Other What was your most terrifying nightmare?


A cold hearted bastard
I'm going to start this off by saying please excuse any grammatical errors, I have a serious nail-biting problem and I'm currently wearing extremely slippery band-aids on my fingers to prevent myself from chewing. Now into the actual discussion.

So, basically I just thought of a nightmare I had months ago, but that nightmare effected me so much I couldn't go outside that night without being absolutely terrified. Before you go ahead and read it (or not) I wanted to know, what is one of your most terrifying nightmares? I'd like to see what kind of things other people's minds have been able to conjure up because God knows why my brain decided to spook me like this.

In real life, it's my job to feed my family's dogs every night, as well as feed the other animals that we own (because technically they're mine). So, in my dream I was walking outside to call my dogs over to eat their dinner when I noticed our dog, Athena, had gotten off her chain (a bit of backstory, Athena has to be kept on the chain because she is a wandering dog. That wouldn't be a problem if we didn't live near roads and neighbors with cattle, which our dogs would gladly bark at, and our neighbors would probably shoot them in return. Her being on a chain is mostly for her safety and also because we have yet to build an 11ft fence because she climbs over everything else). I saw her playing with our male dog, Olaf, so I shrugged it off and decided I'd let her off the chain for a while. I walked over to the place the food in their bowls when I noticed something odd.
Athena was still on the chain.
She wagged her tail at me and walked up to me for her food when I realized that Olaf was playing with something terrible. I turn around quickly and I call out to Olaf.
"Olaf, that's not Athena!" Suddenly, both dogs stop and the fake Athena stands up on two legs. Her head is disproportionately small, her body is the size of a male bodybuilder, literally muscle everywhere. Olaf looks at the fake Athena once before streaking back towards the house. I hear the most blood-curdling scream I've ever heard in my entire fucking life, I kid you not. I rush up the stairs towards our door and I turn only to see the opening in our woods is glowing a bright red (I'll never know why that is, it just is). I can see the creature, now completely humanoid, running towards the stairs on all fours. I open the door and allow Olaf inside before slamming it shut and locking it, only stopping for a moment to utterly regret not letting the real Athena off the chain to escape. I stumble, crying, into the living room and begin to yell at my dad and brothers that they need to grab the guns. My dad doesn't get up from his seat, but my second oldest brother grabs a rifle and rushes towards the doorway. I follow him, wanted to help keep whatever the creature was at bay.
This creature was so disgusting and terrifying to me, I swear to God it was the worst thing I'd ever seen. Its skin (or what was left of it) was pale and hung off in clumps to the point where I could see patches of bare muscle on every inch of it's body. It was inhumanly large and muscular. It's hand were gigantic with long, clawed fingers--no nails, just pointy fingers. The most terrifying part, however, was that it had no eyes, no nose, and no ears. All it had was two mouths, one of top of the other, filled with sharp, needle-like teeth that stretched around its face.
I tried to push it back as my brothers all tried desperately to injure it. I run back inside and try to get my dad, who only stand up out of his chair and transforms into an exact copy of the creature outside. My siblings soon do the same thing and I'm left to escape. Suddenly, I realize it's a nightmare and a bunch of weird shit happens, then I wake up.
You should think about making it this into a creepypasta, it sure reads like one. I don't think I've ever had a straight nightmare as terrifying as this. Usually they get cut short as ever since I was young I've been something of a natural lucid dreamer, and in my teen years I formally took up the practice to fend off repetitive anxiety dreams about being late for school and missing homework assignments. As such I tend to wake up, fly away or fight back the minute dreams start to turn south.

I used to have a pretty nasty recurring dream. One in where I was stuck in the back seat of a car that was driving itself. The car would run over a child or infant in the road just before I could get control of it. I would stop the car but then be faced with the family of the child or children I had killed, screaming at me with rage and crying over their children as though it was my fault for being a distracted, lazy, irresponsible driver when in reality it was just a situation contrived by the dream to create the scene. It's not so much terror as it is just guilt and self-loathing, and it put me in a bad mood for a whole week. However I still remind myself to this day that If I'm ever in that situation that I'm dreaming and I should just ignore the car no matter how intense it is, because its not really real.
It's a bit hard to decide because I have many. The most recent one that I can remember is dreaming that I couldn't move and I had hundreds of these tadpole things living under my skin that started coming out of my pores. Thankfully, it wasn't a very long dream. It's weird, and kind of cool, how the mind can imagine things you've never experienced before.
lol i just fell from a cliff then woke up
Not exactly a nightmare, but had my first encounter with sleep paralysis about a week ago. Still makes me nervous to go to sleep, because boy does that stuff suck.
It was around 4ish when I woke up, but I couldn't move.
I could hear a high pitched sort of beeping from somewhere in my apartment, but... it's an apartment, it doesn't have any door alarms, and why on earth would my fire alarm be going off at 4 in the morning?
I thought about moving, but my brain just sort of... it's very hard to describe. I thought about it, but I don't know if I couldn't, or just didn't.
But then the beeping was joined by a very, very, high pitched whine. Think a little lower than a dog whistle, and make it gradually get louder and louder, till you can't hear anything else. There was a little red haze around my vision.

