Other What Song Describes Your Life?


ur lite fades awey
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Title says it all. Me: Avicii - Trouble [media]

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It's really hard to find a song that mirrors your life, especially if you haven't even reached adulthood but I have to say that Sage Francis - "The Best of Times" sums up my childhood, especially this line:

"The door to my room was like a big old coffin.

The way that it creaked when I closed it shut.

Anxieties peaked when it opened up."



Considering the ninja attacks every Monday ( ;) ) Don't get me started on Thursdays xD

ik He sings about 'unspeakable topics' you can say, or so others see and say, but I always saw it as someone very optimistic.

[/media] I'd say this because of my attempts to actually do good in school.
This song literally speaks to me. I never squad out without this playing at full blast, blitzing down the highway while keeping a close eye on the police beeper... (>A>)




//Accepts this lie because there isnt a song to define the amount of rage i have been going through


I'd say it would end up a tie between these two of the same band.

At this point in time I'm done pretending to be something I'm not and not even recognizing myself along the way. I want to get myself back even though I'm scared no one will like the real me in the end.

I'm burning down my theater, taking off the masks and people just have to accept me for how I am.

I won't let darkness have it's way with me anymore and I'll fight to keep myself standing.

The hope of a better tomorrow makes it worth it and I am not planning on giving up.
Of course, no song can perfectly describe all my experiences and views on the nature of the world, but this one comes pretty close.


I interpret the verses as describing how the bliss of ignorance is existent, but unreachable now that one comprehends more of the world. As for myself, I cannot strive for an "ultimate" happiness for my belief that everything has no essential "meaning", but am still able to enjoy life for what I am able to experience. This song captures that the best out of any I've ever heard, even if the original lyricist may not have been thinking that which I have in mind.
You know when you're trying to load a song on Youtube and it won't load and its just doing that circular loading thing and you get silence and despair because you just want to hear your song?

That. That's what describes my life. No song could do it justice more than that.
Just... Yeah, i guess i'm just going to go with whatever the fuck happens.




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Probably a cross between these two songs.



I know, I'm depressing. :P

EDIT: Also a bit of this. Yes, I like angsty music.


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