TV & Film What stupid horror movie character are you?


Master of Malign Maladies
Here I would like you to post which stereotypical horror movie character you would most resemble and give an example or Snippet of dialogue to support your claim to stupidity in the face of fear.

I'd probably be the 'self-sacrifice' guy who dies near the end to save the couple with a full and happy life ahead of them (But are constantly haunted by the idea of the monster's/serial killer's return after their ordeal).

I'd be like; "LEAVE ME!!! I'll try to slow them down! I'm a geek guys and I'm socially awkward, at best I might get a pity kiss from a girl but you two need to live on like the very attractive and yet cliche'd teenage couple you are-argharrhghefhfd......"
Well I wouldn't know what type I am. Because it never happened to me. But I can only spectate what type I could be.

I would be the guy running away. Saving his own life. Now before you call me a chicken hear me out. Only if I don't know the other people who are around me. I don't know them they may be the reason why this is happening. Or they may be in on it. If I did know them I would tell them to move it. Move faster. If they cant move fast enough goodbye.

If it was my family I would try to do my best to save them. If something happened to my family or someone I loved in the process.

*Rambo mode activated* I would ready myself. To go face to face use the environment to my advantage. Throw trash cans, get axe, I would even take my steel toe boot off. And use that as a weapon. Just use my rage super saiyan style. Not caring if I died in the process. And after the killer is on the ground beaten. I would get in his/her face and say... "Stone Cold 3:16 Says I just whipped your a**!"
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I'd probably either be that one hiding in the closet, silently whimpering and somehow miraculously remaining unfound while dribbling tears of fear, or be the one who has no freakin clue what she's doing and just stumbles around being scared and getting killed before the movie is even past the first act.
Im the guy that stands there at points at my friends dying saying something like "They are eating her! and then they are going to eat me! OOHHHH MYYYY GAAAWWWWWDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!"
The guy who's fault it is, and/or leads everyone into bad situations like an idiot.

"Okay guys, this creepy-ass collapsing cabin in the middle of the woods with no phone signal looks good. Lets stay and hope nothing bad happens. OH HEY A BOOK WRAPPED IN BARBED WIRE! MAYBE IT'S A BEDTIME STORY!"
I would probably be the stoner kid that got dragged along by friends and gets killed fairly early. Or the nerd that, again, is killed really quickly.

OR I would become the killer. I can image me as the one that goes crazy and joins the killer or starts murdering people on my own.
The type that runs into a room and tries closing the door without locking it just because I think it will keep me save even though the bad guy behind me has a knife and opposable thumbs so he can clearly open the door up after I run and hide in the corner.
I’m the quiet one who everyone expects to be the killer... and then more likely than not is actually the killer :)
I'm the killer, but I'm a very clever killer lol. I will seduce of all the foolish people who are stupid enough, to visit my mysterious abandoned mansion in the mist and present myself as
a beautiful Gothic girl with blonde hair (because yea, I love my hair color and breaking stereotypes); and play some music that most everyone likes. Only to kill them off one by one, and for the lucky survivor warn him or her that I will be back for more... And I might be a vampire, as well. So, a vicious vampire killer! Lol, it's not like I've thought about this... *Innocent blushing expression* :) ;) :D
I'd probably be the Christian. Whether that is good or bad depends on the exact horror film, but I'd be the guy who's constantly trying to pray his way out of things and blames the supernatural on the devil and tries exorcising shit or some kind of sin least if we're using the stereotypes.

I think in reality I wouldn't be quite like that, but I might still pray a lot and atribute the supernatural to the devil. I would be one trying to find every corner to hide possible and trying to make use of any piece of scrap I could find to either get help, defend myself etc...regardless of how useful or not it might be.
The one guy who leaves early and is the only one who survives because he was bored.
I'll be the person that convinces everyone by stupid logic to go hide in the most dangerous place to hide, the killer's frequent layer, so when they all leave I will stay behind. While the killer is doing what they do best distracted with the bait I'll be on my way home.
I'd be the guy that sees all hell break loose and watch as the killer gets a hold of the unfortunate and be like:


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