And then it was just all gone. No sound, no little red haze. I rolled over and got up and immediately turned on every light in my apartment and made sure my door was still locked.
The whole thing probably lasted less than a minute, but I'm still absolutely terrified to go to sleep. I lock my bedroom door, put on some random movie, and watch it until I fall asleep.
It was the single most terrifying experience of my life.
I watched my little sister slowly eat herself to death while crying and begging me to make her stop. My hands went right through her every time I did try.
I noticed there was just a little milk left in the bottom of the bottle and I went to drink it to finish it off but for some reason it just kept coming and coming and never ending. I was starting to panic but I just kept going for another few seconds.
Not kidding I somehow woke up terrified and in a cold sweat from this dream.
I recall a few, but they didn't exactly make me wake up in cold sweat or shivering. There was one that greatly unnerved me though, not just because of the surreal happenings in the dream but because of what happened a few years after I had it.

Buckle up, it's gonna be a long ride.

Dream starts off already weird- me and two guys from my class are supposedly riding out to this cemetery to set up a "festival" of sorts. Place looked like Silent Hill- mist and fog, giant dead trees, bunch of tombstones. It made the colorful streamers and balloons we were stringing up look incredibly out of place.

Anyway, I slip away from the two guys while they're setting up the streamers and go around a bit. I run into a cult gathering- I'm talking hooded people and a cult leader with a goat skull trying to catch a frantically bleating lamb. Of course, being freaked out, I turn and speed walk away- only to trip over a rock. I hear a giggling and there's this unfamiliar but pretty girl staring down at me in a white dress. She tells me to watch my step. I get up, but she disappears.

Thoroughly unnerved, we finish the preparations and I ride back to a little hut with my current friend group. I retell the crazy happenings to them, but most of them are ignoring me...except for my then best friend who proceeds to tackle me while giggling madly and try to strangle me to death.

And then I woke up.

Few years after that happened, I had a massive falling out with my friend group because my then best friend (same person I saw strangle me) talked lots and lots of shit about me. The two guys I was working with in the dream became my best friends throughout the entirety of high school. The unfamiliar girl turned out to be a new student coming into our school at the start of high school and she started dating one of my best friends.

Crazy how things work out.
I had one recently that had more of an "adulting" theme. Context: I just got back from a two-day weekend team excursion and was very tired. I decided to use my holiday offset to take the Monday off.

In the dream, I was back in college worrying on my thesis. I was stressed out since I was expecting to fail. Basically, my slides were a mess, research was all over the place and my presentation model looked...terrible. I was also struggling with a lack of sleep in the past few days. At that time, I already have a job but on a bit of a technicality: They hired me because they were sure I was going to graduate college in time. If I don't graduate, I'm getting laid off.

So day of the defence arrives. I'm a mess so I failed. So now I have a terrible feeling in my stomach and I was on the brink of crying. My boss called asking me how high I got for my thesis grade. All the while, my adviser is telling me about needing to re-enroll in order to finish the course. I was on the brink of getting laid off without a lot of savings to last me as I retake my course. I was feeling so stressed out so I ran and slipped on the stairwell. I remember falling off the stairs...

And waking up in a cold sweat. It was still early in the morning so I was still stressed out so I took a glass of water to calm down when I finally remembered:

I passed my thesis over a year ago. I was already finished when I got a decent job. Yeah...I'm still not used to this whole college to workplace transition. I've had other nightmares involving like, a massive city blackout, cannibals chasing after me and family members dying but this one made me anxious the most. XD
You should think about making it this into a creepypasta, it sure reads like one. I don't think I've ever had a straight nightmare as terrifying as this. Usually they get cut short as ever since I was young I've been something of a natural lucid dreamer, and in my teen years I formally took up the practice to fend off repetitive anxiety dreams about being late for school and missing homework assignments. As such I tend to wake up, fly away or fight back the minute dreams start to turn south.

I used to have a pretty nasty recurring dream. One in where I was stuck in the back seat of a car that was driving itself. The car would run over a child or infant in the road just before I could get control of it. I would stop the car but then be faced with the family of the child or children I had killed, screaming at me with rage and crying over their children as though it was my fault for being a distracted, lazy, irresponsible driver when in reality it was just a situation contrived by the dream to create the scene. It's not so much terror as it is just guilt and self-loathing, and it put me in a bad mood for a whole week. However I still remind myself to this day that If I'm ever in that situation that I'm dreaming and I should just ignore the car no matter how intense it is, because its not really real.

I would turn it into a creepy pasta, but my brain isn’t really good at creating scary things unless it’s to wake me up in the middle of the night frozen with fear lol. And that does not sound like a fun recurring nightmare to have, then again I’m sure all recurring nightmares are pretty terrible.

It's a bit hard to decide because I have many. The most recent one that I can remember is dreaming that I couldn't move and I had hundreds of these tadpole things living under my skin that started coming out of my pores. Thankfully, it wasn't a very long dream. It's weird, and kind of cool, how the mind can imagine things you've never experienced before.

Euughh...that one just makes me shudder. Definitely creepy, and I agree, it’s really interesting!

