TV & Film What show/movie are you hooked on right now?

Anyone else hooked on Breaking Bad? xD I'm on the last season, and so much has happened ;D

Jesse has gotten more reclusive, and Walt has been more and more aggressive it seems. Like, I miss when those two first hooked up together and were the ultimate duo of trouble xD
So I'm hooked on Bones, and I'm rewatching the whole thing, sad that I finished. Now I don't know what TV show to watch on Netflix. The worst curse ever, lol/
Green Street Hooligans is pretty awesome at the moment.

Ethereal said:
The title is pretty much self-explanatory

So, at the moment, the shows I've recently came to a liking are:

The 100 - CW

Teen Wolf - MTV

Are You the One - MTV
Holy shit I just watched all 3 seasons of Are You the One and I'm embarrassed to say that I love it, but I really do

I also watched both seasons of the 100 in 10 days last May ahaha- Literally addicted to that show and so excited for season 3 to come out
I would say my top 5 all-time favorite tv shows (in no particular order) are: Scandal, Chuck, Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill and The 100... Arrow is a close 6th though
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Semblance said:
Holy shit I just watched all 3 seasons of Are You the One and I'm embarrassed to say that I love it, but I really do
I also watched both seasons of the 100 in 10 days last May ahaha- Literally addicted to that show and so excited for season 3 to come out
Gosh, I cant wait till they both come back on TV.

Semblance said:
I would say my top 5 all-time favorite tv shows (in no particular order) are: Scandal, Chuck, Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill and The 100... Arrow is a close 6th though
I love One Tree Hill, and every now and then I still find myself rewatching the episodes.
Just finished Breaking Bad Season 3, and just caught up on Game of Thrones, god that show is screwed up. Also watching Charmed, cause hey, why not??
Since Jekyll and Hyde finished, I'm watching Beowulf: Return To the Shieldlands instead. Also, Big Bang anyone?
Ethereal said:
The title is pretty much self-explanatory

So, at the moment, the shows I've recently came to a liking are:

The 100 - CW

Teen Wolf - MTV

Are You the One - MTV
I'm rally hooked on Brooklyn nine-nine
I love teen wolf.

and I'm addicted to Supernatural, and Harry Potter... Always and forever ❤✌"might add more in the soon future though"
Just starting watching, "Community" it's so addictive, I watched season 1 in 3days, there's about 25 episodes.
None recently. Orphan Black would be the most recent. Haven't taken a bite of Heroes Reborn yet as I'm completely unable to gauge it, but it's not promising.

Shows I'll be hooked on forever and never get sick of watching:

  • Lost
  • Sopranos
  • Heroes
  • The Walking Dead
I'm hooked on Steve Austin's Broken Skull Challenge on Cmt . I find it very addicting and I look forward for every Sunday night to watch it.
I'm generally not much into pure romance anime, but I started watching Amagami SS the other night, and I LOVED the first and second arc. The third was forgettable but I can forgive one slip.
[QUOTE="Cheese Nerd]I've recently gotten hooked on Star Wars.

Episode 7 is solid stuff. I had complete faith in JJ Abrams but also expected a more modern, edgy experience and he stayed within the canon closely enough despite people being outraged Ben Skywalker doesn't seem to exist or describing it as a remake of A New Hope (Ep 4, or Star Wars 1 chronologically speaking).

I didn't like Ep 1 or 2* but only because of Hayden Christiansen and his whiny BS. -_- '

Edit: Little shit almost ruined Vader for me. But Yoda's unparalleled badassery in 2&3 are worth every agonizing Padme/Obi Wan and Anakin scene.
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