometimes unintentionally offensive and thoughtless in the things she says. This is due to spending all her time with her father, a man who resented her. She never truly learned how to interact with others.


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