Anime & Manga What was your Anime Starter Pack?

Well if we are talking about anime we didn't know about...

I was watching Sailor Moon, Digimon and Pokemon as a kid. Now today I still watch Pokemon, Digimon has pretty much been taken off the air here but I don't like the new Digimon series. I never knew those were anime though, I just thought they were cartoons.
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FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Black Butler were the two that really got me hooked on anime. Those two weren't the first I had watched, but both were definitely the ones that grabbed and held my attention in an iron fist.
I think mine are hunterxhunter (2011) and Fairy tail but dont yet me wrong there are tons of great animes! Its kind of hard to choose >…<
Sailor moon, I always loved anime and I started watching it as a tastes in anime has changed since then though.....I'm still anime obsessed but my favorites are trinity blood,blue excorcist and Tokyo ghoul
Lol. I got hooked to anime when Toonami Jetstream showed up when I was in the 4th grade. My friend and I were like tf? Watched Naruto, Bleach, Prince of Tennis - all the usual stuff that showed up during that time. Became a nerd ever since right after I obsessed with D. Gray Man.
I watched some when I was young, There was a period I didn't watch until I was around 12 years old and got Saint Seiya Hades: Sanctuary Chapter DVDs for my birthday.... I got into Anime like crazy after watching that
I didn't watch a lot of Anime as a kid, but I was aware of the art style through Transformers: Armada and its squeal series Energon and Cybertron. I ended up getting Hamtaro and Sonic X on DVDs as a kid. I didn't start watching mainstream Anime until I was in my late teens. I started with Fairy Tail and now I'm hooked. I've watched Fate/Zero, the Unlimited Bladeworks Fate/Staynight, Hunter X Hunter, Log Horizon, Trigun, the two newer Dragon Ball Z movies, and I'm working my way through One Piece, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and other Anime shows.
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The few anime that got me hooked were Clannad (so many tears), Code Geass, Death Note, and Future Diary.
I'm your basic 90's kid: I grew up on Sailor Moon, Pokémon, Digimon, Cardcaptor Sakura, and Dragon Ball Z. I didn't really get into anime until I watched Death Note, though. It blew my sixteen-year-old mind.
Pokemon and dbz, but this was like when I was 7-12 and didn't even know they were anime lol
Sailor Moon, Ruroni Kenshin, and Yu Yu Hakusho were my gateways to this crippling addiction.

Jk I'm not THAT into anime. I mean I love it but I love it casually.
The very first ones I watched and enjoyed when I was like, six or seven, were Dragon Ball Z, City Hunter and Maison Ikkoku.
Then, when I was maybe eleven, I watched Peach Girl, Chibi Vampire (also read the manga) and Maid! Sama. Also, Mermaid Melody was my shit.

But really, honestly, the ones that actually made me realize I love anime were Black Butler, Death Note, and FMA, my personal holy trinity.
I think technically, my first anime that I watched as an anime and not just as a tv cartoon for kids was digimon.

However, the first couple anime I watched because they were anime were "Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika" and "Death Note"

if we´re counting the things I watched as a kid too, though, I´d have to say digimon and doreamon
My first was InuYasha (the one with the head tree, still gives me creeps) when I was six and then shortly after Ranma 1/2 and Arina Tanemura's Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne and Tokyo Mew Mew.
I loved Tokyo Ghoul, Haikyuu!, Free!Iwatobi Swim Club, Highschool of the Dead and such. At the moment I'm watching Haikyuu, so I'm a little bias. I enjoy reading the Tokyo ghoul manga too.
I watched Naruto with my brother and dad when I was younger. I remember running around the front room with my brother pretending to be characters like Sasuke or Bushy Brows. But I stopped watching for a while, and when I started up again I just watched a string of romcoms that I can't remember the names of.

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