Experiences What was your first roleplay experience, and how old were you when you started roleplaying?

oh man.....I think my first 'official' roleplay was probably in like....2008-9 on iscribble where I met a friend and I learned the concept of dedicated 'oc's' for roleplay. I think I was really into deathnote at the time and thats what I wrote but quickly delved into oc/oc roleplay right after
ahhhh a time.
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I forget how I wound up there, but my first experience with it came when I was on a Balto fan site. The website was interesting and I found all of these fanfictions from other people and it just opened my eyes to what creativity was.
Once I opened up the forum page and started reading all the cool and interesting roleplays, I wanted to step in and try it myself. It was so fun, I would just engage with every one that peaked my interest and alot of my time became all about writing posts and I met a couple people I really enjoyed to write with. Why that came to an end, I don't know.
When I was 9 or 10 years old (ikk 😭) I joined a HP rp on a site called Scratch, I was barely ever active there and my character was definitely a Jane Doe 💀 A few months or maybe a year later, I got into the Countryhuman fandom and made accounts of different nations. I met so much amazing people which sadly left due to the context of the fantom or their own struggles, but they helped me so much to grow as a person and roleplayer, and I'm gladly still *somewhat* in contact with one of them. 3-4 years have passed now and I don't regret it one bit <33
13 or 14 on Roblox (2013 - 2014)
My favorite RP game was "Live your Life as a Wolf or a Fox"
When Roblox added groups I did some group RPs, some warrior cat stuff, and what not. Eventually made my own (still there... So cringy my god xD)
For a while I spent a lot time on a fully functional Homestuck "Pesterchum" client, which was wacky... Specially because I've never read Homestuck and just read the Wikipedia and watched a ton of 'Octopimp' homestuck fan videos, though I never Rp'd playing 'Sburb' just RPing as my mary sue mad scientist sniper fantroll lol (I should make a CS for her sometime).

I hit RPNation in 2014 too but I personally don't think my writing got to 'Semi - High-lit' levels till 2020
I remember my first roleplay experience was when I was in middle school (so 11-13, but I forget exactly what age), and it was on Kik. Now, there were two different people I started roleplays within a close timespan of each other, so I'm not sure which one of them came first. But anyways, one of them was a 16yo, and he seemed nice enough at first, but then I kinda got scared away because he got mad at me when I "controlled his character". Which, from that moment onwards, I understood the implications of "controlling" someone else's character and I never did it again after that.

But now, a more memorable one was the other person. So I like I was in middle school I think, and he was 14 (I remember he specifically was 14). He was a Norwegian boy and his English wasn't that fluent, but he was super nice and it was fun roleplaying with him 😄

If by some random crazy chance, you're Norwegian and you happened to roleplay with a Canadian boy sometime between 2011-2014, and it was on Kik, then please send me a message because I would LOVE to reconnect with you!!
My first roleplay experience was on another site. I'm also reminded that it might have potentially been Roblox instead of the site that usually comes to mind - which was also a game site but it was one of them pet collecting games -, though I'm not 100% sure. If it was Roblox, it was probably some warrior cats game or maybe a wolf game. If it was the other site, it was probably a wolf roleplay, but I'm not certain.

And I believe I first started roleplaying around a decade ago.
My first experience was HorseLand global chat followed by AIM chat somewhere in 2004… it’s so wild to me how much RP has changed and not changed in so many ways since then!
oh, what the hell.

It had to have been the late 90s/early 00s in 5th or 6th grade and after we switched from dial-up to cable internet. (lol) I was OBSESSED with pokemon. I was building my own website dedicated to it and, naturally, I visited other websites in webrings and such. There was one website called Misty's Gym that was filled with active chatrooms and when I realised I could change my name to whatever I wanted, I started to pretend to be Blue from Pokemon.

I showed friends the chatrooms ( because who has dignity at that age -- if it's fun, you want to spread the fun, am i right? ) and eventually a friend showed me how to use mIRC and I roleplayed there until I was shown go-gaia in 2003. I also dabbled in roleplaying on Neopets, but I think a good majority of my roleplaying was spent on Gaiaonline. ꉂꉂ(ᵔᗜᵔ*) that's where I started to get more involved with character creation and longform posting.
My first roleplay experience was chatzy and myspace when i was definitely too young to be anywhere near either one lol

I vaguely remember doing a weird, kinda nonsensical rp with a Nolan!Batman, as well as Ron Stoppable. 2005-2006 was wild.
First roleplay experiences was when my older brother came home this one time with a book he got from school. He allowed me to read it, even though I didn't understand most of the word and I use to make up random stories in my head(still do actually). I got so inspired by it that I decided to use my dolls to reanact what I could understand from the book. I called it "The tales of Witherspoon" because my characters name was Emerald Witherspoon. It ended with everyone dying because I quickly got bored of the story and wanted to instead do a dragon princess roleplay with zombies and talking trees.

My brother gave me a blank book and I wrote everything in it because I didn't want to forget just in case I magically wanted to bring back the characters to life. Never happened lol.
I was 14 and had recently learned about what roleplay was and decided to try it out with a friend it was kind of fun and we were both edged Lords around the same time I joined the server who had a role play section and the rest is history

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