Most terrifying in my case was witnessing a giant torture an old man with a blowtorch.

Wow, that sounds extremely horrific!

lol i just fell from a cliff then woke up

Oh boy, those dreams. I woke up from one still feeling like I was falling; turns out I was sick for the hundredth time in a row that month. But those fall g dreams, man. My most memorable falling dream is one where I was on the second floor of my house and then the damn thing crumbled right beneath my feet.

Not exactly a nightmare, but had my first encounter with sleep paralysis about a week ago. Still makes me nervous to go to sleep, because boy does that stuff suck.
It was around 4ish when I woke up, but I couldn't move.
I could hear a high pitched sort of beeping from somewhere in my apartment, but... it's an apartment, it doesn't have any door alarms, and why on earth would my fire alarm be going off at 4 in the morning?
I thought about moving, but my brain just sort of... it's very hard to describe. I thought about it, but I don't know if I couldn't, or just didn't.
But then the beeping was joined by a very, very, high pitched whine. Think a little lower than a dog whistle, and make it gradually get louder and louder, till you can't hear anything else. There was a little red haze around my vision.

And then it was just all gone. No sound, no little red haze. I rolled over and got up and immediately turned on every light in my apartment and made sure my door was still locked.
The whole thing probably lasted less than a minute, but I'm still absolutely terrified to go to sleep. I lock my bedroom door, put on some random movie, and watch it until I fall asleep.
It was the single most terrifying experience of my life.

God... I’ve never experienced sleep paralysis so the possibility that this could happen to me at some point...not pleasant. This sounds absolutely terrifying!

I watched my little sister slowly eat herself to death while crying and begging me to make her stop. My hands went right through her every time I did try.

Oh sweet Jesus!
I noticed there was just a little milk left in the bottom of the bottle and I went to drink it to finish it off but for some reason it just kept coming and coming and never ending. I was starting to panic but I just kept going for another few seconds.
Not kidding I somehow woke up terrified and in a cold sweat from this dream.

This seems like the opposite of that old “Got Milk?” commercial where the guy thought he went to heaven but there wasn’t any milk to wash down his cookies with. Basically, you got the milk but not the cookies. No wonder you woke up terrified!

I recall a few, but they didn't exactly make me wake up in cold sweat or shivering. There was one that greatly unnerved me though, not just because of the surreal happenings in the dream but because of what happened a few years after I had it.

Buckle up, it's gonna be a long ride.

Dream starts off already weird- me and two guys from my class are supposedly riding out to this cemetery to set up a "festival" of sorts. Place looked like Silent Hill- mist and fog, giant dead trees, bunch of tombstones. It made the colorful streamers and balloons we were stringing up look incredibly out of place.

Anyway, I slip away from the two guys while they're setting up the streamers and go around a bit. I run into a cult gathering- I'm talking hooded people and a cult leader with a goat skull trying to catch a frantically bleating lamb. Of course, being freaked out, I turn and speed walk away- only to trip over a rock. I hear a giggling and there's this unfamiliar but pretty girl staring down at me in a white dress. She tells me to watch my step. I get up, but she disappears.

Thoroughly unnerved, we finish the preparations and I ride back to a little hut with my current friend group. I retell the crazy happenings to them, but most of them are ignoring me...except for my then best friend who proceeds to tackle me while giggling madly and try to strangle me to death.

And then I woke up.

Few years after that happened, I had a massive falling out with my friend group because my then best friend (same person I saw strangle me) talked lots and lots of shit about me. The two guys I was working with in the dream became my best friends throughout the entirety of high school. The unfamiliar girl turned out to be a new student coming into our school at the start of high school and she started dating one of my best friends.

Crazy how things work out.

Dude, that’s really cool!

I had one recently that had more of an "adulting" theme. Context: I just got back from a two-day weekend team excursion and was very tired. I decided to use my holiday offset to take the Monday off.

In the dream, I was back in college worrying on my thesis. I was stressed out since I was expecting to fail. Basically, my slides were a mess, research was all over the place and my presentation model looked...terrible. I was also struggling with a lack of sleep in the past few days. At that time, I already have a job but on a bit of a technicality: They hired me because they were sure I was going to graduate college in time. If I don't graduate, I'm getting laid off.

So day of the defence arrives. I'm a mess so I failed. So now I have a terrible feeling in my stomach and I was on the brink of crying. My boss called asking me how high I got for my thesis grade. All the while, my adviser is telling me about needing to re-enroll in order to finish the course. I was on the brink of getting laid off without a lot of savings to last me as I retake my course. I was feeling so stressed out so I ran and slipped on the stairwell. I remember falling off the stairs...

And waking up in a cold sweat. It was still early in the morning so I was still stressed out so I took a glass of water to calm down when I finally remembered:

I passed my thesis over a year ago. I was already finished when I got a decent job. Yeah...I'm still not used to this whole college to workplace transition. I've had other nightmares involving like, a massive city blackout, cannibals chasing after me and family members dying but this one made me anxious the most. XD

One of my older brothers had a dream somewhat like this a few years back. He told me he dreamt that he failed a test and he woke up in a cold sweat (my brother was always very concerned about his grades).

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